136,421 research outputs found

    Multiscale Modeling of Photovoltaic Devices

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    Renewable energy sources are among the most important ingredients for the development of a human society with sustainable environmental footprint. Among these, photovoltaics (PV) plays a key role and is therefore a field of intense research. The key parameters of a solar cell technology includes not only the energy conversion efficiency but also the operating lifetime and the overall cost of the energy produced. The latter must also be compared with other energy sources. The optimization of all these different aspects involves research across the whole photovoltaics value chain, starting from material science up to system optimization. Development of new solar cell device concepts is as important as search for new materials with more suitable optoelectronic properties or improved approaches for PV module design and integration in power distribution systems. This requires a comprehensive view on PV technology across all scales, from the atomic to the macroscopic and industrial scale. An important aspect of PV research and of development of new devices and systems, is theoretical modeling as an indispensable tool for both basic understanding and device optimization. This involves modeling also on all scales, from the microscopic properties of materials and nanostructures up to the behavior of PV modules. During the last decade, multiscale approaches have seen increasing interest for application in numerical simulation of electronic devices. In particular, modeling and understanding of advanced photovoltaic devices are expected to benefit from multiscale modeling, which allows describing consistently both macroscopic device behavior and local microscopic processes governing light absorption, loss mechanisms, carrier transport, and extraction. In fact, many advanced PV concepts rely on effects or contain structural features that are insufficiently described by standard numerical simulation approaches or semianalytic models, both regarding electronic and optical properties. The different length scales of the electronic and optical degrees of freedoms specifically lead to an intrinsic need for multiscale simulation, which is accentuated in many advanced photovoltaics concepts including nanostructured regions. Moreover, the active layers in solar cells generally require to have a certain thickness and a large overall device area, in order to absorb a sufficient amount of light. This special issue is an attempt to collect articles on modeling of PV devices and systems on all scales. It includes two experimental articles, one shedding some light on photoreflectance measurements when probing above the pump beam energy and the other discussing morphology in hybrid lead halide perovskite solar cells. One article describes numerical modeling of Cu2O on Si tandem cells based on a semiempirical approach. A further contribution shows a physics-based model of a quantum dot solar cell, including a comparison with experimental data. The remaining two papers deal with system relevant aspects, namely, power point tracking and electrical inverters for connecting PV modules or power plants with appliances

    First-principles quantum transport modeling of thermoelectricity in single-molecule nanojunctions with graphene nanoribbon electrodes

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    We overview nonequilibrium Green function combined with density functional theory (NEGF-DFT) modeling of independent electron and phonon transport in nanojunctions with applications focused on a new class of thermoelectric devices where a single molecule is attached to two metallic zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) via highly transparent contacts. Such contacts make possible injection of evanescent wavefunctions from ZGNRs, so that their overlap within the molecular region generates a peak in the electronic transmission. Additionally, the spatial symmetry properties of the transverse propagating states in the ZGNR electrodes suppress hole-like contributions to the thermopower. Thus optimized thermopower, together with diminished phonon conductance through a ZGNR/molecule/ZGNR inhomogeneous structure, yields the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT~0.5 at room temperature and 0.5<ZT<2.5 below liquid nitrogen temperature. The reliance on evanescent mode transport and symmetry of propagating states in the electrodes makes the electronic-transport-determined power factor in this class of devices largely insensitive to the type of sufficiently short conjugated organic molecule, which we demonstrate by showing that both 18-annulene and C10 molecule sandwiched by the two ZGNR electrodes yield similar thermopower. Thus, one can search for molecules that will further reduce the phonon thermal conductance (in the denominator of ZT) while keeping the electronic power factor (in the nominator of ZT) optimized. We also show how often employed Brenner empirical interatomic potential for hydrocarbon systems fails to describe phonon transport in our single-molecule nanojunctions when contrasted with first-principles results obtained via NEGF-DFT methodology.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; mini-review article prepared for the special issue of the Journal of Computational Electronics on "Simulation of Thermal, Thermoelectric, and Electrothermal Phenomena in Nanostructures", edited by I. Knezevic and Z. Aksamij

    Physics-based large-signal sensitivity analysis of microwave circuits using technological parametric sensitivity from multidimensional semiconductor device models

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    The authors present an efficient approach to evaluate the large-signal (LS) parametric sensitivity of active semiconductor devices under quasi-periodic operation through accurate, multidimensional physics-based models. The proposed technique exploits efficient intermediate mathematical models to perform the link between physics-based analysis and circuit-oriented simulations, and only requires the evaluation of dc and ac small-signal (dc charge) sensitivities under general quasi-static conditions. To illustrate the technique, the authors discuss examples of sensitivity evaluation, statistical analysis, and doping profile optimization of an implanted MESFET to minimize intermodulation which makes use of LS parametric sensitivities under two-tone excitatio

    Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications

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    | Multilevel converters are considered today as the state-of-the-art power-conversion systems for high-power and power-quality demanding applications. This paper presents a tutorial on this technology, covering the operating principle and the different power circuit topologies, modulation methods, technical issues and industry applications. Special attention is given to established technology already found in industry with more in-depth and self-contained information, while recent advances and state-of-the-art contributions are addressed with useful references. This paper serves as an introduction to the subject for the not-familiarized reader, as well as an update or reference for academics and practicing engineers working in the field of industrial and power electronics.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-3089Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia d TEC2006-0386

    Modeling and Real-Time Scheduling of DC Platform Supply Vessel for Fuel Efficient Operation

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    DC marine architecture integrated with variable speed diesel generators (DGs) has garnered the attention of the researchers primarily because of its ability to deliver fuel efficient operation. This paper aims in modeling and to autonomously perform real-time load scheduling of dc platform supply vessel (PSV) with an objective to minimize specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) for better fuel efficiency. Focus has been on the modeling of various components and control routines, which are envisaged to be an integral part of dc PSVs. Integration with photovoltaic-based energy storage system (ESS) has been considered as an option to cater for the short time load transients. In this context, this paper proposes a real-time transient simulation scheme, which comprises of optimized generation scheduling of generators and ESS using dc optimal power flow algorithm. This framework considers real dynamics of dc PSV during various marine operations with possible contingency scenarios, such as outage of generation systems, abrupt load changes, and unavailability of ESS. The proposed modeling and control routines with real-time transient simulation scheme have been validated utilizing the real-time marine simulation platform. The results indicate that the coordinated treatment of renewable based ESS with DGs operating with optimized speed yields better fuel savings. This has been observed in improved SFOC operating trajectory for critical marine missions. Furthermore, SFOC minimization at multiple suboptimal points with its treatment in the real-time marine system is also highlighted

    Cooperative energy management for a cluster of households prosumers

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe increment of electrical and electronic appliances for improving the lifestyle of residential consumers had led to a larger demand of energy. In order to supply their energy requirements, the consumers have changed the paradigm by integrating renewable energy sources to their power grid. Therefore, consumers become prosumers in which they internally generate and consume energy looking for an autonomous operation. This paper proposes an energy management system for coordinating the operation of distributed household prosumers. It was found that better performance is achieved when cooperative operation with other prosumers in a neighborhood environment is achieved. Simulation and experimental results validate the proposed strategy by comparing the performance of islanded prosumers with the operation in cooperative modePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Application of Memristors in Microwave Passive Circuits

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    The recent implementation of the fourth fundamental electric circuit element, the memristor, opened new vistas in many fields of engineering applications. In this paper, we explore several RF/microwave passive circuits that might benefit from the memristor salient characteristics. We consider a power divider, coupled resonator bandpass filters, and a low-reflection quasi-Gaussian lowpass filter with lossy elements. We utilize memristors as configurable linear resistors and we propose memristor-based bandpass filters that feature suppression of parasitic frequency pass bands and widening of the desired rejection band. The simulations are performed in the time domain, using LTspice, and the RF/microwave circuits under consideration are modeled by ideal elements available in LTspice

    A circuit modeling technique for the ISO 7637-3 capacitive coupling clamp test

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    In this paper, we propose a transmission-line modeling technique for the ISO 7637-3 capacitive coupling clamp (CCC) test. Besides modeling the test bench, special attention is devoted to the CCC itself, for which an equivalent circuit is constructed based on the concept of surface transfer impedance and surface transfer admittance. The overall model is validated by means of measurements using a nonlinear circuit as device-under-test, as such demonstrating the appositeness to mimick the CCC test in simulations during the design phase