173 research outputs found

    Bullied Online but Not Telling Anyone : What Are the Reasons for Not Disclosing Cybervictimization?

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    Although telling an adult can be effective at ending bullying, not all bullied children tell someone about their victimization. The aim of the current study was to examine: 1) if being bullied online and not telling anyone was associated with the perceived intensity and harm experienced from being bullied, 2) the reasons for not telling anyone, and 3) if these reasons were related to the level of harm experienced from being bullied. The data used in this study consisted of responses from 451 Czech adolescents aged 12–18 who had been cyberbullied. The results showed that more boys (47%) than girls (19%) did not tell anyone about being bullied online. There was an association between experienced harm and cybervictimization disclosure; 42% of adolescents with little experience of harm did not tell anyone about it, which was more often than the case for those adolescents with a medium level of harm (19%), and those with intense harm (19%). The reasons for not telling differed among groups, where intensely harmed adolescents more often reported that they did not trust anyone and were afraid of making the situation worse and respondents with medium harm reported to a greater extent not having anyone who could help them. The most common answer for adolescents with a low experience of harm was that they did not tell anyone because they thought they would manage on their own (54%)


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    Analysing data from innovative designs

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    Cyberbullying Victimization, Perpetration and Psychosomatic Health Symptoms among Students in a Ghanaian University

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    Cyberbullying as deviant behavior is a growing public health concern and affects cyber victims in many ways. This study sought to examine cyberbullying victimization, perpetration, and psychosomatic health symptoms (PHS) among students in a Ghanaian university. The aim was to explore the extent of cyberbullying among students and the association between demographic factors and cyberbullying victimization, perpetration, and PHS of cyberbully victims. The study was a cross-sectional survey of 420 students in a public university in Ghana. The survey results show that female students were less likely than male students to suffer from cybervictimization. There was no gender difference in cyberbullying perpetration and experiencing PHS. Also, students from intact families were less likely to be victimized than students from single-parent families. Bystanders who tried to intervene in cybervictimization were less inclined to perpetrate cyberbullying but were more likely to experience PHS when cyberbullied. Students who lived alone or with friends were four times more likely to experience PHS after being cyberbullied. These findings point to the far-reaching effects of cyberbullying and the need for educators and other stakeholders to devise policies to mitigate the phenomenon and put in place structures to help cyberbully victims

    EU Kids Online 2020: technical report

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    This report describes in detail the methodology used for the EU Kids Online IV project (see the description of the four phases of the project in the next section). Within this project, a large-scale survey of children aged 9–17 from 19 European countries was conducted. The data were collected between autumn 2017 and summer 2019 from 25,101 children by national teams from the EU Kids Online network. This report provides information about the nature of the project, how the questionnaire was developed, sampling and data collection, ethical issues, data management and weighting. The information in this report should enable dataset users to understand the logic and nature of the survey. For dataset users, we also recommend using the ‘Data Dictionary’ (available at eukidsonline.net), a related document that systematically maps all the information related to the data in the dataset. Moreover, Annex 2 of this report provides concise key guidelines for dataset users. We highly recommend using these short guidelines during work with the EU Kids Online 2020 dataset. Annex 3 contains a description of the key variables. Full questionnaires and their national forms are available at eukidsonline.net

    Vztah mezi rodičovskou mediální mediací a mediální gramotností u žáků druhého stupně ZŠ

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    Tato diplomová práce zkoumá vztah mezi rodičovskou mediální mediací a mediální gramotností českých dospívajících ve věku 13-15 let. Rodičovská mediace je koncipována jako strategie, které rodiče využívají k ovlivňování dětského užívání médií. Mediální gramotností jsou rozuměny schopnosti přistupovat k mediálnímu obsahu, analyzovat, hodnotit a produkovat a komunikovat mediální sdělení, a dále schopnost využívat média efektivně a bezpečně. Na základě studia literatury byl do studie zahrnut i čas strávený u obrazovek jako faktor, který může rovněž mediální gramotnost ovlivňovat. Jako podklad pro studii těchto vztahů bylo provedeno kvantitativní dotazníkové šetření mezi 131 žáky druhého stupně základní školy. Regresní analýzy neprokázaly žádný vztah mezi strategiemi rodičovské mediace nebo časem stráveným u obrazovek a úrovní mediální gramotnosti žáků. Následná diskuze poukazuje na úzké vymezení konceptu rodičovské mediace v odborné literatuře. Výsledky výzkumu potvrzují, že tradiční restriktivní a aktivní formy mediace rozvíjí jen některé kompetence, které přispívají k mediální gramotnosti mladistvých. Klíčová slova rodičovská mediální mediace, mediální gramotnost, mediální vzdělávání, druhý stupeň základní školy, čas u obrazovek, používání médiíThis diploma thesis explores the relationship between parental media mediation and media literacy among Czech adolescents aged 13-15. Parental media mediation is conceptualized as strategies parents employ to manage children's media use. Media literacy is understood as the ability to access media, analyze, evaluate, and produce and communicate media messages, as well as the ability to use media effectively and safely. Literature review provided solid evidence for including screen time as a factor contributing to media literacy level. A quantitative survey of a sample of 131 secondary school pupils was conducted to explore relationships between the variables. Regression analyses revealed no evidence supporting that adolescents' media literacy levels are affected by either their screen time or the media mediation strategies their parents employ. In the discussion, it is argued this is the case due to a narrow conceptualization of parental mediation in academic literature. Results of the study show that restrictive and active parental media mediation strategies contribute to development of only a small portion of skills which constitute media literacy. Keywords parental media mediation, media literacy, media education, secondary school, screen time, media useÚstav informačních studií - studia nových médiíInstitute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    A Cyber-bullying against the Teacher and Possibilities of its Prevention

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá tématem kyberšikany učitele a postoji učitelů k prevenci tohoto jevu. Obsahem literárně přehledové části je vymezení kyberšikany, specifika kyberšikany učitele a aktuální výskyt kyberšikany učitele v České republice i jinde ve světě. Dále bude tato část popisovat možnosti prevence ze strany samotného pedagoga a školy v této oblasti. Na teoretickou část navazuje návrh kvalitativního výzkumu, který si klade za cíl zjistit postoje a přístupy učitelů základních a středních škol k prevenci kyberšikany a jeho výsledky by mohly přispět ke zlepšení programů primární prevence a většímu zaměření na tuto problematiku ze strany školy a učitele. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The bachelor thesis focuses on cyberbullying against teachers a posibillities of its prevention. The first part of the thesis is a literaly review about definition of cyberbullying, specifics of cyberbullying against the teacher and a current occurrence of cyberbullying against a teacher in the Czech Republic and abroad. The next chapter describe posibilities of the prevention for schools and the teachers. The second part of the thesis is a qualitative research project. The goal of the project is to investigate preventive attitudes and approaches of teachers from czech schools in the problematics of cyberbullying. The results can be used to improvement of the preventive programs and to a bigger focus from schools and teachers. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Cyberbullying by students and its connection to teacher's educational styles

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    Bachelor work is focusing on actual phenomenon of cyberbullying of teachers by students. The work is putting this phenomenon in context with educational styles assuming that there is a possible connection. The discovery of differences between student's perception of their interaction, with teachers that had experienced cyberattacks from students and those who didn't, could lead to new prevention strategies for teachers that are under growing pressure. The first part of this work is acquainting readers with the issue of cyberbullying and its specifics. The attention is focused on bullying, primarily cyberbullying of teachers by students and its various forms. It also deals with pupil-teacher interaction from pupil's perspective. In this context is outlined student's opinion on characteristics of an ideal teacher. Teaching styles are explained and putted in context with bullying. The aim of this work is to explain the phenomenon of cyberbullying of teachers and its potential connections with teaching styles of the teacher. The second part of the bachelor work consists in a research proposal. This research is designed to explore connections between student's evaluation of teacher's teaching style and teacher's experience with cyberattacs. The aim of this research is to discover possible relation...Bakalářská práce se zabývá současnou problematikou kyberšikany učitele, kterou dává do souvislosti s edukačními styly. Objevení rozdílů mezi tím, jak žáci vnímají učitele, kteří neměli zkušenost s kyberútoky a učitele, kteří tuto zkušenost měli, by mohlo pomoci k vytvoření ochranných strategií pro učitele, na které jsou kladeny stále větší nároky. V první části seznamuje čtenáře s šikanou a specifiky kyberšikany. Zaměřuje se na fenomén kyberšikany učitele ze strany žáků a jeho nejrůznější formy. Také se věnuje interakci žák- učitel z pohledu žáka, především nastínění ideálu učitele a vybraných edukačních stylů. Cílem práce je především vysvětlit fenomén kyberšikany a prozkoumat možné souvislosti s edukačními styly učitele. Ve druhé části je navržen výzkum, který zkoumá souvislost mezi hodnoceným edukačním stylem učitele a jeho zkušeností s kyberútoky ze strany žáků. Cílem výzkumu je zaprvé zmapovat výskyt kyberšikany učitelů napříč republikou. Za druhé prozkoumat možné souvislosti mezi tím, jak žáci vnímají vlastní interakci s učitelem a výskytem kyberútoků na jeho osobu.Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Life in Health 2021: Research and Practice

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    This proceedings contain a selection of papers from the international interdisciplinary conference Life in Health 2021, which took place from 9 to 10 September 2021 in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. The papers focus on general as well as specific approaches to public health protection and promotion. The findings presented are based on research data and are applicable in health education and general education of children and the whole population