431 research outputs found

    On the influence of spatial information for hyper-spectral satellite imaging characterization

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    Land-use classification for hyper-spectral satellite images requires a previous step of pixel characterization. In the easiest case, each pixel is characterized by its spectral curve. The improvementof the spectral and spatial resolution in hyper-spectral sensors has led to very large data sets. Some researches have focused on better classifiers that can handle big amounts of data. Others have faced the problem of band selection to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space. However, thanks to the improvement in the spatial resolution of the sensors, spatial information may also provide new featuresfor hyper-spectral satellite data. Here, an study on the influence of spectral-spatial features combined with an unsupervised band selection method is presented. The results show that it is possible to reduce very significantly the number of spectral bands required while having an adequate description of the spectral-spatial characteristics of the image for pixel classification tasksThis work has been partly supported by grant FPI PREDOC/2007/20 from FundaciĂł Caixa CastellĂł-Bancaixa and projects CSD2007-00018 (Consolider Ingenio 2010) and AYA2008-05965-C04-04 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Filter banks for hyperspectral pixel classification of satellite images

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    Satellite hyperspectral imaging deals with heterogenous images containing different texture areas. Filter banks are frequently used to characterize textures in the image performing pixel classification. This filters are designed using Different scales and orientations in order to cover all areas in the frequential domain. This work is aimed at studying the influence of the different scales used in the analysis, comparing texture analysis theory with hyperspectral imaging necessities. To pursue this, Gabor filters over complex planes and opponent features are taken into account and also compared in the feature extraction proces


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    A new technique Multiple-feature-based adaptive sparse representation (MFASR) has been demonstrated for Hyperspectral Images (HSI's) classification. This method involves mainly in four steps at the various stages. The spectral and spatial information reflected from the original Hyperspectral Images with four various features. A shape adaptive (SA) spatial region is obtained in each pixel region at the second step. The algorithm namely sparse representation has applied to get the coefficients of sparse for each shape adaptive region in the form of matrix with multiple features. For each test pixel, the class label is determined with the help of obtained coefficients. The performances of MFASR have much better classification results than other classifiers in the terms of quantitative and qualitative percentage of results. This MFASR will make benefit of strong correlations that are obtained from different extracted features and this make use of effective features and effective adaptive sparse representation. Thus, the very high classification performance was achieved through this MFASR technique

    New algorithms for the analysis of live-cell images acquired in phase contrast microscopy

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    La détection et la caractérisation automatisée des cellules constituent un enjeu important dans de nombreux domaines de recherche tels que la cicatrisation, le développement de l'embryon et des cellules souches, l’immunologie, l’oncologie, l'ingénierie tissulaire et la découverte de nouveaux médicaments. Étudier le comportement cellulaire in vitro par imagerie des cellules vivantes et par le criblage à haut débit implique des milliers d'images et de vastes quantités de données. Des outils d'analyse automatisés reposant sur la vision numérique et les méthodes non-intrusives telles que la microscopie à contraste de phase (PCM) sont nécessaires. Comme les images PCM sont difficiles à analyser en raison du halo lumineux entourant les cellules et de la difficulté à distinguer les cellules individuelles, le but de ce projet était de développer des algorithmes de traitement d'image PCM dans Matlab® afin d’en tirer de l’information reliée à la morphologie cellulaire de manière automatisée. Pour développer ces algorithmes, des séries d’images de myoblastes acquises en PCM ont été générées, en faisant croître les cellules dans un milieu avec sérum bovin (SSM) ou dans un milieu sans sérum (SFM) sur plusieurs passages. La surface recouverte par les cellules a été estimée en utilisant un filtre de plage de valeurs, un seuil et une taille minimale de coupe afin d'examiner la cinétique de croissance cellulaire. Les résultats ont montré que les cellules avaient des taux de croissance similaires pour les deux milieux de culture, mais que celui-ci diminue de façon linéaire avec le nombre de passages. La méthode de transformée par ondelette continue combinée à l’analyse d'image multivariée (UWT-MIA) a été élaborée afin d’estimer la distribution de caractéristiques morphologiques des cellules (axe majeur, axe mineur, orientation et rondeur). Une analyse multivariée réalisée sur l’ensemble de la base de données (environ 1 million d’images PCM) a montré d'une manière quantitative que les myoblastes cultivés dans le milieu SFM étaient plus allongés et plus petits que ceux cultivés dans le milieu SSM. Les algorithmes développés grâce à ce projet pourraient être utilisés sur d'autres phénotypes cellulaires pour des applications de criblage à haut débit et de contrôle de cultures cellulaires.Automated cell detection and characterization is important in many research fields such as wound healing, embryo development, immune system studies, cancer research, parasite spreading, tissue engineering, stem cell research and drug research and testing. Studying in vitro cellular behavior via live-cell imaging and high-throughput screening involves thousands of images and vast amounts of data, and automated analysis tools relying on machine vision methods and non-intrusive methods such as phase contrast microscopy (PCM) are a necessity. However, there are still some challenges to overcome, since PCM images are difficult to analyze because of the bright halo surrounding the cells and blurry cell-cell boundaries when they are touching. The goal of this project was to develop image processing algorithms to analyze PCM images in an automated fashion, capable of processing large datasets of images to extract information related to cellular viability and morphology. To develop these algorithms, a large dataset of myoblasts images acquired in live-cell imaging (in PCM) was created, growing the cells in either a serum-supplemented (SSM) or a serum-free (SFM) medium over several passages. As a result, algorithms capable of computing the cell-covered surface and cellular morphological features were programmed in Matlab®. The cell-covered surface was estimated using a range filter, a threshold and a minimum cut size in order to look at the cellular growth kinetics. Results showed that the cells were growing at similar paces for both media, but their growth rate was decreasing linearly with passage number. The undecimated wavelet transform multivariate image analysis (UWT-MIA) method was developed, and was used to estimate cellular morphological features distributions (major axis, minor axis, orientation and roundness distributions) on a very large PCM image dataset using the Gabor continuous wavelet transform. Multivariate data analysis performed on the whole database (around 1 million PCM images) showed in a quantitative manner that myoblasts grown in SFM were more elongated and smaller than cells grown in SSM. The algorithms developed through this project could be used in the future on other cellular phenotypes for high-throughput screening and cell culture control applications

    Sparse Coding Based Feature Representation Method for Remote Sensing Images

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    In this dissertation, we study sparse coding based feature representation method for the classification of multispectral and hyperspectral images (HSI). The existing feature representation systems based on the sparse signal model are computationally expensive, requiring to solve a convex optimization problem to learn a dictionary. A sparse coding feature representation framework for the classification of HSI is presented that alleviates the complexity of sparse coding through sub-band construction, dictionary learning, and encoding steps. In the framework, we construct the dictionary based upon the extracted sub-bands from the spectral representation of a pixel. In the encoding step, we utilize a soft threshold function to obtain sparse feature representations for HSI. Experimental results showed that a randomly selected dictionary could be as effective as a dictionary learned from optimization. The new representation usually has a very high dimensionality requiring a lot of computational resources. In addition, the spatial information of the HSI data has not been included in the representation. Thus, we modify the framework by incorporating the spatial information of the HSI pixels and reducing the dimension of the new sparse representations. The enhanced model, called sparse coding based dense feature representation (SC-DFR), is integrated with a linear support vector machine (SVM) and a composite kernels SVM (CKSVM) classifiers to discriminate different types of land cover. We evaluated the proposed algorithm on three well known HSI datasets and compared our method to four recently developed classification methods: SVM, CKSVM, simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (SOMP) and image fusion and recursive filtering (IFRF). The results from the experiments showed that the proposed method can achieve better overall and average classification accuracies with a much more compact representation leading to more efficient sparse models for HSI classification. To further verify the power of the new feature representation method, we applied it to a pan-sharpened image to detect seafloor scars in shallow waters. Propeller scars are formed when boat propellers strike and break apart seagrass beds, resulting in habitat loss. We developed a robust identification system by incorporating morphological filters to detect and map the scars. Our results showed that the proposed method can be implemented on a regular basis to monitor changes in habitat characteristics of coastal waters

    Improving Hyperspectral Pixel Classification With Unsupervised Training Data Selection

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    An unsupervised method for selecting training data is suggested here. The method is tested by applying it to hyperspectral land-use classification. The data set is reduced using an unsupervised band selection method and then clustered with a nonparametric cluster technique. The cluster technique provides centers of the clusters, and those are the samples selected to compose the training set. Both the band selection and the clustering are unsupervised techniques. Afterward, an expert labels those samples, and the rest of unlabeled data can be classified. The inclusion of the selection step, although unsupervised, allows to select automatically the most suitable pixels to build the classifier. This reduces the expert effort because less pixels need to be labeled. However, the classification results are significantly improved in comparison with the results obtained by a random selection of training samples, in particular for very small training sets

    Advanced Local Binary Patterns for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The standard Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is considered among the most computationally efficient remote sensing (RS) image descriptors in the framework of large-scale content based RS image retrieval (CBIR). However, it has limited discrimination capability for characterizing high dimensional RS images with complex semantic content. There are several LBP variants introduced in computer vision that can be extended to RS CBIR to efficiently overcome the above-mentioned problem. To this end, this paper presents a comparative study in order to analyze and compare advanced LBP variants in RS CBIR domain. We initially introduce a categorization of the LBP variants based on the specific CBIR problems in RS, and analyze the most recent methodological developments associated to each category. All the considered LBP variants are introduced for the first time in the framework of RS image retrieval problems, and have been experimentally compared in terms of their: 1) discrimination capability to model high-level semantic information present in RS images (and thus the retrieval performance); and 2) computational complexities associated to retrieval and feature extraction time.EC/H2020/759764/EU/Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation/BigEart
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