383 research outputs found

    Scalable Applications on Heterogeneous System Architectures: A Systematic Performance Analysis Framework

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    The efficient parallel execution of scientific applications is a key challenge in high-performance computing (HPC). With growing parallelism and heterogeneity of compute resources as well as increasingly complex software, performance analysis has become an indispensable tool in the development and optimization of parallel programs. This thesis presents a framework for systematic performance analysis of scalable, heterogeneous applications. Based on event traces, it automatically detects the critical path and inefficiencies that result in waiting or idle time, e.g. due to load imbalances between parallel execution streams. As a prerequisite for the analysis of heterogeneous programs, this thesis specifies inefficiency patterns for computation offloading. Furthermore, an essential contribution was made to the development of tool interfaces for OpenACC and OpenMP, which enable a portable data acquisition and a subsequent analysis for programs with offload directives. At present, these interfaces are already part of the latest OpenACC and OpenMP API specification. The aforementioned work, existing preliminary work, and established analysis methods are combined into a generic analysis process, which can be applied across programming models. Based on the detection of wait or idle states, which can propagate over several levels of parallelism, the analysis identifies wasted computing resources and their root cause as well as the critical-path share for each program region. Thus, it determines the influence of program regions on the load balancing between execution streams and the program runtime. The analysis results include a summary of the detected inefficiency patterns and a program trace, enhanced with information about wait states, their cause, and the critical path. In addition, a ranking, based on the amount of waiting time a program region caused on the critical path, highlights program regions that are relevant for program optimization. The scalability of the proposed performance analysis and its implementation is demonstrated using High-Performance Linpack (HPL), while the analysis results are validated with synthetic programs. A scientific application that uses MPI, OpenMP, and CUDA simultaneously is investigated in order to show the applicability of the analysis

    Adjoint computations by algorithmic differentiation of a parallel solver for time-dependent PDEs

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    A computational fluid dynamics code is differentiated using algorithmic differentiation (AD) in both tangent and adjoint modes. The two novelties of the present approach are 1) the adjoint code is obtained by letting the AD tool Tapenade invert the complete layer of message passing interface (MPI) communications, and 2) the adjoint code integrates time-dependent, non-linear and dissipative (hence physically irreversible) PDEs with an explicit time integration loop running for ca. 10610^{6} time steps. The approach relies on using the Adjoinable MPI library to reverse the non-blocking communication patterns in the original code, and by controlling the memory overhead induced by the time-stepping loop with binomial checkpointing. A description of the necessary code modifications is provided along with the validation of the computed derivatives and a performance comparison of the tangent and adjoint codes.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Computational Scienc

    An Infrastructure for the Analysis of Communication Patterns in Virtual Topologies

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    The virtual topology of a parallel application is the neighborhood relationship between communicating processes developed due to specific communication patterns resulting from domain decomposition. We present an infrastructure that allows the usage of topological information for the performance analysis of a parallel application. For this purpose we have implemented an easy to use extension of the KOJAK performance analysis toolkit. The KOJAK toolkit defines communication patterns for parallel applications which describe inefficient behavior. The performance analysis is carried out by calculating the effect of these inefficiency patterns on the application\u27s performance. The distribution of these inefficiency patterns is studied across a three-dimensional performance space. The knowledge of virtual topology can be exploited to explain the occurrence of these inefficiency patterns in terms of higher-level events related to the parallel algorithm implemented in the application. Also, it can be used to visualize the relationships between pattern occurrences and the topological characteristics of the affected processes, To prove these principles, we have used our extensions to KOJAK to analyze two realistic MPI applications

    A Cross-Platform Infrastructure for Scalable Runtime Application Performance Analysis

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    Center for Programming Models for Scalable Parallel Computing

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    Rice University's achievements as part of the Center for Programming Models for Scalable Parallel Computing include: (1) design and implemention of cafc, the first multi-platform CAF compiler for distributed and shared-memory machines, (2) performance studies of the efficiency of programs written using the CAF and UPC programming models, (3) a novel technique to analyze explicitly-parallel SPMD programs that facilitates optimization, (4) design, implementation, and evaluation of new language features for CAF, including communication topologies, multi-version variables, and distributed multithreading to simplify development of high-performance codes in CAF, and (5) a synchronization strength reduction transformation for automatically replacing barrier-based synchronization with more efficient point-to-point synchronization. The prototype Co-array Fortran compiler cafc developed in this project is available as open source software from http://www.hipersoft.rice.edu/caf

    Unsteady adjoint computations by algorithmic differentiation of parallel code

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    International audienceA computational fluid dynamics code relying on a high-order spatial discretization is differentiated using algorithmic differentiation (AD). Two unsteady test cases are considered: a decaying incompressible viscous shear layer and an inviscid compressible flow around a NACA 0012 airfoil. Both tangent and adjoint modes of AD are explored in the viscous case, while only the tangent mode is applied to the inviscid case. The layer of message passing interface (MPI) communications was handled by the AD tool (Tapenade) through the Adjoinable MPI library, with fully automatic inversion of the MPI communications in adjoint mode. A description of the necessary code modifications is provided along with the validation of the computed derivatives and a comparison of the performance of the different codes. The explicit time integration loop of the viscous problem required of the order of 10^6 time steps, which could be inverted in the backward sweep of the adjoint code by means of binomial checkpointing

    Partial aggregation for collective communication in distributed memory machines

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems interconnect a large number of Processing Elements (PEs) in high-bandwidth networks to simulate complex scientific problems. The increasing scale of HPC systems poses great challenges on algorithm designers. As the average distance between PEs increases, data movement across hierarchical memory subsystems introduces high latency. Minimizing latency is particularly challenging in collective communications, where many PEs may interact in complex communication patterns. Although collective communications can be optimized for network-level parallelism, occasional synchronization delays due to dependencies in the communication pattern degrade application performance. To reduce the performance impact of communication and synchronization costs, parallel algorithms are designed with sophisticated latency hiding techniques. The principle is to interleave computation with asynchronous communication, which increases the overall occupancy of compute cores. However, collective communication primitives abstract parallelism which limits the integration of latency hiding techniques. Approaches to work around these limitations either modify the algorithmic structure of application codes, or replace collective primitives with verbose low-level communication calls. While these approaches give fine-grained control for latency hiding, implementing collective communication algorithms is challenging and requires expertise knowledge about HPC network topologies. A collective communication pattern is commonly described as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) where a set of PEs, represented as vertices, resolve data dependencies through communication along the edges. Our approach improves latency hiding in collective communication through partial aggregation. Based on mathematical rules of binary operations and homomorphism, we expose data parallelism in a respective DAG to overlap computation with communication. The proposed concepts are implemented and evaluated with a subset of collective primitives in the Message Passing Interface (MPI), an established communication standard in scientific computing. An experimental analysis with communication-bound microbenchmarks shows considerable performance benefits for the evaluated collective primitives. A detailed case study with a large-scale distributed sort algorithm demonstrates, how partial aggregation significantly improves performance in data-intensive scenarios. Besides better latency hiding capabilities with collective communication primitives, our approach enables further optimizations of their implementations within MPI libraries. The vast amount of asynchronous programming models, which are actively studied in the HPC community, benefit from partial aggregation in collective communication patterns. Future work can utilize partial aggregation to improve the interaction of MPI collectives with acclerator architectures, and to design more efficient communication algorithms

    Runtime support for irregular computation in MPI-based applications

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    In recent years there are increasing number of applications that have been using irregular computation models in various domains, such as computational chemistry, bioinformatics, nuclear reactor simulation and social network analysis. Due to the irregular and data-dependent communication patterns and sparse data structures involved in those applications, the traditional parallel programming model and runtime need to be carefully designed and implemented in order to accommodate the performance and scalability requirements of those irregular applications on large-scale systems. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the industry standard communication library for high performance computing. However, whether MPI can serve as a suitable programming model / runtime for irregular applications or not is one of the most debated aspects in the community. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the suitability of MPI to irregular applications. This thesis consists of two subtopics. The first subtopic focuses on improving MPI runtime to support the irregular applications from perspective of scalability and performance. The first three parts in this subtopic focus on MPI one-sided communication. In the first part, we present a thorough survey of current MPI one-sided implementations and illustrate scalability limitations in those implementations. In the second part, we propose a new design and implementation of MPI one-sided communication, called ScalaRMA, to effectively address those scalability limitations. The third part in this subtopic focuses on various issuing strategies in MPI one-sided communication. We propose an adaptive issuing strategy which can adaptively choose between delayed issuing strategy and eager issuing strategy in MPI runtime to achieve high performance based on current communication volume in MPI-based application. The last part in this subtopic is to tackle the scalability limitations in the virtual connection (VC) objects in MPI implementation. We propose a scalable design to reduce the memory consumption of VC objects in MPI runtime. The second subtopic of this thesis focuses on improving MPI programming model to better support the irregular applications. Traditional two-sided data movement model in MPI standard designed for scientific computation provides a paradigm for user to specify how to move the data between processes, however, it does not provide interface to flexibly manage the computation, which means user needs to explicitly manage where the computation should be performed. This model is not well suited for irregular applications which involve irregular and data-dependent communication pattern. In this work, we combine Active Messages (AM), an alternative programming paradigm which is more suitable for irregular computations, with traditional MPI data movement model, and propose a generalized MPI-interoperable Active Messages framework (MPI-AM). The framework allows MPI-based applications to incrementally use AMs only when necessary, avoiding rewriting the entire MPI-based application. Such framework integrates data movement and computation together in the programming model and MPI can coordinate the computation and communication in a much more flexible manner. In this subtopic, we propose several strategies including message streaming, buffer management and asynchronous processing, in order to efficiently handle AMs inside MPI. We also propose subtle correctness semantics of MPI-AM to define how AMs can work correctly with other MPI messages in the system, from perspectives of memory consistency, concurrency, ordering and atomicity

    Optimizing MPI one-sided synchronization mechanisms on Cray's Cascade HPC systems

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    In this work we proposed Notified Access a new communication model that targets RDMA networks. Our focus was on optimizing producer-consumer computations, avoiding to over synchronize processes in point-to-point communications when it's not needed. We proposed a communication model in which a notification can be coupled with a single Remote Memory Access (RMA). In our model the target of an RMA operation is directly notified after the completion of a notified operation. This approach, avoiding the use of other synchronization primitives, minimizes synchronization latencies while using full hardware offload typical of high-performance networks. In order to demonstrate lower overheads than other point-to-point synchronization mechanisms, we implemented it in an open source MPI-3 library. We evaluated the performances of our implementation in a ping-pong benchmark, a computation/communication overlap benchmark and in three real-world applications: a pipeline stencil, a tree-based reduce and a task based Cholesky factorization. Our analysis shows that Notified Access is a valuable primitive for any RMA system and furthermore we show that the required hardware feature are already available in multiple state-of-the-art high-performance networks
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