3,873 research outputs found

    Least-squares solution of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with the p-version of finite elements

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    A p-version of the least squares finite element method, based on the velocity-pressure-vorticity formulation, is developed for solving steady state incompressible viscous flow problems. The resulting system of symmetric and positive definite linear equations can be solved satisfactorily with the conjugate gradient method. In conjunction with the use of rapid operator application which avoids the formation of either element of global matrices, it is possible to achieve a highly compact and efficient solution scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical results are presented for two-dimensional flow over a backward facing step. The effectiveness of simple outflow boundary conditions is also demonstrated

    A least-squares implicit RBF-FD closest point method and applications to PDEs on moving surfaces

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    The closest point method (Ruuth and Merriman, J. Comput. Phys. 227(3):1943-1961, [2008]) is an embedding method developed to solve a variety of partial differential equations (PDEs) on smooth surfaces, using a closest point representation of the surface and standard Cartesian grid methods in the embedding space. Recently, a closest point method with explicit time-stepping was proposed that uses finite differences derived from radial basis functions (RBF-FD). Here, we propose a least-squares implicit formulation of the closest point method to impose the constant-along-normal extension of the solution on the surface into the embedding space. Our proposed method is particularly flexible with respect to the choice of the computational grid in the embedding space. In particular, we may compute over a computational tube that contains problematic nodes. This fact enables us to combine the proposed method with the grid based particle method (Leung and Zhao, J. Comput. Phys. 228(8):2993-3024, [2009]) to obtain a numerical method for approximating PDEs on moving surfaces. We present a number of examples to illustrate the numerical convergence properties of our proposed method. Experiments for advection-diffusion equations and Cahn-Hilliard equations that are strongly coupled to the velocity of the surface are also presented

    From error bounds to the complexity of first-order descent methods for convex functions

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    This paper shows that error bounds can be used as effective tools for deriving complexity results for first-order descent methods in convex minimization. In a first stage, this objective led us to revisit the interplay between error bounds and the Kurdyka-\L ojasiewicz (KL) inequality. One can show the equivalence between the two concepts for convex functions having a moderately flat profile near the set of minimizers (as those of functions with H\"olderian growth). A counterexample shows that the equivalence is no longer true for extremely flat functions. This fact reveals the relevance of an approach based on KL inequality. In a second stage, we show how KL inequalities can in turn be employed to compute new complexity bounds for a wealth of descent methods for convex problems. Our approach is completely original and makes use of a one-dimensional worst-case proximal sequence in the spirit of the famous majorant method of Kantorovich. Our result applies to a very simple abstract scheme that covers a wide class of descent methods. As a byproduct of our study, we also provide new results for the globalization of KL inequalities in the convex framework. Our main results inaugurate a simple methodology: derive an error bound, compute the desingularizing function whenever possible, identify essential constants in the descent method and finally compute the complexity using the one-dimensional worst case proximal sequence. Our method is illustrated through projection methods for feasibility problems, and through the famous iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (ISTA), for which we show that the complexity bound is of the form O(qk)O(q^{k}) where the constituents of the bound only depend on error bound constants obtained for an arbitrary least squares objective with 1\ell^1 regularization

    Solving optimal control problems governed by random Navier-Stokes equations using low-rank methods

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    Many problems in computational science and engineering are simultaneously characterized by the following challenging issues: uncertainty, nonlinearity, nonstationarity and high dimensionality. Existing numerical techniques for such models would typically require considerable computational and storage resources. This is the case, for instance, for an optimization problem governed by time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with uncertain inputs. In particular, the stochastic Galerkin finite element method often leads to a prohibitively high dimensional saddle-point system with tensor product structure. In this paper, we approximate the solution by the low-rank Tensor Train decomposition, and present a numerically efficient algorithm to solve the optimality equations directly in the low-rank representation. We show that the solution of the vorticity minimization problem with a distributed control admits a representation with ranks that depend modestly on model and discretization parameters even for high Reynolds numbers. For lower Reynolds numbers this is also the case for a boundary control. This opens the way for a reduced-order modeling of the stochastic optimal flow control with a moderate cost at all stages.Comment: 29 page

    Numerical computation of transonic flows by finite-element and finite-difference methods

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    Studies on applications of the finite element approach to transonic flow calculations are reported. Different discretization techniques of the differential equations and boundary conditions are compared. Finite element analogs of Murman's mixed type finite difference operators for small disturbance formulations were constructed and the time dependent approach (using finite differences in time and finite elements in space) was examined

    Postprocessing of Non-Conservative Flux for Compatibility with Transport in Heterogeneous Media

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    A conservative flux postprocessing algorithm is presented for both steady-state and dynamic flow models. The postprocessed flux is shown to have the same convergence order as the original flux. An arbitrary flux approximation is projected into a conservative subspace by adding a piecewise constant correction that is minimized in a weighted L2L^2 norm. The application of a weighted norm appears to yield better results for heterogeneous media than the standard L2L^2 norm which has been considered in earlier works. We also study the effect of different flux calculations on the domain boundary. In particular we consider the continuous Galerkin finite element method for solving Darcy flow and couple it with a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for an advective transport problem.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figures, 11 table