11 research outputs found

    Spectrum Utilisation and Management in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Evaluation of Spectrum Usage for GSM band in Indoor and Outdoor Scenario for Dynamic Spectrum Access

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    Frequency reconfigurable rectangular patch antenna for cognitive radio applications

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    A frequency reconfigurable microstrip transformed rectangular patch antenna consisting of two slots able to radiate in S-band and C-band is proposed. Spectrum occupancy is first analyzed using the data from literature and internet sources and hence spectrum holes are identified. A rectangular radiating patch is then designed for 5.8 GHz resonant frequency. A coaxial feed is used in the bottom by a suitable feed point. Two slots at an angle of +45 degree are made at the two corners. The electrical length of the patch is changed by using two varactor diodes in the slots. The varactors enable frequency reconfiguration in the band of frequencies that are unused or the spectral occupancy is very less. The return loss, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and 2D-radiation patterns are analyzed for various values of the capacitances. high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) is used for simulation. FR4 substrate which is economical, is used with height, h=1.6 mm, width W=25.33 mm, and length L=21.34 mm. On the substrate the rectangular patch is of width 15.73 mm and length 11.74 mm. The return loss and radiation patterns for different values of capacitances is presented. The tunability ratio obtained is 1.93. The results obtained agree with the standards

    Spectrum Occupancy Survey in Leicester, UK, For Cognitive Radio Application

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    Cognitive radio (CR) technology has emerged as a promising solution to many wireless communication problems including spectrum scarcity and underutilization. Knowing the current state of spectrum utilization in frequency, time and spatial domain will enhance the implementation of CR network. In this paper, we evaluate the spectrum utilization of some selected bands in Leicester city, UK; based on long time spectrum measurements using energy detection method. This study provides evidence of gross underutilization of some licenses spectrum which can be exploited by CR for efficient spectrum utilization

    On the feasibility of a secondary service transmission over an existent satellite infrastructure: design and analysis

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    International audience; In this paper, we present a realistic use case in order to investigate the feasibility of a secondary service transmission over an existent satellite infrastructure. By introducing the overlay cognitive radio paradigm towards satellite communications, we compute a theoretical achievable data rate greater than 16 kbps for the secondary service, which is suitable for most M2M applications. Using simulation results, we show that this can be achieved while preserving the primary service performance. In addition, a system design framework is discussed in order to dimension such systems


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    ABSTRACT Cognitive radio paradigm has been identified as the solution to spectrum underutilization. It promises to change the face of spectrum management from planning, allocation and subsequently and most importantly utilization. The present command and control approach in allocating spectrum has been found to be ineffective. This inefficiency has lead to a perceived spectrum scarcity. Spectrum occupancy measurements have disputed this fact; through these measurements it has been found that the spectrum is actually underutilized. Thorough understanding of the allocated spectrum will go a long way towards the successful deployment of cognitive radio paradigm. Currently, several spectrum occupancy measurements have been performed all over the world to ascertain the true behaviour of the allocated spectrum. In this paper, a spectrum occupancy measurement performed in Nigeria is presented. This has become necessary because spectrum occupancy measurement performed in a certain location cannot be extended to other locations. From the results obtained, it has been found there is ample spectrum available. Correlation analyses performed also indicate that spectrum occupancy depends on both time and location. This work will go a long way in the deployment of cognitive radio technology in Nigeria

    Satellite Cognitive Communications and Spectrum Regulation

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    Due to rapid increase of wireless users and the popularity of multimedia applications, the demand for wireless spectrum is increasing rapidly. However, due to current static spectrum policy, the available usable spectrum is becoming scarce while a significant amount of spectrum remains underutilized. In this aspect, cognitive communications can be considered as a promising technology to enhance spectrum usage efficiency by allowing the coexistence of heterogeneous networks within the same spectrum. In this paper, starting with the rationale of cognitive communication, we present two different coexistence scenarios in the context of satellite cognitive communication. We then present the current status of spectrum regulation in the context of Cognitive Radio (CR) and the relevant decisions of World Radio Conference 2012 (WRC-12). Finally, we present the technical aspects and regulatory challenges of this technology and provide some suggestions from research, industrial and regulatory perspectives


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    Radio spectrum is a scarce source and very significant to measure and monitor. The present spectrum must be exploited efficiently since every new application must be allocated to spectrum. With purpose of using the spectrum efficiently, there are worldwide research efforts on dynamic spectrum access. Among these methods, cognitive radio mostly draws attention. In order to carry out dynamic spectrum access studies successfully, available spectrum must be meticulously analyzed. In this paper, spectrum occupancy measurements between 25-3000 MHz frequency bands were made in three different regions (Selçuklu, Karatay, Meram) of Konya, Turkey in outdoors during six months. Obtained data is presented with graphics. The occupancy ratios are %5.12, %4.46 and %4.19 for Selçuklu, Karatay and Meram, respectively

    Modelo de propagación para un entorno urbano que identifica las oportunidades espectrales para redes móviles de radio cognitiva

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    El pronóstico de ocupación del espectro radioeléctrico es útil en el diseño de sistemas inalámbricos que aprovechan las oportunidades en el espectro como la radio cognitiva. En este documento se propone el desarrollo de un modelo de propagación, que a través del pronóstico de la potencia recibida, identifica las oportunidades espectrales en canales de una red móvil celular para un entorno urbano. El modelo propuesto integra un modelo de propagación a gran escala con un modelo neuronal wavelet, que combina las pérdidas promedio con las pérdidas instantáneas. Los resultados del modelo, obtenidos a través de simulaciones, son consistentes con el comportamiento observado en experimentos de este tipo de sistemas inalámbricos.Abstract. The forecast of the radioelectric spectrum occupancy is useful for wireless systems designs that take advantage of spectrum opportunities, such as cognitive radio. In this document the development of a propagation model is proposed, that through the forecasting of received power, identifies the spectral opportunities in channels of a cellular mobile network for an urban environment. The proposed model integrates a large-scale propagation model with a wavelet neural model, which combines the average losses with the instantaneous losses. The results of this model, which are obtained through simulations, are consistent with the behavior observed experimentally of this class of wireless systems.Doctorad

    I/Q Imbalance in Multiantenna Systems: Modeling, Analysis and RF-Aware Digital Beamforming

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    Wireless communications has experienced an unprecedented increase in data rates, numbers of active devices and selection of applications during recent years. However, this is expected to be just a start for future developments where a wireless connection is seen as a fundamental resource for almost any electrical device, no matter where and when it is operating. Since current radio technologies cannot provide such services with reasonable costs or even at all, a multitude of technological developments will be needed. One of the most important subjects, in addition to higher bandwidths and flexible network functionalities, is the exploitation of multiple antennas in base stations (BSs) as well as in user equipment (UEs). That kind of multiantenna communications can boost the capacity of an individual UE-BS link through spatial antenna multiplexing and increase the quality as well as robustness of the link via antenna diversity. Multiantenna technologies provide improvements also on the network level through spatial UE multiplexing and sophisticated interference management. Additionally, multiple antennas can provide savings in terms of the dissipated power since transmission and reception can be steered more efficiently in space, and thus power leakage to other directions is decreased. However, several issues need to be considered in order to get multiantenna technologies widely spread. First, antennas and the associated transceiver chains are required to be simple and implementable with low costs. Second, size of the antennas and transceivers need to be minimized. Finally, power consumption of the system must be kept under control. The importance of these requirements is even emphasized when considering massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems consisting of devices equipped with tens or even hundreds of antennas.In this thesis, we consider multiantenna devices where the associated transceiver chains are implemented in such a way that the requirements above can be met. In particular, we focus on the direct-conversion transceiver principle which is seen as a promising radio architecture for multiantenna systems due to its low costs, small size, low power consumption and good flexibility. Whereas these aspects are very promising, direct-conversion transceivers have also some disadvantages and are vulnerable to certain imperfections in the analog radio frequency (RF) electronics in particular. Since the effects of these imperfections usually get even worse when optimizing costs of the devices, the scope of the thesis is on the effects and mitigation of one of the most severe RF imperfection, namely in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) imbalance.Contributions of the thesis can be split into two main themes. First of them is multiantenna narrowband beamforming under transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) I/Q imbalances. We start by creating a model for the signals at the TX and RX, both under I/Q imbalances. Based on these models we derive analytical expressions for the antenna array radiation patterns and notice that I/Q imbalance distorts not only the signals but also the radiation characteristics of the array. After that, stemming from the nature of the distortion, we utilize widely-linear (WL) processing, where the signals and their complex conjugates are processed jointly, for the beamforming task under I/Q imbalance. Such WL processing with different kind of statistical and adaptive beamforming algorithms is finally shown to provide a flexible operation as well as distortion-free signals and radiation patterns when being under various I/Q imbalance schemes.The second theme extends the work to wideband systems utilizing orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based waveforms. The focus is on uplink communications and BS RX processing in a multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) scheme where spatial UE multiplexing is applied and further UE multiplexing takes place in frequency domain through the orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) principle. Moreover, we include the effects of external co-channel interference into our analysis in order to model the challenges in heterogeneous networks. We formulate a flexible signal model for a generic uplink scheme where I/Q imbalance occurs on both TX and RX sides. Based on the model, we analyze the signal distortion in frequency domain and develop augmented RX processing methods which process signals at mirror subcarrier pairs jointly. Additionally, the proposed augmented methods are numerically shown to outperform corresponding per-subcarrier method in terms of the instantaneous signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR). Finally, we address some practical aspects and conclude that the augmented processing principle is a promising tool for RX processing in multiantenna wideband systems under I/Q imbalance.The thesis provides important insight for development of future radio networks. In particular, the results can be used as such for implementing digital signal processing (DSP)-based RF impairment mitigation in real world transceivers. Moreover, the results can be used as a starting point for future research concerning, e.g., joint effects of multiple RF impairments and their mitigation in multiantenna systems. Overall, this thesis and the associated publications can help the communications society to reach the ambitious aim of flexible, low-cost and high performance radio networks in the future