932 research outputs found

    Evidence-driven testing and debugging of software systems

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    Program debugging is the process of testing, exposing, reproducing, diagnosing and fixing software bugs. Many techniques have been proposed to aid developers during software testing and debugging. However, researchers have found that developers hardly use or adopt the proposed techniques in software practice. Evidently, this is because there is a gap between proposed methods and the state of software practice. Most methods fail to address the actual needs of software developers. In this dissertation, we pose the following scientific question: How can we bridge the gap between software practice and the state-of-the-art automated testing and debugging techniques? To address this challenge, we put forward the following thesis: Software testing and debugging should be driven by empirical evidence collected from software practice. In particular, we posit that the feedback from software practice should shape and guide (the automation) of testing and debugging activities. In this thesis, we focus on gathering evidence from software practice by conducting several empirical studies on software testing and debugging activities in the real-world. We then build tools and methods that are well-grounded and driven by the empirical evidence obtained from these experiments. Firstly, we conduct an empirical study on the state of debugging in practice using a survey and a human study. In this study, we ask developers about their debugging needs and observe the tools and strategies employed by developers while testing, diagnosing and repairing real bugs. Secondly, we evaluate the effectiveness of the state-of-the-art automated fault localization (AFL) methods on real bugs and programs. Thirdly, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the causes of invalid inputs in software practice. Lastly, we study how to learn input distributions from real-world sample inputs, using probabilistic grammars. To bridge the gap between software practice and the state of the art in software testing and debugging, we proffer the following empirical results and techniques: (1) We collect evidence on the state of practice in program debugging and indeed, we found that there is a chasm between (available) debugging tools and developer needs. We elicit the actual needs and concerns of developers when testing and diagnosing real faults and provide a benchmark (called DBGBench) to aid the automated evaluation of debugging and repair tools. (2) We provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of several state-of-the-art AFL techniques (such as statistical debugging formulas and dynamic slicing). Building on the obtained empirical evidence, we provide a hybrid approach that outperforms the state-of-the-art AFL techniques. (3) We evaluate the prevalence and causes of invalid inputs in software practice, and we build on the lessons learned from this experiment to build a general-purpose algorithm (called ddmax) that automatically diagnoses and repairs real-world invalid inputs. (4) We provide a method to learn the distribution of input elements in software practice using probabilistic grammars and we further employ the learned distribution to drive the test generation of inputs that are similar (or dissimilar) to sample inputs found in the wild. In summary, we propose an evidence-driven approach to software testing and debugging, which is based on collecting empirical evidence from software practice to guide and direct software testing and debugging. In our evaluation, we found that our approach is effective in improving the effectiveness of several debugging activities in practice. In particular, using our evidence-driven approach, we elicit the actual debugging needs of developers, improve the effectiveness of several automated fault localization techniques, effectively debug and repair invalid inputs, and generate test inputs that are (dis)similar to real-world inputs. Our proposed methods are built on empirical evidence and they improve over the state-of-the-art techniques in testing and debugging.Software-Debugging bezeichnet das Testen, Aufspüren, Reproduzieren, Diagnostizieren und das Beheben von Fehlern in Programmen. Es wurden bereits viele Debugging-Techniken vorgestellt, die Softwareentwicklern beim Testen und Debuggen unterstützen. Dennoch hat sich in der Forschung gezeigt, dass Entwickler diese Techniken in der Praxis kaum anwenden oder adaptieren. Das könnte daran liegen, dass es einen großen Abstand zwischen den vorgestellten und in der Praxis tatsächlich genutzten Techniken gibt. Die meisten Techniken genügen den Anforderungen der Entwickler nicht. In dieser Dissertation stellen wir die folgende wissenschaftliche Frage: Wie können wir die Kluft zwischen Software-Praxis und den aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Techniken für automatisiertes Testen und Debugging schließen? Um diese Herausforderung anzugehen, stellen wir die folgende These auf: Das Testen und Debuggen von Software sollte von empirischen Daten, die in der Software-Praxis gesammelt wurden, vorangetrieben werden. Genauer gesagt postulieren wir, dass das Feedback aus der Software-Praxis die Automation des Testens und Debuggens formen und bestimmen sollte. In dieser Arbeit fokussieren wir uns auf das Sammeln von Daten aus der Software-Praxis, indem wir einige empirische Studien über das Testen und Debuggen von Software in der echten Welt durchführen. Auf Basis der gesammelten Daten entwickeln wir dann Werkzeuge, die sich auf die Daten der durchgeführten Experimente stützen. Als erstes führen wir eine empirische Studie über den Stand des Debuggens in der Praxis durch, wobei wir eine Umfrage und eine Humanstudie nutzen. In dieser Studie befragen wir Entwickler zu ihren Bedürfnissen, die sie beim Debuggen haben und beobachten die Werkzeuge und Strategien, die sie beim Diagnostizieren, Testen und Aufspüren echter Fehler einsetzen. Als nächstes bewerten wir die Effektivität der aktuellen Automated Fault Localization (AFL)- Methoden zum automatischen Aufspüren von echten Fehlern in echten Programmen. Unser dritter Schritt ist ein Experiment, um die Ursachen von defekten Eingaben in der Software-Praxis zu ermitteln. Zuletzt erforschen wir, wie Häufigkeitsverteilungen von Teileingaben mithilfe einer Grammatik von echten Beispiel-Eingaben aus der Praxis gelernt werden können. Um die Lücke zwischen Software-Praxis und der aktuellen Forschung über Testen und Debuggen von Software zu schließen, bieten wir die folgenden empirischen Ergebnisse und Techniken: (1) Wir sammeln aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zum Stand des Software-Debuggens und finden in der Tat eine Diskrepanz zwischen (vorhandenen) Debugging-Werkzeugen und dem, was der Entwickler tatsächlich benötigt. Wir sammeln die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse von Entwicklern beim Testen und Debuggen von Fehlern aus der echten Welt und entwickeln einen Benchmark (DbgBench), um das automatische Evaluieren von Debugging-Werkzeugen zu erleichtern. (2) Wir stellen empirische Daten zur Effektivität einiger aktueller AFL-Techniken vor (z.B. Statistical Debugging-Formeln und Dynamic Slicing). Auf diese Daten aufbauend, stellen wir einen hybriden Algorithmus vor, der die Leistung der aktuellen AFL-Techniken übertrifft. (3) Wir evaluieren die Häufigkeit und Ursachen von ungültigen Eingaben in der Softwarepraxis und stellen einen auf diesen Daten aufbauenden universell einsetzbaren Algorithmus (ddmax) vor, der automatisch defekte Eingaben diagnostiziert und behebt. (4) Wir stellen eine Methode vor, die Verteilung von Schnipseln von Eingaben in der Software-Praxis zu lernen, indem wir Grammatiken mit Wahrscheinlichkeiten nutzen. Die gelernten Verteilungen benutzen wir dann, um den Beispiel-Eingaben ähnliche (oder verschiedene) Eingaben zu erzeugen. Zusammenfassend stellen wir einen auf der Praxis beruhenden Ansatz zum Testen und Debuggen von Software vor, welcher auf empirischen Daten aus der Software-Praxis basiert, um das Testen und Debuggen zu unterstützen. In unserer Evaluierung haben wir festgestellt, dass unser Ansatz effektiv viele Debugging-Disziplinen in der Praxis verbessert. Genauer gesagt finden wir mit unserem Ansatz die genauen Bedürfnisse von Entwicklern, verbessern die Effektivität vieler AFL-Techniken, debuggen und beheben effektiv fehlerhafte Eingaben und generieren Test-Eingaben, die (un)ähnlich zu Eingaben aus der echten Welt sind. Unsere vorgestellten Methoden basieren auf empirischen Daten und verbessern die aktuellen Techniken des Testens und Debuggens

    A Visual {DSL} for the certification of open source software

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    Quality assessment of open source software is becoming an important and active research area. One of the reasons for this recent interest is the consequence of Internet popularity. Nowadays, programming also involves looking for the large set of open source libraries and tools that may be reused when developing our software applications. In order to reuse such open source software artifacts, programmers not only need the guarantee that the reused artifact is certified, but also that independently developed artifacts can be easily combined into a coherent piece of software. In this paper we improve over previous works and describe a visual language that allows programmers to graphically describe how software artifacts can be combined into powerful software certification processes. This paper introduces the visual language and describes how its elements are available to the user through an intuitive interface.(undefined

    A Novel Approach for Performance Assessment of Human-Robotic Interaction

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    Robots have always been touted as powerful tools that could be used effectively in a number of applications ranging from automation to human-robot interaction. In order for such systems to operate adequately and safely in the real world, they must be able to perceive, and must have abilities of reasoning up to a certain level. Toward this end, performance evaluation metrics are used as important measures. This research work is intended to be a further step toward identifying common metrics for task-oriented human-robot interaction. We believe that within the context of human-robot interaction systems, both humans' and robots' actions and interactions (jointly and independently) can significantly affect the quality of the accomplished task. As such, our goal becomes that of providing a foundation upon which we can assess how well the human and the robot perform as a team. Thus, we propose a generic performance metric to assess the performance of the human-robot team, where one or more robots are involved. Sequential and parallel robot cooperation schemes with varying levels of task dependency are considered, and the proposed performance metric is augmented and extended to accommodate such scenarios. This is supported by some intuitively derived mathematical models and some advanced numerical simulations. To efficiently model such a metric, we propose a two-level fuzzy temporal model to evaluate and estimate the human trust in automation, while collaborating and interacting with robots and machines to complete some tasks. Trust modelling is critical, as it directly influences the interaction time that should be directly and indirectly dedicated toward interacting with the robot. Another fuzzy temporal model is also presented to evaluate the human reliability during interaction time. A significant amount of research work stipulates that system failures are due almost equally to humans as to machines, and therefore, assessing this factor in human-robot interaction systems is crucial. The proposed framework is based on the most recent research work in the areas of human-machine interaction and performance evaluation metrics. The fuzzy knowledge bases are further updated by implementing an application robotic platform where robots and users interact via semi-natural language to achieve tasks with varying levels of complexity and completion rates. User feedback is recorded and used to tune the knowledge base where needed. This work intends to serve as a foundation for further quantitative research to evaluate the performance of the human-robot teams in achievement of collective tasks

    Towards Automated Performance Analysis of Programs by Runtime Verification

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    This thesis makes a contribution to the field of Runtime Verification, a lightweightlightweight formal method for the analysis of computational systems. The contribution is made in multiple parts. First, a new language is introduced for the specification of properties at the source code level of programs. These properties tend to be with respect to program performance. Second, automatic monitoring and instrumentation techniques are introduced for the specification language. Third, an approach for explaining violations of these properties by program runs is introduced. Finally, the resulting body of theoretical work is implemented in an extensive ecosystem of tools for program analysis. This ecosystem is described in detail, along with its application to a real world system at CERN. The work presented in this thesis diverges from past work in the Runtime Verification community. Instead of focusing on maximising expressiveness of the specification formalism and solving the resulting monitoring and instrumentation problems, it focuses on introducing a language in which properties that often need to be checked over real-world programs can easily be expressed. In the direction of instrumentation, the source-code level of abstraction of our specification language allows an approach to instrumentation that diverges from much previous work. Many previous approaches have treated instrumentation as a separate problem from specification, usually providing a language in which one can describe how instrumentation should be performed. With our specification language, instrumentation can be performed automatically with respect to a specification. Further, an area that has received little attention in the Runtime Verification community is the analysis of verdicts resulting from monitoring programs with respect to specifications. The contributions to this area described in this thesis take the form of tools in the ecosystem. These tools enable detailed exploration of monitoring information, and mark a step towards automated generation of explanations of verdicts. Following the description of the extensive set of tools, this thesis concludes with an in depth discussion of their application to perform significant analyses of software used at CERN. Ultimately, the work described, including the theoretical foundations and implementations, forms the beginnings of a program analysis project whose aim, through continued development at CERN, is to enable detailed analysis of the performance of programs by software engineers with minimal effort

    Coverage directed algorithms for test suite construction from LR-automata

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Bugs in software can have disastrous results in terms of both economic cost and human lives. Parsers can have bugs, like any other type of software, and must therefore be thoroughly tested in order to ensure that a parser recognizes its intended language accurately. However, parsers often need to recognize many different variations and combinations of grammar structures which can make it time consuming and difficult to construct test suites by hand. We therefore require automated methods of test suite construction for these systems. Currently, the majority of test suite construction algorithms focus on the grammar describing the language to be recognized by the parser. In this thesis we take a different approach. We consider the LR-automaton that recognizes the target language and use the context information encoded in the automaton. Specifically, we define a new class of algorithm and coverage criteria over a variant of the LR-automaton that we define, called an LR-graph. We define methods of constructing positive test suites, using paths over this LR-graph, as well as mutations on valid paths to construct negative test suites. We evaluate the performance of our new algorithms against other state-of-the-art algorithms. We do this by comparing coverage achieved over various systems, some smaller systems used in a university level compilers course and other larger, real-world systems. We find good performance of our algorithms over these systems, when compared to algorithms that produce test suites of equivalent size. Our evaluation has uncovered a problem in grammar-based testing algorithms that we call bias. Bias can lead to significant variation in coverage achieved over a system, which can in turn lead to a flawed comparison of two algorithms or unrealized performance when a test suite is used in practice. We therefore define bias and measure it for all grammar-based test suite construction algorithms we use in this thesis.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Foute in sagteware kan rampspoedige resultate hˆe in terme van beide eko nomiese koste en menselewens. Ontleders kan foute hˆe soos enige ander tipe sagteware en moet daarom deeglik getoets word om te verseker dat ’n ontleder sy beoogde taal akkuraat herken. Ontleders moet egter dikwels baie verskillende variasies en kombinasies van grammatikastrukture herken wat dit tydrowend en moeilik kan maak om toetsreekse met die hand te bou. Ons benodig dus outomatiese metodes van toetsreeks-konstruksie vir hierdie stelsels. Tans fokus die meeste toetsreeks-konstruksiealgoritmes op die grammatika wat die taal beskryf wat deur die ontleder herken moet word. In hierdie tesis volg ons ’n ander benadering. Ons beskou die LR-outomaat wat die teikentaal herken en gebruik die konteksinligting wat in die outomaat ge¨enkodeer is. Spesifiek, ons definieer ’n nuwe klas algoritme en dekkingskriteria oor ’n variant van die LR-outomaat wat ons definieer, wat ’n LR-grafiek genoem word. Ons definieer metodes om positiewe toetsreekse te konstrueer deur paaie oor hierdie LR-grafiek te gebruik, asook mutasies op geldige paaie om negatiewe toetsreekse te konstrueer. Ons evalueer die werkverrigting van ons nuwe algoritmes teenoor ander moderne algoritmes. Ons doen dit deur dekking wat oor verskeie stelsels behaal is, te vergelyk, sommige kleiner stelsels wat in ’n samestellerskursus op universiteitsvlak en ander groter werklike stelsels gebruik word. Ons vind goeie werkverrigting van ons algoritmes oor hierdie stelsels, in vergelyking met algoritmes wat toetsreekse van ekwivalente grootte produseer. Ons evaluering het ’n probleem in grammatika-gebaseerde toetsalgoritmes ontdek wat ons vooroordeel noem. Vooroordeel kan lei tot aansienlike variasie in dekking wat oor ’n stelsel behaal word, wat weer kan lei tot ’n gebrekkige vergelyking van twee algoritmes of ongerealiseerde prestasie wanneer ’n toets reeks in die praktyk gebruik word. Ons definieer dus vooroordeel en meet dit vir alle grammatika-gebaseerde toetsreeks-konstruksiealgoritmes wat ons in hierdie tesis gebruik.Master

    A Proposal For An Intelligent Debugging Assistant

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    There are many ways to find bugs in programs. For example, observed input and output values can be compared to predicted values. An execution trace can be examined to locate errors in control flow. The utility of these and other strategies depends on the quality of the specifications available. The Debugging Assistant chooses the most appropriate debugging strategy based on the specification information available and the context of the bug. Particular attention has been given to applying techniques from the domain of hardware troubleshooting to the domain of software debugging. This has revealed two important differences between the two domains: (1) Unlike circuits, programs rarely come with complete specifications of their behavior, and (2) Unlike circuits, the cost of probing inputs and outputs of programs is low.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator