1,469 research outputs found


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    Face recognition has attracted many researchers’ attention compared to other biometrics due to its non-intrusive and friendly nature. Although several methods for 2D face recognition have been proposed so far, there are still some challenges related to the 2D face including illumination, pose variation, and facial expression. In the last few decades, 3D face research area has become more interesting since shape and geometry information are used to handle challenges from 2D faces. Existing algorithms for face recognition are divided into three different categories: holistic feature-based, local feature-based, and hybrid methods. According to the literature, local features have shown better performance relative to holistic feature-based methods under expression and occlusion challenges. In this dissertation, local feature-based methods for 3D face recognition have been studied and surveyed. In the survey, local methods are classified into three broad categories which consist of keypoint-based, curve-based, and local surface-based methods. Inspired by keypoint-based methods which are effective to handle partial occlusion, structural context descriptor on pyramidal shape maps and texture image has been proposed in a multimodal scheme. Score-level fusion is used to combine keypoints’ matching score in both texture and shape modalities. The survey shows local surface-based methods are efficient to handle facial expression. Accordingly, a local derivative pattern is introduced to extract distinct features from depth map in this work. In addition, the local derivative pattern is applied on surface normals. Most 3D face recognition algorithms are focused to utilize the depth information to detect and extract features. Compared to depth maps, surface normals of each point can determine the facial surface orientation, which provides an efficient facial surface representation to extract distinct features for recognition task. An Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)-based auto-encoder is used to make the feature space more discriminative. Expression and occlusion robust analysis using the information from the normal maps are investigated by dividing the facial region into patches. A novel hybrid classifier is proposed to combine Sparse Representation Classifier (SRC) and ELM classifier in a weighted scheme. The proposed algorithms have been evaluated on four widely used 3D face databases; FRGC, Bosphorus, Bu-3DFE, and 3D-TEC. The experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The main contribution of this work lies in identification and analysis of effective local features and a classification method for improving 3D face recognition performance

    Automatic Landmarking for Non-cooperative 3D Face Recognition

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    This thesis describes a new framework for 3D surface landmarking and evaluates its performance for feature localisation on human faces. This framework has two main parts that can be designed and optimised independently. The first one is a keypoint detection system that returns positions of interest for a given mesh surface by using a learnt dictionary of local shapes. The second one is a labelling system, using model fitting approaches that establish a one-to-one correspondence between the set of unlabelled input points and a learnt representation of the class of object to detect. Our keypoint detection system returns local maxima over score maps that are generated from an arbitrarily large set of local shape descriptors. The distributions of these descriptors (scalars or histograms) are learnt for known landmark positions on a training dataset in order to generate a model. The similarity between the input descriptor value for a given vertex and a model shape is used as a descriptor-related score. Our labelling system can make use of both hypergraph matching techniques and rigid registration techniques to reduce the ambiguity attached to unlabelled input keypoints for which a list of model landmark candidates have been seeded. The soft matching techniques use multi-attributed hyperedges to reduce ambiguity, while the registration techniques use scale-adapted rigid transformation computed from 3 or more points in order to obtain one-to-one correspondences. Our final system achieves better or comparable (depending on the metric) results than the state-of-the-art while being more generic. It does not require pre-processing such as cropping, spike removal and hole filling and is more robust to occlusion of salient local regions, such as those near the nose tip and inner eye corners. It is also fully pose invariant and can be used with kinds of objects other than faces, provided that labelled training data is available

    3-D Face Recognition Using Geodesic-Map Representation and Statistical Shape Modelling

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    3-D face recognition research has received significant attention in the past two decades because of the rapid development in imaging technology and ever increasing security demand of modern society. One of its challenges is to cope with non-rigid deformation among faces, which is often caused by the changes of appearance and facial expression. Popular solutions to deal with this problem are to detect the deformable parts of the face and exclude them, or to represent a face in terms of sparse signature points, curves or patterns that are invariant to deformation. Such approaches, however, may lead to loss of information which is important for classification. In this paper, we propose a new geodesic-map representation with statistical shape modelling for handling the non-rigid deformation challenge in face recognition. The proposed representation captures all geometrical information from the entire 3-D face and provides a compact and expression-free map that preserves intrinsic geometrical information. As a result, the search for dense points correspondence in the face recognition task can be speeded up by using a simple image-based method instead of time-consuming, recursive closest distance search in 3-D space. An experimental investigation was conducted on 3-D face scans using publicly available databases and compared with the benchmark approaches. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme provides a highly competitive new solution for 3-D face recognition

    Expression Robust 3D Face Landmarking Using Thresholded Surface Normals

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    3D face recognition is an increasing popular modality for biometric authentication, for example in the iPhoneX. Landmarking plays a significant role in region based face recognition algorithms. The accuracy and consistency of the landmarking will directly determine the effectiveness of feature extraction and hence the overall recognition performance. While surface normals have been shown to provide high performing features for face recognition, their use in landmarking has not been widely explored. To this end, a new 3D facial landmarking algorithm based on thresholded surface normal maps is proposed, which is applicable to widely used 3D face databases. The benefits of employing surface normals are demonstrated for both facial roll and yaw rotation calibration and nasal landmarks localization. Results on the Bosphorus, FRGC and BU-3DFE databases show that the detected landmarks possess high within-class consistency and accuracy under different expressions. For several key landmarks the performance achieved surpasses that of state-of-the-art techniques and is also training free and computationally efficient. The use of surface normals therefore provides a useful representation of the 3D surface and the proposed landmarking algorithm provides an effective approach to localising the key nasal landmarks.</p


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    In recent years, the theory of sparse representation has emerged as a powerful tool for efficient processing of data in non-traditional ways. This is mainly due to the fact that most signals and images of interest tend to be sparse or compressible in some dictionary. In other words, they can be well approximated by a linear combination of a few elements (also known as atoms) of a dictionary. This dictionary can either be an analytic dictionary composed of wavelets or Fourier basis or it can be directly trained from data. It has been observed that dictionaries learned directly from data provide better representation and hence can improve the performance of many practical applications such as restoration and classification. In this dissertation, we study dictionary learning and recognition under supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised settings. In the supervised case, we propose an approach to recognize humans in unconstrained videos, where the main challenge is exploiting the identity information in multiple frames and the accompanying dynamic signature. These identity cues include face, body, and motion. Our approach is based on video-dictionaries for face and body. We design video-dictionaries to implicitly encode temporal, pose, and illumination information. Next, we propose a novel multivariate sparse representation method that jointly represents all the video data by a sparse linear combination of training data. To increase the ability of our algorithm to learn nonlinearities, we apply kernel methods to learn the dictionaries. Next, we address the problem of matching faces across changes in pose in unconstrained videos. Our approach consists of two methods based on 3D rotation and sparse representation that compensate for changes in pose. We demonstrate the superior performance of our approach over several state-of-the-art algorithms through extensive experiments on unconstrained video datasets. In the unsupervised case, we present an approach that simultaneously clusters images and learns dictionaries from the clusters. The method learns dictionaries in the Radon transform domain. The main feature of the proposed approach is that it provides in-plane rotation and scale invariant clustering, which is useful in many applications such as Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). We demonstrate through experiments that the proposed rotation and scale invariant clustering provides not only good retrieval performances but also substantial improvements and robustness compared to traditional Gabor-based and several state-of-the-art shape-based methods. We then extend the dictionary learning problem to a generalized semi-supervised formulation, where each training sample is provided with a set of possible labels and only one label among them is the true one. Such applications can be found in image and video collections where one often has only partially labeled data. For instance, given an image with multiple faces and a caption specifying the names, we can be sure that each of the faces belong to one of the names specified, while the exact identity of each face is not known. Labeling involves significant amount of human effort and is expensive. This has motivated researchers to develop learning algorithms from partially labeled training data. In this work, we develop dictionary learning algorithms that utilize such partially labeled data. The proposed method aims to solve the problem of ambiguously labeled multiclass-classification using an iterative algorithm. The dictionaries are updated using either soft (EM-based) or hard decision rules. Extensive evaluations on existing datasets demonstrate that the proposed method performs significantly better than state-of-the-art approaches for learning from ambiguously labeled data. As sparsity plays a major role in our research, we further present a sparse representation-based approach to find the salient views of 3D objects. The salient views are categorized into two groups. The first are boundary representative views that have several visible sides and object surfaces that may be attractive to humans. The second are side representative views that best represent side views of the approximating convex shape. The side representative views are class-specific views and possess the most representative power compared to other within-class views. Using the concept of characteristic view class, we first present a sparse representation-based approach for estimating the boundary representative views. With the estimated boundaries, we determine the side representative views based on a minimum reconstruction error criterion. Furthermore, to evaluate our method, we introduce the notion of geometric dictionaries built from salient views for applications in 3D object recognition, retrieval and sparse-to-full reconstruction. By a series of experiments on four publicly available 3D object datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over state-of-the-art algorithms and baseline methods

    Effective 3D Geometric Matching for Data Restoration and Its Forensic Application

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    3D geometric matching is the technique to detect the similar patterns among multiple objects. It is an important and fundamental problem and can facilitate many tasks in computer graphics and vision, including shape comparison and retrieval, data fusion, scene understanding and object recognition, and data restoration. For example, 3D scans of an object from different angles are matched and stitched together to form the complete geometry. In medical image analysis, the motion of deforming organs is modeled and predicted by matching a series of CT images. This problem is challenging and remains unsolved, especially when the similar patterns are 1) small and lack geometric saliency; 2) incomplete due to the occlusion of the scanning and damage of the data. We study the reliable matching algorithm that can tackle the above difficulties and its application in data restoration. Data restoration is the problem to restore the fragmented or damaged model to its original complete state. It is a new area and has direct applications in many scientific fields such as Forensics and Archeology. In this dissertation, we study novel effective geometric matching algorithms, including curve matching, surface matching, pairwise matching, multi-piece matching and template matching. We demonstrate its applications in an integrated digital pipeline of skull reassembly, skull completion, and facial reconstruction, which is developed to facilitate the state-of-the-art forensic skull/facial reconstruction processing pipeline in law enforcement

    Face Centered Image Analysis Using Saliency and Deep Learning Based Techniques

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    Image analysis starts with the purpose of configuring vision machines that can perceive like human to intelligently infer general principles and sense the surrounding situations from imagery. This dissertation studies the face centered image analysis as the core problem in high level computer vision research and addresses the problem by tackling three challenging subjects: Are there anything interesting in the image? If there is, what is/are that/they? If there is a person presenting, who is he/she? What kind of expression he/she is performing? Can we know his/her age? Answering these problems results in the saliency-based object detection, deep learning structured objects categorization and recognition, human facial landmark detection and multitask biometrics. To implement object detection, a three-level saliency detection based on the self-similarity technique (SMAP) is firstly proposed in the work. The first level of SMAP accommodates statistical methods to generate proto-background patches, followed by the second level that implements local contrast computation based on image self-similarity characteristics. At last, the spatial color distribution constraint is considered to realize the saliency detection. The outcome of the algorithm is a full resolution image with highlighted saliency objects and well-defined edges. In object recognition, the Adaptive Deconvolution Network (ADN) is implemented to categorize the objects extracted from saliency detection. To improve the system performance, L1/2 norm regularized ADN has been proposed and tested in different applications. The results demonstrate the efficiency and significance of the new structure. To fully understand the facial biometrics related activity contained in the image, the low rank matrix decomposition is introduced to help locate the landmark points on the face images. The natural extension of this work is beneficial in human facial expression recognition and facial feature parsing research. To facilitate the understanding of the detected facial image, the automatic facial image analysis becomes essential. We present a novel deeply learnt tree-structured face representation to uniformly model the human face with different semantic meanings. We show that the proposed feature yields unified representation in multi-task facial biometrics and the multi-task learning framework is applicable to many other computer vision tasks

    Geometric modeling of non-rigid 3D shapes : theory and application to object recognition.

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    One of the major goals of computer vision is the development of flexible and efficient methods for shape representation. This is true, especially for non-rigid 3D shapes where a great variety of shapes are produced as a result of deformations of a non-rigid object. Modeling these non-rigid shapes is a very challenging problem. Being able to analyze the properties of such shapes and describe their behavior is the key issue in research. Also, considering photometric features can play an important role in many shape analysis applications, such as shape matching and correspondence because it contains rich information about the visual appearance of real objects. This new information (contained in photometric features) and its important applications add another, new dimension to the problem\u27s difficulty. Two main approaches have been adopted in the literature for shape modeling for the matching and retrieval problem, local and global approaches. Local matching is performed between sparse points or regions of the shape, while the global shape approaches similarity is measured among entire models. These methods have an underlying assumption that shapes are rigidly transformed. And Most descriptors proposed so far are confined to shape, that is, they analyze only geometric and/or topological properties of 3D models. A shape descriptor or model should be isometry invariant, scale invariant, be able to capture the fine details of the shape, computationally efficient, and have many other good properties. A shape descriptor or model is needed. This shape descriptor should be: able to deal with the non-rigid shape deformation, able to handle the scale variation problem with less sensitivity to noise, able to match shapes related to the same class even if these shapes have missing parts, and able to encode both the photometric, and geometric information in one descriptor. This dissertation will address the problem of 3D non-rigid shape representation and textured 3D non-rigid shapes based on local features. Two approaches will be proposed for non-rigid shape matching and retrieval based on Heat Kernel (HK), and Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel (SI-HK) and one approach for modeling textured 3D non-rigid shapes based on scale-invariant Weighted Heat Kernel Signature (WHKS). For the first approach, the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions is used to detect a small number of critical points on the shape surface. Then a shape descriptor is formed based on the heat kernels at the detected critical points for different scales. Sparse representation is used to reduce the dimensionality of the calculated descriptor. The proposed descriptor is used for classification via the Collaborative Representation-based Classification with a Regularized Least Square (CRC-RLS) algorithm. The experimental results have shown that the proposed descriptor can achieve state-of-the-art results on two benchmark data sets. For the second approach, an improved method to introduce scale-invariance has been also proposed to avoid noise-sensitive operations in the original transformation method. Then a new 3D shape descriptor is formed based on the histograms of the scale-invariant HK for a number of critical points on the shape at different time scales. A Collaborative Classification (CC) scheme is then employed for object classification. The experimental results have shown that the proposed descriptor can achieve high performance on the two benchmark data sets. An important observation from the experiments is that the proposed approach is more able to handle data under several distortion scenarios (noise, shot-noise, scale, and under missing parts) than the well-known approaches. For modeling textured 3D non-rigid shapes, this dissertation introduces, for the first time, a mathematical framework for the diffusion geometry on textured shapes. This dissertation presents an approach for shape matching and retrieval based on a weighted heat kernel signature. It shows how to include photometric information as a weight over the shape manifold, and it also propose a novel formulation for heat diffusion over weighted manifolds. Then this dissertation presents a new discretization method for the weighted heat kernel induced by the linear FEM weights. Finally, the weighted heat kernel signature is used as a shape descriptor. The proposed descriptor encodes both the photometric, and geometric information based on the solution of one equation. Finally, this dissertation proposes an approach for 3D face recognition based on the front contours of heat propagation over the face surface. The front contours are extracted automatically as heat is propagating starting from a detected set of landmarks. The propagation contours are used to successfully discriminate the various faces. The proposed approach is evaluated on the largest publicly available database of 3D facial images and successfully compared to the state-of-the-art approaches in the literature. This work can be extended to the problem of dense correspondence between non-rigid shapes. The proposed approaches with the properties of the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunction can be utilized for 3D mesh segmentation. Another possible application of the proposed approach is the view point selection for 3D objects by selecting the most informative views that collectively provide the most descriptive presentation of the surface
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