956 research outputs found

    Computational Modeling of Human Dorsal Pathway for Motion Processing

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    Reliable motion estimation in videos is of crucial importance for background iden- tification, object tracking, action recognition, event analysis, self-navigation, etc. Re- constructing the motion field in the 2D image plane is very challenging, due to variations in image quality, scene geometry, lighting condition, and most importantly, camera jit- tering. Traditional optical flow models assume consistent image brightness and smooth motion field, which are violated by unstable illumination and motion discontinuities that are common in real world videos. To recognize observer (or camera) motion robustly in complex, realistic scenarios, we propose a biologically-inspired motion estimation system to overcome issues posed by real world videos. The bottom-up model is inspired from the infrastructure as well as functionalities of human dorsal pathway, and the hierarchical processing stream can be divided into three stages: 1) spatio-temporal processing for local motion, 2) recogni- tion for global motion patterns (camera motion), and 3) preemptive estimation of object motion. To extract effective and meaningful motion features, we apply a series of steer- able, spatio-temporal filters to detect local motion at different speeds and directions, in a way that\u27s selective of motion velocity. The intermediate response maps are cal- ibrated and combined to estimate dense motion fields in local regions, and then, local motions along two orthogonal axes are aggregated for recognizing planar, radial and circular patterns of global motion. We evaluate the model with an extensive, realistic video database that collected by hand with a mobile device (iPad) and the video content varies in scene geometry, lighting condition, view perspective and depth. We achieved high quality result and demonstrated that this bottom-up model is capable of extracting high-level semantic knowledge regarding self motion in realistic scenes. Once the global motion is known, we segment objects from moving backgrounds by compensating for camera motion. For videos captured with non-stationary cam- eras, we consider global motion as a combination of camera motion (background) and object motion (foreground). To estimate foreground motion, we exploit corollary dis- charge mechanism of biological systems and estimate motion preemptively. Since back- ground motions for each pixel are collectively introduced by camera movements, we apply spatial-temporal averaging to estimate the background motion at pixel level, and the initial estimation of foreground motion is derived by comparing global motion and background motion at multiple spatial levels. The real frame signals are compared with those derived by forward predictions, refining estimations for object motion. This mo- tion detection system is applied to detect objects with cluttered, moving backgrounds and is proved to be efficient in locating independently moving, non-rigid regions. The core contribution of this thesis is the invention of a robust motion estimation system for complicated real world videos, with challenges by real sensor noise, complex natural scenes, variations in illumination and depth, and motion discontinuities. The overall system demonstrates biological plausibility and holds great potential for other applications, such as camera motion removal, heading estimation, obstacle avoidance, route planning, and vision-based navigational assistance, etc

    Modeling Local Video Statistics for Anomaly Detection

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    This paper promotes a probabilistic approach for building models of local video statistics for use in background subtraction schemes. By shifting into a probabilistic framework, additional analytical tools become available for the creation and evaluation of these models. This paper continues to suggest the use of nonparametric statistical methods for measuring the quality of efficient local spatio-temporal models of video background distributions. Beginning with the familiar relative entropy distance between probability distributions, we create a new distance measure that can be used to quantitatively measure the quality of a probabilistic background model

    Spatial and temporal background modelling of non-stationary visual scenes

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    PhDThe prevalence of electronic imaging systems in everyday life has become increasingly apparent in recent years. Applications are to be found in medical scanning, automated manufacture, and perhaps most significantly, surveillance. Metropolitan areas, shopping malls, and road traffic management all employ and benefit from an unprecedented quantity of video cameras for monitoring purposes. But the high cost and limited effectiveness of employing humans as the final link in the monitoring chain has driven scientists to seek solutions based on machine vision techniques. Whilst the field of machine vision has enjoyed consistent rapid development in the last 20 years, some of the most fundamental issues still remain to be solved in a satisfactory manner. Central to a great many vision applications is the concept of segmentation, and in particular, most practical systems perform background subtraction as one of the first stages of video processing. This involves separation of ‘interesting foreground’ from the less informative but persistent background. But the definition of what is ‘interesting’ is somewhat subjective, and liable to be application specific. Furthermore, the background may be interpreted as including the visual appearance of normal activity of any agents present in the scene, human or otherwise. Thus a background model might be called upon to absorb lighting changes, moving trees and foliage, or normal traffic flow and pedestrian activity, in order to effect what might be termed in ‘biologically-inspired’ vision as pre-attentive selection. This challenge is one of the Holy Grails of the computer vision field, and consequently the subject has received considerable attention. This thesis sets out to address some of the limitations of contemporary methods of background segmentation by investigating methods of inducing local mutual support amongst pixels in three starkly contrasting paradigms: (1) locality in the spatial domain, (2) locality in the shortterm time domain, and (3) locality in the domain of cyclic repetition frequency. Conventional per pixel models, such as those based on Gaussian Mixture Models, offer no spatial support between adjacent pixels at all. At the other extreme, eigenspace models impose a structure in which every image pixel bears the same relation to every other pixel. But Markov Random Fields permit definition of arbitrary local cliques by construction of a suitable graph, and 3 are used here to facilitate a novel structure capable of exploiting probabilistic local cooccurrence of adjacent Local Binary Patterns. The result is a method exhibiting strong sensitivity to multiple learned local pattern hypotheses, whilst relying solely on monochrome image data. Many background models enforce temporal consistency constraints on a pixel in attempt to confirm background membership before being accepted as part of the model, and typically some control over this process is exercised by a learning rate parameter. But in busy scenes, a true background pixel may be visible for a relatively small fraction of the time and in a temporally fragmented fashion, thus hindering such background acquisition. However, support in terms of temporal locality may still be achieved by using Combinatorial Optimization to derive shortterm background estimates which induce a similar consistency, but are considerably more robust to disturbance. A novel technique is presented here in which the short-term estimates act as ‘pre-filtered’ data from which a far more compact eigen-background may be constructed. Many scenes entail elements exhibiting repetitive periodic behaviour. Some road junctions employing traffic signals are among these, yet little is to be found amongst the literature regarding the explicit modelling of such periodic processes in a scene. Previous work focussing on gait recognition has demonstrated approaches based on recurrence of self-similarity by which local periodicity may be identified. The present work harnesses and extends this method in order to characterize scenes displaying multiple distinct periodicities by building a spatio-temporal model. The model may then be used to highlight abnormality in scene activity. Furthermore, a Phase Locked Loop technique with a novel phase detector is detailed, enabling such a model to maintain correct synchronization with scene activity in spite of noise and drift of periodicity. This thesis contends that these three approaches are all manifestations of the same broad underlying concept: local support in each of the space, time and frequency domains, and furthermore, that the support can be harnessed practically, as will be demonstrated experimentally


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    Modeling and recognition of human motion in videos has broad applications in behavioral biometrics, content-based visual data analysis, security and surveillance, as well as designing interactive environments. Significant progress has been made in the past two decades by way of new models, methods, and implementations. In this dissertation, we focus our attention on a relatively less investigated sub-area called collaborative group motion analysis. Collaborative group motions are those that typically involve multiple objects, wherein the motion patterns of individual objects may vary significantly in both space and time, but the collective motion pattern of the ensemble allows characterization in terms of geometry and statistics. Therefore, the motions or activities of an individual object constitute local information. A framework to synthesize all local information into a holistic view, and to explicitly characterize interactions among objects, involves large scale global reasoning, and is of significant complexity. In this dissertation, we first review relevant previous contributions on human motion/activity modeling and recognition, and then propose several approaches to answer a sequence of traditional vision questions including 1) which of the motion elements among all are the ones relevant to a group motion pattern of interest (Segmentation); 2) what is the underlying motion pattern (Recognition); and 3) how two motion ensembles are similar and how we can 'optimally' transform one to match the other (Alignment). Our primary practical scenario is American football play, where the corresponding problems are 1) who are offensive players; 2) what are the offensive strategy they are using; and 3) whether two plays are using the same strategy and how we can remove the spatio-temporal misalignment between them due to internal or external factors. The proposed approaches discard traditional modeling paradigm but explore either concise descriptors, hierarchies, stochastic mechanism, or compact generative model to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, the intrinsic geometry of the spaces of the involved features/descriptors/quantities is exploited and statistical tools are established on these nonlinear manifolds. These initial attempts have identified new challenging problems in complex motion analysis, as well as in more general tasks in video dynamics. The insights gained from nonlinear geometric modeling and analysis in this dissertation may hopefully be useful toward a broader class of computer vision applications

    Going Deeper into Action Recognition: A Survey

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    Understanding human actions in visual data is tied to advances in complementary research areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic segmentation. Over the last decade, human action analysis evolved from earlier schemes that are often limited to controlled environments to nowadays advanced solutions that can learn from millions of videos and apply to almost all daily activities. Given the broad range of applications from video surveillance to human-computer interaction, scientific milestones in action recognition are achieved more rapidly, eventually leading to the demise of what used to be good in a short time. This motivated us to provide a comprehensive review of the notable steps taken towards recognizing human actions. To this end, we start our discussion with the pioneering methods that use handcrafted representations, and then, navigate into the realm of deep learning based approaches. We aim to remain objective throughout this survey, touching upon encouraging improvements as well as inevitable fallbacks, in the hope of raising fresh questions and motivating new research directions for the reader

    Motion representation using composite energy features

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    This work tackles the segmentation of apparent-motion from a bottom-up perspective. When no information is available to build prior high-level models, the only alternative are bottom-up techniques. Hence, the whole segmentation process relies on the suitability of the low-level features selected to describe motion. A wide variety of low-level spatio-temporal features have been proposed so far. However, all of them suffer from diverse drawbacks. Here, we propose the use of composite energy features in bottom-up motion segmentation to solve several of these problems. Composite energy features are clusters of energy filters—pairs of band-pass filters in quadrature—each one sensitive to a different set of scale, orientation, direction of motion and speed. They are grouped in order to reconstruct independent motion patterns in a video sequence. A composite energy feature, this is, the response of one of these clusters of filters, can be built as a combination of the responses of the individual filters. Therefore, it inherits the desirable properties of energy filters but providing a more complete representation of motion patterns. In this paper, we will present our approach for integration of composite features based on the concept of Phase Congruence. We will show some results that illustrate the capabilities of this low-level motion representation and its usefulness in bottom-up motion segmentation and tracking.This work has been financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government, through the Research Project TIN2006-08447.S

    Feature Extraction and Recognition for Human Action Recognition

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    How to automatically label videos containing human motions is the task of human action recognition. Traditional human action recognition algorithms use the RGB videos as input, and it is a challenging task because of the large intra-class variations of actions, cluttered background, possible camera movement, and illumination variations. Recently, the introduction of cost-effective depth cameras provides a new possibility to address difficult issues. However, it also brings new challenges such as noisy depth maps and time alignment. In this dissertation, effective and computationally efficient feature extraction and recognition algorithms are proposed for human action recognition. At the feature extraction step, two novel spatial-temporal feature descriptors are proposed which can be combined with local feature detectors. The first proposed descriptor is the Shape and Motion Local Ternary Pattern (SMltp) descriptor which can dramatically reduced the number of features generated by dense sampling without sacrificing the accuracy. In addition, the Center-Symmetric Motion Local Ternary Pattern (CS-Mltp) descriptor is proposed, which describes the spatial and temporal gradients-like features. Both descriptors (SMltp and CS-Mltp) take advantage of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) texture operator in terms of tolerance to illumination change, robustness in homogeneous region and computational efficiency. For better feature representation, this dissertation presents a new Dictionary Learning (DL) method to learn an overcomplete set of representative vectors (atoms) so that any input feature can be approximated by a linear combination of these atoms with minimum reconstruction error. Instead of simultaneously learning one overcomplete dictionary for all classes, we learn class-specific sub-dictionaries to increase the discrimination. In addition, the group sparsity and the geometry constraint are added to the learning process to further increase the discriminative power, so that features are well reconstructed by atoms from the same class and features from the same class with high similarity will be forced to have similar coefficients. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, three applications including single view action recognition, distributed multi-view action recognition, and RGB-D action recognition have been explored. Experimental results on benchmark datasets and comparative analyses with the state-of-the-art methods show the effectiveness and merits of the proposed algorithms

    On Motion Parameterizations in Image Sequences from Fixed Viewpoints

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of parameterizing object motion within a set of images taken with a stationary camera. We develop data-driven methods across all image scales: characterizing motion observed at the scale of individual pixels, along extended structures such as roads, and whole image deformations such as lungs deforming over time. The primary contributions include: a) fundamental studies of the relationship between spatio-temporal image derivatives accumulated at a pixel, and the object motions at that pixel,: b) data driven approaches to parameterize breath motion and reconstruct lung CT data volumes, and: c) defining and offering initial results for a new class of Partially Unsupervised Manifold Learning: PUML) problems, which often arise in medical imagery. Specifically, we create energy functions for measuring how consistent a given velocity vector is with observed spatio-temporal image derivatives. These energy functions are used to fit parametric snake models to roads using velocity constraints. We create an automatic data-driven technique for finding the breath phase of lung CT scans which is able to replace external belt measurements currently in use clinically. This approach is extended to automatically create a full deformation model of a CT lung volume during breathing or heart MRI during breathing and heartbeat. Additionally, motivated by real use cases, we address a scenario in which a dataset is collected along with meta-data which describes some, but not all, aspects of the dataset. We create an embedding which displays the remaining variability in a dataset after accounting for variability related to the meta-data

    Carried baggage detection and recognition in video surveillance with foreground segmentation

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    Security cameras installed in public spaces or in private organizations continuously record video data with the aim of detecting and preventing crime. For that reason, video content analysis applications, either for real time (i.e. analytic) or post-event (i.e. forensic) analysis, have gained high interest in recent years. In this thesis, the primary focus is on two key aspects of video analysis, reliable moving object segmentation and carried object detection & identification. A novel moving object segmentation scheme by background subtraction is presented in this thesis. The scheme relies on background modelling which is based on multi-directional gradient and phase congruency. As a post processing step, the detected foreground contours are refined by classifying the edge segments as either belonging to the foreground or background. Further contour completion technique by anisotropic diffusion is first introduced in this area. The proposed method targets cast shadow removal, gradual illumination change invariance, and closed contour extraction. A state of the art carried object detection method is employed as a benchmark algorithm. This method includes silhouette analysis by comparing human temporal templates with unencumbered human models. The implementation aspects of the algorithm are improved by automatically estimating the viewing direction of the pedestrian and are extended by a carried luggage identification module. As the temporal template is a frequency template and the information that it provides is not sufficient, a colour temporal template is introduced. The standard steps followed by the state of the art algorithm are approached from a different extended (by colour information) perspective, resulting in more accurate carried object segmentation. The experiments conducted in this research show that the proposed closed foreground segmentation technique attains all the aforementioned goals. The incremental improvements applied to the state of the art carried object detection algorithm revealed the full potential of the scheme. The experiments demonstrate the ability of the proposed carried object detection algorithm to supersede the state of the art method
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