25 research outputs found

    Applications of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in Chinese agriculture:Challenges and opportunities

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    Ensuring adequate food supplies to a large and increasing population continues to be the key challenge for China. Given the increasing integration of China within global markets for agricultural products, this issue is of considerable significance for global food security. Over the last 50 years, China has increased the production of its staple crops mainly by increasing yield per unit land area. However, this has largely been achieved through inappropriate agricultural practices, which have caused environmental degradation, with deleterious consequences for future agricultural productivity. Hence, there is now a pressing need to intensify agriculture in China using practices that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Given the dynamic nature of crops over space and time, the use of remote sensing technology has proven to be a valuable asset providing end-users in many countries with information to guide sustainable agricultural practices. Recently, the field has experienced considerable technological advancements reflected in the availability of ‘hyper-sensing’ (high spectral, spatial and temporal) satellite imagery useful for monitoring, modelling and mapping of agricultural crops. However, there still remains a significant challenge in fully exploiting such technologies for addressing agricultural problems in China. This review paper evaluates the potential contributions of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ to agriculture in China and identifies the opportunities and challenges for future work. We perform a critical evaluation of current capabilities in satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in agriculture with an emphasis on Chinese sensors. Our analysis draws on a series of in-depth examples based on recent and on-going projects in China that are developing ‘hyper-sensing’ approaches for (i) measuring crop phenology parameters and predicting yields; (ii) specifying crop fertiliser requirements; (iii) optimising management responses to abiotic and biotic stress in crops; (iv) maximising yields while minimising water use in arid regions; (v) large-scale crop/cropland mapping; and (vi) management zone delineation. The paper concludes with a synthesis of these application areas in order to define the requirements for future research, technological innovation and knowledge exchange in order to deliver yield sustainability in China

    A systematic review on the use of remote sensing technologies in quantifying grasslands ecosystem services

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    The last decade has seen considerable progress in scientific research on vegetation ecosystem services. While much research has focused on forests and wetlands, grasslands also provide a variety of different provisioning, supporting, cultural, and regulating services. With recent advances in remote sensing technology, there is a possibility that Earth observation data could contribute extensively to research on grassland ecosystem services. This study conducted a systematic review on progress, emerging gaps, and opportunities on the application of remote sensing technologies in quantifying all grassland ecosystem services including those that are related to water. The contribution of biomass, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Canopy Storage Capacity (CSC) as water-related ecosystem services derived from grasslands was explored. Two hundred and twenty-two peer-reviewed articles from Web of Science, Scopus, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers were analyzed. About 39% of the studies were conducted in Asia with most of the contributions coming from China while a few studies were from the global south regions such as Southern Africa. Overall, forage provision, climate regulation, and primary production were the most researched grassland ecosystem services in the context of Earth observation data applications. About 39 Earth observation sensors were used in the literature to map grassland ecosystem services and MODIS had the highest utilization frequency. The most widely used vegetation indices for mapping general grassland ecosystem services in literature included the red and near-infrared sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. Remote sensing algorithms used within the retrieved literature include process-based models, machine learning algorithms, and multivariate techniques. For water-related grassland ecosystem services, biomass, CSC, and LAI were the most prominent proxies characterized by remotely sensed data for under-standing evapotranspiration, infiltration, run-off, soil water availability, groundwater restoration and surface water balance. An understanding of such hydrological processes is crucial in providing insights on water redistribution and balance within grassland ecosystems which is important for water management

    Quantifying aboveground grass biomass using space-borne sensors : a meta-analysis and systematic review

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The secondary data used in this study is available in the following databases: WoS, IEEE Explorer, Scopus, and Google scholar.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL : TABLE S1: The 108 articles extracted from WoS, IEEE, Scopus and Google scholar.Recently, the move from cost-tied to open-access data has led to the mushrooming of research in pursuit of algorithms for estimating the aboveground grass biomass (AGGB). Nevertheless, a comprehensive synthesis or direction on the milestones achieved or an overview of how these models perform is lacking. This study synthesises the research from decades of experiments in order to point researchers in the direction of what was achieved, the challenges faced, as well as how the models perform. A pool of findings from 108 remote sensing-based AGGB studies published from 1972 to 2020 show that about 19% of the remote sensing-based algorithms were tested in the savannah grasslands. An uneven annual publication yield was observed with approximately 36% of the research output from Asia, whereas countries in the global south yielded few publications (<10%). Optical sensors, particularly MODIS, remain a major source of satellite data for AGGB studies, whilst studies in the global south rarely use active sensors such as Sentinel-1. Optical data tend to produce low regression accuracies that are highly inconsistent across the studies compared to radar. The vegetation indices, particularly the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), remain as the most frequently used predictor variable. The predictor variables such as the sward height, red edge position and backscatter coefficients produced consistent accuracies. Deciding on the optimal algorithm for estimating the AGGB is daunting due to the lack of overlap in the grassland type, location, sensor types, and predictor variables, signalling the need for standardised remote sensing techniques, including data collection methods to ensure the transferability of remote sensing-based AGGB models across multiple locations.The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) Research Chair in Land Use Planning and Management.https://doaj.org/toc/2673-7418hj2024Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Remote Sensing of Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation: A Review from the Perspective of Remote Sensing Specialists

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    Remote sensing, the science of obtaining information via noncontact recording, has swept the fields of ecology, biodiversity and conservation (EBC). Several quality review papers have contributed to this field. However, these papers often discuss the issues from the standpoint of an ecologist or a biodiversity specialist. This review focuses on the spaceborne remote sensing of EBC from the perspective of remote sensing specialists, i.e., it is organized in the context of state-of-the-art remote sensing technology, including instruments and techniques. Herein, the instruments to be discussed consist of high spatial resolution, hyperspectral, thermal infrared, small-satellite constellation, and LIDAR sensors; and the techniques refer to image classification, vegetation index (VI), inversion algorithm, data fusion, and the integration of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS)

    Crop monitoring and yield estimation using polarimetric SAR and optical satellite data in southwestern Ontario

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    Optical satellite data have been proven as an efficient source to extract crop information and monitor crop growth conditions over large areas. In local- to subfield-scale crop monitoring studies, both high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution of the image data are important. However, the acquisition of optical data is limited by the constant contamination of clouds in cloudy areas. This thesis explores the potential of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data and the spatio-temporal data fusion approach in crop monitoring and yield estimation applications in southwestern Ontario. Firstly, the sensitivity of 16 parameters derived from C-band Radarsat-2 polarimetric SAR data to crop height and fractional vegetation cover (FVC) was investigated. The results show that the SAR backscatters are affected by many factors unrelated to the crop canopy such as the incidence angle and the soil background and the degree of sensitivity varies with the crop types, growing stages, and the polarimetric SAR parameters. Secondly, the Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation, for the first time, was applied to multitemporal Radarsat-2 polarimetric SAR data in cropland area mapping based on the random forest classifier. An overall classification accuracy of 95.89% was achieved using the MNF transformation of the multi-temporal coherency matrix acquired from July to November. Then, a spatio-temporal data fusion method was developed to generate Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series with both high spatial and high temporal resolution in heterogeneous regions using Landsat and MODIS imagery. The proposed method outperforms two other widely used methods. Finally, an improved crop phenology detection method was proposed, and the phenology information was then forced into the Simple Algorithm for Yield Estimation (SAFY) model to estimate crop biomass and yield. Compared with the SAFY model without forcing the remotely sensed phenology and a simple light use efficiency (LUE) model, the SAFY incorporating the remotely sensed phenology can improve the accuracy of biomass estimation by about 4% in relative Root Mean Square Error (RRMSE). The studies in this thesis improve the ability to monitor crop growth status and production at subfield scale

    Hydraulic correction method (HCM) to enhance the efficiency of SRTM DEM in flood modeling

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    Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the most important controlling factors determining the simulation accuracy of hydraulic models. However, the currently available global topographic data is confronted with limitations for application in 2-D hydraulic modeling, mainly due to the existence of vegetation bias, random errors and insufficient spatial resolution. A hydraulic correction method (HCM) for the SRTM DEM is proposed in this study to improve modeling accuracy. Firstly, we employ the global vegetation corrected DEM (i.e. Bare-Earth DEM), developed from the SRTM DEM to include both vegetation height and SRTM vegetation signal. Then, a newly released DEM, removing both vegetation bias and random errors (i.e. Multi-Error Removed DEM), is employed to overcome the limitation of height errors. Last, an approach to correct the Multi-Error Removed DEM is presented to account for the insufficiency of spatial resolution, ensuring flow connectivity of the river networks. The approach involves: (a) extracting river networks from the Multi-Error Removed DEM using an automated algorithm in ArcGIS; (b) correcting the location and layout of extracted streams with the aid of Google Earth platform and Remote Sensing imagery; and (c) removing the positive biases of the raised segment in the river networks based on bed slope to generate the hydraulically corrected DEM. The proposed HCM utilizes easily available data and tools to improve the flow connectivity of river networks without manual adjustment. To demonstrate the advantages of HCM, an extreme flood event in Huifa River Basin (China) is simulated on the original DEM, Bare-Earth DEM, Multi-Error removed DEM, and hydraulically corrected DEM using an integrated hydrologic-hydraulic model. A comparative analysis is subsequently performed to assess the simulation accuracy and performance of four different DEMs and favorable results have been obtained on the corrected DEM

    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research

    Application of Remote Sensing Data for Locust Research and Management-A Review

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    Recently, locust outbreaks around the world have destroyed agricultural and natural vegetation and caused massive damage endangering food security. Unusual heavy rainfalls in habitats of the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) and lack of monitoring due to political conflicts or inaccessibility of those habitats lead to massive desert locust outbreaks and swarms migrating over the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, India and Pakistan. At the same time, swarms of the Moroccan locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus) in some Central Asian countries and swarms of the Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus) in Russia and China destroyed crops despite developed and ongoing monitoring and control measurements. These recent events underline that the risk and damage caused by locust pests is as present as ever and affects 100 million of human lives despite technical progress in locust monitoring, prediction and control approaches. Remote sensing has become one of the most important data sources in locust management. Since the 1980s, remote sensing data and applications have accompanied many locust management activities and contributed to an improved and more effective control of locust outbreaks and plagues. Recently, open-access remote sensing data archives as well as progress in cloud computing provide unprecedented opportunity for remote sensing-based locust management and research. Additionally, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems bring up new prospects for a more effective and faster locust control. Nevertheless, the full capacity of available remote sensing applications and possibilities have not been exploited yet. This review paper provides a comprehensive and quantitative overview of international research articles focusing on remote sensing application for locust management and research. We reviewed 110 articles published over the last four decades, and categorized them into different aspects and main research topics to summarize achievements and gaps for further research and application development. The results reveal a strong focus on three species-the desert locust, the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), and the Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera)-and corresponding regions of interest. There is still a lack of international studies for other pest species such as the Italian locust, the Moroccan locust, the Central American locust (Schistocerca piceifrons), the South American locust (Schistocerca cancellata), the brown locust (Locustana pardalina) and the red locust (Nomadacris septemfasciata). In terms of applied sensors, most studies utilized Advanced Very-High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre VEGETATION (SPOT-VGT), Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) as well as Landsat data focusing mainly on vegetation monitoring or land cover mapping. Application of geomorphological metrics as well as radar-based soil moisture data is comparably rare despite previous acknowledgement of their importance for locust outbreaks. Despite great advance and usage of available remote sensing resources, we identify several gaps and potential for future research to further improve the understanding and capacities of the use of remote sensing in supporting locust outbreak- research and management

    Mapping of multitemporal rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth stages using remote sensing with multi-sensor and machine learning : a thesis dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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    Figure 2.1 is adapted and re-used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.Rice (Oryza Sativa) plays a pivotal role in food security for Asian countries, especially in Indonesia. Due to the increasing pressure of environmental changes, such as land use and climate, rice cultivation areas need to be monitored regularly and spatially to ensure sustainable rice production. Moreover, timely information of rice growth stages (RGS) can lead to more efficient of inputs distribution from water, seed, fertilizer, and pesticide. One of the efficient solutions for regularly mapping the rice crop is using Earth observation satellites. Moreover, the increasing availability of open access satellite images such as Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 provides ample opportunities to map continuous and high-resolution rice growth stages with greater accuracy. The majority of the literature has focused on mapping rice area, cropping patterns and relied mainly on the phenology of vegetation. However, the mapping process of RGS was difficult to assess the accuracy, time-consuming, and depended on only one sensor. In this work, we discuss the use of machine learning algorithms (MLA) for mapping paddy RGS with multiple remote sensing data in near-real-time. The study area was Java Island, which is the primary rice producer in Indonesia. This study has investigated: (1) the mapping of RGS using Landsat-8 imagery and different MLAs, and their rigorous performance was evaluated by conducting a multitemporal analysis; (2) the temporal consistency of predicting RGS using Sentinel-2, MOD13Q1, and Sentinel-1 data; (3) evaluating the correlation of local statistics data and paddy RGS using Sentinel-2, PROBA-V, and Sentinel-1 with MLAs. The ground truth datasets were collected from multi-year web camera data (2014-2016) and three months of the field campaign in different regions of Java (2018). The study considered the RGS in the analysis to be vegetative, reproductive, ripening, bare land, and flooding, and MLAs such as support vector machines (SVMs), random forest (RF), and artificial neural network (ANN) were used. The temporal consistency matrix was used to compare the classification maps within three sensor datasets (Landsat-8 OLI, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-2, MOD13Q1, Sentinel-1) and in four periods (5, 10, 15, 16 days). Moreover, the result of the RGS map was also compared with monthly data from local statistics within each sub-district using cross-correlation analysis. The result from the analysis shows that SVM with a radial base function outperformed the RF and ANN and proved to be a robust method for small-size datasets (< 1,000 points). Compared to Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 OLI gives less accuracy due to the lack of a red-edge band and larger pixel size (30 x 30 m). Integration of Sentinel-2, MOD13Q1, and Sentinel-1 improved the classification performance and increased the temporal availability of cloud-free maps. The integration of PROBA-V and Sentinel-1 improved the classification accuracy from the Landsat-8 result, consistent with the monthly rice planting area statistics at the sub-district level. The western area of Java has the highest accuracy and consistency since the cropping pattern only relied on rice cultivation. In contrast, less accuracy was noticed in the eastern area because of upland rice cultivation due to limited irrigation facilities and mixed cropping. In addition, the cultivation of shallots to the north of Nganjuk Regency interferes with the model predictions because the cultivation of shallots resembles the vegetative phase due to the water banks. One future research idea is the auto-detection of the cropping index in the complex landscape to be able to use it for mapping RGS on a global scale. Detection of the rice area and RGS using Google Earth Engine (GEE) can be an action plan to disseminate the information quickly on a planetary scale. Our results show that the multitemporal Sentinel-1 combined with RF can detect rice areas with high accuracy (>91%). Similarly, accurate RGS maps can be detected by integrating multiple remote sensing (Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 OLI, and MOD13Q1) data with acceptable accuracy (76.4%), with high temporal frequency and lower cloud interference (every 16 days). Overall, this study shows that remote sensing combined with the machine learning methodology can deliver information on RGS in a timely fashion, which is easy to scale up and consistent both in time and space and matches the local statistics. This thesis is also in line with the existing rice monitoring projects such as Crop Monitor, Crop Watch, AMIS, and Sen4Agri to support disseminating information over a large area. To sum up, the proposed workflow and detailed map provide a more accurate method and information in near real-time for stakeholders, such as governmental agencies against the existing mapping method. This method can be introduced to provide accurate information to rice farmers promptly with sufficient inputs such as irrigation, seeds, and fertilisers for ensuring national food security from the shifting planting time due to climate change