3,050 research outputs found

    Full factorial experimental design for parameters selection of Harmony Search Algorithm

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    AbstractMetaheuristic may be defined as an iterative search process that intelligently performs the exploration and exploitationin the solution space aiming to efficiently find near optimal solutions. Various natural intelligences and inspirations have been artificially embedded into the iterative process. In this work, Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), which is based on the melody fine tuning conducted by musicians for optimising the synchronisation of the music, was adopted to find optimal solutions of nine benchmarking non-linear continuous mathematical models including two-, three- and four-dimensions. Considering the solution space in a specified region, some models contained a global optimum and multi local optima. A series of computational experiments was used to systematically identify the best parameters of HSA and to compare its performance with other metaheuristics including the Shuffled Frog Leaping (SFL) and the Memetic Algorithm (MA) in terms of the mean and variance ofthe solutions obtained

    Mitigating Environmental Impacts Of Terminal Lake Flooding: A Case Study Of Devils Lake, North Dakota

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    Devils Lake is an endorheic lake in the Red River of the North basin in northeastern North Dakota. During the last two decades, the lake water level has risen by nearly 10 m, causing floods that have cost more than 1 billion USD in mitigation measures. Another increase of approximately 3.0 m in the lake water level would cause spillage into the Sheyenne River. To alleviate this potentially catastrophic spillage, two artificial outlets were constructed. However, the artificial drainage of water into the Sheyenne River raises water quality concerns because the Devils Lake water contains significantly higher concentrations of dissolved solids, particularly sulfates. In this study three important concerns related to the Devils Lake flooding are being addressed: (1) How has the current wet climate cycle impacted water level and distribution of sulfate concentrations in Devils Lake? (2) Does the current outlet management increase the risk of flood and/or water quality degradation in the Sheyenne River? (4) What is the optimal outlets strategy to control Devils Lake flooding and minimize the impact on discharge and sulfate concentration in the Sheyenne River? It was found the Devils Lake water level without the operating the outlet would be 1.1 meters above its actual level in June 2018. The sulfate concentrations of Devils Lake showed a general increase from west to east, with the east end concentration being ~ 3 times greater than the west side. Since 2008, inflowing the fresh water to the lake has also decreased the Devils Lake sulfate concentration by 6%. It was found operating the outlets has increased the Sheyenne River discharge and sulfate concentration to 40 m3 s-1 and 800 mg l-1, respectively. The current outlets operation has limited the Sheyenne River discharge to less than two-year flood, however, it has violated the 750 mg l-1 North Dakota sulfate concentration standard for Stream Class I A. Based on the optimization method, an alternative management strategy was identified to control the Devils Lake water levels and preserve water quantity and quality of the Sheyenne River. Our optimization approach offered a “win-win” management strategy that maintains the efficiency of the outlets and conserves both river sulfate concentration â‰Ī 650 mg l-1 and discharge â‰Ī 26 m3 s-1. Using National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) data we predicted that following the alternative management will reduce the lake water levels by 0.16 m from July to October 2018

    Efficiency of evolutionary algorithms in water network pipe sizing

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    ÂĐ 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. The pipe sizing of water networks via evolutionary algorithms is of great interest because it allows the selection of alternative economical solutions that meet a set of design requirements. However, available evolutionary methods are numerous, and methodologies to compare the performance of these methods beyond obtaining a minimal solution for a given problem are currently lacking. A methodology to compare algorithms based on an efficiency rate (E) is presented here and applied to the pipe-sizing problem of four medium-sized benchmark networks (Hanoi, New York Tunnel, GoYang and R-9 Joao Pessoa). E numerically determines the performance of a given algorithm while also considering the quality of the obtained solution and the required computational effort. From the wide range of available evolutionary algorithms, four algorithms were selected to implement the methodology: a PseudoGenetic Algorithm (PGA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a Harmony Search and a modified Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA). After more than 500,000 simulations, a statistical analysis was performed based on the specific parameters each algorithm requires to operate, and finally, E was analyzed for each network and algorithm. The efficiency measure indicated that PGA is the most efficient algorithm for problems of greater complexity and that HS is the most efficient algorithm for less complex problems. However, the main contribution of this work is that the proposed efficiency ratio provides a neutral strategy to compare optimization algorithms and may be useful in the future to select the most appropriate algorithm for different types of optimization problems

    Development of an empirical formula for estimation of bioretention outflow rate

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    Urbanization of a watershed affects both surface water and groundwater resources. When impervious area increases, the excess runoff and volume of water collected at the downstream end of the watershed also increases, due to the decrease in groundwater recharge, depression storage, infiltration and evapotranspiration. Low-impact development (LID) methods have been developed in order to diminish adverse effects of excess stormwater runoff. Bioretention is one of the LID types which is used to prevent flooding by decreasing runoff volume and peak flow rate, and to manage storm-water by improving water quality. In this study, an empirical formula is derived to predict the peak outflow out of a bioretention column as a function of the ponding depth on bioretention, hydraulic conductivity, porosity, suction head, initial moisture content and height of the soil mixture used in the bioretention column. Coefficients of the empirical formula are determined by using metaheuristic algorithms. For analyses, the experimental data obtained from rainfall-watershed-bioretention (RWB) system are used. The reliability of the empirical formula is evaluated by calculating the absolute per cent error between the peak value of the measured outflow and the calculated outflow of the bioretention columns. The results show that the performance of the empirical formula is satisfactory.Keywords: bioretention, low impact development (LID), excess runoff, stormwater management, empirical formul

    Assessment of risks of tunneling project in Iran using artificial bee colony algorithm

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    The soft computing techniques have been widely applied to model and analyze the complex and uncertain problems. This paper aims to develop a novel model for the risk assessment of tunneling projects using artificial bee colony algorithm. To this end, the risk of the second part of the Emamzade Hashem tunnel was assessed and analyzed in seven sections after testing geotechnical characteristics. Five geotechnical and hydrological properties of study zone are considered for the clustering of geological units in front of tunneling project including length of tunnel, uniaxial compressive strength, rock mass rating, tunneling index Q, density and underground water condition. These sections were classified in two low-risk and high-risk groups based on their geotechnical characteristics and using clustering technique. It was resulted that three sections with lithologies Durood Formation, Mobarak Formation, and Ruteh Formation are placed in the high risk group and the other sections with lithologies Baroot Formation, Elika Formation, Dacite tuff of Eocene, and Shear Tuff, and Lava Eocene are placed in the low risk group. In addition, the underground water condition and density with 0.722 and 1 Euclidean distances have the highest and lowest impacts in the high risk group, respectively. Therefore, comparing the obtained results of modelling and actual excavation data demonstrated that this technique can be applied as a powerful tool for modeling risks of tunnel and underground constructions

    Automatic Calibration for CE-QUAL-W2 Model Using Improved Global-Best Harmony Search Algorithm

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    CE-QUAL-W2 is widely used for simulating hydrodynamics and water quality of the aquatic environments. Currently, the model calibration is mainly based on trial and error, and therefore it is subject to the knowledge and experience of users. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been tested for automatic calibration of CE-QUAL-W2, but it has an issue of prematurely converging to a local optimum. In this study, we proposed an Improved Global-Best Harmony Search (IGHS) algorithm to automatically calibrate the CE-QUAL-W2 model to overcome these shortcomings. We tested the performance of the IGHS calibration method by simulating water temperature of Devils Lake, North Dakota, which agreed with field observations with R2 = 0.98, and RMSE = 1.23 and 0.77 °C for calibration (2008–2011) and validation (2011–2016) periods, respectively. The same comparison, but with the PSO-calibrated CE-QUAL-W2 model, produced R2 = 0.98 and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) = 1.33 and 0.91 °C. Between the two calibration methods, the CE-QUAL-W2 model calibrated by the IGHS method could lower the RMSE in water temperature simulation by approximately 7–15%

    Development and evaluation of models for assessing geochemical pollution sources with multiple reactive chemical species for sustainable use of aquifer systems: source characterization and monitoring network design

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    Michael designed a groundwater flow and reactive transport optimization model. He applied this model to characterize contaminant sources in Australia's first large scale uranium mine site in the Northern Territory. He identified the contamination sources to the groundwater system in the area. His findings will assist planning actions and steps needed to implement the mitigation strategy of this contaminated aquifer
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