18 research outputs found

    Integrated Flush Air Data Sensing System Modeling for Planetary Entry Guidance with Direct Force Control

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    Flush air data sensing (FADS) systems have been previously used at both Earth and Mars to provide onboard estimates of angle of attack, sideslip angle, and dynamic pressure. However, these FADS data were often not used in an in-the-loop sense to inform the onboard guidance and control systems. A method to integrate FADS-derived density and wind estimates with a numerical predictor-corrector guidance algorithm is presented. The method is demonstrated in a high-fidelity simulation of a human-scale Mars entry vehicle that utilizes a hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator (HIAD) with direct force control. Effects on guidance commands and state uncertainties both with and without FADS system modeling are presented and discussed

    Capabilities and applications of the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories (POST). Program summary document

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    The capabilities and applications of the three-degree-of-freedom (3DOF) version and the six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) version of the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories (POST) are summarized. The document supplements the detailed program manuals by providing additional information that motivates and clarifies basic capabilities, input procedures, applications and computer requirements of these programs. The information will enable prospective users to evaluate the programs, and to determine if they are applicable to their problems. Enough information is given to enable managerial personnel to evaluate the capabilities of the programs and describes the POST structure, formulation, input and output procedures, sample cases, and computer requirements. The report also provides answers to basic questions concerning planet and vehicle modeling, simulation accuracy, optimization capabilities, and general input rules. Several sample cases are presented

    Navigation System Design with Application to the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle and Space Launch Systems

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    For a launch vehicle, the Navigation System is responsible for determining the vehicle state and providing state and state derived information for Guidance and Controls. The accuracy required of the Navigation System by the vehicle is dependent upon the vehicle, vehicle mission, and other consideration, such as impact foot print. NASAs Ares I launch vehicle and SLS are examples of launch vehicles with are/where to employ inertial navigation systems. For an inertial navigation system, the navigation system accuracy is defined by the inertial instrument errors to a degree determined by the method of estimating the initial navigation state. Utilization of GPS aiding greatly reduces the accuracy required in inertial hardware to meet the same accuracy at orbit insertion. For a launch vehicle with lunar bound payload, the navigation accuracy can have large implications on propellant required to correct for state errors during trans-lunar injection

    A fast ascent trajectory optimization method for hypersonic air-breathing vehicles

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    The objective of this dissertation is to investigate a fast and reliable method to generate three-dimensional optimal ascent trajectories for hypersonic air-breathing vehicles. The problem is notoriously difficult because of the strong nonlinear coupling amongst aerodynamics, propulsion, vehicle attitude and trajectory state. As such an algorithm matures, the ultimate goal is to realize optimal closed-loop ascent guidance for hypersonic air-breathing vehicles. The problem is formulated as a fuel-optimal control problem. The corresponding necessary conditions are given. It is shown how the original problem of search for the optimal control commands can be reduced to a univariate root-finding problem at each point along the trajectory. A finite difference scheme is used to numerically solve the associated two-point-boundary-value problem. Evaluation of the approach is done through open-loop solutions and closed-loop simulations. The results show promising potential of the proposed approach as a rapid trajectory optimization tool for the class of hypersonic air-breathing vehicles

    Thrust Vector Control and Guidance of a Flyback Booster during Launch

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    Throughout its short history, the space industry has been a subject to high levels of secrecy { initially due to concerns for national security, and more recently as a result of limitations imposed by commercial intellectual property. Fundamen- tal to a successful rocket launch, a comprehensive understanding of thrust vector control and guidance techniques are required to enable eective rst stage system design. This shortfall in the technical literature is tackled through investigation of existing methodologies, with each selected algorithm derived from rst principles and simulated using the aerospace software package, CADAC++ [1]. The mod- elling campaign was tailored to meet the requirements of a conceptual three-stage rocket-scramjet-rocket system [2], however the fully characterised generic Small Launch Vehicle model [3] was used for simulation purposes. Results are presented demonstrating the performance of a multiple-booster thrust vector control model. Guidance simulation attempts were unsuccessful, however an analysis of the null result is presented, accompanied by recommendations for an improved simulation architecture. Fundamentally, this work culminates the body of knowledge required for the design of a rst-stage guidance module based on multiple-booster thrust vector control

    4DT generator and guidance system

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    This thesis describes a 4D Trajectories Generator and Guidance system. 4D trajectory is a concept that will improve the capacity, efficiency and safety of airspace. First a 4D trajectories synthetizer design is proposed. A flight plan composed by a set of waypoints, aircraft dynamics model and a set of limits and constraints are assembled into an optimal control problem. Optimal solution is found by making use of an optimal control solver which uses pseudo spectral parametrization together with a generic nonlinear programming solver. A 4D Trajectories generator is implemented as a stand-alone application and combined with a graphic user interface to give rise to 4D Trajectories Research Software (4DT RS) capable to generate, compare and test optimal trajectories. A basic Tracking & Guidance system with proportional navigation concept is developed. The system is implemented as a complementary module for the 4D trajectories research software. Simulation tests have been carried out to demonstrate the functionalities and capabilities of the 4DT RS software and guidance system. Tests cases are based on fuel and time optimization on a high-traffic commercial route. A standard departure procedure is optimized in order to reduce the noise perceived by village’s population situated near airport. The tracking & guidance module is tested with a commercial flight simulator for demonstrating the performance of the optimal trajectories generated by the 4DT RS software

    Mars Aerocapture Systems Study

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    Mars Aerocapture Systems Study (MASS) is a detailed study of the application of aerocapture to a large Mars robotic orbiter to assess and identify key technology gaps. This study addressed use of an Opposition class return segment for use in the Mars Sample Return architecture. Study addressed mission architecture issues as well as system design. Key trade studies focused on design of aerocapture aeroshell, spacecraft design and packaging, guidance, navigation and control with simulation, computational fluid dynamics, and thermal protection system sizing. Detailed master equipment lists are included as well as a cursory cost assessment

    Planification et commande d'une plate-forme aéroportée stationnaire autonome dédiée à la surveillance des ouvrages d'art

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    Today, the inspection of structures is carried out through visual assessments effectedby qualified inspectors. This procedure is very expensive and can put the personal indangerous situations. Consequently, the development of an unmanned aerial vehicleequipped with on-board vision systems is privileged nowadays in order to facilitate theaccess to unreachable zones.In this context, the main focus in the thesis is developing original methods to deal withplanning, reference trajectories generation and tracking issues by a hovering airborneplatform. These methods should allow an automation of the flight in the presence of airdisturbances and obstacles. Within this framework, we are interested in two kinds ofaerial vehicles with hovering capacity: airship and quad-rotors.Aujourd'hui, l'inspection des ouvrages d'art est réalisée de façon visuelle par des contrôleurs sur l'ensemble de la structure. Cette procédure est coûteuse et peut être particulièrement dangereuse pour les intervenants. Pour cela, le développement du système de vision embarquée sur des drones est privilégié ces jours-ci afin de faciliter l'accès aux zones dangereuses.Dans ce contexte, le travail de cette thèse porte sur l'obtention des méthodes originales permettant la planification, la génération des trajectoires de référence, et le suivi de ces trajectoires par une plate-forme aéroportée stationnaire autonome. Ces méthodes devront habiliter une automatisation du vol en présence de perturbations aérologiques ainsi que des obstacles. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux types de véhicules aériens capable de vol stationnaire : le dirigeable et le quadri-rotors.Premièrement, la représentation mathématique du véhicule volant en présence du vent a été réalisée en se basant sur la deuxième loi de Newton. Deuxièmement, la problématique de génération de trajectoire en présence de vent a été étudiée : le problème de temps minimal est formulé, analysé analytiquement et résolu numériquement. Ensuite, une stratégie de planification de trajectoire basée sur les approches de recherche opérationnelle a été développée.Troisièmement, le problème de suivi de trajectoire a été abordé. Une loi de commande non-linéaire robuste basée sur l'analyse de Lyapunov a été proposée. En outre, un pilote automatique basée sur les fonctions de saturations pour un quadri-rotors a été développée.Les méthodes et algorithmes proposés dans cette thèse ont été validés par des simulations


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    ROVs (Remotely Operable underwater Vehicle) are versatile vehicles used to get into hard-to-reach and/or dangerous marine environments. Current ROVs are expensive and require either a hardwire tether to the operator(s) or expensive acoustic communication methods, both limiting the distance an operator (usually more than one) is from the ROV. Given that underwater diving is a very dangerous profession, making up 27% of Australia’s ocean and harbour deaths prior 2012/2013, there is an obvious need for an affordable ROV which is wirelessly controllable by a single operator in a location remote from the ROV, and which is capable of verbal and visual communication with divers, in particular marine archaeologists. In determining if such a ROV is possible, a comprehensive study of existing ROVs, communication techniques, components/elements available, and costings were examined. From this a system model of a buoy buddy system was developed. There are three main elements to this model: a buoy, a ROV, and the operator. The buoy is hardwire tethered to the ROV. The operator is then able to wirelessly communicate with the buoy through traditional IP networks (i.e. GSM or WiFi networks). It was concluded that the system model would be economically and physically feasible. Further work is required to ascertain if this system model derived will become a reality