104 research outputs found

    Resource allocation technique for powerline network using a modified shuffled frog-leaping algorithm

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    Resource allocation (RA) techniques should be made efficient and optimized in order to enhance the QoS (power & bit, capacity, scalability) of high-speed networking data applications. This research attempts to further increase the efficiency towards near-optimal performance. RA’s problem involves assignment of subcarriers, power and bit amounts for each user efficiently. Several studies conducted by the Federal Communication Commission have proven that conventional RA approaches are becoming insufficient for rapid demand in networking resulted in spectrum underutilization, low capacity and convergence, also low performance of bit error rate, delay of channel feedback, weak scalability as well as computational complexity make real-time solutions intractable. Mainly due to sophisticated, restrictive constraints, multi-objectives, unfairness, channel noise, also unrealistic when assume perfect channel state is available. The main goal of this work is to develop a conceptual framework and mathematical model for resource allocation using Shuffled Frog-Leap Algorithm (SFLA). Thus, a modified SFLA is introduced and integrated in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system. Then SFLA generated random population of solutions (power, bit), the fitness of each solution is calculated and improved for each subcarrier and user. The solution is numerically validated and verified by simulation-based powerline channel. The system performance was compared to similar research works in terms of the system’s capacity, scalability, allocated rate/power, and convergence. The resources allocated are constantly optimized and the capacity obtained is constantly higher as compared to Root-finding, Linear, and Hybrid evolutionary algorithms. The proposed algorithm managed to offer fastest convergence given that the number of iterations required to get to the 0.001% error of the global optimum is 75 compared to 92 in the conventional techniques. Finally, joint allocation models for selection of optima resource values are introduced; adaptive power and bit allocators in OFDM system-based Powerline and using modified SFLA-based TLBO and PSO are propose

    A novel hybrid archimedes optimization algorithm for energy-efficient hybrid flow shop scheduling

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    The manufacturing sector consumes most of the global energy and had been in focus since the outbreak of the energy crisis. One of the proposed strategies to overcome this problem is to implement appropriate scheduling, such as Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling. Therefore, this study aims to create a Hybrid Archimedes Optimization Algorithm (HAOA) for solving the Energy-Efficient Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (EEHFSP). It is hoped that this helps to provide new insights into advanced HAOA methods for resolving the EEHFSP as the algorithm has the potential to be a more efficient alternative. In this study, three stages of EEHFSP were considered in the problem as well as a sequence-dependent setup and removal times in the second stage. Experiments with three population variations and iterations were presented for testing the effect of HAOA parameters on energy consumption. Furthermore, ten job variations are also presented to evaluate the performance of the HAOA algorithm and the results showed that HAOA iteration and the population did not affect the removal and processing of energy consumption, but impacted that of setup and idle. The comparison of these ten cases revealed that the proposed HAOA produced the best total energy consumption (TEC) when compared to the other algorithms

    Facility Layout Planning and Job Shop Scheduling – A survey

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    Navigational Strategies for Control of Underwater Robot using AI based Algorithms

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    Autonomous underwater robots have become indispensable marine tools to perform various tedious and risky oceanic tasks of military, scientific, civil as well as commercial purposes. To execute hazardous naval tasks successfully, underwater robot needs an intelligent controller to manoeuver from one point to another within unknown or partially known three-dimensional environment. This dissertation has proposed and implemented various AI based control strategies for underwater robot navigation. Adaptive versions of neuro-fuzzy network and several stochastic evolutionary algorithms have been employed here to avoid obstacles or to escape from dead end situations while tracing near optimal path from initial point to destination of an impulsive underwater scenario. A proper balance between path optimization and collision avoidance has been considered as major aspects for evaluating performances of proposed navigational strategies of underwater robot. Online sensory information about position and orientation of both target and nearest obstacles with respect to the robot’s current position have been considered as inputs for path planners. To validate the feasibility of proposed control algorithms, numerous simulations have been executed within MATLAB based simulation environment where obstacles of different shapes and sizes are distributed in a chaotic manner. Simulation results have been verified by performing real time experiments of robot in underwater environment. Comparisons with other available underwater navigation approaches have also been accomplished for authentication purpose. Extensive simulation and experimental studies have ensured the obstacle avoidance and path optimization abilities of proposed AI based navigational strategies during motion of underwater robot. Moreover, a comparative study has been performed on navigational performances of proposed path planning approaches regarding path length and travel time to find out most efficient technique for navigation within an impulsive underwater environment

    Scheduling Problems

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    Scheduling is defined as the process of assigning operations to resources over time to optimize a criterion. Problems with scheduling comprise both a set of resources and a set of a consumers. As such, managing scheduling problems involves managing the use of resources by several consumers. This book presents some new applications and trends related to task and data scheduling. In particular, chapters focus on data science, big data, high-performance computing, and Cloud computing environments. In addition, this book presents novel algorithms and literature reviews that will guide current and new researchers who work with load balancing, scheduling, and allocation problems

    A critical review of multi-hole drilling path optimization

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    Hole drilling is one of the major basic operations in part manufacturing. It follows without surprise then that the optimization of this process is of great importance when trying to minimize the total financial and environmental cost of part manufacturing. In multi-hole drilling, 70% of the total process time is spent in tool movement and tool switching. Therefore, toolpath optimization in particular has attracted significant attention in cost minimization. This paper critically reviews research publications on drilling path optimization. In particular, this review focuses on three aspects; problem modeling, objective functions, and optimization algorithms. We conclude that most papers being published on hole drilling are simply basic Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP) for which extremely powerful heuristics exist and for which source code is readily available. Therefore, it is remarkable that many researchers continue developing novel metaheuristics for hole drilling without properly situating those approaches in the larger TSP literature. Consequently, more challenging hole drilling applications that are modeled by the Precedence Constrained TSP or hole drilling with sequence dependent drilling times do not receivemuch research focus. Sadly, these many low quality hole drilling research publications drown out the occasional high quality papers that describe specific problematic problem constraints or objective functions. It is our hope through this review paper that researchers' efforts can be refocused on these problem aspects in order to minimize production costs in the general sense

    A Hybrid Water Flow-Like Algorithm and Variable Neighbourhood Search for Traveling Salesman Problem

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    Various metaheuristic methods have been proposed earlier and applied for solving the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Water Flow Algorithm (WFA) is one of the recent population-based metaheuristic optimization techniques used for solving this problem. Past research has shown that improving WFA local search strategy has a significant impact on the algorithm performance. Therefore, this paper aims to solve TSP by enhancing WFA searching strategy based on a Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) known as hybrid WFA-VNS. It is a mixture of the exploration of WFA and the exploitation capability of VNS. This study is conducted in two stages: Pre-experiment and initial experiment. The objective of doing pre-experiment is to select four neighborhood structures to be used for the initial experiment. At the first stage, three instances are used, and there are five neighborhood structures involved. Those neighborhood structures are two opt, three opt, four opt, swapping, and insertion move. Because of pre-experiment, it discovers four best neighborhood structures, which are two opt, three opt, exchanging and insertion move. These neighborhood structures will be used in the initial experiment, which an improvement approach is employed. In an initial experiment, the performance of the proposed hybrid WFA-VNS is further studied and tested on 26 established benchmarked symmetric TSP datasets using four neighborhood structures selected in pre-experiment earlier. The TSP datasets involved are categorized into three types: small datasets, medium datasets, and large datasets. Selected neighborhood structures obtained in pre-experiment are applied and generated randomly to intensify the initial solution achieved at an earlier stage of hybrid WFA-VNS. The results of the comparison show that this hybrid approach represents an improvement and able to produce competitive results

    Comprehensive Taxonomies of Nature- and Bio-inspired Optimization: Inspiration Versus Algorithmic Behavior, Critical Analysis Recommendations

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    In recent algorithmic family simulates different biological processes observed in Nature in order to efficiently address complex optimization problems. In the last years the number of bio-inspired optimization approaches in literature has grown considerably, reaching unprecedented levels that dark the future prospects of this field of research. This paper addresses this problem by proposing two comprehensive, principle-based taxonomies that allow researchers to organize existing and future algorithmic developments into well-defined categories, considering two different criteria: the source of inspiration and the behavior of each algorithm. Using these taxonomies we review more than three hundred publications dealing with nature- inspired and bio-inspired algorithms, and proposals falling within each of these categories are examined, leading to a critical summary of design trends and similarities between them, and the identification of the most similar classical algorithm for each reviewed paper. From our analysis we conclude that a poor relationship is often found between the natural inspiration of an algorithm and its behavior. Furthermore, similarities in terms of behavior between different algorithms are greater than what is claimed in their public disclosure: specifically, we show that more than one-third of the reviewed bio-inspired solvers are versions of classical algorithms. Grounded on the conclusions of our critical analysis, we give several recommendations and points of improvement for better methodological practices in this active and growing research field

    A water flow algorithm for optimization problems

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