107 research outputs found

    Positional Games and QBF: The Corrective Encoding

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    Positional games are a mathematical class of two-player games comprising Tic-tac-toe and its generalizations. We propose a novel encoding of these games into Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF) such that a game instance admits a winning strategy for first player if and only if the corresponding formula is true. Our approach improves over previous QBF encodings of games in multiple ways. First, it is generic and lets us encode other positional games, such as Hex. Second, structural properties of positional games together with a careful treatment of illegal moves let us generate more compact instances that can be solved faster by state-of-the-art QBF solvers. We establish the latter fact through extensive experiments. Finally, the compactness of our new encoding makes it feasible to translate realistic game problems. We identify a few such problems of historical significance and put them forward to the QBF community as milestones of increasing difficulty.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 23rd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT2020

    A techno-economic evaluation of the geodesic dome as a possible form of low-income house in Southern Africa

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    This dissertation studies the viability of one alternative building system as an option to conventional low-income housing. The need for research in this regard has been expressed by various government committees and commissions of inquiry, as well as by the private sector, to be of vital importance in facing the future housing challenge in southern Africa. The study is largely confined to black housing. The search for a form of shelter which combines traditional black low-technology and innovative Wes tern high-technology in a successful marriage, brings the geodesic dome to light. The conclusion reached is that in economic, technical and cultural terms, the dome compares favourably with conventional low-income housing. The social acceptance of the structure is a topic of research beyond the scope of this study

    Volume 66 - Issue 4 - January, 1955

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    Intelligence artificielle et optimisation avec parallélisme

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    This document is devoted to artificial intelligence and optimization. This part will bedevoted to having fun with high level ideas and to introduce the subject. Thereafter,Part II will be devoted to Monte-Carlo Tree Search, a recent great tool for sequentialdecision making; we will only briefly discuss other tools for sequential decision making;the complexity of sequential decision making will be reviewed. Then, part IIIwill discuss optimization, with a particular focus on robust optimization and especiallyevolutionary optimization. Part IV will present some machine learning tools, useful ineveryday life, such as supervised learning and active learning. A conclusion (part V)will come back to fun and to high level ideas.On parlera ici de Monte-Carlo Tree Search, d'UCT, d'algorithmes évolutionnaires et d'autres trucs et astuces d'IA;l'accent sera mis sur la parallélisation

    A Precision Measurement of the Weak Charge of Proton at Low Q^2: Kinematics and Tracking

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    The Standard Model of particle physics represents our present best understanding of the elementary particles and three of the four fundamental forces. One of the most important and challenging tasks of modern particle physics is to test, and perhaps, to find the evidence for new physics not contained in the Standard Model. One such test, the QweakQ_{weak} experiment, was conducted at JLab in Newport News, VA, from 2010 to 2012. The goal of the experiment is to measure the value of the weak charge of proton, QweakQ_{weak} to a 4\% precision, which, if it confirms the Standard Model prediction, will provide tighter constraints on new physics; or, if it is in disagreement with that prediction, will provide clear evidence for new physics. In this experiment, an 85\% polarized electron beam with 150 μA\mu A current is used on a 35cm thick hydrogen target to make elastic electron-proton scattering happen at a four-momentum transfer Q2=0.03GeV/c2Q^2=0.03GeV/c^2. to determine the weak charge, we must also precisely determine the kinematics of the scattering process, namely, the Q2Q^2. In order to reach this goal, the hardware, a particle tracking system and special analysis software, the Qweak Tracking Reconstruction software, are both needed. In this dissertation, a full description of the tracking software and the prelimary analysis of the Q2Q^2 and the first subset of production data will be given. The proton\u27s weak charge QWeakPQ^P_{Weak} was measured to be 0.064±0.0120.064\pm0.012, which is consistent with the prediction of the Standard Model

    Volume 64 - Issue 7 - April, 1953

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    The BG News October 6, 1988

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper October 6, 1988. Volume 71 - Issue 28https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5842/thumbnail.jp

    Monte-Carlo tree search enhancements for one-player and two-player domains

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