426 research outputs found

    Literature review on thermo-mechanical behavior of components for LED system-in-package

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    Space station power semiconductor package

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    A package of high-power switching semiconductors for the space station have been designed and fabricated. The package includes a high-voltage (600 volts) high current (50 amps) NPN Fast Switching Power Transistor and a high-voltage (1200 volts), high-current (50 amps) Fast Recovery Diode. The package features an isolated collector for the transistors and an isolated anode for the diode. Beryllia is used as the isolation material resulting in a thermal resistance for both devices of .2 degrees per watt. Additional features include a hermetical seal for long life -- greater than 10 years in a space environment. Also, the package design resulted in a low electrical energy loss with the reduction of eddy currents, stray inductances, circuit inductance, and capacitance. The required package design and device parameters have been achieved. Test results for the transistor and diode utilizing the space station package is given

    Ultra thin ultrafine-pitch chip-package interconnections for embedded chip last approach

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    Ever growing demands for portability and functionality have always governed the electronic technology innovations. IC downscaling with Moore s law and system miniaturization with System-On-Package (SOP) paradigm has resulted and will continue to result in ultraminiaturized systems with unprecedented functionality at reduced cost. The trend towards 3D silicon system integration is expected to downscale IC I/O pad pitches from 40µm to 1- 5 µm in future. Device- to- system board interconnections are typically accomplished today with either wire bonding or solders. Both of these are incremental and run into either electrical or mechanical barriers as they are extended to higher density of interconnections. Alternate interconnection approaches such as compliant interconnects typically require lengthy connections and are therefore limited in terms of electrical properties, although expected to meet the mechanical requirements. As supply currents will increase upto 220 A by 2012, the current density will exceed the maximum allowable current density of solders. The intrinsic delay and electromigration in solders are other daunting issues that become critical at nanometer size technology nodes. In addition, formation of intermetallics is also a bottleneck that poses significant mechanical issues. Recently, many research groups have investigated various techniques for copper-copper direct bonding. Typically, bonding is carried out at 400oC for 30 min followed by annealing for 30 min. High thermal budget in such process makes it less attractive for integrated systems because of the associated process incompatibilities. In the present study, copper-copper bonding at ultra fine-pitch using advanced nano-conductive and non-conductive adhesives is evaluated. The proposed copper-copper based interconnects using advanced conductive and non-conductive adhesives will be a new fundamental and comprehensive paradigm to solve all the four barriers: 1) I/O pitch 2) Electrical performance 3) Reliability and 4) Cost. This thesis investigates the mechanical integrity and reliability of copper-copper bonding using advanced adhesives through test vehicle fabrication and reliability testing. Test vehicles were fabricated using low cost electro-deposition techniques and assembled onto glass carrier. Experimental results show that proposed copper-copper bonding using advanced adhesives could potentially meet all the system performance requirements for the emerging micro/nano-systems.M.S.Committee Chair: Prof. Rao R Tummala; Committee Member: Dr. Jack Moon; Committee Member: Dr. P M Ra

    Evaluation of Anisotropic Conductive Films Based on Vertical Fibers for Post-CMOS Wafer-Level Packaging

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    In this paper, we investigate the mechanical and electrical properties of an anisotropic conductive film (ACF) on the basis of high-density vertical fibers for a wafer-level packaging (WLP) application. As part of the WaferBoard, a\ud reconfigurable circuit platform for rapid system prototyping,\ud ACF is used as an intermediate film providing compliant and\ud vertical electrical connection between chip contacts and a top surface of an active wafer-size large-area IC. The chosen ACF is first tested by an indentation technique. The results show that the elastic–plastic deformation mode as well as the Young’s modulus and the hardness depend on the indentation depth. Second, the efficiency of the electrical contact is tested using a uniaxial compression on a stack comprising a dummy ball grid array (BGA) board, an ACF, and a thin Al film. For three bump diameters, as the compression increases, the resistance values decrease before reaching low and stable values. Despite the BGA solder bumps exhibit plastic deformation after compression, no damage is found on the ACF film. These results show that vertical fiber ACFs can be used for nonpermanent bonding in a WLP application

    A vector light sensor for 3D proximity applications: Designs, materials, and applications

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    In this thesis, a three-dimensional design of a vector light sensor for angular proximity detection applications is realized. 3D printed mesa pyramid designs, along with commercial photodiodes, were used as a prototype for the experimental verification of single-pixel and two-pixel systems. The operation principles, microfabrication details, and experimental verification of micro-sized mesa and CMOS-compatible inverse vector light pixels in silicon are presented, where p-n junctions are created on pyramid’s facets as photodiodes. The one-pixel system allows for angular estimations, providing spatial proximity of incident light in 2D and 3D. A two-pixel system was further demonstrated to have a wider-angle detection. Multilayered carbon nanotubes, graphene, and vanadium oxide thin films as well as carbon nanoparticles-based composites were studied along with cost effective deposition processes to incorporate these films onto 3D mesa structures. Combining such design and materials optimizations produces sensors with a unique design, simple fabrication process, and readout integrated circuits’ compatibility. Finally, an approach to utilize such sensors in smart energy system applications as solar trackers, for automated power generation optimizations, is explored. However, integration optimizations in complementary-Si PV solar modules were first required. In this multi-step approach, custom composite materials are utilized to significantly enhance the reliability in bifacial silicon PV solar modules. Thermal measurements and process optimizations in the development of imec’s novel interconnection technology in solar applications are discussed. The interconnection technology is used to improve solar modules’ performance and enhance the connectivity between modules’ cells and components. This essential precursor allows for the effective powering and consistent operations of standalone module-associated components, such as the solar tracker and Internet of Things sensing devices, typically used in remote monitoring of modules’ performance or smart energy systems. Such integrations and optimizations in the interconnection technology improve solar modules’ performance and reliability, while further reducing materials and production costs. Such advantages further promote solar (Si) PV as a continuously evolving renewable energy source that is compatible with new waves of smart city technology and systems

    Index to 1981 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 6, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1981 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Glass multilayer bonding for high density interconnect substrates

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    The aim of this research was the investigation of bonding borosilicate glass sheets, its trade mark CMZ, 100μm thickness, to create multilayer substrates capable of supporting high-density electrical interconnections. CMZ glass was chosen as it has a coefficient of thermal expansion that is close to that of silicon, thereby minimising thermal stresses in assemblies generated by manufacturing processes or service conditions. Two different methods of bonding the glass were used in this study; pressure assisted low temperature bonding (PALTB), and water glass bonding, using Sodium Trisilicate (Na2Si3O7) solution. These two bonding methods have already been applied in electronics manufacturing applications, such as silicon wafer bonding and multichip modules (MCMs). However, glass-to-glass bonding is a relatively new subject and this study is an attempt to standardise bonding processes. Additionally, the concept of using glass as a multilayer substrate provides a foundation for further exploration by other investigators. Initial tests that were carried out before standardising the procedures for these two methods showed that a two-stage bonding process provided optimum results. A preliminary stage commenced by placing the cleaned (using Decon 90 solution) samples in a vacuum oven for 15 minutes, then heating at 100oC for 1hr. The permanent stage was then achieved by heating the samples in a conventional oven at temperatures from 200 to 400oC, for different periods. At this stage, the main difference between the two methods was the application of pressure (1-2MPa) during heating of the PALTB samples. To evaluate the quality of the bonds, qualitative tests such as visual, optical microscope and dye penetrant were used. In addition, to estimate the strength and the rigidity of the interlayer bonds, two quantitative tests, comprising of deflection under cyclic stresses and crack opening were used. Thermal cycling and humidity tests were also used to assess resistance of the bonds to environmental effects. The results showed that heating to 100oC was insufficient to enhance the bonds, as occasionally a sudden increase of deflection was observed indicating slippage/delamination. These bonds were enhanced during the permanent bonding stage by heating to 300oC in PALTB, under a pressure of 1-2MPa. The crack-opening test showed that the delamination distances of the bonds in the permanent stage were lower than that for preliminary bonding in both bonding methods. The delamination distances from the crack opening tests were used to calculate the strain energy release rate (GIC) and fracture toughness (KIC) values of the interlayers. The results showed that the KIC values of the permanent PALTB and water glass interlayers were higher than 1MPa.m0.5, while the KIC value of the CMZ glass, determined by linear elastic fracture mechanics, was around 0.8MPa.m0.5. The optical observations revealed that the prepared bonded sheets did not delaminate or break after thermal cycling and humidity tests

    Materials for high-density electronic packaging and interconnection

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    Electronic packaging and interconnections are the elements that today limit the ultimate performance of advanced electronic systems. Materials in use today and those becoming available are critically examined to ascertain what actions are needed for U.S. industry to compete favorably in the world market for advanced electronics. Materials and processes are discussed in terms of the final properties achievable and systems design compatibility. Weak points in the domestic industrial capability, including technical, industrial philosophy, and political, are identified. Recommendations are presented for actions that could help U.S. industry regain its former leadership position in advanced semiconductor systems production


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    Fiabilité de l’underfill et estimation de la durée de vie d’assemblages microélectroniques

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    Abstract : In order to protect the interconnections in flip-chip packages, an underfill material layer is used to fill the volumes and provide mechanical support between the silicon chip and the substrate. Due to the chip corner geometry and the mismatch of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), the underfill suffers from a stress concentration at the chip corners when the temperature is lower than the curing temperature. This stress concentration leads to subsequent mechanical failures in flip-chip packages, such as chip-underfill interfacial delamination and underfill cracking. Local stresses and strains are the most important parameters for understanding the mechanism of underfill failures. As a result, the industry currently relies on the finite element method (FEM) to calculate the stress components, but the FEM may not be accurate enough compared to the actual stresses in underfill. FEM simulations require a careful consideration of important geometrical details and material properties. This thesis proposes a modeling approach that can accurately estimate the underfill delamination areas and crack trajectories, with the following three objectives. The first objective was to develop an experimental technique capable of measuring underfill deformations around the chip corner region. This technique combined confocal microscopy and the digital image correlation (DIC) method to enable tri-dimensional strain measurements at different temperatures, and was named the confocal-DIC technique. This techique was first validated by a theoretical analysis on thermal strains. In a test component similar to a flip-chip package, the strain distribution obtained by the FEM model was in good agreement with the results measured by the confocal-DIC technique, with relative errors less than 20% at chip corners. Then, the second objective was to measure the strain near a crack in underfills. Artificial cracks with lengths of 160 μm and 640 μm were fabricated from the chip corner along the 45° diagonal direction. The confocal-DIC-measured maximum hoop strains and first principal strains were located at the crack front area for both the 160 μm and 640 μm cracks. A crack model was developed using the extended finite element method (XFEM), and the strain distribution in the simulation had the same trend as the experimental results. The distribution of hoop strains were in good agreement with the measured values, when the model element size was smaller than 22 μm to capture the strong strain gradient near the crack tip. The third objective was to propose a modeling approach for underfill delamination and cracking with the effects of manufacturing variables. A deep thermal cycling test was performed on 13 test cells to obtain the reference chip-underfill delamination areas and crack profiles. An artificial neural network (ANN) was trained to relate the effects of manufacturing variables and the number of cycles to first delamination of each cell. The predicted numbers of cycles for all 6 cells in the test dataset were located in the intervals of experimental observations. The growth of delamination was carried out on FEM by evaluating the strain energy amplitude at the interface elements between the chip and underfill. For 5 out of 6 cells in validation, the delamination growth model was consistent with the experimental observations. The cracks in bulk underfill were modelled by XFEM without predefined paths. The directions of edge cracks were in good agreement with the experimental observations, with an error of less than 2.5°. This approach met the goal of the thesis of estimating the underfill initial delamination, areas of delamination and crack paths in actual industrial flip-chip assemblies.Afin de protéger les interconnexions dans les assemblages, une couche de matériau d’underfill est utilisée pour remplir le volume et fournir un support mécanique entre la puce de silicium et le substrat. En raison de la géométrie du coin de puce et de l’écart du coefficient de dilatation thermique (CTE), l’underfill souffre d’une concentration de contraintes dans les coins lorsque la température est inférieure à la température de cuisson. Cette concentration de contraintes conduit à des défaillances mécaniques dans les encapsulations de flip-chip, telles que la délamination interfaciale puce-underfill et la fissuration d’underfill. Les contraintes et déformations locales sont les paramètres les plus importants pour comprendre le mécanisme des ruptures de l’underfill. En conséquent, l’industrie utilise actuellement la méthode des éléments finis (EF) pour calculer les composantes de la contrainte, qui ne sont pas assez précises par rapport aux contraintes actuelles dans l’underfill. Ces simulations nécessitent un examen minutieux de détails géométriques importants et des propriétés des matériaux. Cette thèse vise à proposer une approche de modélisation permettant d’estimer avec précision les zones de délamination et les trajectoires des fissures dans l’underfill, avec les trois objectifs suivants. Le premier objectif est de mettre au point une technique expérimentale capable de mesurer la déformation de l’underfill dans la région du coin de puce. Cette technique, combine la microscopie confocale et la méthode de corrélation des images numériques (DIC) pour permettre des mesures tridimensionnelles des déformations à différentes températures, et a été nommée le technique confocale-DIC. Cette technique a d’abord été validée par une analyse théorique en déformation thermique. Dans un échantillon similaire à un flip-chip, la distribution de la déformation obtenues par le modèle EF était en bon accord avec les résultats de la technique confocal-DIC, avec des erreurs relatives inférieures à 20% au coin de puce. Ensuite, le second objectif est de mesurer la déformation autour d’une fissure dans l’underfill. Des fissures artificielles d’une longueuer de 160 μm et 640 μm ont été fabriquées dans l’underfill vers la direction diagonale de 45°. Les déformations circonférentielles maximales et principale maximale étaient situées aux pointes des fissures correspondantes. Un modèle de fissure a été développé en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis étendue (XFEM), et la distribution des contraintes dans la simuation a montré la même tendance que les résultats expérimentaux. La distribution des déformations circonférentielles maximales était en bon accord avec les valeurs mesurées lorsque la taille des éléments était plus petite que 22 μm, assez petit pour capturer le grand gradient de déformation près de la pointe de fissure. Le troisième objectif était d’apporter une approche de modélisation de la délamination et de la fissuration de l’underfill avec les effets des variables de fabrication. Un test de cyclage thermique a d’abord été effectué sur 13 cellules pour obtenir les zones délaminées entre la puce et l’underfill, et les profils de fissures dans l’underfill, comme référence. Un réseau neuronal artificiel (ANN) a été formé pour établir une liaison entre les effets des variables de fabrication et le nombre de cycles à la délamination pour chaque cellule. Les nombres de cycles prédits pour les 6 cellules de l’ensemble de test étaient situés dans les intervalles d’observations expérimentaux. La croissance de la délamination a été réalisée par l’EF en évaluant l’énergie de la déformation au niveau des éléments interfaciaux entre la puce et l’underfill. Pour 5 des 6 cellules de la validation, le modèle de croissance du délaminage était conforme aux observations expérimentales. Les fissures dans l’underfill ont été modélisées par XFEM sans chemins prédéfinis. Les directions des fissures de bord étaient en bon accord avec les observations expérimentales, avec une erreur inférieure à 2,5°. Cette approche a répondu à la problématique qui consiste à estimer l’initiation des délamination, les zones de délamination et les trajectoires de fissures dans l’underfill pour des flip-chips industriels