11,143 research outputs found

    Higher Spin AdSd+1_{d+1}/CFTd_d at One Loop

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    Following arXiv:1308.2337, we carry out one loop tests of higher spin AdSd+1_{d+1}/CFTd_d correspondences for d2d\geq 2. The Vasiliev theories in AdSd+1_{d+1}, which contain each integer spin once, are related to the U(N)U(N) singlet sector of the dd-dimensional CFT of NN free complex scalar fields; the minimal theories containing each even spin once -- to the O(N)O(N) singlet sector of the CFT of NN free real scalar fields. Using analytic continuation of higher spin zeta functions, which naturally regulate the spin sums, we calculate one loop vacuum energies in Euclidean AdSd+1_{d+1}. In even dd we compare the result with the O(N0)O(N^0) correction to the aa-coefficient of the Weyl anomaly; in odd dd -- with the O(N0)O(N^0) correction to the free energy FF on the dd-dimensional sphere. For the theories of integer spins, the correction vanishes in agreement with the CFT of NN free complex scalars. For the minimal theories, the correction always equals the contribution of one real conformal scalar field in dd dimensions. As explained in arXiv:1308.2337, this result may agree with the O(N)O(N) singlet sector of the theory of NN real scalar fields, provided the coupling constant in the higher spin theory is identified as GN1/(N1)G_N\sim 1/(N-1). Our calculations in even dd are closely related to finding the regularized aa-anomalies of conformal higher spin theories. In each even dd we identify two such theories with vanishing aa-anomaly: a theory of all integer spins, and a theory of all even spins coupled to a complex conformal scalar. We also discuss an interacting UV fixed point in d=5d=5 obtained from the free scalar theory via an irrelevant double-trace quartic interaction. This interacting large NN theory is dual to the Vasiliev theory in AdS6_6 where the bulk scalar is quantized with the alternate boundary condition.Comment: 35 pages. v2: minor improvement

    The Infrastructure of a Global Field of Arbitrary Unit Rank

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    In this paper, we show a general way to interpret the infrastructure of a global field of arbitrary unit rank. This interpretation generalizes the prior concepts of the giant step operation and f-representations, and makes it possible to relate the infrastructure to the (Arakelov) divisor class group of the global field. In the case of global function fields, we present results that establish that effective implementation of the presented methods is indeed possible, and we show how Shanks' baby-step giant-step method can be generalized to this situation.Comment: Revised version. Accepted for publication in Math. Com

    Analytic continuation of functional renormalization group equations

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    Functional renormalization group equations are analytically continued from imaginary Matsubara frequencies to the real frequency axis. On the example of a scalar field with O(N) symmetry we discuss the analytic structure of the flowing action and show how it is possible to derive and solve flow equations for real-time properties such as propagator residues and particle decay widths. The formalism conserves space-time symmetries such as Lorentz or Galilei invariance and allows for improved, self-consistent approximations in terms of derivative expansions in Minkowski space.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Renormalization of Quantum Fields on the Lightcone Worldsheet I: Scalar Fields

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    We show that the lightcone worldsheet formalism, constructed to represent the sum of the bare planar diagrams of scalar \phi^3 field theory, survives the renormalization procedure in space-time dimensions D not greater than 6. Specifically this means that all the counter-terms, necessary to produce a successful renormalized perturbation expansion to all orders, can be represented as local terms in the lightcone worldsheet action. Because the worldsheet regulator breaks Lorentz invariance, we find the need for two non-covariant counter-terms, in addition to the usual mass, coupling and wave function renormalization. One of these can be simply interpreted as a rescaling of transverse coordinates with respect to longitudinal coordinates. The second one introduces couplings between the matter and ghost worldsheet fields on the boundaries.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Store-and-forward based methods for the signal control problem in large-scale congested urban road networks

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    The problem of designing network-wide traffic signal control strategies for large-scale congested urban road networks is considered. One known and two novel methodologies, all based on the store-and-forward modeling paradigm, are presented and compared. The known methodology is a linear multivariable feedback regulator derived through the formulation of a linear-quadratic optimal control problem. An alternative, novel methodology consists of an open-loop constrained quadratic optimal control problem, whose numerical solution is achieved via quadratic programming. Yet a different formulation leads to an open-loop constrained nonlinear optimal control problem, whose numerical solution is achieved by use of a feasible-direction algorithm. A preliminary simulation-based investigation of the signal control problem for a large-scale urban road network using these methodologies demonstrates the comparative efficiency and real-time feasibility of the developed signal control methods

    Ultraviolet Divergences in Cosmological Correlations

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    A method is developed for dealing with ultraviolet divergences in calculations of cosmological correlations, which does not depend on dimensional regularization. An extended version of the WKB approximation is used to analyze the divergences in these calculations, and these divergences are controlled by the introduction of Pauli--Villars regulator fields. This approach is illustrated in the theory of a scalar field with arbitrary self-interactions in a fixed flat-space Robertson--Walker metric with arbitrary scale factor a(t)a(t). Explicit formulas are given for the counterterms needed to cancel all dependence on the regulator properties, and an explicit prescription is given for calculating finite regulator-independent correlation functions. The possibility of infrared divergences in this theory is briefly considered.Comment: References added on various regularization methods. Improved discussion of further issues. 26 pages, 1 figur