641 research outputs found

    A facility to Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) at the CERN SPS

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    A new general purpose fixed target facility is proposed at the CERN SPS accelerator which is aimed at exploring the domain of hidden particles and make measurements with tau neutrinos. Hidden particles are predicted by a large number of models beyond the Standard Model. The high intensity of the SPS 400~GeV beam allows probing a wide variety of models containing light long-lived exotic particles with masses below O{\cal O}(10)~GeV/c2^2, including very weakly interacting low-energy SUSY states. The experimental programme of the proposed facility is capable of being extended in the future, e.g. to include direct searches for Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation.Comment: Technical Proposa

    Technical Proposal for FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC

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    FASER is a proposed small and inexpensive experiment designed to search for light, weakly-interacting particles during Run 3 of the LHC from 2021-23. Such particles may be produced in large numbers along the beam collision axis, travel for hundreds of meters without interacting, and then decay to standard model particles. To search for such events, FASER will be located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS IP in the unused service tunnel TI12 and be sensitive to particles that decay in a cylindrical volume with radius R=10 cm and length L=1.5 m. FASER will complement the LHC's existing physics program, extending its discovery potential to a host of new, light particles, with potentially far-reaching implications for particle physics and cosmology. This document describes the technical details of the FASER detector components: the magnets, the tracker, the scintillator system, and the calorimeter, as well as the trigger and readout system. The preparatory work that is needed to install and operate the detector, including civil engineering, transport, and integration with various services is also presented. The information presented includes preliminary cost estimates for the detector components and the infrastructure work, as well as a timeline for the design, construction, and installation of the experiment.Comment: 82 pages, 62 figures; submitted to the CERN LHCC on 7 November 201

    Asymptotic dispersion for two-dimensional highly heterogeneous permeability fields under temporally fluctuating flow

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    International audienceTemporal fluctuations of water flux have been investigated as a mechanism that strongly enhances transverse dispersion in heterogeneous media. Unfortunately, most results have been obtained by linear stochastic theories on permeability fields of limited variability. Worse, results are inconsistent regarding the impact of fluctuations on longitudinal dispersion, which motivates our work to find the effect of temporal velocity fluctuations on macrodispersion. We perform numerical Monte Carlo simulations for highly variable permeability fields of up to 800 correlation lengths. We find that fluctuations longitudinal to the main flow direction hardly modify macrodispersion because they do not alter the flow lines. Fluctuations transverse to the main flow direction not only increase transverse dispersion, which is well known, but also reduce the longitudinal macrodispersion in a significant and consistent way, which contradicts previous findings. The reduction of the longitudinal dispersion is comparable to the increase of transverse dispersion. Most surprisingly, for high heterogeneity, temporal fluctuations cause total (longitudinal plus transverse) macrodispersion to drop with respect to the steady state one. Enhancement of the transverse macrodispersion comes from both the increase of the transverse velocity variability and Lagrangian correlation. Reduction of the longitudinal macrodispersion results from the reduction of the Lagrangian correlation of the longitudinal velocity. That is, temporal fluctuations reduce longitudinal spreading both by breaking the fastest velocity paths on the plume front and by letting solute bypass the low-permeability zones that tend to block or trap the solute in steady state flow conditions

    Improved Scheme for Modeling Mass Transfer between Fracture and Matrix Continua with Particle Tracking Method

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    Convective flow reversal in self-powered enzyme micropumps

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    Surface-bound enzymes can act as pumps that drive large-scale fluid flows in the presence of their substrates or promoters. Thus, enzymatic catalysis can be harnessed for "on demand" pumping in nano-and microfluidic devices powered by an intrinsic energy source. The mechanisms controlling the pumping have not, however, been completely elucidated. Herein, we combine theory and experiments to demonstrate a previously unreported spatiotemporal variation in pumping behavior in urease-based pumps and uncover the mechanisms behind these dynamics. We developed a theoretical model for the transduction of chemical energy into mechanical fluid flow in these systems, capturing buoyancy effects due to the solution containing nonuniform concentrations of substrate and product. We find that the qualitative features of the flow depend on the ratios of diffusivities delta = D-P / D-S and expansion coefficients beta = beta(P) / beta(S) of the reaction substrate (S) and product (P). If delta > 1 and delta > beta (or if delta < 1 and delta < beta), an unexpected phenomenon arises: the flow direction reverses with time and distance from the pump. Our experimental results are in qualitative agreement with the model and show that both the speed and direction of fluid pumping (i) depend on the enzyme activity and coverage, (ii) vary with the distance from the pump, and (iii) evolve with time. These findings permit the rational design of enzymatic pumps that accurately control the direction and speed of fluid flow without external power sources, enabling effective, self-powered fluidic devices.National Science Foundation: DGE-1255832, DMR-1420620Defense Threat Reduction Agency: HDTRA1-13-1-003

    On the validity of effective formulations for transport through heterogeneous porous media

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    International audienceGeological heterogeneity enhances spreading of solutes, and causes transport to be anomalous (i.e., non-Fickian), with much less mixing than suggested by dispersion. This implies that modeling transport requires adopting either stochastic approaches that model heterogeneity explicitly or effective transport formulations that acknowledge the effects of heterogeneity. A number of such formulations have been developed and tested as upscaled representations of enhanced spreading. However, their ability to represent mixing has not been formally tested, which is required for proper reproduction of chemical reactions and which motivates our work. We propose that, for an effective transport formulation to be considered a valid representation of transport through Heterogeneous Porous Media (HPM), it should honor mean advection, mixing and spreading. It should also be flexible enough to be applicable to real problems. We test the capacity of the Multi-Rate Mass Transfer (MRMT) to reproduce mixing observed in HPM, as represented by the classical multi-Gaussian log-permeability field with a Gaussian correlation pattern. Non-dispersive mixing comes from heterogeneity structures in the concentration fields that are not captured by macrodispersion. These fine structures limit mixing initially, but eventually enhance it. Numerical results show that, relative to HPM, MRMT models display a much stronger memory of initial conditions on mixing than on dispersion because of the sensitivity of the mixing state to the actual values of concentration. Because MRMT does not restitute the local concentration structures, it induces smaller non-dispersive mixing than HPM. However long-lived trapping in the immobile zones may sustain the deviation from dispersive mixing over much longer times. While spreading can be well captured by MRMT models, non-dispersive mixing cannot

    Time evolution of mixing in heterogeneous porous media

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    International audienceMixing in heterogeneous media results from the competition between velocity fluctuations and local scale diffusion. Velocity fluctuations create a potential for mixing by generating disorder and large interfacial areas between resident and invading waters. Local scale diffusion smoothes out the disorder while transforming this potential into effective mixing. The effective mixing state is quantified by the integral of concentration squared over the spatial domain. Because it emerges from dispersion, the potential mixing is defined as the mixing state of a Gaussian plume that has the same longitudinal dispersion as the real plume. The difference between effective and potential mixing normalized by the latter traduces the lag of diffusion to homogenize the concentration structure generated by the dispersion processes. This new decomposition of effective mixing into potential mixing and departure rate makes a full use of dispersion for quantifying mixing and restricts the analysis of mixing to . For cases where the mean concentration can be assumed Gaussian, we use the concentration variance equation of Kapoor and Gelhar (1994) to show that depends solely on the macrodispersion coefficient (spreading rate) and the recently developed mixing scale defined as the smallest scale over which concentration can be considered uniform, and which quantifies the internal plume disorder. We use numerical simulations to show that turns out to follow a simple scaling form that depends on neither the heterogeneity level or the Peclet number. A very similar scaling form is recovered for Taylor dispersion. Both derivations of reinforce its relevance to characterize mixing. This generic characterization of mixing can offer new ways to set up transport equations that honor not only advection and spreading but also mixing

    A facility to Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) at the CERN SPS

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    A new general purpose fixed target facility is proposed at the CERN SPS accelerator which is aimed at exploring the domain of hidden particles and make measurements with tau neutrinos. Hidden particles are predicted by a large number of models beyond the Standard Model. The high intensity of the SPS 400~GeV beam allows probing a wide variety of models containing light long-lived exotic particles with masses below O{\cal O}(10)~GeV/c2^2, including very weakly interacting low-energy SUSY states. The experimental programme of the proposed facility is capable of being extended in the future, e.g. to include direct searches for Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation

    Development of RWHet to Simulate Contaminant Transport in Fractured Porous Media

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    Accurate simulation of matrix diffusion in regional-scale dual-porosity and dual-permeability media is a critical issue for the DOE Underground Test Area (UGTA) program, given the prevalence of fractured geologic media on the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). Contaminant transport through regional-scale fractured media is typically quantified by particle-tracking based Lagrangian solvers through the inclusion of dual-domain mass transfer algorithms that probabilistically determine particle transfer between fractures and unfractured matrix blocks. UGTA applications include a wide variety of fracture aperture and spacing, effective diffusion coefficients ranging four orders of magnitude, and extreme end member retardation values. This report incorporates the current dual-domain mass transfer algorithms into the well-known particle tracking code RWHet [LaBolle, 2006], and then tests and evaluates the updated code. We also develop and test a direct numerical simulation (DNS) approach to replace the classical transfer probability method in characterizing particle dynamics across the fracture/matrix interface. The final goal of this work is to implement the algorithm identified as most efficient and effective into RWHet, so that an accurate and computationally efficient software suite can be built for dual-porosity/dual-permeability applications. RWHet is a mature Lagrangian transport simulator with a substantial user-base that has undergone significant development and model validation. In this report, we also substantially tested the capability of RWHet in simulating passive and reactive tracer transport through regional-scale, heterogeneous media. Four dual-domain mass transfer methodologies were considered in this work. We first developed the empirical transfer probability approach proposed by Liu et al. [2000], and coded it into RWHet. The particle transfer probability from one continuum to the other is proportional to the ratio of the mass entering the other continuum to the mass in the current continuum. Numerical examples show that this method is limited to certain ranges of parameters, due to an intrinsic assumption of an equilibrium concentration profile in the matrix blocks in building the transfer probability. Subsequently, this method fails in describing mass transfer for parameter combinations that violate this assumption, including small diffusion coefficients (i.e., the free-water molecular diffusion coefficient 1×10-11 meter2/second), relatively large fracture spacings (such as meter), and/or relatively large matrix retardation coefficients (i.e., ). These “outliers” in parameter range are common in UGTA applications. To address the above limitations, we then developed a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)-Reflective method. The novel DNS-Reflective method can directly track the particle dynamics across the fracture/matrix interface using a random walk, without any empirical assumptions. This advantage should make the DNS-Reflective method feasible for a wide range of parameters. Numerical tests of the DNS-Reflective, however, show that the method is computationally very demanding, since the time step must be very small to resolve particle transfer between fractures and matrix blocks. To improve the computational efficiency of the DNS approach, we then adopted Roubinet et al.’s method [2009], which uses first passage time distributions to simulate dual-domain mass transfer. The DNS-Roubinet method was found to be computationally more efficient than the DNS-Reflective method. It matches the analytical solution for the whole range of major parameters (including diffusion coefficient and fracture aperture values that are considered “outliers” for Liu et al.’s transfer probability method [2000]) for a single fracture system. The DNS-Roubinet method, however, has its own disadvantage: for a parallel fracture system, the truncation of the first passage time distribution creates apparent errors when the fracture spacing is small, and thus it tends to erroneously predict breakthrough curves (BTCs) for the parallel fracture system. Finally, we adopted the transient range approach proposed by Pan and Bodvarsson [2002] in RWHet. In this method, particle transfer between fractures and matrix blocks can be resolved without using very small time steps. It does not use any truncation of the first passage time distribution for particles. Hence it does not have the limitation identified above for the DNS-Reflective method and the DNS-Roubinet method. Numerical results were checked against analytical solutions, and also compared to DCPTV2.0 [Pan, 2002]. This version of RWHet (called RWHet-Pan&amp;Bodvarsson in this report) can accurately capture contaminant transport in fractured porous media for a full range of parameters without any practical or theoretical limitations
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