7,161 research outputs found

    Multimethods and separate static typechecking in a language with C++-like object model

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    The goal of this paper is the description and analysis of multimethod implementation in a new object-oriented, class-based programming language called OOLANG. The implementation of the multimethod typecheck and selection, deeply analyzed in the paper, is performed in two phases in order to allow static typechecking and separate compilation of modules. The first phase is performed at compile time, while the second is executed at link time and does not require the modules' source code. OOLANG has syntax similar to C++; the main differences are the absence of pointers and the realization of polymorphism through subsumption. It adopts the C++ object model and supports multiple inheritance as well as virtual base classes. For this reason, it has been necessary to define techniques for realigning argument and return value addresses when performing multimethod invocations.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Declassification: transforming java programs to remove intermediate classes

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    Computer applications are increasingly being written in object-oriented languages like Java and C++ Object-onented programming encourages the use of small methods and classes. However, this style of programming introduces much overhead as each method call results in a dynamic dispatch and each field access becomes a pointer dereference to the heap allocated object. Many of the classes in these programs are included to provide structure rather than to act as reusable code, and can therefore be regarded as intermediate. We have therefore developed an optimisation technique, called declassification, which will transform Java programs into equivalent programs from which these intermediate classes have been removed. The optimisation technique developed involves two phases, analysis and transformation. The analysis involves the identification of intermediate classes for removal. A suitable class is defined to be a class which is used exactly once within a program. Such classes are identified by this analysis The subsequent transformation involves eliminating these intermediate classes from the program. This involves inlinmg the fields and methods of each intermediate class within the enclosing class which uses it. In theory, declassification reduces the number of classes which are instantiated and used in a program during its execution. This should reduce the overhead of object creation and maintenance as child objects are no longer created, and it should also reduce the number of field accesses and dynamic dispatches required by a program to execute. An important feature of the declassification technique, as opposed to other similar techniques, is that it guarantees there will be no increase in code size. An empirical study was conducted on a number of reasonable-sized Java programs and it was found that very few suitable classes were identified for miming. The results showed that the declassification technique had a small influence on the memory consumption and a negligible influence on the run-time performance of these programs. It is therefore concluded that the declassification technique was not successful in optimizing the test programs but further extensions to this technique combined with an intrinsically object-onented set of test programs could greatly improve its success

    Flexible Invariants Through Semantic Collaboration

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    Modular reasoning about class invariants is challenging in the presence of dependencies among collaborating objects that need to maintain global consistency. This paper presents semantic collaboration: a novel methodology to specify and reason about class invariants of sequential object-oriented programs, which models dependencies between collaborating objects by semantic means. Combined with a simple ownership mechanism and useful default schemes, semantic collaboration achieves the flexibility necessary to reason about complicated inter-object dependencies but requires limited annotation burden when applied to standard specification patterns. The methodology is implemented in AutoProof, our program verifier for the Eiffel programming language (but it is applicable to any language supporting some form of representation invariants). An evaluation on several challenge problems proposed in the literature demonstrates that it can handle a variety of idiomatic collaboration patterns, and is more widely applicable than the existing invariant methodologies.Comment: 22 page

    Object-oriented data modeling

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    The object-oriented paradigm models local behavior, and to a lesser extent, the structure of a problem. Semantic data models describe structure and semantics. This thesis unifies the behavioral focus of the object-oriented paradigm with the structural and semantic focus of semantic data models. The approach contains expressive abstractions to model static and derived data, semantics, and behavior. The abstractions keep the data model closer to the problem domain, and can be translated into a relational (or other) implementation. The paper makes six contributions. First, a comprehensive set of data structuring abstractions are described. Second, the abstractions are compared to the entity-relationship and relational models. Third, semantic information inherent in the functional representation of the abstractions is identified. Fourth, a set of behavioral abstractions are described. Fifth, an algorithm that describes the dynamics between mathematically derived attributes of cooperating objects is presented. Sixth, weaknesses of object-oriented programming languages are identified

    Correct Configuration of Process Variants in Provop

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    When engineering process-aware information systems (PAISs) one of the fundamental challenges is to cope with the variability of business processes. While some progress has been achieved regarding the configuration of process variants, there exists only little work on how to accomplish this in a correct manner. Configuring process variants constitutes a non-trivial challenge when considering the large number of process variants that exist in practice as well as the many syntactical and semantical constraints a configured process variant has to obey in a given context. In previous work we introduced the Provop approach for configuring and managing process variants. This paper picks up the Provop framework and shows how it ensures correctness of configurable process variants by construction. We discuss advanced concepts for the context- and constraint-based configuration of process variants, and show how they can be utilized to ensure correctness of the configured process variants. In this paper we also consider correctness issues in conjunction with dynamic variant re-configurations. Enhancing PAISs with the capability to correctly configure process models fitting to the given application context, and to correctly manage the resulting process variants afterwards, will enable a new quality in PAIS engineering

    gbeta - a Language with Virtual Attributes, Block Structure, and Propagating, Dynamic Inheritance

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    A language design development process is presented which leads to a language, gbeta, with a tight integration of virtual classes, general block structure, and a multiple inheritance mechanism based on coarse-grained structural type equivalence. From this emerges the concept of propagating specialization. The power lies in the fact that a simple expression can have far-reaching but well-organized consequences, e.g., in one step causing the combination of families of classes, then by propagation the members of those families, and finally by propagation the methods of the members. Moreover, classes are first class values which can be constructed at run-time, and it is possible to inherit from classes whether or not they are compile-time constants, and whether or not they were created dynamically. It is also possible to change the class and structure of an existing object at run-time, preserving object identity. Even though such dynamism is normally not seen in statically type-checked languages, these constructs have been integrated without compromising the static type safety of the language