876 research outputs found

    A Memory Controller for FPGA Applications

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    As designers and researchers strive to achieve higher performance, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) become an increasingly attractive solution. As coprocessors, FPGAs can provide application specific acceleration that cannot be matched by modern processors. Most of these applications will make use of large data sets, so achieving acceleration will require a capable interface to this data. The research in this thesis describes the design of a memory controller that is both efficient and flexible for FPGA applications requiring floating point operations. In particular, the benefits of certain design choices are explored, including: scalability, memory caching, and configurable precision. Results are given to prove the controller\u27s effectiveness and to compare various design trade-offs

    A highly parameterizable framework for Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine based workloads accelerated with FPGAs and OpenCL

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    © 2020 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) is a promising candidate for a multidimensional system modeling that can learn a probability distribution over a set of data. It is a specific type of an artificial neural network with one input (visible) and one output (hidden) layer. Recently published works demonstrate that CRBM is a suitable mechanism for modeling multidimensional time series such as human motion, workload characterization, city traffic analysis. The process of learning and inference of these systems relies on linear algebra functions like matrix–matrix multiplication, and for higher data sets, they are very compute-intensive. In this paper, we present a configurable framework for CRBM based workloads for arbitrary large models. We show how to accelerate the learning process of CRBM with FPGAs and OpenCL, and we conduct an extensive scalability study for different model sizes and system configurations. We show significant improvement in performance/Watt for large models and batch sizes (from 1.51x up to 5.71x depending on the host configuration) when we use FPGA and OpenCL for the acceleration, and limited benefits for small models comparing to the state-of-the-art CPU solution.This work was supported by the European Research Council(ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research andinnovation programme (grant agreements No 639595); the Min-istry of Economy of Spain under contract TIN2015-65316-P andGeneralitat de Catalunya, Spain under contract 2014SGR1051;the ICREA, Spain Academia program; the BSC-CNS Severo Ochoaprogram, Spain (SEV-2015-0493) and Intel Corporation, UnitedStatesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    OpenCL acceleration on FPGA vs CUDA on GPU

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    Automated Design Space Exploration for optimised Deployment of DNN on Arm Cortex-A CPUs

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    The spread of deep learning on embedded devices has prompted the development of numerous methods to optimise the deployment of deep neural networks (DNN). Works have mainly focused on: i) efficient DNN architectures, ii) network optimisation techniques such as pruning and quantisation, iii) optimised algorithms to speed up the execution of the most computational intensive layers and, iv) dedicated hardware to accelerate the data flow and computation. However, there is a lack of research on cross-level optimisation as the space of approaches becomes too large to test and obtain a globally optimised solution. Thus, leading to suboptimal deployment in terms of latency, accuracy, and memory. In this work, we first detail and analyse the methods to improve the deployment of DNNs across the different levels of software optimisation. Building on this knowledge, we present an automated exploration framework to ease the deployment of DNNs. The framework relies on a Reinforcement Learning search that, combined with a deep learning inference framework, automatically explores the design space and learns an optimised solution that speeds up the performance and reduces the memory on embedded CPU platforms. Thus, we present a set of results for state-of-the-art DNNs on a range of Arm Cortex-A CPU platforms achieving up to 4x improvement in performance and over 2x reduction in memory with negligible loss in accuracy with respect to the BLAS floating-point implementation

    Accelerating Halide on an FPGA by using CIRCT and Calyx as an intermediate step to go from a high-level and software-centric IRs down to RTL

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    Image processing and, more generally, array processing play an essential role in modern life: from applying filters to the images that we upload to social media to running object detection algorithms on self-driving cars. Optimizing these algorithms can be complex and often results in non-portable code. The Halide language provides a simple way to write image and array processing algorithms by separating the algorithm definition (what needs to be executed) from its execution schedule (how it is executed), delivering state-of-the-art performance that exceeds hand-tuned parallel and vectorized code. Due to the inherent parallel nature of these algorithms, FPGAs present an attractive acceleration platform. While previous work has added an RTL code generator to Halide, and utilized other heterogeneous computing languages as an intermediate step, these projects are no longer maintained. MLIR is an attractive solution, allowing the generation of code that can target multiple devices, such as parallelized and vectorized CPU code, OpenMP, and CUDA. CIRCT builds on top of MLIR to convert generic MLIR code to register transfer level (RTL) languages by using Calyx, a new intermediate language (IL) for compiling high-level programs into hardware designs. This thesis presents a novel flow that implements an MLIR code generator for Halide that generates RTL code, adding the necessary wrappers to execute that code on Xilinx FPGA devices. Additionally, it implements a Halide runtime using the Xilinx Runtime (XRT), enabling seamless execution of the generated Halide RTL kernels. While this thesis provides initial support for running Halide kernels and not all features and optimizations are supported, it also details the future work needed to improve the performance of the generated RTL kernels. The proposed flow serves as a foundation for further research and development in the field of hardware acceleration for image and array processing applications using Halide

    SoC-based FPGA architecture for image analysis and other highly demanding applications

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    Al giorno d'oggi, lo sviluppo di algoritmi si concentra su calcoli efficienti in termini di prestazioni ed efficienza energetica. Tecnologie come il field programmable gate array (FPGA) e il system on chip (SoC) basato su FPGA (FPGA/SoC) hanno dimostrato la loro capacitĂ  di accelerare applicazioni di calcolo intensive risparmiando al contempo il consumo energetico, grazie alla loro capacitĂ  di elevato parallelismo e riconfigurazione dell'architettura. Attualmente, i cicli di progettazione esistenti per FPGA/SoC sono lunghi, a causa della complessitĂ  dell'architettura. Pertanto, per colmare il divario tra le applicazioni e le architetture FPGA/SoC e ottenere un design hardware efficiente per l'analisi delle immagini e altri applicazioni altamente demandanti utilizzando lo strumento di sintesi di alto livello, vengono prese in considerazione due strategie complementari: tecniche ad hoc e stima delle prestazioni. Per quanto riguarda le tecniche ad-hoc, tre applicazioni molto impegnative sono state accelerate attraverso gli strumenti HLS: discriminatore di forme di impulso per i raggi cosmici, classificazione automatica degli insetti e re-ranking per il recupero delle informazioni, sottolineando i vantaggi quando questo tipo di applicazioni viene attraversato da tecniche di compressione durante il targeting dispositivi FPGA/SoC. Inoltre, in questa tesi viene proposto uno stimatore delle prestazioni per l'accelerazione hardware per prevedere efficacemente l'utilizzo delle risorse e la latenza per FPGA/SoC, costruendo un ponte tra l'applicazione e i domini architetturali. Lo strumento integra modelli analitici per la previsione delle prestazioni e un motore design space explorer (DSE) per fornire approfondimenti di alto livello agli sviluppatori di hardware, composto da due motori indipendenti: DSE basato sull'ottimizzazione a singolo obiettivo e DSE basato sull'ottimizzazione evolutiva multiobiettivo.Nowadays, the development of algorithms focuses on performance-efficient and energy-efficient computations. Technologies such as field programmable gate array (FPGA) and system on chip (SoC) based on FPGA (FPGA/SoC) have shown their ability to accelerate intensive computing applications while saving power consumption, owing to their capability of high parallelism and reconfiguration of the architecture. Currently, the existing design cycles for FPGA/SoC are time-consuming, owing to the complexity of the architecture. Therefore, to address the gap between applications and FPGA/SoC architectures and to obtain an efficient hardware design for image analysis and highly demanding applications using the high-level synthesis tool, two complementary strategies are considered: ad-hoc techniques and performance estimator. Regarding ad-hoc techniques, three highly demanding applications were accelerated through HLS tools: pulse shape discriminator for cosmic rays, automatic pest classification, and re-ranking for information retrieval, emphasizing the benefits when this type of applications are traversed by compression techniques when targeting FPGA/SoC devices. Furthermore, a comprehensive performance estimator for hardware acceleration is proposed in this thesis to effectively predict the resource utilization and latency for FPGA/SoC, building a bridge between the application and architectural domains. The tool integrates analytical models for performance prediction, and a design space explorer (DSE) engine for providing high-level insights to hardware developers, composed of two independent sub-engines: DSE based on single-objective optimization and DSE based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization

    Analysis and acceleration of data mining algorithms on high performance reconfigurable computing platforms

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    With the continued development of computation and communication technologies, we are overwhelmed with electronic data. Ubiquitous data in governments, commercial enterprises, universities and various organizations records our decisions, transactions and thoughts. The data collection rate is undergoing tremendous increase. And there is no end in sight. On one hand, as the volume of data explodes, the gap between the human being\u27s understanding of the data and the knowledge hidden in the data will be enlarged. The algorithms and techniques, collectively known as data mining, are emerged to bridge the gap. The data mining algorithms are usually data-compute intensive. On the other hand, the overall computing system performance is not increasing at an equal rate. Consequently, there is strong requirement to design special computing systems to accelerate data mining applications. FPGAs based High Performance Reconfigurable Computing(HPRC) system is to design optimized hardware architecture for a given problem. The increased gate count, arithmetic capability, and other features of modern FPGAs now allow researcher to implement highly complicated reconfigurable computational architecture. In contrast with ASICs, FPGAs have the advantages of low power, low nonrecurring engineering costs, high design flexibility and the ability to update functionality after shipping. In this thesis, we first design the architectures for data intensive and data-compute intensive applications respectively. Then we present a general HPRC framework for data mining applications: Frequent Pattern Mining(FPM) is a data-compute intensive application which is to find commonly occurring itemsets in databases. We use systolic tree architecture in FPGA hardware to mimic the internal memory layout of FP-growth algorithm while achieving higher throughput. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed hardware architecture is faster than the software approach. Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication(SMVM) is a data-intensive application which is an important computing core in many applications. We present a scalable and efficient FPGA-based SMVM architecture which can handle arbitrary matrix sizes without preprocessing or zero padding and can be dynamically expanded based on the available I/O bandwidth. The experimental results using a commercial FPGA-based acceleration system demonstrate that our reconfigurable SMVM engine is more efficient than existing state-of-the-art, with speedups over a highly optimized software implementation of 2.5X to 6.5X, depending on the sparsity of the input benchmark. Accelerating Text Classification Using SMVM is performed in Convey HC-1 HPRC platform. The SMVM engines are deployed into multiple FPGA chips. Text documents are represented as large sparse matrices using Vector Space Model(VSM). The k-nearest neighbor algorithm uses SMVM to perform classification simultaneously on multiple FPGAs. Our experiment shows that the classification in Convey HC-1 is several times faster compared with the traditional computing architecture. MapReduce Reconfigurable Framework for Data Mining Applications is a pipelined and high performance framework for FPGA design based on the MapReduce model. Our goal is to lessen the FPGA programmer burden while minimizing performance degradation. The designer only need focus on the mapper and reducer modules design. We redesigned the SMVM architecture using the MapReduce Framework. The manual VHDL code is only 15 percent of that used in the customized architecture

    Parallel For Loops on Heterogeneous Resources

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    In recent years, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have piqued the interest of researchers in scientific computing. Their immense floating point throughput and massive parallelism make them ideal for not just graphical applications, but many general algorithms as well. Load balancing applications and taking advantage of all computational resources in a machine is a difficult challenge, especially when the resources are heterogeneous. This dissertation presents the clUtil library, which vastly simplifies developing OpenCL applications for heterogeneous systems. The core focus of this dissertation lies in clUtil\u27s ParallelFor construct and our novel PINA scheduler which can efficiently load balance work onto multiple GPUs and CPUs simultaneously
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