4 research outputs found

    Abnormal Excitability of Oblique Dendrites Implicated in Early Alzheimer's: A Computational Study

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    The integrative properties of cortical pyramidal dendrites are essential to the neural basis of cognitive function, but the impact of amyloid beta protein (aβ) on these properties in early Alzheimer's is poorly understood. In animal models, electrophysiological studies of proximal dendrites have shown that aβ induces hyperexcitability by blocking A-type K+ currents (IA), disrupting signal integration. The present study uses a computational approach to analyze the hyperexcitability induced in distal dendrites beyond the experimental recording sites. The results show that back-propagating action potentials in the dendrites induce hyperexcitability and excessive calcium concentrations not only in the main apical trunk of pyramidal cell dendrites, but also in their oblique dendrites. Evidence is provided that these thin branches are particularly sensitive to local reductions in IA. The results suggest the hypothesis that the oblique branches may be most vulnerable to disruptions of IA by early exposure to aβ, and point the way to further experimental analysis of these actions as factors in the neural basis of the early decline of cognitive function in Alzheimer's

    Rapid, parallel path planning by propagating wavefronts of spiking neural activity

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    Efficient path planning and navigation is critical for animals, robotics, logistics and transportation. We study a model in which spatial navigation problems can rapidly be solved in the brain by parallel mental exploration of alternative routes using propagating waves of neural activity. A wave of spiking activity propagates through a hippocampus-like network, altering the synaptic connectivity. The resulting vector field of synaptic change then guides a simulated animal to the appropriate selected target locations. We demonstrate that the navigation problem can be solved using realistic, local synaptic plasticity rules during a single passage of a wavefront. Our model can find optimal solutions for competing possible targets or learn and navigate in multiple environments. The model provides a hypothesis on the possible computational mechanisms for optimal path planning in the brain, at the same time it is useful for neuromorphic implementations, where the parallelism of information processing proposed here can fully be harnessed in hardware

    Dendritic signals from rat CA1 neurons during coincident pre- and post-synaptic activity : a combined voltage- and calcium-imaging study

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Physiological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physiology 580 (2007): 463-484, doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2006.125005.The non-linear and spatially inhomogeneous interactions of dendritic membrane potential signals that represent the first step in the induction of activity dependent long-term synaptic plasticity are not fully understood, particularly in dendritic regions which are beyond the reach of electrode measurements. We combined voltage-sensitive-dye recordings and Ca2+-imaging of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons to study large regions of the dendritic arbor, including branches of small diameter (distal apical and oblique dendrites). Dendritic membrane potential transients were monitored at high spatial resolution and correlated with supra-linear [Ca2+]i changes during one cycle of a repetitive patterned stimulation protocol that typically results in the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP). While the increase in the peak membrane depolarization during coincident pre- and post-synaptic activity was required for the induction of supra-linear [Ca2+]i-signals shown to be necessary for LTP, the change in the baseline-to-peak amplitude of the backpropagating dendritic action potential (bAP) was not critical in this process. At different dendritic locations, the baseline-to-peak amplitude of the bAP could be either increased, decreased or unaltered at sites where EPSP-AP pairing evoked supra-linear summation of [Ca2+]i-transients. We suggest that modulations in the bAP baseline-to- peak amplitude by local EPSPs act as a mechanism that brings the membrane potential into the optimal range for Ca2+-influx through NMDA receptors (0 to -15 mV); this may require either boosting or the reduction of the bAP, depending on the initial size of both signals.This work was supported by NIH grant RO1NS42739 and by Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine

    Spatial Localization of Synapses Required for Supralinear Summation of Action Potentials and EPSPs

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    Although the supralinear summation of synchronizing excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and backpropagating action potentials (APs) is important for spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP), the spatial conditions of the amplification in the divergent dendritic structure have yet to be analyzed. In the present study, we simulated the coincidence of APs with EPSPs at randomly determined synaptic sites of a morphologically reconstructed hippocampal CA1 pyramidal model neuron and clarified the spatial condition of the amplifying synapses. In the case of uniform conductance inputs, the amplifying synapses were localized in the middle apical dendrites and distal basal dendrites with small diameters, and the ratio of synapses was unexpectedly small: 8–16 in both apical and basal dendrites. This was because the appearance of strong amplification requires the coincidence of both APs of 3–30 mV and EPSPs of over 6 mV, both of which depend on the dendritic location of synaptic sites. We found that the localization of amplifying synapses depends on A-type K+ channel distribution because backpropagating APs depend on the A-type K+ channel distribution, and that the localizations of amplifying synapses were similar within a range of physiological synaptic conductances. We also quantified the spread of membrane amplification in dendrites, indicating that the neighboring synapses can also show the amplification. These findings allowed us to computationally illustrate the spatial localization of synapses for supralinear summation of APs and EPSPs within thin dendritic branches where patch clamp experiments cannot be easily conducted