249 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Mobile Multimedia Systems

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    This paper discusses reconfigurability issues in lowpower hand-held multimedia systems, with particular emphasis on energy conservation. We claim that a radical new approach has to be taken in order to fulfill the requirements - in terms of processing power and energy consumption - of future mobile applications. A reconfigurable systems-architecture in combination with a QoS driven operating system is introduced that can deal with the inherent dynamics of a mobile system. We present the preliminary results of studies we have done on reconfiguration in hand-held mobile computers: by having reconfigurable media streams, by using reconfigurable processing modules and by migrating functions

    Vicuna: A Timing-Predictable RISC-V Vector Coprocessor for Scalable Parallel Computation

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    Vector coprocessor sharing techniques for multicores: performance and energy gains

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    Vector Processors (VPs) created the breakthroughs needed for the emergence of computational science many years ago. All commercial computing architectures on the market today contain some form of vector or SIMD processing. Many high-performance and embedded applications, often dealing with streams of data, cannot efficiently utilize dedicated vector processors for various reasons: limited percentage of sustained vector code due to substantial flow control; inherent small parallelism or the frequent involvement of operating system tasks; varying vector length across applications or within a single application; data dependencies within short sequences of instructions, a problem further exacerbated without loop unrolling or other compiler optimization techniques. Additionally, existing rigid SIMD architectures cannot tolerate efficiently dynamic application environments with many cores that may require the runtime adjustment of assigned vector resources in order to operate at desired energy/performance levels. To simultaneously alleviate these drawbacks of rigid lane-based VP architectures, while also releasing on-chip real estate for other important design choices, the first part of this research proposes three architectural contexts for the implementation of a shared vector coprocessor in multicore processors. Sharing an expensive resource among multiple cores increases the efficiency of the functional units and the overall system throughput. The second part of the dissertation regards the evaluation and characterization of the three proposed shared vector architectures from the performance and power perspectives on an FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) prototype. The third part of this work introduces performance and power estimation models based on observations deduced from the experimental results. The results show the opportunity to adaptively adjust the number of vector lanes assigned to individual cores or processing threads in order to minimize various energy-performance metrics on modern vector- capable multicore processors that run applications with dynamic workloads. Therefore, the fourth part of this research focuses on the development of a fine-to-coarse grain power management technique and a relevant adaptive hardware/software infrastructure which dynamically adjusts the assigned VP resources (number of vector lanes) in order to minimize the energy consumption for applications with dynamic workloads. In order to remove the inherent limitations imposed by FPGA technologies, the fifth part of this work consists of implementing an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) version of the shared VP towards precise performance-energy studies involving high- performance vector processing in multicore environments

    Vitruvius+: An area-efficient RISC-V decoupled vector coprocessor for high performance computing applications

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    The maturity level of RISC-V and the availability of domain-specific instruction set extensions, like vector processing, make RISC-V a good candidate for supporting the integration of specialized hardware in processor cores for the High Performance Computing (HPC) application domain. In this article,1 we present Vitruvius+, the vector processing acceleration engine that represents the core of vector instruction execution in the HPC challenge that comes within the EuroHPC initiative. It implements the RISC-V vector extension (RVV) 0.7.1 and can be easily connected to a scalar core using the Open Vector Interface standard. Vitruvius+ natively supports long vectors: 256 double precision floating-point elements in a single vector register. It is composed of a set of identical vector pipelines (lanes), each containing a slice of the Vector Register File and functional units (one integer, one floating point). The vector instruction execution scheme is hybrid in-order/out-of-order and is supported by register renaming and arithmetic/memory instruction decoupling. On a stand-alone synthesis, Vitruvius+ reaches a maximum frequency of 1.4 GHz in typical conditions (TT/0.80V/25°C) using GlobalFoundries 22FDX FD-SOI. The silicon implementation has a total area of 1.3 mm2 and maximum estimated power of ~920 mW for one instance of Vitruvius+ equipped with eight vector lanes.This research has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under Framework Partnership Agreement No 800928 (European Processor Initiative) and Specific Grant Agreement No 101036168 (EPI SGA2). The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and from Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The EPI-SGA2 project, PCI2022-132935 is also co-funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the UE NextGen- erationEU/PRTR. This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Ara: A 1 GHz+ Scalable and Energy-Efficient RISC-V Vector Processor with Multi-Precision Floating Point Support in 22 nm FD-SOI

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    In this paper, we present Ara, a 64-bit vector processor based on the version 0.5 draft of RISC-V's vector extension, implemented in GlobalFoundries 22FDX FD-SOI technology. Ara's microarchitecture is scalable, as it is composed of a set of identical lanes, each containing part of the processor's vector register file and functional units. It achieves up to 97% FPU utilization when running a 256 x 256 double precision matrix multiplication on sixteen lanes. Ara runs at more than 1 GHz in the typical corner (TT/0.80V/25 oC) achieving a performance up to 33 DP-GFLOPS. In terms of energy efficiency, Ara achieves up to 41 DP-GFLOPS/W under the same conditions, which is slightly superior to similar vector processors found in literature. An analysis on several vectorizable linear algebra computation kernels for a range of different matrix and vector sizes gives insight into performance limitations and bottlenecks for vector processors and outlines directions to maintain high energy efficiency even for small matrix sizes where the vector architecture achieves suboptimal utilization of the available FPUs.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration System

    Flexible MIPS Soft Processor Architecture

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    The flexible MIPS soft processor architecture borrows selected technologies from high-performance computing to deliver a modular, highly customizable CPU targeted towards FPGA implementations for embedded systems; the objective is to provide a more flexible architectural alternative to coprocessor-based solutions. The processor performs out-of-order execution on parallel functional units, it delivers in-order instruction commit and it is compatible with the MIPS-1 Instruction Set Architecture. Amongst many available options, the user can introduce custom instructions and matching functional units; modify existing units; change the pipelining depth within functional units to any fixed or variable value; customize instruction definitions in terms of operands, control signals and register file interaction; insert multiple redundant functional units for improved performance. The flexibility provided by the architecture allows the user to expand the processor functionality to implement instructions of coprocessor-level complexity through additional functional units. The processor design was implemented and simulated on two FPGA platforms, tested on multiple applications, and compared to three commercially available soft processor solutions in terms of features, area, clock frequency and benchmark performance

    A Framework for an Automated Compilation System for Reconfigurable Architectures

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    The advent of the Field Programmable Gate Array has allowed the implementation of runtime reconfigurable computer systems. These systems are capable of configuring their hardware to provide custom hardware support for software applications. Since these architectures can be reconfigured during operation, they are able to provide hardware support for a variety of applications, without removal from the system. The Air Force is currently investigating reconfigurable architectures for avionics and signal processing applications. This thesis investigates the problem of automating the application development process for reconfigurable architectures. The lack of automated development support is a major limiting factor in the use of these systems. This thesis creates a framework for a reconfigurable compiler, which automatically implements a single high level language specification as a reconfigurable hardware/software application. The major tasks in the process are examined, and possible methods for implementation are investigated. A prototype reconfigurable compiler has been developed to demonstrate the feasibility of important concepts, and to uncover additional areas of difficulty

    A configurable vector processor for accelerating speech coding algorithms

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    The growing demand for voice-over-packer (VoIP) services and multimedia-rich applications has made increasingly important the efficient, real-time implementation of low-bit rates speech coders on embedded VLSI platforms. Such speech coders are designed to substantially reduce the bandwidth requirements thus enabling dense multichannel gateways in small form factor. This however comes at a high computational cost which mandates the use of very high performance embedded processors. This thesis investigates the potential acceleration of two major ITU-T speech coding algorithms, namely G.729A and G.723.1, through their efficient implementation on a configurable extensible vector embedded CPU architecture. New scalar and vector ISAs were introduced which resulted in up to 80% reduction in the dynamic instruction count of both workloads. These instructions were subsequently encapsulated into a parametric, hybrid SISD (scalar processor)–SIMD (vector) processor. This work presents the research and implementation of the vector datapath of this vector coprocessor which is tightly-coupled to a Sparc-V8 compliant CPU, the optimization and simulation methodologies employed and the use of Electronic System Level (ESL) techniques to rapidly design SIMD datapaths
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