56 research outputs found

    Compressive Sensing Applied to MIMO Radar and Sparse Disjoint Scenes

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    The purpose of remote sensing is to acquire information about an object through the propagation of electromagnetic waves, specifically radio waves for radar systems. However, these systems are constrained by the costly Nyquist sampling rate required to guarantee efficient recovery of the signal. The recent advancements of compressive sensing offer a means of efficiently recovering such signals with fewer measurements. This thesis investigates the feasibility of employing techniques from compressive sensing in on-grid MIMO radar in order to identify targets and estimate their locations and velocities. We develop a mathematical framework to model this problem then devise numerical simulations to assess how various parameters, such as the choice of recovery algorithm, antenna positioning, signal to noise ratio, etc., impact performance. The experimental formulation of this project leads to further theoretical questions concerning the benefits of incorporating an underlying signal structure within the compressive sensing framework. We pursue these concerns for the case of sparse and disjoint vectors. Our computational and analytical treatments illustrate that knowledge of the simultaneity of these structures within a signal provides no benefit in reducing the minimal number of measurements needed to robustly recover such vectors from noninflating measurements, regardless of the reconstruction algorithm.Ph.D., Mathematics -- Drexel University, 201

    Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: A Comprehensive View

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    The next-generation wireless technologies, commonly referred to as the sixth generation (6G), are envisioned to support extreme communications capacity and in particular disruption in the network sensing capabilities. The terahertz (THz) band is one potential enabler for those due to the enormous unused frequency bands and the high spatial resolution enabled by both short wavelengths and bandwidths. Different from earlier surveys, this paper presents a comprehensive treatment and technology survey on THz communications and sensing in terms of the advantages, applications, propagation characterization, channel modeling, measurement campaigns, antennas, transceiver devices, beamforming, networking, the integration of communications and sensing, and experimental testbeds. Starting from the motivation and use cases, we survey the development and historical perspective of THz communications and sensing with the anticipated 6G requirements. We explore the radio propagation, channel modeling, and measurements for THz band. The transceiver requirements, architectures, technological challenges, and approaches together with means to compensate for the high propagation losses by appropriate antenna and beamforming solutions. We survey also several system technologies required by or beneficial for THz systems. The synergistic design of sensing and communications is explored with depth. Practical trials, demonstrations, and experiments are also summarized. The paper gives a holistic view of the current state of the art and highlights the issues and challenges that are open for further research towards 6G.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    Iterative synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithms

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    Synthetic aperture radar is an important tool in a wide range of civilian and military imaging applications. This is primarily due to its ability to image in all weather conditions, during both the day and the night, unlike optical imaging systems. A synthetic aperture radar system contains a step which is not present in an optical imaging system, this is image formation. This is required because the acquired data from the radar sensor does not directly correspond to the image. Instead, to form an image, the system must solve an inverse problem. In conventional scenarios, this inverse problem is relatively straight forward and a matched lter based algorithm produces an image of suitable image quality. However, there are a number of interesting scenarios where this is not the case. Scenarios where standard image formation algorithms are unsuitable include systems with data undersampling, errors in the system observation model and data that is corrupted by radio frequency interference. Image formation in these scenarios will form the topics of this thesis and a number of iterative algorithms are proposed to achieve image formation. The motivation for these proposed algorithms is primarily from the eld of compressed sensing, which considers the recovery of signals with a low-dimensional structure. The rst contribution of this thesis is the development of fast algorithms for the system observation model and its adjoint. These algorithms are required by large-scale gradient based iterative algorithms for image formation. The proposed algorithms are based on existing fast back-projection algorithms, however, a new decimation strategy is proposed which is more suitable for some applications. The second contribution is the development of a framework for iterative near- eld image formation, which uses the proposed fast algorithms. It is shown that the framework can be used, in some scenarios, to improve the visual quality of images formed from fully sampled data and undersampled data, when compared to images formed using matched lter based algorithms. The third contribution concerns errors in the system observation model. Algorithms that correct these errors are commonly referred to as autofocus algorithms. It is shown that conventional autofocus algorithms, which work as a post-processor on the formed image, are unsuitable for undersampled data. Instead an autofocus algorithm is proposed which corrects errors within the iterative image formation procedure. The proposed algorithm is provably stable and convergent with a faster convergence rate than previous approaches. The nal contribution is an algorithm for ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar image formation. Due to the large spectrum over which the ultra-wideband signal is transmitted, there is likely to be many other users operating within the same spectrum. These users can produce signi cant radio frequency interference which will corrupt the received data. The proposed algorithm uses knowledge of the RFI spectrum to minimise the e ect of the RFI on the formed image

    Atomic Norm decomposition for sparse model reconstruction applied to positioning and wireless communications

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    This thesis explores the recovery of sparse signals, arising in the wireless communication and radar system fields, via atomic norm decomposition. Particularly, we focus on compressed sensing gridless methodologies, which avoid the always existing error due to the discretization of a continuous space in on-grid methods. We define the sparse signal by means of a linear combination of so called atoms defined in a continuous parametrical atom set with infinite cardinality. Those atoms are fully characterized by a multi-dimensional parameter containing very relevant information about the application scenario itself. Also, the number of composite atoms is much lower than the dimension of the problem, which yields sparsity. We address a gridless optimization solution enforcing sparsity via atomic norm minimization to extract the parameters that characterize the atom from an observed measurement of the model, which enables model recovery. We also study a machine learning approach to estimate the number of composite atoms that construct the model, given that in certain scenarios this number is unknown. The applications studied in the thesis lay on the field of wireless communications, particularly on MIMO mmWave channels, which due to their natural properties can be modeled as sparse. We apply the proposed methods to positioning in automotive pulse radar working in the mmWave range, where we extract relevant information such as angle of arrival (AoA), distance and velocity from the received echoes of objects or targets. Next we study the design of a hybrid precoder for mmWave channels which allows the reduction of hardware cost in the system by minimizing as much as possible the number of required RF chains. Last, we explore full channel estimation by finding the angular parameters that model the channel. For all the applications we provide a numerical analysis where we compare our proposed method with state-of-the-art techniques, showing that our proposal outperforms the alternative methods.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Juan José Murillo Fuentes.- Secretario: Pablo Martínez Olmos.- Vocal: David Luengo Garcí

    Metrics to evaluate compressions algorithms for RAW SAR data

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    Modern synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems have size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) limitations since platforms are becoming smaller, while SAR operating modes are becoming more complex. Due to the computational complexity of the SAR processing required for modern SAR systems, performing the processing on board the platform is not a feasible option. Thus, SAR systems are producing an ever-increasing volume of data that needs to be transmitted to a ground station for processing. Compression algorithms are utilised to reduce the data volume of the raw data. However, these algorithms can cause degradation and losses that may degrade the effectiveness of the SAR mission. This study addresses the lack of standardised quantitative performance metrics to objectively quantify the performance of SAR data-compression algorithms. Therefore, metrics were established in two different domains, namely the data domain and the image domain. The data-domain metrics are used to determine the performance of the quantisation and the associated losses or errors it induces in the raw data samples. The image-domain metrics evaluate the quality of the SAR image after SAR processing has been performed. In this study three well-known SAR compression algorithms were implemented and applied to three real SAR data sets that were obtained from a prototype airborne SAR system. The performance of these algorithms were evaluated using the proposed metrics. Important metrics in the data domain were found to be the compression ratio, the entropy, statistical parameters like the skewness and kurtosis to measure the deviation from the original distributions of the uncompressed data, and the dynamic range. The data histograms are an important visual representation of the effects of the compression algorithm on the data. An important error measure in the data domain is the signal-to-quantisation-noise ratio (SQNR), and the phase error for applications where phase information is required to produce the output. Important metrics in the image domain include the dynamic range, the impulse response function, the image contrast, as well as the error measure, signal-to-distortion-noise ratio (SDNR). The metrics suggested that all three algorithms performed well and are thus well suited for the compression of raw SAR data. The fast Fourier transform block adaptive quantiser (FFT-BAQ) algorithm had the overall best performance, but the analysis of the computational complexity of its compression steps, indicated that it is has the highest level of complexity compared to the other two algorithms. Since different levels of degradation are acceptable for different SAR applications, a trade-off can be made between the data reduction and the degradation caused by the algorithm. Due to SWAP-C limitations, there also remains a trade-off between the performance and the computational complexity of the compression algorithm.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2019.Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringMEngUnrestricte
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