43,609 research outputs found

    Low Complexity Noncoherent Iterative Detector for Continuous Phase Modulation Systems

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    This paper focuses on the noncoherent iterative detection of continuous phase modulation. A class of simplified receivers based on Principal-Component-Analysis (PCA) and Exponential-Window (EW) is developed. The proposed receiver is evaluated in terms of minimum achievable Euclidean distance, simulated bit error rate and achievable capacity. The performance of the proposed receiver is discussed in the context of mismatched receiver and the equivalent Euclidean distance is derived. Analysis and numerical results reveal that the proposed algorithm can approach the coherent performance and outperforms existing algorithm in terms of complexity and performance. It is shown that the proposed receiver can significantly reduce the detection complexity while the performance is comparable with existing algorithms

    L2 Orthogonal Space Time Code for Continuous Phase Modulation

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    To combine the high power efficiency of Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) with either high spectral efficiency or enhanced performance in low Signal to Noise conditions, some authors have proposed to introduce CPM in a MIMO frame, by using Space Time Codes (STC). In this paper, we address the code design problem of Space Time Block Codes combined with CPM and introduce a new design criterion based on L2 orthogonality. This L2 orthogonality condition, with the help of simplifying assumption, leads, in the 2x2 case, to a new family of codes. These codes generalize the Wang and Xia code, which was based on pointwise orthogonality. Simulations indicate that the new codes achieve full diversity and a slightly better coding gain. Moreover, one of the codes can be interpreted as two antennas fed by two conventional CPMs using the same data but with different alphabet sets. Inspection of these alphabet sets lead also to a simple explanation of the (small) spectrum broadening of Space Time Coded CPM

    Full Rate L2-Orthogonal Space-Time CPM for Three Antennas

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    To combine the power efficiency of Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) with enhanced performance in fading environments, some authors have suggested to use CPM in combination with Space-Time Codes (STC). Recently, we have proposed a CPM ST-coding scheme based on L2-orthogonality for two transmitting antennas. In this paper we extend this approach to the three antennas case. We analytically derive a family of coding schemes which we call Parallel Code (PC). This code family has full rate and we prove that the proposed coding scheme achieves full diversity as confirmed by accompanying simulations. We detail an example of the proposed ST codes that can be interpreted as a conventional CPM scheme with different alphabet sets for the different transmit antennas which results in a simplified implementation. Thanks to L2-orthogonality, the decoding complexity, usually exponentially proportional to the number of transmitting antennas, is reduced to linear complexity

    Quantum Modelling of Electro-Optic Modulators

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    Many components that are employed in quantum information and communication systems are well known photonic devices encountered in standard optical fiber communication systems, such as optical beamsplitters, waveguide couplers and junctions, electro-optic modulators and optical fiber links. The use of these photonic devices is becoming increasingly important especially in the context of their possible integration either in a specifically designed system or in an already deployed end-to-end fiber link. Whereas the behavior of these devices is well known under the classical regime, in some cases their operation under quantum conditions is less well understood. This paper reviews the salient features of the quantum scattering theory describing both the operation of the electro-optic phase and amplitude modulators in discrete and continuous-mode formalisms. This subject is timely and of importance in light of the increasing utilization of these devices in a variety of systems, including quantum key distribution and single-photon wavepacket measurement and conformation. In addition, the paper includes a tutorial development of the use of these models in selected but yet important applications, such as single and multi-tone modulation of photons, two-photon interference with phase-modulated light or the description of amplitude modulation as a quantum operation.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Laser and Photonics Reviews (in press

    Depth Fields: Extending Light Field Techniques to Time-of-Flight Imaging

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    A variety of techniques such as light field, structured illumination, and time-of-flight (TOF) are commonly used for depth acquisition in consumer imaging, robotics and many other applications. Unfortunately, each technique suffers from its individual limitations preventing robust depth sensing. In this paper, we explore the strengths and weaknesses of combining light field and time-of-flight imaging, particularly the feasibility of an on-chip implementation as a single hybrid depth sensor. We refer to this combination as depth field imaging. Depth fields combine light field advantages such as synthetic aperture refocusing with TOF imaging advantages such as high depth resolution and coded signal processing to resolve multipath interference. We show applications including synthesizing virtual apertures for TOF imaging, improved depth mapping through partial and scattering occluders, and single frequency TOF phase unwrapping. Utilizing space, angle, and temporal coding, depth fields can improve depth sensing in the wild and generate new insights into the dimensions of light's plenoptic function.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Accepted to 3DV 201

    Shuttle S-band communications technical concepts

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    Using the S-band communications system, shuttle orbiter can communicate directly with the Earth via the Ground Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (GSTDN) or via the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). The S-band frequencies provide the primary links for direct Earth and TDRSS communications during all launch and entry/landing phases of shuttle missions. On orbit, S-band links are used when TDRSS Ku-band is not available, when conditions require orbiter attitudes unfavorable to Ku-band communications, or when the payload bay doors are closed. the S-band communications functional requirements, the orbiter hardware configuration, and the NASA S-band communications network are described. The requirements and implementation concepts which resulted in techniques for shuttle S-band hardware development discussed include: (1) digital voice delta modulation; (2) convolutional coding/Viterbi decoding; (3) critical modulation index for phase modulation using a Costas loop (phase-shift keying) receiver; (4) optimum digital data modulation parameters for continuous-wave frequency modulation; (5) intermodulation effects of subcarrier ranging and time-division multiplexing data channels; (6) radiofrequency coverage; and (7) despreading techniques under poor signal-to-noise conditions. Channel performance is reviewed

    OFDMA/SC-FDMA aided space-time shift keying for dispersive multi-user scenarios

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    Motivated by the recent concept of Space-Time Shift Keying (STSK) developed for achieving a flexible diversity versus multiplexing gain trade-off, we propose a novel Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)/Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) aided multi-user STSK scheme for frequency-selective channels. The proposed OFDMA/SC-FDMA STSK scheme is capable of providing an improved performance in dispersive channels, while supporting multiple users in a multiple antenna aided wireless system. Furthermore, the scheme has the inherent potential of benefitting from the low-complexity single-stream Maximum-likelihood (ML) detector. Both an uncoded and a sophisticated near-capacity coded OFDMA/SC-FDMA STSK scheme were studied and their performances were compared in multiuser wideband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) scenarios. Explicitly, OFDMA/SC-FDMA aided STSK exhibits an excellent performance even in the presence of channel impairments due to the frequency-selectivity of wideband channels and proves to be a beneficial choice for high capacity multi-user MIMO systems

    Design guidelines for spatial modulation

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    A new class of low-complexity, yet energyefficient Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission techniques, namely the family of Spatial Modulation (SM) aided MIMOs (SM-MIMO) has emerged. These systems are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions (i.e. the antenna indices) as an additional dimension invoked for transmitting information, apart from the traditional Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APM). SM is capable of efficiently operating in diverse MIMO configurations in the context of future communication systems. It constitutes a promising transmission candidate for large-scale MIMO design and for the indoor optical wireless communication whilst relying on a single-Radio Frequency (RF) chain. Moreover, SM may also be viewed as an entirely new hybrid modulation scheme, which is still in its infancy. This paper aims for providing a general survey of the SM design framework as well as of its intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus our attention on the associated transceiver design, on spatial constellation optimization, on link adaptation techniques, on distributed/ cooperative protocol design issues, and on their meritorious variants
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