22 research outputs found

    Different homogeneity detectors for improving space-time adaptive radar performance in heterogeneous clutter

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    © Copyright 2006 IEEESecondary data selection for estimation of the clutter covariance matrix in space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is normally obtained from cells (range rings) in close proximity of the cell under test. The aim of this paper is the analysis of performance improvement of Space-Time Adaptive radars when secondary data selection is obtained by discriminating between quasi-homogeneous areas on the ground which generate clutter with different statistics (i.e. clutter edges including littoral, farmland-wooded hills or rural-urban interfaces). The algorithm presented in this paper, referred to as the Different Homogeneity Detector (DHD), has been tested with simulated data obtained by using a general clutter model and a uniform linear array.Massimo Bertacca, Douglas A. Gray, Luke Rosenber

    On the Maximal Invariant Statistic for Adaptive Radar Detection in Partially-Homogeneous Disturbance with Persymmetric Covariance

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    This letter deals with the problem of adaptive signal detection in partially-homogeneous and persymmetric Gaussian disturbance within the framework of invariance theory. First, a suitable group of transformations leaving the problem invariant is introduced and the Maximal Invariant Statistic (MIS) is derived. Then, it is shown that the (Two-step) Generalized-Likelihood Ratio test, Rao and Wald tests can be all expressed in terms of the MIS, thus proving that they all ensure a Constant False-Alarm Rate (CFAR).Comment: submitted for journal publicatio

    Knowledge-aided STAP in heterogeneous clutter using a hierarchical bayesian algorithm

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    This paper addresses the problem of estimating the covariance matrix of a primary vector from heterogeneous samples and some prior knowledge, under the framework of knowledge-aided space-time adaptive processing (KA-STAP). More precisely, a Gaussian scenario is considered where the covariance matrix of the secondary data may differ from the one of interest. Additionally, some knowledge on the primary data is supposed to be available and summarized into a prior matrix. Two KA-estimation schemes are presented in a Bayesian framework whereby the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimates are derived. The first scheme is an extension of a previous work and takes into account the non-homogeneity via an original relation. {In search of simplicity and to reduce the computational load, a second estimation scheme, less complex, is proposed and omits the fact that the environment may be heterogeneous.} Along the estimation process, not only the covariance matrix is estimated but also some parameters representing the degree of \emph{a priori} and/or the degree of heterogeneity. Performance of the two approaches are then compared using STAP synthetic data. STAP filter shapes are analyzed and also compared with a colored loading technique

    Time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) models for multiple radar observations

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.We consider the adaptive radar problem where the properties of the (nonstationary) clutter signals can be estimated using multiple observations of radar returns from a number of sufficiently homogeneous range/azimuth resolution cells. We derive a method for approximating an arbitrary Hermitian covariance matrix by a time-varying autoregressive model of order m, TVAR(m), that is based on the Dym-Gohberg band-matrix extension technique which gives the unique TVAR(m) model for any nondegenerate covariance matrix. We demonstrate that the Dym-Gohberg transformation of the sample covariance matrix gives the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of the TVAR(m) covariance matrix. We introduce an example of TVAR(m) clutter modeling for high-frequency over-the-horizon radar that demonstrates its practical importanceYuri I. Abramovich, Nicholas K. Spencer, and Michael D. E. Turle

    Knowledge-Aided Non-Homogeneity Detector for Airborne MIMO Radar STAP

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    The target detection performance decreases in airborne multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar space-time adaptive processing (STAP) when the training samples contaminated by interference-targets (outliers) signals are used to estimate the covariance matrix. To address this problem, a knowledge-aided (KA) generalized inner product non-homogeneity detector (GIP NHD) is proposed for MIMO-STAP. Firstly, the clutter subspace knowledge is constructed by the system parameters of MIMO radar STAP. Secondly, the clutter basis vectors are utilized to compose the clutter covariance matrix offline. Then, the GIP NHD is integrated to realize the effective training samples selection, which eliminates the effect of the outliers in training samples on target detection. Simulation results demonstrate that in non-homogeneous clutter environment, the proposed KA-GIP NHD can eliminate the outliers more effectively and improve the target detection performance of MIMO radar STAP compared with the conventional GIP NHD, which is more valuable for practical engineering application

    Two-dimensional multivariate parametric models for radar applications-Part I: Maximum-entropy extensions for Toeplitz-block matrices

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    Copyright © 2008 IEEEIn a series of two papers, a new class of parametric models for two-dimensional multivariate (matrix-valued, space-time) adaptive processing is introduced. This class is based on the maximum-entropy extension and/or completion of partially specified matrix-valued Hermitian covariance matrices in both the space and time dimensions. This first paper considers the more restricted class of Toeplitz Hermitian covariance matrices that model stationary clutter. If the clutter is stationary only in time then we deal with a Toeplitz-block matrix, whereas clutter that is stationary in time and space is described by a Toeplitz-block-Toeplitz matrix. We first derive exact expressions for this new class of 2-D models that act as approximations for the unknown true covariance matrix. Second, we propose suboptimal (but computationally simpler) relaxed 2-D time-varying autoregressive models (ldquorelaxationsrdquo) that directly use the non-Toeplitz Hermitian sample covariance matrix. The high efficiency of these parametric models is illustrated by simulation results using true ground-clutter covariance matrices provided by the DARPA KASSPER Dataset 1, which is a trusted phenomenological airborne radar model, and a complementary AFRL dataset.Yuri I. Abramovich, Ben A. Johnson, and Nicholas K. Spence

    SynthÚse des traitements STAP pour la détection en environnement hétérogÚne

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    Cet article synthétise les différents algorithmes spatio-temporels adaptatifs (STAP) développés et/ou utilisés pour la détection en environnement non-homogÚne. Nous rappelons en premier lieu les causes principales qui peuvent conduire à un environnement hétérogÚne. Puis nous présentons les stratégies STAP les plus communément utilisées dans de tels environnements

    Space time adaptive processing for airborne radar

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    Radar Signal Processing for Interference Mitigation

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    It is necessary for radars to suppress interferences to near the noise level to achieve the best performance in target detection and measurements. In this dissertation work, innovative signal processing approaches are proposed to effectively mitigate two of the most common types of interferences: jammers and clutter. Two types of radar systems are considered for developing new signal processing algorithms: phased-array radar and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. For phased-array radar, an innovative target-clutter feature-based recognition approach termed as Beam-Doppler Image Feature Recognition (BDIFR) is proposed to detect moving targets in inhomogeneous clutter. Moreover, a new ground moving target detection algorithm is proposed for airborne radar. The essence of this algorithm is to compensate for the ground clutter Doppler shift caused by the moving platform and then to cancel the Doppler-compensated clutter using MTI filters that are commonly used in ground-based radar systems. Without the need of clutter estimation, the new algorithms outperform the conventional Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) algorithm in ground moving target detection in inhomogeneous clutter. For MIMO radar, a time-efficient reduced-dimensional clutter suppression algorithm termed as Reduced-dimension Space-time Adaptive Processing (RSTAP) is proposed to minimize the number of the training samples required for clutter estimation. To deal with highly heterogeneous clutter more effectively, we also proposed a robust deterministic STAP algorithm operating on snapshot-to-snapshot basis. For cancelling jammers in the radar mainlobe direction, an innovative jamming elimination approach is proposed based on coherent MIMO radar adaptive beamforming. When combined with mutual information (MI) based cognitive radar transmit waveform design, this new approach can be used to enable spectrum sharing effectively between radar and wireless communication systems. The proposed interference mitigation approaches are validated by carrying out simulations for typical radar operation scenarios. The advantages of the proposed interference mitigation methods over the existing signal processing techniques are demonstrated both analytically and empirically