232 research outputs found

    Low-cost and efficient fault detection and diagnosis schemes for modern cores

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    Continuous improvements in transistor scaling together with microarchitectural advances have made possible the widespread adoption of high-performance processors across all market segments. However, the growing reliability threats induced by technology scaling and by the complexity of designs are challenging the production of cheap yet robust systems. Soft error trends are haunting, especially for combinational logic, and parity and ECC codes are therefore becoming insufficient as combinational logic turns into the dominant source of soft errors. Furthermore, experts are warning about the need to also address intermittent and permanent faults during processor runtime, as increasing temperatures and device variations will accelerate inherent aging phenomena. These challenges specially threaten the commodity segments, which impose requirements that existing fault tolerance mechanisms cannot offer. Current techniques based on redundant execution were devised in a time when high penalties were assumed for the sake of high reliability levels. Novel light-weight techniques are therefore needed to enable fault protection in the mass market segments. The complexity of designs is making post-silicon validation extremely expensive. Validation costs exceed design costs, and the number of discovered bugs is growing, both during validation and once products hit the market. Fault localization and diagnosis are the biggest bottlenecks, magnified by huge detection latencies, limited internal observability, and costly server farms to generate test outputs. This thesis explores two directions to address some of the critical challenges introduced by unreliable technologies and by the limitations of current validation approaches. We first explore mechanisms for comprehensively detecting multiple sources of failures in modern processors during their lifetime (including transient, intermittent, permanent and also design bugs). Our solutions embrace a paradigm where fault tolerance is built based on exploiting high-level microarchitectural invariants that are reusable across designs, rather than relying on re-execution or ad-hoc block-level protection. To do so, we decompose the basic functionalities of processors into high-level tasks and propose three novel runtime verification solutions that combined enable global error detection: a computation/register dataflow checker, a memory dataflow checker, and a control flow checker. The techniques use the concept of end-to-end signatures and allow designers to adjust the fault coverage to their needs, by trading-off area, power and performance. Our fault injection studies reveal that our methods provide high coverage levels while causing significantly lower performance, power and area costs than existing techniques. Then, this thesis extends the applicability of the proposed error detection schemes to the validation phases. We present a fault localization and diagnosis solution for the memory dataflow by combining our error detection mechanism, a new low-cost logging mechanism and a diagnosis program. Selected internal activity is continuously traced and kept in a memory-resident log whose capacity can be expanded to suite validation needs. The solution can catch undiscovered bugs, reducing the dependence on simulation farms that compute golden outputs. Upon error detection, the diagnosis algorithm analyzes the log to automatically locate the bug, and also to determine its root cause. Our evaluations show that very high localization coverage and diagnosis accuracy can be obtained at very low performance and area costs. The net result is a simplification of current debugging practices, which are extremely manual, time consuming and cumbersome. Altogether, the integrated solutions proposed in this thesis capacitate the industry to deliver more reliable and correct processors as technology evolves into more complex designs and more vulnerable transistors.El continuo escalado de los transistores junto con los avances microarquitectónicos han posibilitado la presencia de potentes procesadores en todos los segmentos de mercado. Sin embargo, varios problemas de fiabilidad están desafiando la producción de sistemas robustos. Las predicciones de "soft errors" son inquietantes, especialmente para la lógica combinacional: soluciones como ECC o paridad se están volviendo insuficientes a medida que dicha lógica se convierte en la fuente predominante de soft errors. Además, los expertos están alertando acerca de la necesidad de detectar otras fuentes de fallos (causantes de errores permanentes e intermitentes) durante el tiempo de vida de los procesadores. Los segmentos "commodity" son los más vulnerables, ya que imponen unos requisitos que las técnicas actuales de fiabilidad no ofrecen. Estas soluciones (generalmente basadas en re-ejecución) fueron ideadas en un tiempo en el que con tal de alcanzar altos nivel de fiabilidad se asumían grandes costes. Son por tanto necesarias nuevas técnicas que permitan la protección contra fallos en los segmentos más populares. La complejidad de los diseños está encareciendo la validación "post-silicon". Su coste excede el de diseño, y el número de errores descubiertos está aumentando durante la validación y ya en manos de los clientes. La localización y el diagnóstico de errores son los mayores problemas, empeorados por las altas latencias en la manifestación de errores, por la poca observabilidad interna y por el coste de generar las señales esperadas. Esta tesis explora dos direcciones para tratar algunos de los retos causados por la creciente vulnerabilidad hardware y por las limitaciones de los enfoques de validación. Primero exploramos mecanismos para detectar múltiples fuentes de fallos durante el tiempo de vida de los procesadores (errores transitorios, intermitentes, permanentes y de diseño). Nuestras soluciones son de un paradigma donde la fiabilidad se construye explotando invariantes microarquitectónicos genéricos, en lugar de basarse en re-ejecución o en protección ad-hoc. Para ello descomponemos las funcionalidades básicas de un procesador y proponemos tres soluciones de `runtime verification' que combinadas permiten una detección de errores a nivel global. Estas tres soluciones son: un verificador de flujo de datos de registro y de computación, un verificador de flujo de datos de memoria y un verificador de flujo de control. Nuestras técnicas usan el concepto de firmas y permiten a los diseñadores ajustar los niveles de protección a sus necesidades, mediante compensaciones en área, consumo energético y rendimiento. Nuestros estudios de inyección de errores revelan que los métodos propuestos obtienen altos niveles de protección, a la vez que causan menos costes que las soluciones existentes. A continuación, esta tesis explora la aplicabilidad de estos esquemas a las fases de validación. Proponemos una solución de localización y diagnóstico de errores para el flujo de datos de memoria que combina nuestro mecanismo de detección de errores, junto con un mecanismo de logging de bajo coste y un programa de diagnóstico. Cierta actividad interna es continuamente registrada en una zona de memoria cuya capacidad puede ser expandida para satisfacer las necesidades de validación. La solución permite descubrir bugs, reduciendo la necesidad de calcular los resultados esperados. Al detectar un error, el algoritmo de diagnóstico analiza el registro para automáticamente localizar el bug y determinar su causa. Nuestros estudios muestran un alto grado de localización y de precisión de diagnóstico a un coste muy bajo de rendimiento y área. El resultado es una simplificación de las prácticas actuales de depuración, que son enormemente manuales, incómodas y largas. En conjunto, las soluciones de esta tesis capacitan a la industria a producir procesadores más fiables, a medida que la tecnología evoluciona hacia diseños más complejos y más vulnerables

    Analysis and optimization of a debug post-silicon hardware architecture

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    The goal of this thesis is to analyze the post-silicon validation hardware infrastructure implemented on multicore systems taking as an example Esperanto Technologies SoC, which has thousands of RISC-V processors and targets specific software applications. Then, based on the conclusions of the analysis, the project proposes a new post-silicon debug architecture that can fit on any System on-Chip without depending on its target application or complexity and that optimizes the options available on the market for multicore systems

    CustomProcessingUnit: Reverse Engineering and Customization of Intel Microcode

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    Microcode provides an abstraction layer over the instruction set to decompose complex instructions into simpler micro-operations that can be more easily implemented in hardware. It is an essential optimization to simplify the design of x86 processors. However, introducing an additional layer of software beneath the instruction set poses security and reliability concerns. The microcode details are confidential to the manufacturers, preventing independent auditing or customization of the microcode. Moreover, microcode patches are signed and encrypted to prevent unauthorized patching and reverse engineering. However, recent research has recovered decrypted microcode and reverse-engineered read/write debug mechanisms on Intel Goldmont (Atom), making analysis and customization of microcode possible on a modern Intel microarchitecture. In this work, we present the first framework for static and dynamic analysis of Intel microcode. Building upon prior research, we reverse-engineer Goldmont microcode semantics and reconstruct the patching primitives for microcode customization. For static analysis, we implement a Ghidra processor module for decompilation and analysis of decrypted microcode. For dynamic analysis, we create a UEFI application that can trace and patch microcode to provide complete microcode control on Goldmont systems. Leveraging our framework, we reverse-engineer the confidential Intel microcode update algorithm and perform the first security analysis of its design and implementation. In three further case studies, we illustrate the potential security and performance benefits of microcode customization. We provide the first x86 Pointer Authentication Code (PAC) microcode implementation and its security evaluation, design and implement fast software breakpoints that are more than 1000x faster than standard breakpoints, and present constant-time microcode division, illustrating the potential security and performance benefits of microcode customization

    Analyzing and Predicting Processor Vulnerability to Soft Errors Using Statistical Techniques

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    The shrinking processor feature size, lower threshold voltage and increasing on-chip transistor density make current processors highly vulnerable to soft errors. Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) reflects the probability that a raw soft error eventually causes a visible error in the program output, indicating the processor’s susceptibility to soft errors at architectural level. The awareness of the AVF, both at the early design stage and during program runtime, is greatly useful for designing reliable processors. However, measuring the AVF is extremely costly, resulting in large overheads in hardware, computation, and power. The situation is further exacerbated in a multi-threaded processor environment where resource contention and data sharing exist among different threads. Consequently, predicting the AVF from other easily-measured metrics becomes extraordinarily attractive to computer designers. We propose a series of AVF modeling and prediction works via using advanced statistical techniques. First, we utilize the Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) scheme to dynamically predict the AVF during program execution from a variety of performance metrics. This correlation is generalized to be across different workloads, program phases, and processor configurations on a single-threaded superscalar processor. Second, the AVF prediction is extended to multi-threaded processors where the inter-thread resource contention shows significant and non-uniform impacts on different programs; we propose a two-level predictive mechanism using BRT as building blocks to characterize the contention behavior. Finally, we employ a rule search strategy named Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM) to explore a large processor design space at the early design stage. We are capable of generating selective rules on important configuration parameters. These rules quantify the design space subregion yielding lowest values of the response, thereby providing useful guidelines for designing reliable processors while achieving high performance

    Sampling benchmarks : methods for extracting intersecting segments of programs

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    Thesis (S.B. and M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 46-49).by Peter D. Finch.S.B.and M.Eng

    Segurança de computadores por meio de autenticação intrínseca de hardware

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    Orientadores: Guido Costa Souza de Araújo, Mario Lúcio Côrtes e Diego de Freitas AranhaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho apresentamos Computer Security by Hardware-Intrinsic Authentication (CSHIA), uma arquitetura de computadores segura para sistemas embarcados que tem como objetivo prover autenticidade e integridade para código e dados. Este trabalho está divido em três fases: Projeto da Arquitetura, sua Implementação, e sua Avaliação de Segurança. Durante a fase de projeto, determinamos como integridade e autenticidade seriam garantidas através do uso de Funções Fisicamente Não Clonáveis (PUFs) e propusemos um algoritmo de extração de chaves criptográficas de memórias cache de processadores. Durante a implementação, flexibilizamos o projeto da arquitetura para fornecer diferentes possibilidades de configurações sem comprometimento da segurança. Então, avaliamos seu desempenho levando em consideração o incremento em área de chip, aumento de consumo de energia e memória adicional para diferentes configurações. Por fim, analisamos a segurança de PUFs e desenvolvemos um novo ataque de canal lateral que circunvê a propriedade de unicidade de PUFs por meio de seus elementos de construçãoAbstract: This work presents Computer Security by Hardware-Intrinsic Authentication (CSHIA), a secure computer architecture for embedded systems that aims at providing authenticity and integrity for code and data. The work encompassed three phases: Design, Implementation, and Security Evaluation. In design, we laid out the basic ideas behind CSHIA, namely, how integrity and authenticity are employed through the use of Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), and we proposed an algorithm to extract cryptographic keys from the intrinsic memories of processors. In implementation, we made CSHIA¿s design more flexible, allowing different configurations without compromising security. Then, we evaluated CSHIA¿s performance and overheads, such as area, energy, and memory, for multiple configurations. Finally, we evaluated security of PUFs, which led us to develop a new side-channel-based attack that enabled us to circumvent PUFs¿ uniqueness property through their architectural elementsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2015/06829-2; 2016/25532-3147614/2014-7FAPESPCNP

    Driving the Network-on-Chip Revolution to Remove the Interconnect Bottleneck in Nanoscale Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    The sustained demand for faster, more powerful chips has been met by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MP-SoC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NoCs) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the onchip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation performs a design space exploration of network-on-chip architectures, in order to point-out the trade-offs associated with the design of each individual network building blocks and with the design of network topology overall. The design space exploration is preceded by a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art interconnect fabrics with themselves and with early networkon- chip prototypes. The ultimate objective is to point out the key advantages that NoC realizations provide with respect to state-of-the-art communication infrastructures and to point out the challenges that lie ahead in order to make this new interconnect technology come true. Among these latter, technologyrelated challenges are emerging that call for dedicated design techniques at all levels of the design hierarchy. In particular, leakage power dissipation, containment of process variations and of their effects. The achievement of the above objectives was enabled by means of a NoC simulation environment for cycleaccurate modelling and simulation and by means of a back-end facility for the study of NoC physical implementation effects. Overall, all the results provided by this work have been validated on actual silicon layout

    An Examination of Backgrounds to Early-Run Minimum-Bias Events in ATLAS at the LHC

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    The initial parts of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) run will be a source of critical information - about the ATLAS detector and about the physics of pppp collisions at sqrts=14sqrt{s} = 14 TeV, including parton distribution evolution and the cross-sections of sigmappsigma_{pp}. The accelerator itself will be the source of some detector interest, as we have a first look at what have so far been speculations on the quality of the vacuum in the experimental insertion, and the cleanliness of the beam from the accelerator. The shakedown period, with its low beam squeeze, low luminosity, and undemanding trigger menus, will be of great interest, avoiding the pileup and radiation levels that will arrive with higher luminosity -- making it an important opportunity to investigate minimum-bias events in relative isolation. For the short lifetime of the Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillators (MBTS), which are expected to fail within a few months of running, they will aid in discriminating the minimum bias signal of inelastic non-single-diffractive pppp collisions. Using single- or double-coincidence signatures, the MBTS system and other trigger and analysis strategies attempt to avoid triggering on otherwise empty bunch crossings and eliminate the effects of beam-gas collisions and beam-halo effects which would lead these spurious triggers that would reduce the general minimum-bias trigger efficiency. An examination of the effects of beam halo and beam -gas interactions on the minimum-bias trigger response is made. The signatures of the beam halo and beam gas are examined from the standard ATLAS tracking reconstruction

    Using Platform Express for System-on-Chip Design

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    The advent of nanoscale technology brings with it an increase in system complexity with integrated circuit transistor numbers reaching hundreds of millions. Systems-on-chip are attaining a level of complexity where design turn-around times are a major factor. Reusing existing intellectual property blocks that are already verified for functionality could help minimize the design time and increase system reliability. This allows the designers to focus on more important product design aspects. Platform-based design is an effective method to deal with the increasing pressure on time-to-market. The approach also provides a practical solution to reduce the design and manufacturing costs. This thesis is a result of the of the ongoing Volunteer SoC project at the University of Tennessee and in this, we explore the possibility of employing the Platform Express (PX) tool for designing SoCs. The PX application enables system designers to rapidly build and verify SoC design concepts. The tool also promotes Intellectual Property (IP) integration within the built-in PX libraries. The tool utilizes XML for describing the IP data, which allows smooth integration of IP into a single design from many different sources. We have followed the complete IP integration flow and have successfully installed a component into the tool’s library and have also generated a system design using the same IP

    High-Speed Performance, Power and Thermal Co-simulation For SoC Design

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    This dissertation presents a multi-faceted effort at developing standard System Design Language based tools that allow designers to the model power and thermal behavior of SoCs, including heterogeneous SoCs that include non-digital components. The research contributions made in this dissertation include: • SystemC-based power/performance co-simulation for the Intel XScale microprocessor. We performed detailed characterization of the power dissipation patterns of a variety of system components and used these results to build detailed power models, including a highly accurate, validated instruction-level power model of the XScale processor. We also proposed a scalable, efficient and validated methodology for incorporating fast, accurate power modeling capabilities into system description languages such as SystemC. This was validated against physical measurements of hardware power dissipation. • Modeling the behavior of non-digital SoC components within standard System Design Languages. We presented an approach for modeling the functionality, performance, power, and thermal behavior of a complex class of non-digital components — MEMS microhotplate-based gas sensors — within a SystemC design framework. The components modeled include both digital components (such as microprocessors, busses and memory) and MEMS devices comprising a gas sensor SoC. The first SystemC models of a MEMS-based SoC and the first SystemC models of MEMS thermal behavior were described. Techniques for significantly improving simulation speed were proposed, and their impact quantified. • Vertically Integrated Execution-Driven Power, Performance and Thermal Co-Simulation For SoCs. We adapted the above techniques and used numerical methods to model the system of differential equations that governs on-chip thermal diffusion. This allows a single high-speed simulation to span performance, power and thermal modeling of a design. It also allows feedback behaviors, such as the impact of temperature on power dissipation or performance, to be modeled seamlessly. We validated the thermal equation-solving engine on test layouts against detailed low-level tools, and illustrated the power of such a strategy by demonstrating a series of studies that designers can perform using such tools. We also assessed how simulation and accuracy are impacted by spatial and temporal resolution used for thermal modeling