7 research outputs found

    Lattice-Reduction-Aided Equalization for MIMO-FBMC Systems

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    International audienceAbstract—In this paper, we propose to use a lattice reduction (LR) approach to enhance the performance of spatial multiplexing(SM) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems using filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC) modulation. It is known that lattice-reduction-aided (LRA) MIMO receivers can achieve full spatial diversity. On the other hand, the presence of the intrinsic interference in FBMC is widely regarded as a factor that prevents the system from taking advantage of spatial diversity when combined with SM-MIMO. We will show that with an adequate adaptation to FBMC modulation, the LR approach can be performed in a straightforward manner. Simulation results show that an LRA equalizer allows an FBMC-MIMO system to benefit more from the available spatial diversity and offers an interesting performance gain compared to the existing solutions with reasonable complexity

    The Alamouti Scheme with CDMA-OFDM/OQAM

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    This paper deals with the combination of OFDM/OQAM with the Alamouti scheme. After a brief presentation of the OFDM/OQAM modulation scheme, we introduce the fact that the well-known Alamouti decoding scheme cannot be simply applied to this modulation. Indeed, the Alamouti coding scheme requires a complex orthogonality property; whereas OFDM/OQAM only provides real orthogonality. However, as we have recently shown, under some conditions, a transmission scheme combining CDMA and OFDM/OQAM can satisfy the complex orthogonality condition. Adding a CDMA component can thus be seen as a solution to apply the Alamouti scheme in combination with OFDM/OQAM. However, our analysis shows that the CDMA-OFDM/OQAM combination has to be built taking into account particular features of the transmission channel. Our simulation results illustrate the 2×1 Alamouti coding scheme for which CDMA-OFDM/OQAM and CP-OFDM are compared in two different scenarios: (i) CDMA is performed in the frequency domain, (ii) CDMA is performed in time domain

    Retournement temporel : application aux réseaux mobiles

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    This thesis studies the time reversal technique to improve the energy efficiency of future mobile networks and reduce the cost of future mobile devices. Time reversal technique consists in using the time inverse of the propagation channel impulse response (between a transceiver and a receiver) as a prefilter. Such pre-filtered signal is received with a stronger power (this is spatial focusing) and with a strong main echo, relatively to secondary echoes (this is time compression). During a previous learning phase, the transceiver estimates the channel by measuring the pilot signal emitted by the receiver. Space-time focusing is obtained only at the condition that the propagation remains identical between the learning phase and the data transmission phase: this is the ‘channel reciprocity’ condition. Numerous works show that spatial focusing allows for the reduction of the required transmit power for a given target received power, on the one hand, and that time compression allow for the reduction of the required complexity at the receiver side to handle multiple echoes, on the other hand. However, studies on complexity reduction are limited to ultra wideband. Some works of this thesis (based on simulations and experimental measurements) show that, for bands which are more typical for future networks (a carrier frequency of 1GHz and a spectrum of 30 MHz to 100 MHz), thanks to time reversal, a simple receiver and a mono-carrier signal are sufficient to reach high data rates. Moreover, the channel reciprocity condition is not verified in two scenarios which are typical from mobile networks. Firstly, in most European mobile networks, the frequency division duplex mode is used. This mode implies that the transceiver and the receiver communicate on distinct carriers, and therefore through different propagation channels. Secondly, when considering a receiver on a moving connected vehicle, the transceiver and the receiver communicate one with each other at distinct instants, corresponding to distinct positions of the vehicles, and therefore through different propagation channels. Some works of this thesis propose solutions to obtain space-time focusing for these two scenarios. Finally, some works of this thesis explore the combination of time reversal with other recent signal processing techniques (spatial modulation, on the one hand, a new multi-carrier waveform, on the other hand), or new deployment scenarios (millimeter waves and large antenna arrays to interconnect the nodes of an ultra dense network) or new applications (guidance and navigation) which can be envisaged for future mobile networks.Cette thèse étudie la technique dite de ‘Retournement Temporel’ afin d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des futurs réseaux mobiles d’une part, et réduire le coût des futurs terminaux mobiles, d’autre part. Le retournement temporel consiste à utiliser l’inverse temporel de la réponse impulsionnelle du canal de propagation entre un émetteur et un récepteur pour préfiltrer l’émission d’un signal de données. Avantageusement, le signal ainsi préfiltré est reçu avec une puissance renforcée (c’est la focalisation spatiale) et un écho principal qui est renforcé par rapport aux échos secondaires (c’est la compression temporelle). Lors d’une étape préalable d’apprentissage, l’émetteur estime le canal en mesurant un signal pilote provenant du récepteur. La focalisation spatiotemporelle n’est obtenue qu’à condition que la propagation demeure identique entre la phase d’apprentissage et la phase de transmission de données : c’est la condition de ‘réciprocité du canal’. De nombreux travaux montrent que la focalisation spatiale permet de réduire la puissance émise nécessaire pour atteindre une puissance cible au récepteur d’une part, et que la compression temporelle permet de réduire la complexité du récepteur nécessaire pour gérer l’effet des échos multiples, d’autre part. Cependant, les études sur la réduction de la complexité du récepteur se limitent à l’ultra large bande. Des travaux de cette thèse (basés sur des simulations et des mesures expérimentales) montrent que pour des bandes de fréquences plus typiques des futurs réseaux mobiles (fréquence porteuse à 1GHz et spectre de 30 MHz à 100 MHz), grâce au retournement temporel, un récepteur simple et un signal monoporteuse suffisent pour atteindre de hauts débits. En outre, la condition de réciprocité du canal n’est pas vérifiée dans deux scénarios typiques des réseaux mobiles. Tout d’abord, dans la plupart des réseaux mobiles européens, le mode de duplex en fréquence est utilisé. Ce mode implique que l’émetteur et le récepteur communiquent l’un avec l’autre sur des fréquences porteuses distinctes, et donc à travers des canaux de propagations différents. De plus, lorsqu’on considère un récepteur sur un véhicule connecté en mouvement, l’émetteur et le récepteur communiquent l’un avec l’autre à des instants distincts, correspondants à des positions distinctes du véhicule, et donc à travers des canaux de propagations différents. Des travaux de cette thèse proposent des solutions pour obtenir la focalisation spatio-temporelle dans ces deux scenarios. Enfin, des travaux de la thèse explorent la combinaison du retournement temporel avec d’autres techniques de traitement de signal récentes (la modulation spatiale, d’une part, et une nouvelle forme d’onde multiporteuse, d’autre part), ou des scenarios de déploiement nouveaux (ondes millimétriques et très grands réseaux d’antennes pour inter-connecter les noeuds d’un réseau ultra dense) ou de nouvelles applications (guidage et navigation) envisageables pour les futurs réseaux mobiles

    MIMO designs for filter bank multicarrier and multiantenna systems based on OQAM

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    From the perspective of increasingly data rate requirements in mobile communications, it is deemed necessary to do further research so that the future goals can be reached. To that end, the radio-based communications are resorting to multicarrier modulations and spatial diversity. Until today, the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is regarded as the dominant technology. On one hand, the OFDM modulation is able to accommodate multiantenna configurations in a very straightforward manner. On the other hand, the poor stopband attenuation exhibited by the OFDM modulation, highlights that a definitely tight synchronization is required. In addition, the cyclic prefix (CP) has to be sufficiently long to avoid inter-block interference, which may substantially reduce the spectral efficiency. In order to overcome the OFDM drawbacks, the filter bank multicarrier modulation based on OQAM (FBMC/OQAM) is introduced. This modulation does not need any CP and benefits from pulse shaping techniques. This aspect becomes crucial in cognitive radio networks and communication systems where nodes are unlikely to be synchronized. In principle, the poor frequency confinement exhibited by OFDM should tip the balance towards FBMC/OQAM. However, the perfect reconstruction property of FBMC/OQAM systems does not hold in presence of multipath fading. This means that the FBMC/OQAM modulation is affected by inter-symbol and inter-carrier interference, unless the channel is equalized to some extent. This observation highlights that the FBMC/OQAM extension to MIMO architectures becomes a big challenge due to the need to cope with both modulation- and multiantenna-induced interference. The goal of this thesis is to study how the FBMC/OQAM modulation scheme can benefit from the degrees of freedom provided by the spatial dimension. In this regard, the first attempt to put the research on track is based on designing signal processing techniques at reception. In this case the emphasis is on single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) architectures. Next, the possibility of pre-equalizing the channel at transmission is investigated. It is considered that multiple antennas are placed at the transmit side giving rise to a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) configuration. In this scenario, the research is not only focused on counteracting the channel but also on distributing the power among subcarriers. Finally, the joint transmitter and receiver design in multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems is covered. From the theory developed in this thesis, it is possible to conclude that the techniques originally devised in the OFDM context can be easily adapted to FBMC/OQAM systems if the channel frequency response is flat within the subchannels. However, metrics such as the peak to average power ratio or the sensitivity to the carrier frequency offset constraint the number of subcarriers, so that the frequency selectivity may be appreciable at the subcarrier level. Then, the flat fading assumption is not satisfied and the specificities of FBMC/OQAM systems have to be considered. In this situation, the proposed techniques allow FBMC/OQAM to remain competitive with OFDM. In addition, for some multiantenna configurations and propagation conditions FBMC/OQAM turns out to be the best choice. The simulation-based results together with the theoretical analysis conducted in this thesis contribute to make progress towards the application of FBMC/OQAM to MIMO channels. The signal processing techniques that are described in this dissertation allow designers to exploit the potentials of FBMC/OQAM and MIMO to improve the link reliability as well as the spectral efficiency