27,503 research outputs found

    Hors dossier: Origine, nature et finalité du songe dans Le tombeau des rois

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    Le songe a souvent Ă©tĂ© associĂ© au rĂȘve ou Ă  la rĂȘverie sans qu’on puisse en dĂ©terminer la nature exacte. L’usage du mot lui-mĂȘme semble appartenir au registre vieilli et connoter une Ă©poque rĂ©volue en littĂ©rature. Pourtant, Anne HĂ©bert n’hĂ©site pas Ă  en faire le point nodal de son oeuvre. Le titre de son premier recueil, Les songes en Ă©quilibre, sert de vecteur Ă  ce projet d’écriture qui trouve son aboutissement dans Le tombeau des rois, ainsi que dans les oeuvres subsĂ©quentes. Cet article fait d’abord briĂšvement le point sur la thĂ©orie du songe pour en prĂ©ciser les enjeux et souligner sa pertinence. On y dĂ©finit ensuite le songe dans son fonctionnement psychique en regard de son application littĂ©raire chez Anne HĂ©bert. En quoi l’enfance peut-elle par ailleurs en constituer l’origine ou le dĂ©clencheur ? Comment le recueil trouve-t-il son unitĂ© et son homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur du cadre-songe ? Quel est le but de la quĂȘte obstinĂ©e qu’entreprend la songeuse ? Qui est l’auteur du songe ? Pourquoi enfin ce combat perpĂ©tuel ou polĂ©mos au coeur du songe

    Pathogenicity and infectivity of Saprolegnia species in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and their eggs

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    In the past decades the global population has becoming increasingly dependent on aquaculture due to over-fishing of oceans and rivers. Consequently, fish farming has become the fastest growing food sector in the world. Increased production intensity constituting intensive culturing of fish coupled with the ban in the use of malachite green, an effective remedy against Saprolegnia infections, accounts for the dramatic re-emergence of Saprolegnia infections in aquaculture which fish farmers are struggling to control. This precarious situation inevitably created a sense of urgency for researchers to explore the possibility of developing novel and sustainable treatments to control this devastating pathogen of fish. Saprolegnia infection in fish is characterized by white or grey patches of filamentous mycelia on the host. The infection initially appears on epidermal tissues of the head, tail and fins and subsequently spreads to the rest of the body. Lesion areas may be soft, necrotic and ulcerated and the surrounding areas may show oedema and necrosis. Fish eggs infected with Saprolegnia species appear like tufts of cotton wool, as the Saprolegnia hyphae form a white cotton wool or felt-like mat on the surfaces of the eggs.I de siste tiÄrene har overfiske av hav og elver gjort verdens befolkning stadig mer avhengig av havbruk. Fiskeoppdrett har derfor blitt den raskest voksende matsektoren i verden. Økt produksjonsintensitet kombinert med forbud mot bruk av malakittgrÞnt, et effektivt middel mot Saprolegnia, har fÞrt til en dramatisk ny fremvekst av saprolegniainfeksjoner som oppdrettere sliter med Ä kontrollere. Denne situasjonen innebÊrer at det haster med Ä utvikle nye og bÊrekraftige behandlinger for Ä kontrollere denne Þdeleggende fiskepatogene organismen. Saprolegniainfeksjon pÄ fisk er karakterisert av hvite eller grÄ flekker av trÄdformet mycelium pÄ verten. Infeksjonen vises innledningsvis pÄ epidermalt vev pÄ hode, hale og finner, som sÄ sprer seg til resten av kroppen. Infiserte omrÄder kan vÊre myke, nekrotiske med sÄrdannelse og de omkringliggende omrÄdene kan ha Þdem og nekrose. Fiskeegg infisert med saprolegniaarter minner om vattkuler, fordi saprolegniahyfer danner en hvit vatt- eller filtlignende matte pÄ eggenes overflaten

    Contemporary African Cities in Postmillenial African Films

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    This study discusses postmillennial cinema narratives from six African cities: Cairo, Monrovia, Nairobi, Kinshasa, Luanda and Johannesburg. It argues that filmic representations of street life in these cities is an act of self-narration and that it indexes consciousness of Africa’s postmillennial urban citizenship. Within these films, the street is shown as a frontier as well as a shared space that enables the conversation of citizenship narratives in those respective cities. The research straddles two main disciplinary areas: urban social theory and film theory. Basing my arguments on the way Africa’s urban cinematic representations may be comprehended as a blend of both the cinematic form and urban citizenship discourse, I assert that such entanglement is most vivid in the images of the street which, I argue, perform three main roles: exposĂ©, reportage and archival

    Design, synthesis, and exploration of a chimeric antioxidant and new crosslinkers for molecular imprinting

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    The improvement and utility of crosslinkers are important topics of molecular imprinting. Crosslinker significance is evident when molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) composition related to performance as separation media is examined. Crosslinkers account for the bulk of MIP formulations made through traditional imprinting (80-90%) and is even greater when the One Monomer Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (OMNiMIP) approach is utilized (100%.) It is not surprising that alteration of the bulk component will result in different separation performances. Crosslinkers studied in this work were designed, synthesized, and evaluated toward improvement in OMNiMIP selectivity. In particular, functionality and number of polymerizable groups, addition of electron withdrawing groups or stereocenters, and maximization of amide content of OMNiMIP crosslinkers were explored using L-BOC-Tyrosine as a standard template. The separation factors (α’) obtained from chromatographic studies of these OMNiMIPs were compared to results from 2-(methacryloylamino)ethyl-2-methylacrylate (NOBE), the most successful OMNiMIP crosslinking monomer thus far. Although several of these new OMNiMIPs displayed enantiomeric selectivity toward BOC-Tyr, an increased α’ was not observed. Racemic and Scalemic imprinting as well as absolute configuration (AC) determination were also studied throughout this work to improve MIP utility in academia and industry. Chiral OMNiMIP crosslinkers (S)-2-methacrylamidopropyl methacrylate (L-NALA) and N,O-bis-methacryloyl L-serine (NOS) were imprinted with racemic BOC-Tyr and both exhibited partial enantiomeric separation by chromatography. L-NALA was further explored through imprinting scalemic templates, and studies also showed enantiomeric separation. Additionally, L-NALA and NOBE were studied in AC determination. Here, a mnemonic was developed to illustrate template recognition. Limitations on binding factors were also set to determine data reliability in regards to determination of absolute configuration. A chimeric antioxidant composed of vitamin E and carnosine (VECAR) was designed and synthesized to improve drug delivery. VECAR was fabricated based on the lipophilicity and hydrophilicity of its individual components and is expected to have increased permeability in hydrophilic media while maintaining recognition by key proteins in biological pathways. This new compound displayed similar antioxidant activity as vitamin E in vitro and is anticipated to reach more versatile regions of cells, leading to the elimination or reduction of diseases caused by oxidative damage

    Two Travelers: Didactic Trajectories in two late medieval Dream Visions

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    Cette analyse porte sur le rapport entre le dĂ©placement gĂ©ographique et les leçons morales et politiques qu’on peut tirer des voyages allĂ©goriques dans Le Songe du viel pelerin (1386-1389) de Philippe de MĂ©ziĂšres et Le Livre du chemin de lonc estude de Christine de Pizan (1402). Tandis que Christine traverse le monde en touriste et ne nous donne des leçons politiques qu’au moment oĂč elle et son guide arrivent aux cieux, le pĂšlerin dans le Songe nous offre des leçons Ă  chaque arrĂȘt sur terreThe relationship between geographical displacement and the dispensing of politico-moral lessons is at the center of this analysis Philippe de MĂ©ziĂšres’ Songe du viel pelerin (1386-1389) and Christine de Pizan’s Livre du chemin de lonc estude (1402). While Christine in the Chemin travels through the world as a tourist and postpones her political didacticism until she and her guide reach the heavens, the pilgrim in the Songe uses each geographical location for explicit political discussion

    Spenser’s Dutch uncles: The family of love and the four translations of a theatre for worldlings

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    © JosĂ© MarĂ­a PĂ©rez FernĂĄndez and Edward Wilson-Lee 2014. A Theatre for Worldlings is a milestone work in more ways than one. Commonly regarded as the first English emblem book, it is “always to be remembered as containing the first printed verse of Edmund Spenser.” Yet Spenser’s contribution to A Theatre has overshadowed critical interest in the remainder of the volume, with its seemingly eclectic collection of poems, prose commentary, and woodcut illustrations. This chapter responds by restoring Spenser’s verse translations to the commentary they were originally intended to illustrate, reading poems and prose together within the broader context of the community by whom, and for whom, A Theatre was first produced. A Theatre announces itself as a product of London’s Flemish community, and it is to Flemish exiles that Jan van der Noot addresses his lengthy prose commentary on Spenser’s translations, as his references to “our natiue cou[n]trey of low Germanie” make clear (sig. H2v). In this case study of a text produced by a collaborative community of poets, printers, illustrators, and translators, I explore a particularly fruitful instance of how the sixteenth-century book trade helped “translate” ideologies across texts and translations. A Theatre for Worldlings, printed in London by Henry Bynneman in 1569, was an English translation of a volume that had originally appeared in Dutch and French formats from the London press of John Day the previous year, and the volume would go on to appear in German translation in a Cologne edition of 1572. By reading the English Theatre alongside its companion translations, this chapter undertakes a comparative exploration of the four Theatre translations in relation to their investment in the mystical tea chings of the Family of Love, focusing on the emblematic language of the poems and illustrations, the theological content of the commentary, and the context of each volume’s production in the printing houses of London and Cologne. I then move in conclusion to suggest some of the ways these Familist resonances may have influenced Spenser’s later poetry, focusing on The Ruines of Time (1591), and exploring how far its treatment of ruin was shaped by van der Noot’s own response to this theme in the four Theatre volumes

    Saprolegnia diclina IIIA and S. parasitica employ different infection strategies when colonizing eggs of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

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    Acknowledgements The work has been funded by the European Commission through the EU Marie Curie ITN project SAPRO (238550) (MMS, AW). We would also like to acknowledge support from the BBSRC and the University of Aberdeen (PvW) and Landcatch and AquaGen for providing salmon eggs. Elin Rolen's assistance with sequencing of the strains is highly appreciated.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Barriers to regional industrial development: An analysis of two specialised industrial regions in Norway

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    The article aims to broaden the understanding of barriers to regional industrial development by focusing on the use and modification of the regional asset base. The authors employ Maskell & Malmberg’s categorisation of assets and they regard asset modification through change agency as a vital part of regional industrial development. They aim both to complement Grabher’s ‘lock-in’ approach and to provide a wider understanding of how barriers can be lowered through their empirical investigation of two specialised regions in Norway, Stavanger and Grenland. The authors address three research questions: What are historically created key regional assets in the two specialised regions? Do the assets function as support or barriers to green path development? If they are barriers, what are key agencies for lowering them? The findings demonstrate that the regional asset base functions both as support and as a barrier. To lower the barriers, both asset reuse and asset creation are deployed by actors in the region. The authors conclude that the article’s two main contributions are that with regard to the regional asset base, a relevant framework can identify possible barriers to regional industrial development, and the finding that barriers can be lowered through asset modification.publishedVersio


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    Guided by the bold ambition to reexamine the nature of philosophy, questions about the foundations and origins of Plato’s dialogues have in recent years gained a new and important momentum. In the wake of the seminal work of Andrea Nightingale and especially her book Genres in Dialogue from 1995, Plato’s texts have come to be reconsidered in terms of their compositional and intergeneric fabric. Supplementing important research on the argumentative structures of the dialogues, it has been argued that Plato’s philosophizing cannot be properly assessed without considering its intellectual debts. By detailed examinations of the practical, generic and textual origins of the dialogues, it has been shown how Plato’s chosen form of philosophical inquiry is deeply influenced by traditional forms of poetry, rhetoric, sophistry, and even medicine..

    Empowerment of citizens in a multicultural society

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    This article is based on the project: Empowerment of Citizens in aMulticultural Society. We wanted to explore theatre as intercultural communication related to the challenges faced by our diverse society. Drama students and immigrants worked together based on Augusto Boal`s “Theatre of the Oppressed”. They participated as actors in “Forum Theatre” where they staged their own experiences with oppression. Through the medium of “Solidarity Forum Theatre Performance” (SFT) the spectators were invited to discuss and find solutions to oppression in a multicultural society. The spectators took on the main role in Forum Theatre as spect-actors, and through acting they explored different strategies to challenge oppression. The key question is: What potential do phases six and seven in Solidarity Forum Theatre have to empower immigrants and drama students as citizens in a multicultural society
