1,144 research outputs found

    A comparison of non-negative matrix underapproximation methods for the decomposition of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data from human brain tumors

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABMagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is an MR technique that provides information about the biochemistry of tissues in a noninvasive way. MRS has been widely used for the study of brain tumors, both preoperatively and during follow-up. In this study, we investigated the performance of a range of variants of unsupervised matrix factorization methods of the non-negative matrix underapproximation (NMU) family, namely, sparse NMU, global NMU, and recursive NMU, and compared them with convex non-negative matrix factorization (C-NMF), which has previously shown a good performance on brain tumor diagnostic support problems using MRS data. The purpose of the investigation was 2-fold: first, to ascertain the differences among the sources extracted by these methods; and second, to compare the influence of each method in the diagnostic accuracy of the classification of brain tumors, using them as feature extractors. We discovered that, first, NMU variants found meaningful sources in terms of biological interpretability, but representing parts of the spectrum, in contrast to C-NMF; and second, that NMU methods achieved better classification accuracy than C-NMF for the classification tasks when one class was not meningioma

    Automated quality control for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy data using convex non-negative matrix factorization

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    Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H MRS) has proven its diagnostic potential in a variety of conditions. However, MRS is not yet widely used in clinical routine because of the lack of experts on its diagnostic interpretation. Although data-based decision support systems exist to aid diagnosis, they often take for granted that the data is of good quality, which is not always the case in a real application context. Systems based on models built with bad quality data are likely to underperform in their decision support tasks. In this study, we propose a system to filter out such bad quality data. It is based on convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization models, used as a dimensionality reduction procedure, and on the use of several classifiers to discriminate between good and bad quality data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A metabolomic data fusion approach to support gliomas grading

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the current gold standard for the diagnosis of brain tumors. However, despite the development of MRI techniques, the differential diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) primary pathologies, such as lymphoma and glioblastoma or tumor-like brain lesions and glioma, is often challenging. MRI can be supported by in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to enhance its diagnostic power and multiproject-multicenter evaluations of classification of brain tumors have shown that an accuracy around 90% can be achieved for most of the pairwise discrimination problems. However, the survival rate for patients affected by gliomas is still low. The High-Resolution Magic-Angle-Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-MAS NMR) metabolomics studies may be helpful for the discrimination of gliomas grades and the development of new strategies for clinical intervention. Here, we propose to use T2-filtered, diffusion-filtered and conventional water-presaturated spectra to try to extract as much information as possible, fusing the data gathered by these different NMR experiments and applying a chemometric approach based on Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR). Biomarkers important for glioma's discrimination were found. In particular, we focused our attention on cystathionine (Cyst) that shows promise as a biomarker for the better prognosis of glioma tumors

    A Novel Semi-Supervised Methodology for Extracting Tumor Type-Specific MRS Sources in Human Brain Data

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    BackgroundThe clinical investigation of human brain tumors often starts with a non-invasive imaging study, providing information about the tumor extent and location, but little insight into the biochemistry of the analyzed tissue. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy can complement imaging by supplying a metabolic fingerprint of the tissue. This study analyzes single-voxel magnetic resonance spectra, which represent signal information in the frequency domain. Given that a single voxel may contain a heterogeneous mix of tissues, signal source identification is a relevant challenge for the problem of tumor type classification from the spectroscopic signal.Methodology/Principal FindingsNon-negative matrix factorization techniques have recently shown their potential for the identification of meaningful sources from brain tissue spectroscopy data. In this study, we use a convex variant of these methods that is capable of handling negatively-valued data and generating sources that can be interpreted as tumor class prototypes. A novel approach to convex non-negative matrix factorization is proposed, in which prior knowledge about class information is utilized in model optimization. Class-specific information is integrated into this semi-supervised process by setting the metric of a latent variable space where the matrix factorization is carried out. The reported experimental study comprises 196 cases from different tumor types drawn from two international, multi-center databases. The results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms a purely unsupervised process by achieving near perfect correlation of the extracted sources with the mean spectra of the tumor types. It also improves tissue type classification.Conclusions/SignificanceWe show that source extraction by unsupervised matrix factorization benefits from the integration of the available class information, so operating in a semi-supervised learning manner, for discriminative source identification and brain tumor labeling from single-voxel spectroscopy data. We are confident that the proposed methodology has wider applicability for biomedical signal processing

    A metabolomic data fusion approach to support gliomas grading

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the current gold standard for the diagnosis of brain tumors. However, despite the development of MRI techniques, the differential diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) primary pathologies, such as lymphoma and glioblastoma or tumor-like brain lesions and glioma, is often challenging. MRI can be supported by in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to enhance its diagnostic power and multiproject-multicenter evaluations of classification of brain tumors have shown that an accuracy around 90% can be achieved for most of the pairwise discrimination problems. However, the survival rate for patients affected by gliomas is still low. The High-Resolution Magic-Angle-Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-MAS NMR) metabolomics studies may be helpful for the discrimination of gliomas grades and the development of new strategies for clinical intervention. Here, we propose to use T2-filtered, diffusion-filtered and conventional water-presaturated spectra to try to extract as much information as possible, fusing the data gathered by these different NMR experiments and applying a chemometric approach based on Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR). Biomarkers important for glioma's discrimination were found. In particular, we focused our attention on cystathionine (Cyst) that shows promise as a biomarker for the better prognosis of glioma tumors

    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    Automatic relevance source determination in human brain tumors using Bayesian NMF.

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    The clinical management of brain tumors is very sensitive; thus, their non-invasive characterization is often preferred. Non-negative Matrix Factorization techniques have been successfully applied in the context of neuro-oncology to extract the underlying source signals that explain different tissue tumor types, for which knowing the number of sources to calculate was always required. In the current study we estimate the number of relevant sources for a set of discrimination problems involving brain tumors and normal brain. For this, we propose to start by calculating a high number of sources using Bayesian NMF and automatically discarding the irrelevant ones during the iterative process of matrices decomposition, hence obtaining a reduced range of interpretable solutions. The real data used in this study come from a widely tested human brain tumor database. Simulated data that resembled the real data was also generated to validate the hypothesis against ground truth. The results obtained suggest that the proposed approach is able to provide a small range of meaningful solutions to the problem of source extraction in human brain tumors

    Classification of brain tumours from MR spectra: the INTERPRET collaboration and its outcomes.

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    The INTERPRET project was a multicentre European collaboration, carried out from 2000 to 2002, which developed a decision-support system (DSS) for helping neuroradiologists with no experience of MRS to utilize spectroscopic data for the diagnosis and grading of human brain tumours. INTERPRET gathered a large collection of MR spectra of brain tumours and pseudo-tumoural lesions from seven centres. Consensus acquisition protocols, a standard processing pipeline and strict methods for quality control of the aquired data were put in place. Particular emphasis was placed on ensuring the diagnostic certainty of each case, for which all cases were evaluated by a clinical data validation committee. One outcome of the project is a database of 304 fully validated spectra from brain tumours, pseudotumoural lesions and normal brains, along with their associated images and clinical data, which remains available to the scientific and medical community. The second is the INTERPRET DSS, which has continued to be developed and clinically evaluated since the project ended. We also review here the results of the post-INTERPRET period. We evaluate the results of the studies with the INTERPRET database by other consortia or research groups. A summary of the clinical evaluations that have been performed on the post-INTERPRET DSS versions is also presented. Several have shown that diagnostic certainty can be improved for certain tumour types when the INTERPRET DSS is used in conjunction with conventional radiological image interpretation. About 30 papers concerned with the INTERPRET single-voxel dataset have so far been published. We discuss stengths and weaknesses of the DSS and the lessons learned. Finally we speculate on how the INTERPRET concept might be carried into the future.Funding from project MARESCAN (SAF2011-23870) from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain. This work was also partially funded by CIBER-BBN, which is an initiative of the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. JRG acknowledges support from Cancer Research UK, the University of Cambridge and Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nbm.343

    Manifold Learning in MR spectroscopy using nonlinear dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering

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    Purpose To investigate whether nonlinear dimensionality reduction improves unsupervised classification of 1H MRS brain tumor data compared with a linear method. Methods In vivo single-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (55 patients) and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) (29 patients) data were acquired from histopathologically diagnosed gliomas. Data reduction using Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) or independent component analysis (ICA) was followed by k-means clustering or agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) for unsupervised learning to assess tumor grade and for tissue type segmentation of MRSI data. Results An accuracy of 93% in classification of glioma grade II and grade IV, with 100% accuracy in distinguishing tumor and normal spectra, was obtained by LE with unsupervised clustering, but not with the combination of k-means and ICA. With 1H MRSI data, LE provided a more linear distribution of data for cluster analysis and better cluster stability than ICA. LE combined with k-means or AHC provided 91% accuracy for classifying tumor grade and 100% accuracy for identifying normal tissue voxels. Color-coded visualization of normal brain, tumor core, and infiltration regions was achieved with LE combined with AHC. Conclusion Purpose To investigate whether nonlinear dimensionality reduction improves unsupervised classification of 1H MRS brain tumor data compared with a linear method. Methods In vivo single-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (55 patients) and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) (29 patients) data were acquired from histopathologically diagnosed gliomas. Data reduction using Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) or independent component analysis (ICA) was followed by k-means clustering or agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) for unsupervised learning to assess tumor grade and for tissue type segmentation of MRSI data. Results An accuracy of 93% in classification of glioma grade II and grade IV, with 100% accuracy in distinguishing tumor and normal spectra, was obtained by LE with unsupervised clustering, but not with the combination of k-means and ICA. With 1H MRSI data, LE provided a more linear distribution of data for cluster analysis and better cluster stability than ICA. LE combined with k-means or AHC provided 91% accuracy for classifying tumor grade and 100% accuracy for identifying normal tissue voxels. Color-coded visualization of normal brain, tumor core, and infiltration regions was achieved with LE combined with AHC. Conclusion The LE method is promising for unsupervised clustering to separate brain and tumor tissue with automated color-coding for visualization of 1H MRSI data after cluster analysis
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