223 research outputs found

    Description, Implementation and Evaluation of an Affinity Clause for Task Directives

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    International audienceOpenMP 4.0 introduced dependent tasks, which give the programmer a way to express fine grain parallelism. Using appropriate OS support (such as NUMA libraries), the runtime can rely on the information in the depend clause to dynamically map the tasks to the architecture topology. Controlling data locality is one of the key factors to reach a high level of performance when targeting NUMA architectures. On this topic, OpenMP does not provide a lot of flexibility to the programmer yet, which lets the runtime decide where a task should be executed. In this paper, we present a class of applications which would benefit from having such a control and flexibility over tasks and data placement. We also propose our own interpretation of the new affinity clause for the task directive, which is being discussed by the OpenMP Architecture Review Board. This clause enables the programmer to give hints to the runtime about tasks placement during the program execution, which can be used to control the data mapping on the architecture. In our proposal, the programmer can express affinity between a task and the following resources: a thread, a NUMA node, and a data. We then present an implementation of this proposal in the Clang-3.8 compiler, and an implementation of the corresponding extensions in our OpenMP runtime LIBKOMP. Finally , we present a preliminary evaluation of this work running two task-based OpenMP kernels on a 192-core NUMA architecture, that shows noticeable improvements both in terms of performance and scalability

    Description, Implementation and Evaluation of an Affinity Clause for Task Directives

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    International audienceOpenMP 4.0 introduced dependent tasks, which give the programmer a way to express fine grain parallelism. Using appropriate OS support (such as NUMA libraries), the runtime can rely on the information in the depend clause to dynamically map the tasks to the architecture topology. Controlling data locality is one of the key factors to reach a high level of performance when targeting NUMA architectures. On this topic, OpenMP does not provide a lot of flexibility to the programmer yet, which lets the runtime decide where a task should be executed. In this paper, we present a class of applications which would benefit from having such a control and flexibility over tasks and data placement. We also propose our own interpretation of the new affinity clause for the task directive, which is being discussed by the OpenMP Architecture Review Board. This clause enables the programmer to give hints to the runtime about tasks placement during the program execution, which can be used to control the data mapping on the architecture. In our proposal, the programmer can express affinity between a task and the following resources: a thread, a NUMA node, and a data. We then present an implementation of this proposal in the Clang-3.8 compiler, and an implementation of the corresponding extensions in our OpenMP runtime LIBKOMP. Finally , we present a preliminary evaluation of this work running two task-based OpenMP kernels on a 192-core NUMA architecture, that shows noticeable improvements both in terms of performance and scalability

    Reconstruction for Time-Domain In Vivo EPR 3D Multigradient Oximetric Imaging—A Parallel Processing Perspective

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    Three-dimensional Oximetric Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging using the Single Point Imaging modality generates unpaired spin density and oxygen images that can readily distinguish between normal and tumor tissues in small animals. It is also possible with fast imaging to track the changes in tissue oxygenation in response to the oxygen content in the breathing air. However, this involves dealing with gigabytes of data for each 3D oximetric imaging experiment involving digital band pass filtering and background noise subtraction, followed by 3D Fourier reconstruction. This process is rather slow in a conventional uniprocessor system. This paper presents a parallelization framework using OpenMP runtime support and parallel MATLAB to execute such computationally intensive programs. The Intel compiler is used to develop a parallel C++ code based on OpenMP. The code is executed on four Dual-Core AMD Opteron shared memory processors, to reduce the computational burden of the filtration task significantly. The results show that the parallel code for filtration has achieved a speed up factor of 46.66 as against the equivalent serial MATLAB code. In addition, a parallel MATLAB code has been developed to perform 3D Fourier reconstruction. Speedup factors of 4.57 and 4.25 have been achieved during the reconstruction process and oximetry computation, for a data set with 23 × 23 × 23 gradient steps. The execution time has been computed for both the serial and parallel implementations using different dimensions of the data and presented for comparison. The reported system has been designed to be easily accessible even from low-cost personal computers through local internet (NIHnet). The experimental results demonstrate that the parallel computing provides a source of high computational power to obtain biophysical parameters from 3D EPR oximetric imaging, almost in real-time

    Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning Algorithms for Scalable Big Data Analytics

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    This editorial is for the Special Issue of the journal Future Generation Computing Systems, consisting of the selected papers of the 6th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics (ParLearning 2017). In this editorial, we have given a high-level overview of the 4 papers contained in this special issue, along with references to some of the related works

    High Performance Composition Operators in Component Models

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    International audienceScientific numerical applications are always expecting more computing and storage capabilities to compute at finer grain and/or to integrate more phenomena in their computations. Even though, they are getting more complex to develop. However, the continual growth of computing and storage capabilities is achieved with an increase complexity of infrastructures. Thus, there is an important challenge to define programming abstractions able to deal with software and hardware complexity. An interesting approach is represented by software component models. This chapter first analyzes how high performance interactions are only partially supported by specialized component models. Then, it introduces HLCM, a component model that aims at efficiently supporting all kinds of static compositions

    Using data dependencies to improve task-based scheduling strategies on NUMA architectures

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    International audienceThe recent addition of data dependencies to the OpenMP 4.0 standard provides the application programmer with a more flexible way of synchronizing tasks. Using such an approach allows both the compiler and the runtime system to know exactly which data are read or written by a given task, and how these data will be used through the program lifetime. Data placement and task scheduling strategies have a significant impact on performances when considering NUMA architectures. While numerous papers focus on these topics, none of them has made extensive use of the information available through dependencies. One can use this information to modify the behavior of the application at several levels : during initialization to control data placement and during the application execution to dynamically control both the task placement and the tasks stealing strategy , depending on the topology. This paper introduces several heuristics for these strategies and their implementations in our OpenMP runtime XKAAPI. We also evaluate their performances on linear algebra applications executed on a 192-core NUMA machine, reporting noticeable performance improvement when considering both the architecture topology and the tasks data dependencies. We finally compare them to strategies presented previously by related works

    Resource-aware Programming in a High-level Language - Improved performance with manageable effort on clustered MPSoCs

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    Bis 2001 bedeutete Moores und Dennards Gesetz eine Verdoppelung der AusfĂŒhrungszeit alle 18 Monate durch verbesserte CPUs. Heute ist NebenlĂ€ufigkeit das dominante Mittel zur Beschleunigung von Supercomputern bis zu mobilen GerĂ€ten. Allerdings behindern neuere PhĂ€nomene wie "Dark Silicon" zunehmend eine weitere Beschleunigung durch Hardware. Um weitere Beschleunigung zu erreichen muss sich auch die Soft­ware mehr ihrer Hardware Resourcen gewahr werden. Verbunden mit diesem PhĂ€nomen ist eine immer heterogenere Hardware. Supercomputer integrieren Beschleuniger wie GPUs. Mobile SoCs (bspw. Smartphones) integrieren immer mehr FĂ€higkeiten. Spezialhardware auszunutzen ist eine bekannte Methode, um den Energieverbrauch zu senken, was ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist, welcher mit der reinen Geschwindigkeit abgewogen werde muss. Zum Beispiel werden Supercomputer auch nach "Performance pro Watt" bewertet. Zur Zeit sind systemnahe low-level Programmierer es gewohnt ĂŒber Hardware nachzudenken, wĂ€hrend der gemeine high-level Programmierer es vorzieht von der Plattform möglichst zu abstrahieren (bspw. Cloud). "High-level" bedeutet nicht, dass Hardware irrelevant ist, sondern dass sie abstrahiert werden kann. Falls Sie eine Java-Anwendung fĂŒr Android entwickeln, kann der Akku ein wichtiger Aspekt sein. Irgendwann mĂŒssen aber auch Hochsprachen resourcengewahr werden, um Geschwindigkeit oder Energieverbrauch zu verbessern. Innerhalb des Transregio "Invasive Computing" habe ich an diesen Problemen gearbeitet. In meiner Dissertation stelle ich ein Framework vor, mit dem man Hochsprachenanwendungen resourcengewahr machen kann, um so die Leistung zu verbessern. Das könnte beispielsweise erhöhte Effizienz oder schnellerer AusfĂŒhrung fĂŒr das System als Ganzes bringen. Ein Kerngedanke dabei ist, dass Anwendungen sich nicht selbst optimieren. Stattdessen geben sie alle Informationen an das Betriebssystem. Das Betriebssystem hat eine globale Sicht und trifft Entscheidungen ĂŒber die Resourcen. Diesen Prozess nennen wir "Invasion". Die Aufgabe der Anwendung ist es, sich an diese Entscheidungen anzupassen, aber nicht selbst welche zu fĂ€llen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin eine Sprache zu definieren, mit der Anwendungen Resourcenbedingungen und Leistungsinformationen kommunizieren. So eine Sprache muss ausdrucksstark genug fĂŒr komplexe Informationen, erweiterbar fĂŒr neue Resourcentypen, und angenehm fĂŒr den Programmierer sein. Die zentralen BeitrĂ€ge dieser Dissertation sind: Ein theoretisches Modell der Resourcen-Verwaltung, um die Essenz des resourcengewahren Frameworks zu beschreiben, die Korrektheit der Entscheidungen des Betriebssystems bezĂŒglich der Bedingungen einer Anwendung zu begrĂŒnden und zum Beweis meiner Thesen von Effizienz und Beschleunigung in der Theorie. Ein Framework und eine Übersetzungspfad resourcengewahrer Programmierung fĂŒr die Hochsprache X10. Zur Bewertung des Ansatzes haben wir Anwendungen aus dem High Performance Computing implementiert. Eine Beschleunigung von 5x konnte gemessen werden. Ein Speicherkonsistenzmodell fĂŒr die X10 Programmiersprache, da dies ein notwendiger Schritt zu einer formalen Semantik ist, die das theoretische Modell und die konkrete Implementierung verknĂŒpft. Zusammengefasst zeige ich, dass resourcengewahre Programmierung in Hoch\-sprachen auf zukĂŒnftigen Architekturen mit vielen Kernen mit vertretbarem Aufwand machbar ist und die Leistung verbessert
