49 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of a Parallel Iterative Solver for Markov Chain Modeling

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    This paper presents the results of a preliminary experimental investigation of the performance of a stationary iterative method based on a block staircase splitting for solving singular systems of linear equations arising in Markov chain modelling. From the experiments presented, we can deduce that the method is well suited for solving block banded or more generally localized systems in a parallel computing environment. The parallel implementation has been benchmarked using several Markovian models

    The ANOVA decomposition and generalized sparse grid methods for the high-dimensional backward Kolmogorov equation

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    In this thesis, we discuss numerical methods for the solution of the high-dimensional backward Kolmogorov equation, which arises in the pricing of options on multi-dimensional jump-diffusion processes. First, we apply the ANOVA decomposition and approximate the high-dimensional problem by a sum of lower-dimensional ones, which we then discretize by a θ-scheme and generalized sparse grids in time and space, respectively. We solve the resultant systems of linear equations by iterative methods, which requires both preconditioning and fast matrix-vector multiplication algorithms. We make use of a Linear Program and an algebraic formula to compute optimal diagonal scaling parameters. Furthermore, we employ the OptiCom as non-linear preconditioner. We generalize the unidirectional principle to non-local operators and develop a new matrix-vector multiplication algorithm for the OptiCom. As application we focus on the Kou model. Using a new recurrence formula, the computational complexity of the operator application remains linear in the number of degrees of freedom. The combination of the above-mentioned methods allows us to efficiently approximate the solution of the backward Kolmogorov equation for a ten-dimensional Kou model.Die ANOVA-Zerlegung und verallgemeinerte dünne Gitter für die hochdimensionale Kolmogorov-Rückwärtsgleichung In der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachten wir numerische Verfahren zur Lösung der hochdimensionalen Kolmogorov-Rückwärtsgleichung, die beispielsweise bei der Bewertung von Optionen auf mehrdimensionalen Sprung-Diffusionsprozessen auftritt. Zuerst wenden wir eine ANOVA-Zerlegung an und approximieren das hochdimensionale Problem mit einer Summe von niederdimensionalen Problemen, die wir mit einem θ-Verfahren in der Zeit und mit verallgemeinerten dünnen Gittern im Ort diskretisieren. Wir lösen die entstehenden linearen Gleichungssysteme mit iterativen Verfahren, wofür eine Vorkonditionierung als auch schnelle Matrix-Vektor-Multiplikationsalgorithmen nötig sind. Wir entwickeln ein Lineares Programm und eine algebraische Formel, um optimale Diagonalskalierungen zu finden. Des Weiteren setzen wir die OptiCom als nicht-lineares Vorkonditionierungsverfahren ein. Wir verallgemeinern das unidirektionale Prinzip auf nicht-lokale Operatoren und entwickeln einen für die OptiCom optimierten Matrix-Vektor-Multiplikationsalgorithmus. Als Anwendungsbeispiel betrachten wir das Kou-Modell. Mit einer neuen Rekurrenzformel bleibt die Gesamtkomplexität der Operatoranwendung linear in der Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade. Unter Einbeziehung aller genannten Methoden ist es nun möglich, die Lösung der Kolmogorov-Rückwärtsgleichung für ein zehndimensionales Kou-Modell effizient zu approximieren

    Algebraic Multigrid for Markov Chains and Tensor Decomposition

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    The majority of this thesis is concerned with the development of efficient and robust numerical methods based on adaptive algebraic multigrid to compute the stationary distribution of Markov chains. It is shown that classical algebraic multigrid techniques can be applied in an exact interpolation scheme framework to compute the stationary distribution of irreducible, homogeneous Markov chains. A quantitative analysis shows that algebraically smooth multiplicative error is locally constant along strong connections in a scaled system operator, which suggests that classical algebraic multigrid coarsening and interpolation can be applied to the class of nonsymmetric irreducible singular M-matrices with zero column sums. Acceleration schemes based on fine-level iterant recombination, and over-correction of the coarse-grid correction are developed to improve the rate of convergence and scalability of simple adaptive aggregation multigrid methods for Markov chains. Numerical tests over a wide range of challenging nonsymmetric test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed multilevel method and the acceleration schemes. This thesis also investigates the application of adaptive algebraic multigrid techniques for computing the canonical decomposition of higher-order tensors. The canonical decomposition is formulated as a least squares optimization problem, for which local minimizers are computed by solving the first-order optimality equations. The proposed multilevel method consists of two phases: an adaptive setup phase that uses a multiplicative correction scheme in conjunction with bootstrap algebraic multigrid interpolation to build the necessary operators on each level, and a solve phase that uses additive correction cycles based on the full approximation scheme to efficiently obtain an accurate solution. The alternating least squares method, which is a standard one-level iterative method for computing the canonical decomposition, is used as the relaxation scheme. Numerical tests show that for certain test problems arising from the discretization of high-dimensional partial differential equations on regular lattices the proposed multilevel method significantly outperforms the standard alternating least squares method when a high level of accuracy is required

    The 1982 ASEE-NASA Faculty Fellowship program (Aeronautics and Research)

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    The NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (Aeronautics and Research) conducted at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center during the summer of 1982 is described. Abstracts of the Final Reports submitted by the Fellows detailing the results of their research are also presented

    Experiments with two-stage iterative solvers and preconditioned Krylov subspace methods on nearly completely decomposable Markov chains

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    Ankara : Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 1997.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997.Includes bibliographical references leaves 121-124Gueaieb, WailM.S

    Pooling and polling : creation of pooling in inventory and queueing models

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    The subject of the present monograph is the ‘Creation of Pooling in Inventory and Queueing Models’. This research consists of the study of sharing a scarce resource (such as inventory, server capacity, or production capacity) between multiple customer classes. This is called pooling, where the goal is to achieve cost or waiting time reductions. For the queueing and inventory models studied, both theoretical, scientific insights, are generated, as well as strategies which are applicable in practice. This monograph consists of two parts: pooling and polling. In both research streams, a scarce resource (inventory or server capacity, respectively production capacity) has to be shared between multiple users. In the first part of the thesis, pooling is applied to multi-location inventory models. It is studied how cost reduction can be achieved by the use of stock transfers between local warehouses, so-called lateral transshipments. In this way, stock is pooled between the warehouses. The setting is motivated by a spare parts inventory network, where critical components of technically advanced machines are kept on stock, to reduce down time durations. We create insights into the question when lateral transshipments lead to cost reductions, by studying several models. Firstly, a system with two stock points is studied, for which we completely characterize the structure of the optimal policy, using dynamic programming. For this, we formulate the model as a Markov decision process. We also derived conditions under which simple, easy to implement, policies are always optimal, such as a hold back policy and a complete pooling policy. Furthermore, we identified the parameter settings under which cost savings can be achieved. Secondly, we characterize the optimal policy structure for a multi-location model where only one stock point issues lateral transshipments, a so-called quick response warehouse. Thirdly, we apply the insights generated to the general multi-location model with lateral transshipments. We propose the use of a hold back policy, and construct a new approximation algorithm for deriving the performance characteristics. It is based on the use of interrupted Poisson processes. The algorithm is shown to be very accurate, and can be used for the optimization of the hold back levels, the parameters of this class of policies. Also, we study related inventory models, where a single stock point servers multiple customers classes. Furthermore, the pooling of server capacity is studied. For a two queue model where the head-of-line processor sharing discipline is applied, we derive the optimal control policy for dividing the servers attention, as well as for accepting customers. Also, a server farm with an infinite number of servers is studied, where servers can be turned off after a service completion in order to save costs. We characterize the optimal policy for this model. In the second part of the thesis polling models are studied, which are queueing systems where multiple queues are served by a single server. An application is the production of multiple types of products on a single machine. In this way, the production capacity is pooled between the product types. For the classical polling model, we derive a closedform approximation for the mean waiting time at each of the queues. The approximation is based on the interpolation of light and heavy traffic results. Also, we study a system with so-called smart customers, where the arrival rate at a queue depends on the position of the server. Finally, we invent two new service disciplines (the gated/exhaustive and the ??-gated discipline) for polling models, designed to yield ’fairness and efficiency’ in the mean waiting times. That is, they result in almost equal mean waiting times at each of the queues, without increasing the weighted sum of the mean waiting times too much

    Spare Parts Inventory Control under System Availability Constraints

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