39 research outputs found

    A Mixed Real and Floating-Point Solver

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    Reasoning about mixed real and floating-point constraints is essential for developing accurate analysis tools for floating-point pro- grams. This paper presents FPRoCK, a prototype tool for solving mixed real and floating-point formulas. FPRoCK transforms a mixed formula into an equisatisfiable one over the reals. This formula is then solved using an off-the-shelf SMT solver. FPRoCK is also integrated with the PRECiSA static analyzer, which computes a sound estimation of the round-off error of a floating-point program. It is used to detect infeasible computational paths, thereby improving the accuracy of PRECiSA

    A Verified Certificate Checker for Finite-Precision Error Bounds in Coq and HOL4

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    Being able to soundly estimate roundoff errors of finite-precision computations is important for many applications in embedded systems and scientific computing. Due to the discrepancy between continuous reals and discrete finite-precision values, automated static analysis tools are highly valuable to estimate roundoff errors. The results, however, are only as correct as the implementations of the static analysis tools. This paper presents a formally verified and modular tool which fully automatically checks the correctness of finite-precision roundoff error bounds encoded in a certificate. We present implementations of certificate generation and checking for both Coq and HOL4 and evaluate it on a number of examples from the literature. The experiments use both in-logic evaluation of Coq and HOL4, and execution of extracted code outside of the logics: we benchmark Coq extracted unverified OCaml code and a CakeML-generated verified binary

    On Sound Relative Error Bounds for Floating-Point Arithmetic

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    State-of-the-art static analysis tools for verifying finite-precision code compute worst-case absolute error bounds on numerical errors. These are, however, often not a good estimate of accuracy as they do not take into account the magnitude of the computed values. Relative errors, which compute errors relative to the value's magnitude, are thus preferable. While today's tools do report relative error bounds, these are merely computed via absolute errors and thus not necessarily tight or more informative. Furthermore, whenever the computed value is close to zero on part of the domain, the tools do not report any relative error estimate at all. Surprisingly, the quality of relative error bounds computed by today's tools has not been systematically studied or reported to date. In this paper, we investigate how state-of-the-art static techniques for computing sound absolute error bounds can be used, extended and combined for the computation of relative errors. Our experiments on a standard benchmark set show that computing relative errors directly, as opposed to via absolute errors, is often beneficial and can provide error estimates up to six orders of magnitude tighter, i.e. more accurate. We also show that interval subdivision, another commonly used technique to reduce over-approximations, has less benefit when computing relative errors directly, but it can help to alleviate the effects of the inherent issue of relative error estimates close to zero


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    In this article, we introduce a new static analysis for numerical accuracy. Weaddress the problem of determining the minimal accuracy on the inputs and on the intermediary results of a program containing  foating-point computations in order to ensure a desired accuracy on the outputs. The main approach is to combine a forward and a backward static analysis, done by abstract interpretation. The backward analysis computes the minimal accuracy needed for the inputs and intermediary results of the program in order to ensure a desired accuracy on the results, specied by the user. In practice, the information collected by our analysis may help to optimize the formats used to represent the values stored in the variables of the program or to select the appropriate sensors. To illustrate our analysis, we have shown a prototype example with experimental results

    Overparameterization: A Connection Between Software 1.0 and Software 2.0

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    A new ecosystem of machine-learning driven applications, titled Software 2.0, has arisen that integrates neural networks into a variety of computational tasks. Such applications include image recognition, natural language processing, and other traditional machine learning tasks. However, these techniques have also grown to include other structured domains, such as program analysis and program optimization for which novel, domain-specific insights mate with model design. In this paper, we connect the world of Software 2.0 with that of traditional software - Software 1.0 - through overparameterization: a program may provide more computational capacity and precision than is necessary for the task at hand. In Software 2.0, overparamterization - when a machine learning model has more parameters than datapoints in the dataset - arises as a contemporary understanding of the ability for modern, gradient-based learning methods to learn models over complex datasets with high-accuracy. Specifically, the more parameters a model has, the better it learns. In Software 1.0, the results of the approximate computing community show that traditional software is also overparameterized in that software often simply computes results that are more precise than is required by the user. Approximate computing exploits this overparameterization to improve performance by eliminating unnecessary, excess computation. For example, one - of many techniques - is to reduce the precision of arithmetic in the application. In this paper, we argue that the gap between available precision and that that is required for either Software 1.0 or Software 2.0 is a fundamental aspect of software design that illustrates the balance between software designed for general-purposes and domain-adapted solutions. A general-purpose solution is easier to develop and maintain versus a domain-adapted solution. However, that ease comes at the expense of performance. We show that the approximate computing community and the machine learning community have developed overlapping techniques to improve performance by reducing overparameterization. We also show that because of these shared techniques, questions, concerns, and answers on how to construct software can translate from one software variant to the other

    Automatic Verification of Finite Precision Implementations of Linear Controllers

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    We consider the problem of verifying finite precision implementation of linear time-invariant controllers against mathematical specifications. A specification may have multiple correct implementations which are different from each other in controller state representation, but equivalent from a perspective of input-output behavior (e.g., due to optimization in a code generator). The implementations may use finite precision computations (e.g. floating-point arithmetic) which cause quantization (i.e., roundoff) errors. To address these challenges, we first extract a controller\u27s mathematical model from the implementation via symbolic execution and floating-point error analysis, and then check approximate input-output equivalence between the extracted model and the specification by similarity checking. We show how to automatically verify the correctness of floating-point controller implementation in C language using the combination of techniques such as symbolic execution and convex optimization problem solving. We demonstrate the scalability of our approach through evaluation with randomly generated controller specifications of realistic size

    Building Better Bit-Blasting for Floating-Point Problems

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    An effective approach to handling the theory of floating-point is to reduce it to the theory of bit-vectors. Implementing the required encodings is complex, error prone and requires a deep understanding of floating-point hardware. This paper presents SymFPU, a library of encodings that can be included in solvers. It also includes a verification argument for its correctness, and experimental results showing that its use in CVC4 out-performs all previous tools. As well as a significantly improved performance and correctness, it is hoped this will give a simple route to add support for the theory of floating-point