108,947 research outputs found

    Software Effort Estimation Accuracy Prediction of Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Performance Evaluation

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    Software effort estimation accuracy is a key factor in effective planning, controlling and to deliver a successful software project within budget and schedule. The overestimation and underestimation both are the key challenges for future software development, henceforth there is a continuous need for accuracy in software effort estimation (SEE). The researchers and practitioners are striving to identify which machine learning estimation technique gives more accurate results based on evaluation measures, datasets and the other relevant attributes. The authors of related research are generally not aware of previously published results of machine learning effort estimation techniques. The main aim of this study is to assist the researchers to know which machine learning technique yields the promising effort estimation accuracy prediction in the software development. In this paper, the performance of the machine learning ensemble technique is investigated with the solo technique based on two most commonly used accuracy evaluation metrics. We used the systematic literature review methodology proposed by Kitchenham and Charters. This includes searching for the most relevant papers, applying quality assessment criteria, extracting data and drawing results. We have evaluated a state-of-the-art accuracy performance of 28 selected studies (14 ensemble, 14 solo) using Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE) and PRED (25) as a set of reliable accuracy metrics for performance evaluation of accuracy among two techniques to report the research questions stated in this study. We found that machine learning techniques are the most frequently implemented in the construction of ensemble effort estimation (EEE) techniques. The results of this study revealed that the EEE techniques usually yield a promising estimation accuracy than the solo techniques.Comment: Pages: 27 Figures: 15 Tables:

    An Empirical Analysis on Software Development Efforts Estimation in Machine Learning Perspective

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    The prediction of effort estimation is a vital factor in the success of any software development project. The available of expert systems for the software effort estimation supports in minimization of effort and cost for every software project at same time leads to timely completion and proper resource management of the project. This article supports software project managers and decision makers by providing the state-of-the-art empirical analysis of effort estimation methods based on machine learning approaches. In this paper ?ve machine learning techniques; polynomial linear regression, ridge regression, decision trees, support vector regression and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) are investigated for the purpose software development effort estimation by using bench mark publicly available data sets. The empirical performance of machine learning methods for software effort estimation is investigated on seven standard data sets i.e. Albretch, Desharnais, COCOMO81, NASA, Kemerer, China and Kitchenham. Furthermore, the performance of software effort estimation approaches are evaluated statistically applying the performance metrics i.e. MMRE, PRED (25), R2-score, MMRE, Pred(25). The empirical results reveal that the decision tree-based techniques on Deshnaris, COCOMO, China and kitchenham data sets produce more adequate results in terms of all three-performance metrics. On the Albretch and nasa datasets, the ridge regression method outperformed then other techniques except pred(25) metric where decision trees performed better

    Effort Estimation For Object-oriented System Using Stochastic Gradient Boosting Technique

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    The success of software development depends on the proper prediction of the effort required to develop the software. Project managers oblige a solid methodology for software effort prediction. It is particularly paramount throughout the early stages of the software development life cycle. Faultless software effort estimation is a major concern in software commercial enterprises. Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) is a machine learning techniques that helps in getting improved estimated values. SGB is used for improving the accuracy of estimation models using decision trees. In this paper, the basic aim is the effort prediction required to develop various software projects using both the class point and the use case point approach. Then, optimization of the effort parameters is achieved using the SGB technique to obtain better prediction accuracy. Furthermore, performance comparisons of the models obtained using the SGB technique with the other machine learning techniques are presented in order to highlight the performance achieved by each method


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    Software development involves several interrelated factors that influence development efforts and productivity. Improving the estimation techniques available to project managers will facilitate more effective time and budget control in software development. Software Effort Estimation or software cost/effort estimation can help a software development company to overcome difficulties experienced in estimating software development efforts. This study aims to compare the Machine Learning method of Linear Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Decision Tree Random Forest (DTRF) to calculate estimated cost/effort software. Then these five approaches will be tested on a dataset of software development projects as many as 10 dataset projects. So that it can produce new knowledge about what machine learning and non-machine learning methods are the most accurate for estimating software business. As well as knowing between the selection between using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for attributes selection and without PSO, which one can increase the accuracy for software business estimation. The data mining algorithm used to calculate the most optimal software effort estimate is the Linear Regression algorithm with an average RMSE value of 1603,024 for the 10 datasets tested. Then using the PSO feature selection can increase the accuracy or reduce the RMSE average value to 1552,999. The result indicates that, compared with the original regression linear model, the accuracy or error rate of software effort estimation has increased by 3.12% by applying PSO feature selectio

    A New Methodology for Quantifying the Impact of Non-Functional Requirements on Software Effort Estimation

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    The effort estimation techniques used in the software industry often tend to ignore the impact of Non-functional Requirements (NFR) on effort and reuse standard effort estimation models without local calibration. Moreover, the effort estimation models are calibrated using data of previous projects that may belong to problem domains different from the project which is being estimated. The approach described in this thesis suggests a novel effort estimation methodology that can be used in the early stages of software development projects. The proposed methodology initially clusters the historical data from the previous projects into different problem domains and generates domain specific effort estimation models, each incorporating the impact of NFRs on effort by sets of objectively measured nominal features. The complexity of these models is reduced using a feature subset selection algorithm. In this thesis, our approach is discussed in detail, and the results of our experiments using different supervised machine learning algorithms are presented. The results show that our approach performs well by increasing the correlation coefficient and decreasing the error rate of the generated effort estimation models and achieving more accurate effort estimates for the new projects

    Software Development Effort Estimation Using Regression Fuzzy Models

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    Software effort estimation plays a critical role in project management. Erroneous results may lead to overestimating or underestimating effort, which can have catastrophic consequences on project resources. Machine-learning techniques are increasingly popular in the field. Fuzzy logic models, in particular, are widely used to deal with imprecise and inaccurate data. The main goal of this research was to design and compare three different fuzzy logic models for predicting software estimation effort: Mamdani, Sugeno with constant output and Sugeno with linear output. To assist in the design of the fuzzy logic models, we conducted regression analysis, an approach we call regression fuzzy logic. State-of-the-art and unbiased performance evaluation criteria such as standardized accuracy, effect size and mean balanced relative error were used to evaluate the models, as well as statistical tests. Models were trained and tested using industrial projects from the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) dataset. Results showed that data heteroscedasticity affected model performance. Fuzzy logic models were found to be very sensitive to outliers. We concluded that when regression analysis was used to design the model, the Sugeno fuzzy inference system with linear output outperformed the other models.Comment: This paper has been accepted in January 2019 in Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Journal (In Press


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    AbstractThe ever-increasing competitiveness, due to the market globalisation, has forced the industries to modify their design and production strategies. Hence, it is crucial to estimate and optimise costs as early as possible since any following changes will negatively impact the redesign effort and lead time.This paper aims to compare different parametric cost estimation methods that can be used for analysing mechanical components. The current work presents a cost estimation methodology which uses non-historical data for the database population. The database is settled using should cost data obtained from analytical cost models implemented in a cost estimation software. Then, the paper compares different parametric cost modelling techniques (artificial neural networks, deep learning, random forest and linear regression) to define the best one for industrial components.Such methods have been tested on 9 axial compressor discs, different in dimensions. Then, by considering other materials and batch sizes, it was possible to reach a training dataset of 90 records. From the analysis carried out in this work, it is possible to conclude that the machine learning techniques are a valid alternative to the traditional linear regression ones

    Parametric cost modelling of components for turbomachines: Preliminary study

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    The ever-increasing competitiveness, due to the market globalisation, has forced the industries to modify their design and production strategies. Hence, it is crucial to estimate and optimise costs as early as possible since any following changes will negatively impact the redesign effort and lead time. This paper aims to compare different parametric cost estimation methods that can be used for analysing mechanical components. The current work presents a cost estimation methodology which uses non-historical data for the database population. The database is settled using should cost data obtained from analytical cost models implemented in a cost estimation software. Then, the paper compares different parametric cost modelling techniques (artificial neural networks, deep learning, random forest and linear regression) to define the best one for industrial components. Such methods have been tested on 9 axial compressor discs, different in dimensions. Then, by considering other materials and batch sizes, it was possible to reach a training dataset of 90 records. From the analysis carried out in this work, it is possible to conclude that the machine learning techniques are a valid alternative to the traditional linear regression ones

    Application of mutual information-based sequential feature selection to ISBSG mixed data

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    [EN] There is still little research work focused on feature selection (FS) techniques including both categorical and continuous features in Software Development Effort Estimation (SDEE) literature. This paper addresses the problem of selecting the most relevant features from ISBSG (International Software Benchmarking Standards Group) dataset to be used in SDEE. The aim is to show the usefulness of splitting the ranked list of features provided by a mutual information-based sequential FS approach in two, regarding categorical and continuous features. These lists are later recombined according to the accuracy of a case-based reasoning model. Thus, four FS algorithms are compared using a complete dataset with 621 projects and 12 features from ISBSG. On the one hand, two algorithms just consider the relevance, while the remaining two follow the criterion of maximizing relevance and also minimizing redundancy between any independent feature and the already selected features. On the other hand, the algorithms that do not discriminate between continuous and categorical features consider just one list, whereas those that differentiate them use two lists that are later combined. As a result, the algorithms that use two lists present better performance than those algorithms that use one list. Thus, it is meaningful to consider two different lists of features so that the categorical features may be selected more frequently. We also suggest promoting the usage of Application Group, Project Elapsed Time, and First Data Base System features with preference over the more frequently used Development Type, Language Type, and Development Platform.Fernández-Diego, M.; González-Ladrón-De-Guevara, F. (2018). Application of mutual information-based sequential feature selection to ISBSG mixed data. Software Quality Journal. 26(4):1299-1325. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-017-9391-5S12991325264Angelis, L., & Stamelos, I. (2000). 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