8 research outputs found

    High-Rate Space Coding for Reconfigurable 2x2 Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems

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    Millimeter-wave links are of a line-of-sight nature. Hence, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems operating in the millimeter-wave band may not achieve full spatial diversity or multiplexing. In this paper, we utilize reconfigurable antennas and the high antenna directivity in the millimeter-wave band to propose a rate-two space coding design for 2x2 MIMO systems. The proposed scheme can be decoded with a low complexity maximum-likelihood detector at the receiver and yet it can enhance the bit-error-rate performance of millimeter-wave systems compared to traditional spatial multiplexing schemes, such as the Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time Architecture (VBLAST). Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed code and show its superiority compared to existing rate-two space-time block codes

    High Rate/Low Complexity Space-Time Block Codes for 2x2 Reconfigurable MIMO Systems

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    In this paper, we propose a full-rate full-diversity space-time block code (STBC) for 2x2 reconfigurable multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems that require a low complexity maximum likelihood (ML) detector. We consider a transmitter equipped with a linear antenna array where each antenna element can be independently configured to create a directive radiation pattern toward a selected direction. This property of transmit antennas allow us to increase the data rate of the system, while reducing the computational complexity of the receiver. The proposed STBC achieves a coding rate of two in a 2x2 MIMO system and can be decoded via an ML detector with a complexity of order M, where M is the cardinality of the transmitted symbol constellation. Our simulations demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed code compared to existing STBCs in the literature.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1505.0646

    Millimeter Wave Communications with Reconfigurable Antennas

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    The highly sparse nature of propagation channels and the restricted use of radio frequency (RF) chains at transceivers limit the performance of millimeter wave (mmWave) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Introducing reconfigurable antennas to mmWave can offer an additional degree of freedom on designing mmWave MIMO systems. This paper provides a theoretical framework for studying the mmWave MIMO with reconfigurable antennas. We present an architecture of reconfigurable mmWave MIMO with beamspace hybrid analog-digital beamformers and reconfigurable antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver. We show that employing reconfigurable antennas can provide throughput gain for the mmWave MIMO. We derive the expression for the average throughput gain of using reconfigurable antennas, and further simplify the expression by considering the case of large number of reconfiguration states. In addition, we propose a low-complexity algorithm for the reconfiguration state and beam selection, which achieves nearly the same throughput performance as the optimal selection of reconfiguration state and beams by exhaustive search.Comment: presented at IEEE ICC 201

    Overview on Multipattern and Multipolarization Antennas for Aerospace and Terrestrial Applications

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    In recent years, reconfigurable antennas, with the ability to radiate wave in more than one pattern and polarization, play a great role in modern telecommunication systems. Compared with conventional antennas, multipattern and multipolarization antennas have more advantages and better prospects. They can be used to improve system gain and security, satisfy system requirements, avoid noisy environment, and adapt to the environment flexibly. This paper discusses different patterns and polarizations of reconfigurable antennas according to current research work in this area. In the opinion of this paper, the radiation pattern states of antennas include beam direction, shape, and gain. The polarization states of antennas include horizontal/vertical linear, ±slant 45° linear, left-hand or right-hand circular polarized. Different multipattern and multipolarization antennas with various structures and working mechanisms are compared and discussed. Multipattern and multipolarization antennas have been well applied for aerospace and terrestrial applications, such as dynamic scenarios, adaptive beam scanning, and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems

    Reconfigurable pixel antennas for communications

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    The explosive growth of wireless communications has brought new requirements in terms of compactness, mobility and multi-functionality that pushes antenna research. In this context, recon gurable antennas have gained a lot of attention due to their ability to adjust dynamically their frequency and radiation properties, providing multiple functionalities and being able to adapt themselves to a changing environment. A pixel antenna is a particular type of recon gurable antenna composed of a grid of metallic patches interconnected by RF-switches which can dynamically reshape its active surface. This capability provides pixel antennas with a recon guration level much higher than in other recon gurable architectures. Despite the outstanding recon guration capabilities of pixel antennas, there are important practical issues related to the performance-complexity balance that must be addressed before they can be implemented in commercial systems. This doctoral work focuses on the minimization of the pixel antenna complexity while maximizing its recon guration capabilities, contributing to the development of pixel antennas from a conceptual structure towards a practical recon gurable antenna architecture. First, the conceptualization of novel pixel geometries is addressed. It is shown that antenna complexity can be signi cantly reduced by using multiple-sized pixels. This multi-size technique allows to design pixel antennas with a number of switches one order of magnitude lower than in common pixel structures, while preserving high multiparameter recon gurability. A new conceptual architecture where the pixel surface acts as a parasitic layer is also proposed. The parasitic nature of the pixel layer leads to important advantages regarding the switch biasing and integration possibilities. Secondly, new pixel recon guration technologies are explored. After investigating the capabilities of semiconductors and RF-MEMS switches, micro uidic technology is proposed as a new technology to create and remove liquid metal pixels rather than interconnecting them. Thirdly, the full multi-parameter recon guration capabilities of pixel antennas is explored, which contrasts with the partial explorations available in the literature. The maximum achievable recon guration ranges (frequency range, beam-steering angular range and polarization modes) as well as the linkage between the di erent parameter under recon guration are studied. Finally, the performance of recon gurable antennas in beam-steering applications is analyzed. Figures-of-merit are derived to quantify radiation pattern recon gurability, enabling the evaluation of the performance of recon gurable antennas, pixel antennas and recon guration algorithms

    Mimo Communication Systems with Reconfigurable Antennas

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    RÉSUMÉ Les antennes reconfigurables sont capables d'ajuster dynamiquement les caractéristiques de leur diagramme de rayonnement, par exemple, la forme, la direction et la polarisation, en réponse aux conditions environnementales et exigences du système. Ces antennes peuvent aussi être utilisées en conjonction avec des systèmes à entrées multiples sorties multiples (MIMO) pour améliorer davantage la capacité et la fiabilité des systèmes sans fil. Cette thèse étudie certains des problèmes dans les systèmes sans fil équipés d'antennes reconfigurables et propose des solutions pour améliorer la performance du système. Dans les systèmes sans fil utilisant des antennes reconfigurables, la performance atteignable par le système dépend fortement de la connaissance de la direction d'arrivée (DoA) des signaux souhaités et des interférences. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme d'estimation de la DoA pour les systèmes à entrer simple et sortie simple (SISO) qui possèdent un élément d'antenne reconfigurable au niveau du récepteur. Contrairement à un système utilisant un réseau d'antennes conventionnelles à diagramme de rayonnement fixe, où la DoA est estimée en utilisant les signaux reçus par plusieurs éléments, dans le réseau d'antennes avec l'algorithme proposé, la DoA est estimée en utilisant des signaux reçus d'un élément d'antenne unique pendant qu'il balai un ensemble de configurations de diagramme de rayonnement. Nous étudions aussi l'impact des différentes caractéristiques des diagrammes de rayonnement utilisés, tels que la largeur du faisceau de l'antenne et le nombre d'étapes de numérisation, sur l'exactitude de la DoA estimée. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons un système de MIMO faible complexité employant des antennes reconfigurables sur les canaux sélectifs en fréquence pour atténuer les êtes de trajets multiples et donc éliminer l'interférence entre symboles sans utiliser la technique de modulation multiplexage orthogonale fréquentiel (OFDM). Nous étudions aussi l'impact de la propagation et de l'antenne angulaire largeur de faisceau sur la performance du système proposé et faire la comparaison avec la performance du système MIMO-OFDM. Dans la troisième partie de cette thèse, nous fournissons des outils analytiques pour analyser la performance des systèmes sans _l MIMO équipés d'antennes reconfigurables au niveau du récepteur. Nous dérivons d'abord des expressions analytiques pour le calcul de la matrice de covariance des coefficients des signaux reçus empiétant sur un réseau d'antennes reconfigurables en tenant compte de plusieurs caractéristiques de l'antenne tels que la largeur du faisceau, l'espacement d'antenne, l'angle de pointage ainsi que le gain de l'antenne. Dans cette partie, nous considérons un récepteur MIMO reconfigurable où le diagramme de rayonnement de chaque élément d'antenne dans le réseau peut avoir des caractéristiques différentes. Nous étudions également la capacité d'un système MIMO reconfigurable en utilisant les expressions analytiques dérivées.----------ABSTRACT Reconfigurable antennas are able to dynamically adjust their radiation pattern characteristics, e.g., shape, direction and polarization, in response to environmental conditions and system requirements. These antennas can be used in conjunction with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to further enhance the capacity and reliability of wireless networks. This dissertation studies some of the issues in wireless cellular systems equipped with reconfigurable antennas and offer solutions to enhance their performance. In wireless systems employing reconfigurable antennas, the attainable performance improvement highly depends on the knowledge of direction-of-arrival (DoA) of the desired source signals and that of the interferences. In the first part of this dissertation, we propose a novel DoA estimation algorithm for single-input single-output (SISO) system with a reconfigurable antenna element at the receiver. Unlike a conventional antenna array system with fixed radiation pattern where the DoA is estimated using the signals received by multiple elements, in the proposed algorithm, we estimate the DoA using signals collected from a set of radiation pattern states also called scanning steps. We, in addition, investigate the impact of different radiation pattern characteristics such as antenna beamwidth and number of scanning steps on the accuracy of the estimated DoA. In the second part of this dissertation, we propose a low-complexity MIMO system employing reconfigurable antennas over the frequency-selective channels to mitigate multipath effects and therefore remove inter symbol interference without using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. We study the impact of angular spread and antenna beamwidth on the performance of the proposed system and make comparisons with that of MIMO-OFDM system equipped with omnidirectional antennas. In the third part of this dissertation, we provide an analytical tool to analyze the performance of MIMO wireless systems equipped with reconfigurable antennas at the receiver. We first derive analytical expressions for computing the covariance matrix coefficients of the received signals impinging on a reconfigurable antenna array by taking into account several antenna characteristics such as beamwidth, antenna spacing, antenna pointing angle, and antenna gain. In this part, we consider a reconfigurable MIMO receiver where the radiation pattern of each antenna element in the array can have different characteristics. We, additionally, study the capacity of a reconfigurable MIMO system using the derived analytical expressions

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communications Systems Using Reconfigurable Antennas

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    RÉSUMÉ Depuis les années 1990, l'utilisation des systèmes de communications sans-fil à entrées multiples-sorties multiples (MIMO) a été introduit pour fournir des transmissions fiables à grande vitesse. Cette thèse porte sur l'application et l’étude des systèmes MIMO avec des antennes reconfigurables, qui sont ajustable électroniquement pour produire différents diagrammes de rayonnement d'un seul élément d'antenne et ainsi offrir une diversité de diagrammes de rayonnement. En particulier, nous étudions le comportement de la capacité de canal des systèmes MIMO à sélection de diagrammes de rayonnement (PS-MIMO), et nous proposons aussi des algorithmes de sélection du diagramme de rayonnement atteignant la capacité maximale. Tout d'abord, nous étudions l'application des antennes reconfigurables dans l'estimation des statistiques spatiales à long terme de canaux spatiaux avec grappes de multi-trajets (cluster). Nous proposons un estimateur de spectre de type Capon et une technique d'adaptation de la covariance (COMET) pour estimer conjointement l'angle moyen et l’étalement angulaire de la grappe spatiale avec des antennes reconfigurables. En second lieu, sur la base des statistiques à long terme du canal MIMO, nous proposons des algorithmes de sélection de diagramme de rayonnement MIMO (SPS-MIMO) pour atteindre la capacité maximale de canal ergodique. L'analyse de la maximisation de la capacité ergodique du système SPS-MIMO indique que le modèle statistique de sélection fournit des gains supplémentaires en améliorant la puissance du signal reçu et en décorrélant les signaux reçus avec différents diagrammes de rayonnement directionnels. Troisièmement, nous nous concentrons sur le modèle de sélection instantanée des diagrammes de rayonnement MIMO (IPS-MIMO) basé sur des informations instantanées d'état de canal (CSI) afin de maximiser la capacité instantanée pour chaque réalisation de canal. Nous démontrons que l’ordre de diversité des systèmes MIMO peut être multipliée par le nombre de diagrammes de rayonnement avec sélection de diagramme instantanée. Afin d'évaluer la capacité moyenne de l'IPS-MIMO, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme qui permet d’approximer étroitement la moyenne de la valeur maximale de la capacité du canal MIMO avec des trajets arbitrairement corrélés. Nous proposons également un algorithme pour sélectionner instantanément les diagrammes de rayonnement pour atteindre la capacité moyenne. En outre, sur la base d'une simple expression en forme fermée de la capacité coefficient de corrélation, nous sommes en mesure de proposer un algorithme de sélection de sous-ensemble de diagrammes qui offre un compromis entre performances et la complexité de l’algorithme de sélection. En conclusion, des gains de performance importants peuvent être obtenus grâce à la combinaison de l'utilisation d’antennes reconfigurables et de systèmes MIMO avec soit des algorithmes de sélection de diagramme de rayonnement statistique ou instantanée. La capacité des systèmes PS-MIMO à améliorer les performances du système, y compris la capacité et de l'ordre de la diversité, est démontrée par l'analyse théorique et des simulations numériques.----------ABSTRACT Since the 1990s, the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has been introduced to modern wireless communications to provide reliable transmission at high data rates. This thesis focuses on the application of MIMO systems with reconfigurable antennas, which are electronically tunable to produce a number of radiation patterns at a single antenna element and provide pattern diversity. In particular, we investigate the capacity performance of the pattern selection MIMO (PS-MIMO) systems, and we also present maximum capacity achieving algorithms for radiation pattern selection. First, we investigate the application of reconfigurable antennas in estimating long term spatial statistics of spatial clustered channels. We propose a Capon-like spectrum estimator and a covariance matching technique (COMET) to jointly estimate the mean angle and the angular spread of the spatial cluster with reconfigurable antennas. Second, based on the long term statistics of the MIMO channel, we propose statistical pattern selection MIMO (SPS-MIMO) algorithms to achieve maximum ergodic channel capacity. Analysis of the ergodic capacity maximization of the SPS-MIMO indicates that the statistical pattern selection provides additional gains by enhancing received signal power and decorrelating received signals with different directional radiation patterns. Third, we focus on the instantaneous pattern selection MIMO (IPS-MIMO) based on instantaneous channel state information (CSI) in order to maximize the instantaneous capacity for every channel realization. We prove that the diversity order of MIMO systems can be multiplied by the number of radiation patterns with instantaneous pattern selection. In order to evaluate the mean capacity of the IPS-MIMO, we propose a novel algorithm which closely approximates the mean of the maximum of the channel capacity of arbitrarily correlated MIMO channels. We also propose an algorithm for instantaneously selecting radiation patterns to achieve the mean capacity. In addition, based on a simple closed-form approximation to the capacity correlation coefficient, we are able to propose a subset pattern selection algorithm which enables the trade-off between performances and complexity. In conclusion, important extra gains can be obtained as a result of combining the use of reconfigurable antennas and MIMO systems with either statistical or instantaneous radiation pattern selection. The capability of the PS-MIMO to improve system performances, including capacity and diversity order, is demonstrated through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations