9,079 research outputs found

    The Galactic Center GeV Excess from a Series of Leptonic Cosmic-Ray Outbursts

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    It has been proposed that a recent outburst of cosmic-ray electrons could account for the excess of GeV-scale gamma rays observed from the region surrounding the Galactic Center. After studying this possibility in some detail, we identify scenarios in which a series of leptonic cosmic-ray outbursts could plausibly generate the observed excess. The morphology of the emission observed outside of 12\sim1^{\circ}-2^{\circ} from the Galactic Center can be accommodated with two outbursts, one which took place approximately 106\sim10^6 years ago, and another (injecting only about 10\% as much energy as the first) about 105\sim10^5 years ago. The emission observed from the innermost 12\sim1^{\circ}-2^{\circ} requires one or more additional recent outbursts and/or a contribution from a centrally concentrated population of unresolved millisecond pulsars. In order to produce a spectrum that is compatible with the measured excess (whose shape is approximately uniform over the region of the excess), the electrons from the older outburst must be injected with significantly greater average energy than those injected more recently, enabling their spectra to be similar after 106\sim10^6 years of energy losses.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendi

    Combined Spectral and Timing Analysis of the Black Hole Candidate MAXI J1659-152 Discovered by MAXI and Swift

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    We report on X-ray spectral and timing results of the new black hole candidate (BHC) MAXI J1659-152 with the orbital period of 2.41 hours (shortest among BHCs) in the 2010 outburst from 65 Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations and 8 simultaneous Swift and RXTE observations. According to the definitions of the spectral states in Remillard & McClintock (2006), most of the observations have been classified into the intermediate state. All the X-ray broadband spectra can be modeled by a multi-color disk plus a power-law with an exponential cutoff or a multi-color disk plus a Comptonization component. During the initial phase of the outburst, a high energy cutoff was visible at 30-40 keV. The innermost radius of the disk gradually decreased by a factor of more than 3 from the onset of the outburst and reached a constant value of 35 d_10 cos i^-1/2 km, where d_10 is the distance in units of 10 kpc and ii is the inclination. The type-C quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) frequency varied from 1.6 Hz to 7.3 Hz in association with a change of the innermost radius, while the innermost radius remained constant during the type-B QPO detections at 1.6-4.1 Hz. Hence, we suggest that the origin of the type-B QPOs is different from that of type-C QPOs, the latter of which would originate from the disk truncation radius. Assuming the constant innermost radius in the latter phase of the outburst as the innermost stable circular orbit, the black hole mass in MAXI J1659-152 is estimated to be 3.6-8.0 M_solar for a distance of 5.3-8.6 kpc and an inclination angle of 60-75 degrees.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Discovery of photon index saturation in the black hole binary GRS 1915+105

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    We present a study of the correlations between spectral, timing properties and mass accretion rate observed in X-rays from the Galactic Black Hole (BH) binary GRS 1915+105 during the transition between hard and soft states. We analyze all transition episodes from this source observed with RXTE, coordinated with Ryle Radio Telescope (RT) observations. We show that broad-band energy spectra of GRS 1915+105 during all these spectral states can be adequately presented by two Bulk Motion Comptonization (BMC) components: a hard component (BMC1, photon index Gamma_1=1.7-3.0) with turnover at high energies and soft thermal component (BMC2, Gamma_2=2.7-4.2) with characteristic color temperature <1 keV, and the redskewed iron line (LAOR) component. We also present observable correlations between the index and the normalization of the disk "seed" component. The use of "seed" disk normalization, which is presumably proportional to mass accretion rate in the disk, is crucial to establish the index saturation effect during the transition to the soft state. We discovered the photon index saturation of the soft and hard spectral components at values of 4.2 and 3 respectively. We present a physical model which explains the index-seed photon normalization correlations. We argue that the index saturation effect of the hard component (BMC1) is due to the soft photon Comptonization in the converging inflow close to BH and that of soft component is due to matter accumulation in the transition layer when mass accretion rate increases. In addition to our spectral model components we also find a strong feature of "blackbody-like" bump which color temperature is about 4.5 keV in eight observations of the intermediate and soft states. We discuss a possible origin of this "blackbody-like" emission.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, on December 10, 2009, v. 70

    Innermost Stable Circular Orbits and Epicyclic Frequencies Around a Magnetized Neutron Star

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    A full-relativistic approach is used to compute the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), the Keplerian, frame-dragging, precession and oscillation frequencies of the radial and vertical motions of neutral test particles orbiting the equatorial plane of a magnetized neutron star. The space-time around the star is modelled by the six parametric solution derived by Pachon et al. It is shown that the inclusion of an intense magnetic field, such as the one of a neutron star, have non-negligible effects on the above physical quantities, and therefore, its inclusion is necessary in order to obtain a more accurate and realistic description of the physical processes occurring in the neighbourhood of this kind of objects such as the dynamics of accretion disk. The results discussed here also suggest that the consideration of strong magnetic fields may introduce non-negligible corrections in, e.g., the relativistic precession model and therefore on the predictions made on the mass of neutron stars.Comment: LaTeX file, 13 pages, 4 figure

    The X-ray spectral evolution of Cyg X-2 in the framework of bulk Comptonization

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    We used the newly developed thermal plus bulk Comptonization model comptb to investigate the spectral evolution of the neutron star LMXB Cyg X-2 along its Z-track. We selected a single source in order to trace in a quantitative way the evolution of the physical parameters of the model. We analyzed archival broad-band BeppoSAX spectra of Cyg X-2. Five broad-band spectra have been newly extracted according to the source position in the Z-track described in the colour-colour and colour-intensity diagrams. We have fitted the spectra of the source with two comptb components. The first one, with bulk parameter delta=0, dominates the overall source broad-band spectrum and its origin is related to thermal upscattering (Comptonization) of cold seed photons off warm electrons in high-opacity enviroment. We attribute the origin of these seed photons to the part of the disk which illuminates the outer coronal region (transition layer) located between the accretion disk itself and the neutron star surface. This thermal component is roughly constant with time and with inferred mass accretion rate. The second comptb model describes the overall Comptonization (thermal plus bulk, delta > 0) of hotter seed photons which come from both the inner transition layer and from the neutron star surface. The appearance of this component in the colour-colour or hardness-intensity diagram is more pronounced in the horizontal branch and is progressively disappearing towards the normal branch, where a pure blackbody spectrum is observed. The spectral evolution of Cyg X-2 is studied and interpreted in terms of changes in the innermost environmental conditions of the system, leading to a variable thermal-bulk Comptonization efficiency.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Investigating the Uniformity of the Excess Gamma rays towards the Galactic Center Region

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    We perform a composite likelihood analysis of subdivided regions within the central 26×2026^\circ\times20^\circ of the Milky Way, with the aim of characterizing the spectrum of the gamma-ray galactic center excess in regions of varying galactocentric distance. Outside of the innermost few degrees, we find that the radial profile of the excess is background-model dependent and poorly constrained. The spectrum of the excess emission is observed to extend upwards of 10 GeV outside 5\sim5^\circ in radius, but cuts off steeply between 10--20 GeV only in the innermost few degrees. If interpreted as a real feature of the excess, this radial variation in the spectrum has important implications for both astrophysical and dark matter interpretations of the galactic center excess. Single-component dark matter annihilation models face challenges in reproducing this variation; on the other hand, a population of unresolved millisecond pulsars contributing both prompt and secondary inverse Compton emission may be able to explain the spectrum as well as its spatial dependency. We show that the expected differences in the photon-count distributions of a smooth dark matter annihilation signal and an unresolved point source population are an order of magnitude smaller than the fluctuations in residuals after fitting the data, which implies that mismodeling is an important systematic effect in point source analyses aimed at resolving the gamma-ray excess.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. Matches accepted version: references added, typo corrected in Sec. 4.2, some additional discussion added (results unchanged

    Accretion Disk Spectra of the Ultra-luminous X-ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies and Galactic Superluminal Jet Sources

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    Ultra-luminous Compact X-ray Sources (ULXs) in nearby spiral galaxies and Galactic superluminal jet sources share the common spectral characteristic that they have unusually high disk temperatures which cannot be explained in the framework of the standard optically thick accretion disk in the Schwarzschild metric. On the other hand, the standard accretion disk around the Kerr black hole might explain the observed high disk temperature, as the inner radius of the Kerr disk gets smaller and the disk temperature can be consequently higher. However, we point out that the observable Kerr disk spectra becomes significantly harder than Schwarzschild disk spectra only when the disk is highly inclined. This is because the emission from the innermost part of the accretion disk is Doppler-boosted for an edge-on Kerr disk, while hardly seen for a face-on disk. The Galactic superluminal jet sources are known to be highly inclined systems, thus their energy spectra may be explained with the standard Kerr disk with known black hole masses. For ULXs, on the other hand, the standard Kerr disk model seems implausible, since it is highly unlikely that their accretion disks are preferentially inclined, and, if edge-on Kerr disk model is applied, the black hole mass becomes unreasonably large (> 300 M_solar). Instead, the slim disk (advection dominated optically thick disk) model is likely to explain the observed super-Eddington luminosities, hard energy spectra, and spectral variations of ULXs. We suggest that ULXs are accreting black holes with a few tens of solar mass, which is not unexpected from the standard stellar evolution scenario, and that their X-ray emission is from the slim disk shining at super-Eddington luminosities.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    A Chandra View of the Normal SO Galaxy NGC 1332: II: Solar Abundances in the Hot Gas and Implications for SN Enrichment

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    We present spectral analysis of the diffuse emission in the normal, isolated, moderate-Lx S0 NGC 1332, constraining both the temperature profile and the metal abundances in the ISM. The characteristics of the point source population and the gravitating matter are discussed in two companion papers. The diffuse emission comprises hot gas, with an ~isothermal temperature profile (~0.5 keV), and emission from unresolved point-sources. In contrast with the cool cores of many groups and clusters, we find a small central temperature peak. We obtain emission-weighted abundance contraints within 20 kpc for several key elements: Fe, O, Ne, Mg and Si. The measured iron abundance (Z_Fe=1.1 in solar units; >0.53 at 99% confidence) strongly excludes the very sub-solar values often historically reported for early-type galaxies but agrees with recent observations of brighter galaxies and groups. The abundance ratios, with respect to Fe, of the other elements were also found to be ~solar, although Z_o/Z_Fe was significantly lower (<0.4). Such a low O abundance is not predicted by simple models of ISM enrichment by Type Ia and Type II supernovae, and may indicate a significant contribution from primordial hypernovae. Revisiting Chandra observations of the moderate-Lx, isolated elliptical NGC 720, we obtain similar abundance constraints. Adopting standard SNIa and SNII metal yields, our abundance ratio constraints imply 73+/-5% and 85+/-6% of the Fe enrichment in NGC 1332 and NGC 720, respectively, arises from SNIa. Although these results are sensitive to the considerable systematic uncertainty in the SNe yields, they are in good agreement with observations of more massive systems. These two moderate-Lx early-type galaxies reveal a consistent pattern of metal enrichment from cluster scales to moderate Lx/Lb galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor changes to match published versio

    The X-ray luminous cluster underlying the bright radio-quiet quasar H1821+643

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    We present a Chandra observation of the only low redshift, z=0.299, galaxy cluster to contain a highly luminous radio-quiet quasar, H1821+643. By simulating the quasar PSF, we subtract the quasar contribution from the cluster core and determine the physical properties of the cluster gas down to 3 arcsec (15 kpc) from the point source. The temperature of the cluster gas decreases from 9.0\pm0.5 keV down to 1.3\pm0.2 keV in the centre, with a short central radiative cooling time of 1.0\pm0.1 Gyr, typical of a strong cool-core cluster. The X-ray morphology in the central 100 kpc shows extended spurs of emission from the core, a small radio cavity and a weak shock or cold front forming a semi-circular edge at 15 arcsec radius. The quasar bolometric luminosity was estimated to be 2 x 10^{47} erg per sec, requiring a mass accretion rate of 40 Msolar per yr, which corresponds to half the Eddington accretion rate. We explore possible accretion mechanisms for this object and determine that Bondi accretion, when boosted by Compton cooling of the accretion material, could provide a significant source of the fuel for this outburst. We consider H1821+643 in the context of a unified AGN accretion model and, by comparing H1821+643 with a sample of galaxy clusters, we show that the quasar has not significantly affected the large-scale cluster gas properties.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures, accepted by MNRA