118 research outputs found

    Direction of Arrival Estimation and Tracking with Sparse Arrays

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    Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation and tracking of a plane wave or multiple plane waves impinging on an array of sensors from noisy data are two of the most important tasks in array signal processing, which have attracted tremendous research interest over the past several decades. It is well-known that the estimation accuracy, angular resolution, tracking capacity, computational complexity, and hardware implementation cost of a DOA estimation and/or tracking technique depend largely on the array geometry. Large arrays with many sensors provide accurate DOA estimation and perfect target tracking, but they usually suffer from a high cost for hardware implementation. Sparse arrays can yield similar DOA estimates and tracking performance with fewer elements for the same-size array aperture as compared to the traditional uniform arrays. In addition, the signals of interest may have rich temporal information that can be exploited to effectively eliminate background noise and significantly improve the performance and capacity of DOA estimation and tracking, and/or even dramatically reduce the computational burden of estimation and tracking algorithms. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide some solutions to improving the DOA estimation and tracking performance by designing sparse arrays and exploiting prior knowledge of the incident signals such as AR modeled sources and known waveforms. First, we design two sparse linear arrays to efficiently extend the array aperture and improve the DOA estimation performance. One scheme is called minimum redundancy sparse subarrays (MRSSA), where the subarrays are used to obtain an extended correlation matrix according to the principle of minimum redundancy linear array (MRLA). The other linear array is constructed using two sparse ULAs, where the inter-sensor spacing within the same ULA is much larger than half wavelength. Moreover, we propose a 2-D DOA estimation method based on sparse L-shaped arrays, where the signal subspace is selected from the noise-free correlation matrix without requiring the eigen-decomposition to estimate the elevation angle, while the azimuth angles are estimated based on the modified total least squares (TLS) technique. Second, we develop two DOA estimation and tracking methods for autoregressive (AR) modeled signal source using sparse linear arrays together with Kalman filter and LS-based techniques. The proposed methods consist of two common stages: in the first stage, the sources modeled by AR processes are estimated by the celebrated Kalman filter and in the second stage, the efficient LS or TLS techniques are employed to estimate the DOAs and AR coefficients simultaneously. The AR-modeled sources can provide useful temporal information to handle cases such as the ones, where the number of sources is larger than the number of antennas. In the first method, we exploit the symmetric array to transfer a complex-valued nonlinear problem to a real-valued linear one, which can reduce the computational complexity, while in the second method, we use the ordinary sparse arrays to provide a more accurate DOA estimation. Finally, we study the problem of estimating and tracking the direction of arrivals (DOAs) of multiple moving targets with known signal source waveforms and unknown gains in the presence of Gaussian noise using a sparse sensor array. The core idea is to consider the output of each sensor as a linear regression model, each of whose coefficients contains a pair of DOAs and gain information corresponding to one target. These coefficients are determined by solving a linear least squares problem and then updating recursively, based on a block QR decomposition recursive least squares (QRD-RLS) technique or a block regularized LS technique. It is shown that the coefficients from different sensors have the same amplitude, but variable phase information for the same signal. Then, simple algebraic manipulations and the well-known generalized least squares (GLS) are used to obtain an asymptotically-optimal DOA estimate without requiring a search over a large region of the parameter space

    DOA estimation with known waveforms in the presence of unknown time delays and Doppler shifts

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    A novel DOA estimation method for known waveform sources with different unknown time delays and Doppler shifts is proposed. Based on the idea of maximum likelihood and the matrix projection theory, a decoupled cost function is first constructed and then the problem of estimating time delay and Doppler shift is transformed into a nonlinear least squares (NLS) problem. To solve the NLS problem efficiently without multidimensional search, a Toeplitz dominant rule is established to perform initial estimates with a reduced dimension. Finally, with the aid of time delay and Doppler shift estimates, DOAs and complex amplitudes of the incoming signals are obtained. Simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve a performance close to CRB at high SNR and with a large number of snapshots

    Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation

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    This is the author's final version of the article, first published as E. Vincent, M. G. Jafari, S. A. Abdallah, M. D. Plumbley, M. E. Davies. Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation. In W. Wang (Ed), Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Chapter 7, pp. 162-185. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61520-919-4. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-919-4.ch007file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04Most sound scenes result from the superposition of several sources, which can be separately perceived and analyzed by human listeners. Source separation aims to provide machine listeners with similar skills by extracting the sounds of individual sources from a given scene. Existing separation systems operate either by emulating the human auditory system or by inferring the parameters of probabilistic sound models. In this chapter, the authors focus on the latter approach and provide a joint overview of established and recent models, including independent component analysis, local time-frequency models and spectral template-based models. They show that most models are instances of one of the following two general paradigms: linear modeling or variance modeling. They compare the merits of either paradigm and report objective performance figures. They also,conclude by discussing promising combinations of probabilistic priors and inference algorithms that could form the basis of future state-of-the-art systems

    Sound Source Separation

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    This is the author's accepted pre-print of the article, first published as G. Evangelista, S. Marchand, M. D. Plumbley and E. Vincent. Sound source separation. In U. Zölzer (ed.), DAFX: Digital Audio Effects, 2nd edition, Chapter 14, pp. 551-588. John Wiley & Sons, March 2011. ISBN 9781119991298. DOI: 10.1002/9781119991298.ch14file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.26file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.2

    Compressive Sensing Based Estimation of Direction of Arrival in Antenna Arrays

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of new compressive sensing (CS) techniques both in element space and beamspace for estimating the direction of arrival of various types of sources, including moving sources as well as fluctuating sources, using one-dimensional antenna arrays. The problem of estimating the angle of arrival of a plane electromagnetic wave is referred to as the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation problem. Such algorithms for estimating DOA in antenna arrays are often used in wireless communication network to increase their capacity and throughput. DOA techniques can be used to design and adapt the directivity of the array antennas. For example, an antenna array can be designed to detect a number of incoming signals and accept signals from certain directions only, while rejecting signals that are declared as interference. This spatio-temporal estimation and filtering capability can be exploited for multiplexing co-channel users and rejecting harmful co-channel interference that may occur because of jamming or multipath effects. In this study, three CS-based DOA estimation methods are proposed, one in the element space (ES), and the other two in the beamspace (BS). The proposed techniques do not require a priori knowledge of the number of sources to be estimated. Further, all these techniques are capable of handling both non-fluctuating and fluctuating source signals as well as moving signals. The virtual array concept is utilized in order to be able to identify more number of sources than the number of the sensors used. In element space, an extended version of the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algorithm, the adaptable LASSO (A-LASSO), is presented. A-LASSO is utilized to solve the DOA problem in compressive sensing framework. It is shown through extensive simulations that the proposed algorithm outperforms the classical DOA estimation techniques as well as LASSO using a small number of snapshots. Furthermore, it is able to estimate coherent as well as spatially-close sources. This technique is then extended to the case of DOA estimation of the sources in unknown noise fields. In beamspace, two compressive sensing techniques are proposed for DOA estimation, one in full beamspace and the other in multiple beam beamspace. Both these techniques are able to estimate correlated source signals as well as spatially-close sources using a small number of snapshots. Furthermore, it is shown that the computational complexity of the two beamspace-based techniques is much less than that of the element-space based technique. It is shown through simulations that the performance of the DOA estimation techniques in multiple beam beamspace is superior to that of the other two techniques proposed in this thesis, in addition to having the lowest computational complexity. Finally, the feasibility for real-time implementation of the proposed CS-based DOA estimation techniques, both in the element-space and the beamspace, is examined. It is shown that the execution time of the proposed algorithms on Raspberry Pi board are compatible for real-time implementation

    Applications of compressive sensing to direction of arrival estimation

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    Die SchĂ€tzung der Einfallsrichtungen (Directions of Arrival/DOA) mehrerer ebener Wellenfronten mit Hilfe eines Antennen-Arrays ist eine der prominentesten Fragestellungen im Gebiet der Array-Signalverarbeitung. Das nach wie vor starke Forschungsinteresse in dieser Richtung konzentriert sich vor allem auf die Reduktion des Hardware-Aufwands, im Sinne der KomplexitĂ€t und des Energieverbrauchs der EmpfĂ€nger, bei einem vorgegebenen Grad an Genauigkeit und Robustheit gegen Mehrwegeausbreitung. Diese Dissertation beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Anwendung von Compressive Sensing (CS) auf das Gebiet der DOA-SchĂ€tzung mit dem Ziel, hiermit die KomplexitĂ€t der EmpfĂ€ngerhardware zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig eine hohe Richtungsauflösung und Robustheit zu erreichen. CS wurde bereits auf das DOA-Problem angewandt unter der Ausnutzung der Tatsache, dass eine Superposition ebener Wellenfronten mit einer winkelabhĂ€ngigen Leistungsdichte korrespondiert, die ĂŒber den Winkel betrachtet sparse ist. Basierend auf der Idee wurden CS-basierte Algorithmen zur DOA-SchĂ€tzung vorgeschlagen, die sich durch eine geringe RechenkomplexitĂ€t, Robustheit gegenĂŒber Quellenkorrelation und FlexibilitĂ€t bezĂŒglich der Wahl der Array-Geometrie auszeichnen. Die Anwendung von CS fĂŒhrt darĂŒber hinaus zu einer erheblichen Reduktion der Hardware-KomplexitĂ€t, da weniger EmpfangskanĂ€le benötigt werden und eine geringere Datenmenge zu verarbeiten und zu speichern ist, ohne dabei wesentliche Informationen zu verlieren. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird das Problem des Modellfehlers bei der CS-basierten DOA-SchĂ€tzung mit gitterbehafteten Verfahren untersucht. Ein hĂ€ufig verwendeter Ansatz um das CS-Framework auf das DOA-Problem anzuwenden ist es, den kontinuierlichen Winkel-Parameter zu diskreditieren und damit ein Dictionary endlicher GrĂ¶ĂŸe zu bilden. Da die tatsĂ€chlichen Winkel fast sicher nicht auf diesem Gitter liegen werden, entsteht dabei ein unvermeidlicher Modellfehler, der sich auf die SchĂ€tzalgorithmen auswirkt. In der Arbeit wird ein analytischer Ansatz gewĂ€hlt, um den Effekt der Gitterfehler auf die rekonstruierten Spektra zu untersuchen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die Messung einer Quelle aus beliebiger Richtung sehr gut durch die erwarteten Antworten ihrer beiden Nachbarn auf dem Gitter annĂ€hern lĂ€sst. Darauf basierend wird ein einfaches und effizientes Verfahren vorgeschlagen, den Gitterversatz zu schĂ€tzen. Dieser Ansatz ist anwendbar auf einzelne Quellen oder mehrere, rĂ€umlich gut separierte Quellen. FĂŒr den Fall mehrerer dicht benachbarter Quellen wird ein numerischer Ansatz zur gemeinsamen SchĂ€tzung des Gitterversatzes diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir das Design kompressiver Antennenarrays fĂŒr die DOA-SchĂ€tzung. Die Kompression im Sinne von Linearkombinationen der Antennensignale, erlaubt es, Arrays mit großer Apertur zu entwerfen, die nur wenige EmpfangskanĂ€le benötigen und sich konfigurieren lassen. In der Arbeit wird eine einfache Empfangsarchitektur vorgeschlagen und ein allgemeines Systemmodell diskutiert, welches verschiedene Optionen der tatsĂ€chlichen Hardware-Realisierung dieser Linearkombinationen zulĂ€sst. Im Anschluss wird das Design der Gewichte des analogen Kombinations-Netzwerks untersucht. Numerische Simulationen zeigen die Überlegenheit der vorgeschlagenen kompressiven Antennen-Arrays im Vergleich mit dĂŒnn besetzten Arrays der gleichen KomplexitĂ€t sowie kompressiver Arrays mit zufĂ€llig gewĂ€hlten Gewichten. Schließlich werden zwei weitere Anwendungen der vorgeschlagenen AnsĂ€tze diskutiert: CS-basierte VerzögerungsschĂ€tzung und kompressives Channel Sounding. Es wird demonstriert, dass die in beiden Gebieten durch die Anwendung der vorgeschlagenen AnsĂ€tze erhebliche Verbesserungen erzielt werden können.Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation of plane waves impinging on an array of sensors is one of the most important tasks in array signal processing, which have attracted tremendous research interest over the past several decades. The estimated DOAs are used in various applications like localization of transmitting sources, massive MIMO and 5G Networks, tracking and surveillance in radar, and many others. The major objective in DOA estimation is to develop approaches that allow to reduce the hardware complexity in terms of receiver costs and power consumption, while providing a desired level of estimation accuracy and robustness in the presence of multiple sources and/or multiple paths. Compressive sensing (CS) is a novel sampling methodology merging signal acquisition and compression. It allows for sampling a signal with a rate below the conventional Nyquist bound. In essence, it has been shown that signals can be acquired at sub-Nyquist sampling rates without loss of information provided they possess a sufficiently sparse representation in some domain and that the measurement strategy is suitably chosen. CS has been recently applied to DOA estimation, leveraging the fact that a superposition of planar wavefronts corresponds to a sparse angular power spectrum. This dissertation investigates the application of compressive sensing to the DOA estimation problem with the goal to reduce the hardware complexity and/or achieve a high resolution and a high level of robustness. Many CS-based DOA estimation algorithms have been proposed in recent years showing tremendous advantages with respect to the complexity of the numerical solution while being insensitive to source correlation and allowing arbitrary array geometries. Moreover, CS has also been suggested to be applied in the spatial domain with the main goal to reduce the complexity of the measurement process by using fewer RF chains and storing less measured data without the loss of any significant information. In the first part of the work we investigate the model mismatch problem for CS based DOA estimation algorithms off the grid. To apply the CS framework a very common approach is to construct a finite dictionary by sampling the angular domain with a predefined sampling grid. Therefore, the target locations are almost surely not located exactly on a subset of these grid points. This leads to a model mismatch which deteriorates the performance of the estimators. We take an analytical approach to investigate the effect of such grid offsets on the recovered spectra showing that each off-grid source can be well approximated by the two neighboring points on the grid. We propose a simple and efficient scheme to estimate the grid offset for a single source or multiple well-separated sources. We also discuss a numerical procedure for the joint estimation of the grid offsets of closer sources. In the second part of the thesis we study the design of compressive antenna arrays for DOA estimation that aim to provide a larger aperture with a reduced hardware complexity and allowing reconfigurability, by a linear combination of the antenna outputs to a lower number of receiver channels. We present a basic receiver architecture of such a compressive array and introduce a generic system model that includes different options for the hardware implementation. We then discuss the design of the analog combining network that performs the receiver channel reduction. Our numerical simulations demonstrate the superiority of the proposed optimized compressive arrays compared to the sparse arrays of the same complexity and to compressive arrays with randomly chosen combining kernels. Finally, we consider two other applications of the sparse recovery and compressive arrays. The first application is CS based time delay estimation and the other one is compressive channel sounding. We show that the proposed approaches for sparse recovery off the grid and compressive arrays show significant improvements in the considered applications compared to conventional methods

    Focusing Operators and Tracking Moving Wideband Sources , Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 4

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    In this paper, the localization of wideband source with an algorithm to track a moving source is investigated. To locate the wideband source, the estimation of two directions of arrival (DOA) of this source from two diïŹ€erent arrays of sensors is used, and then, a recursive algorithm is applied to predict the moving source’s position. The DOA is estimated by coherent subspace methods, which use the focusing operators. Practical methods of the estimation of the coherent signal subspace are given and compared. Once the initial position is estimated, an algorithm of tracking the moving source is presented to predict its trajectory

    Space-Time Parameter Estimation in Radar Array Processing

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    This thesis is about estimating parameters using an array of spatially distributed sensors. The material is presented in the context of radar array processing, but the analysis could be of interest in a wide range of applications such as communications, sonar, radio astronomy, seismology, and medical diagnosis. The main theme of the thesis is to analyze the fundamental limitations on estimation performance in sensor array signal processing. To this end, lower bounds on the estimation accuracy as well as the performance of the maximum likelihood (ML) and weighted least-squares (WLS) estimators are studied. The focus in the first part of the thesis is on asymptotic analyses. It deals with the problem of estimating the directions of arrival (DOAs) and Doppler frequencies with a sensor array. This problem can also be viewed as a two-dimensional (2-D) frequency estimation problem. The ML and WLS estimators for this problem amount to multidimensional, highly non-linear optimization problems which would be expensive to solve in real-time in a radar system. Therefore, simplifications of this problem are of great interest. It is shown in this thesis that, under some circumstances, the 2-D problem decouples into 1-D problems. This means a dramatic reduction in computational complexity with insignificant loss of accuracy. The second part contains a performance analysis of the ML DOA estimator under conditions of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a small number of data samples. It is well known that the ML estimator exhibits a threshold effect, i.e. a rapid deterioration of estimation accuracy below a certain SNR. This effect is caused by outliers and is not captured by standard analysis tools. In this thesis, approximations to the mean square estimation error and probability of outlier are derived that can be used to predict the threshold region performance of the ML estimator with high accuracy. Moreover, these approximations alleviate the need for time-consuming computer simulations when evaluating the ML performance
