21 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK   Siswa sebaiknya dapat menyadari kondisi diri, tujuan dan cara mencapainya, serta meningkatkan interaksi dengan lingkungan belajar. Yang diperlukan oleh siswa adalah usaha meningkatkan kemampuan secara personal dan sosial (kecerdasan emosional) dalam belajar. Untuk itu penting dilakukan studi awal untuk mengungkapkan kondisi kecerdasan emosional siswa. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif diterapkan di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Sungai Penuh dengan sampel sebanyak 90 siswa dari kelas sains. Angket kecerdasan emosional siswa dengan indikator mengacu pada kerangka kompetensi emosional digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk mengumpulkan data. Kerangka tersebut terbagi menjadi kompetensi personal (kesadaran diri, regulasi diri, dan motivasi) dan kompetensi sosial (empati dan keterampilan sosial). Data dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif untuk menggambarkan kecerdasan emosional siswa secara umum. Hasil analisis mendasari pembahasan mengenai masing-masing indikator kecerdasan emosional dan pembasahan kecerdasan emosional dari sudut pandang siswa. Secara keseluruhan, siswa dari kelas sains memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang sangat tinggi, yaitu dengan skor 4.07. Kompetensi personal berdasarkan indikator kesadaran diri (4.15), regulasi diri (3.98), dan motivasi (4.38). Kompetensi sosial berdasarkan indikator empati (4.22) dan keterampilan sosial (3.62). Berdasarkan sudut pandang siswa, terdapat 48 siswa dengan kecerdasan emosional berada pada kategori baik dan 42 siswa pada kategori sangat baik. Skor kecerdasan emosional siswa memiliki rentang dari 3.08 sampai 4.92. Lebih lanjut, tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan pada kecerdasan emosional siswa perempuan dan laki-laki.   Kata  kunci—kecerdasan emosional, siswa, pembelajaran sains   ABSTRACT   Students should be aware of their own condition, goals and how to achieve it, and increase interaction with the learning environment. Students need to improve personal and social abilities (emotional intelligence) in learning. So it was important to do an intial studi to explore the emotional intelligence of students. Quantitative research with a descriptive approach was applied at Senior High School 2 Sungai Penuh with a sample of 90 students from science class. Student emotional intelligence questionnaire with indicators refers to the emotional competency framework used as an instrument to collect data. The framework is divided into personal competencies (self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation) and social competencies (empathy and social skills). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe students' emotional intelligence. The results of the analysis underlie the discussion of each emotional intelligence competency and indicator and emotional intelligence from the student's point of view. Overall, students from the science class have a very high emotional intelligence, with a score of 4.07. Personal competence based on indicators of self-awareness (4.15), self-regulation (3.98), and motivation (4.38). Social competence based on indicators of empathy (4.22) and social skills (3.62). Based on the students' point of view, there are 48 students that categorized as good and 42 students that categorized as very good in score of emotional intelligence. Students' emotional intelligence scores range from 3.08 to 4.92. Furthermore, there was no significant difference found in the emotional intelligence of male and female students.   Keywords—emotional intelligence, students, learning scienc


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    Tuntutan pembelajaran saat ini bukan hanya melibatkan aspek penguasaan konsep tetapi juga menekankan pada keterampilan-keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat sukses bersaing secara global. Kolaborasi sebagai salah satu keterampilan abad ke-21 dapat difasilitasi melalui penerapan Project-based learning (PjBL) terintegrasi STEM. Konsep jamur tergolong sukar dipahami siswa karena terdapat banyak istilah asing sehingga siswa tidak tertarik mempelajarinya padahal jamur potensial dikembangkan menjadi produk olahan melalui pembelajaran yang aktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan PjBL terintegrasi STEM dalam memfasilitasi keterampilan kolaborasi dan penguasaan konsep siswa pada materi jamur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pre-experimental dengan desain penelitian one group pretest posttest design. Adapun subjek penelitian berjumlah 57 siswa kelas X yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling di salah satu SMA negeri di Kota Bandung. Keterampilan kolaborasi siswa dijaring menggunakan lembar observasi setiap pertemuan, sedangkan untuk penguasaan konsep siswa dilakukan tes awal dan tes akhir menggunakan soal pilihan ganda beralasan. Keterlaksanaan sintaks PjBL terintegrasi STEM diobservasi berdasarkan rubrik dan tanggapan siswa terhadap pembelajaran didapatkan melalui lembar angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil keterampilan kolaborasi siswa termasuk ke dalam rentang kategori baik hingga sangat baik dengan persentase tertinggi diraih pada aspek manajemen waktu dan terendah pada aspek teknik penyelidikan. Penguasaan konsep siswa pada aspek C1-C4 terakomodasi dan menunjukkan N-gain yang tergolong sedang. Hampir seluruh sintaks PjBL terintegrasi STEM terlaksana dengan sangat baik dan sebagian besar siswa menunjukkan respons positif terhadap PjBL terintegrasi STEM terutama pada indikator minat terhadap biologi sehingga ke depannya berpotensi untuk lebih dikembangkan.;--Education nowadays not only involve cognitif aspects but also emphasize the skills needed to compete globally. Collaboration as one of the 21st century skills can be facilitated by implementating PjBL STEM. Fungi is one of the biology concepts which is hard to comprehend as many foreign (microscopics) terminology and terms included so students did not give much attention yet fungi has potential to develop into food processing products through active learning. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of PjBL STEM in facilitating students’ collaboration skills and concept mastery on fungi. The study was carried out using one group pre-test post-test design from pre-experimental method, from which 57 students were selected by means of purposive sampling. Students’ collaboration skills were daily observed based on collaboration skills rubric consists of five aspects, while students’ concept mastery were assesed by two-tier multiple choice form test. The implementation of PjBL STEM syntax was observed by using observation form. Students’ responses toward PjBL STEM was collected by using questionnaire. It was found that PjBL STEM facilitated students’ collaboration skills by the result of time management aspect at the highest achievement yet the reseach technique aspect were still found at the lowest place. The students’ concept mastery from level of cognitive C1 to C4 on Fungi were accomodated and showed N-Gain in medium level. Most of the PjBL STEM syntax were excellently conducted and the findings also showed most students have positive response to PjBL STEM especially on interests in learning biology

    Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on construction projects

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    The changing face of construction projects has resulted in a movement towards the use of technology as a primary means of communication. The consequences of this rise in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is a loss of interpersonal communication skills. A number of resulting issues within the human – electronic and human – human interfaces are identified in an attempt to define the efficiency of communication in projects. The research shows how ICT effects the social environment of construction project teams and the project outcome. The study seeks to confirm the need for further work in order to develop new forms of communication protocols and behaviour. An initial literature review was undertaken to develop a theoretical review of the impacts of ICT on construction project teams. This review identified a number of issues that were then tested in the field through an observation and two verification interviews. The research confirms the existence of tensions and conflicts in the human – electronic and human - human communication interfaces within the studies environment. It is proposed that the increasing use of ICT occur at the expense of soft system communication. The principal impact of this is a form of ‘human distraction’ which adversely affects the performance of project teams. There is limited theory exploring these issues that suggests the problems identified are not well understood and consequently indicates a gap in knowledge

    Enhancing Scientific Literacy of Eighth Grade Students through the Learning Model Based on Project-Based Learning and Socio-Scientific Issues

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    Scientific literacy is important because it helps people in making informed decisions, problem-solving in a social context related to daily life in terms of both scientific evidence and morally and ethically, in order to find the best possible solution. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the learning model based on project-based learning and socio-scientific issues on scientific literacy for eighth grade students. The samples were 40 eighth grade students in the second semester of the academic year 2020 in Bangkok and was acquired from a cluster sampling. The research design used in this study was one group pre-test post-test design; data were statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, percentage and t-test for dependent samples. The research instruments were 1) two lesson plans and 2) 30 questions with 10 situations scientific literacy tests. The results showed that 1) the scientific literacy mean score after the implementation was higher than those been before implementation at a statistical significance level of .05, 2) the overall level of scientific literacy changed from the low to the moderate levels. For the two sub scientific competencies, explaining phenomena scientifically and evaluating and designing scientific enquiry changed from the low to the moderate levels, 3) all students (100%) were previously in a low level of scientific literacy, but competency with a moderate or high level of evaluating and designing scientific enquiry accounts for more than 50% of total number of students and all PISA competencies exceed 50% of the total in overall after implementation.

    Exploration of the Indonesian Makassar-Buginese Siri’ educational values: The foundation of character education

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    Character is a crucial aspect of living in society. Character building has been carried out in Indonesia from hundred years ago. The people have improved their way of life by adopting local culture's educational values, such as the Makassar-Buginese Siri’. However, in this era, there is a deterioration of student character as a result of losing Siri' cultural ideals that are rarely found in the field of education. The study aimed to explore the Makassar-Buginese Siri’ educational values as the foundation of character building. This study was designed as a qualitative study using the ethno-pedagogy approach. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation and analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results have revealed that the Makassar-Buginese Siri’ contains the following educational values: teppe (faith), pesse (compassion), lempuk (honesty, straightening deeds, and intentions), sipakatau (humanizing human), sipakalebbi (glorification of human), sipakainge (reminding each other), sipatokkong (mutual help and mutual support), tongeng (sincerity), reso (hard work), and abbulosibatang (collaboration). In conclusion, the Makassar-Buginese Siri’ educational values play a crucial role in character education to be integrated into the learning process to improve student character

    PjBL untuk Pengembangan Keterampilan Mahasiswa: Sebuah kajian deskriptif tentang peran PjBL dalam melejitkan keterampilan komunikasi dan kolaborasi mahasiswa

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    Proses belajar mengajar di perguruan tinggi hendaknya ditransformasi kepada orientasi yang dapat membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan saat ini. Untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut dibutuhkan integrasi keterampilan abad XXI ke dalam pembelajaran yang mencakup Thingking skills (keterampilan berpikir), Action skills (keterampilan bertindak) dan Living in the world (keterampilan hidup). Keterampilan komunikasi dan keterampilan kolaborasi merupakan contoh keterampilan yang dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa. Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (PjBL) dapat dipilih dalam meningkatkan kedua keterampilan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran PjBL dalam melejitkan keterampilan komunikasi dan kolaborasi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui studi literatur. Penerapan PjBL menunjukkan kelebihan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi dan kolaborasi mahasiswa. Karena melalui aktivitas kompleks dari model tersebut, mahasiswa mampu saling bersepakat dan saling menghargai terhadap pendapat yang berbeda-beda untuk menemukan solusi dan mencapai tujuan utama dari pelaksanaan proye

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Mahasiswa Biologi: Model Pembelajaran SIRI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran SIRI dalam meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi pada mahasiswa biologi. Penelitian eksperimen ini dilakukan dengan desain nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design dan melibatkan 98 mahasiswa biologi di Universitas Negeri Makassar dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi. Rubrik keterampilan komunikasi digunakan untuk menilai pernyataan mahasiswa dan hasilnya dianalisis menggunakan ANCOVA pada tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran SIRI terhadap peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi mahasiswa. Hasil uji LSD juga menunjukkan bahwa skor keterampilan komunikasi mahasiswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran SIRI berbeda secara signifikan dengan model pembelajaran PjBL dan Model Jigsaw. Disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran SIRI dapat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi mahasiswa biologi

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Project Based Learning Terhadap Keterampilan Kolaborasi Mahasiswa Pendidikan IPA

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    This report aims to review the influence of the use of learning model learning project based on skill collaboration education students science education UNM. The research is praeksperimen research. A design study used is one- shot case study. Subjects research is a student science education that doing lecture motion and change. Research instruments used to measure skill collaboration students is the instrument non the tests which consisted of rubric and the survey. Analysis of data done through descriptive statistics and statistics inferential. Analysis deskriktif statistics show that increased skill collaboration students when dibelajarkan use the model project is based learning about 18 of 29 students able to reach the score over the level of 1. While to test inferential shows that is the kind of classroom learning project based on skill collaboration Key Words: PjBL, Skill Colobaration, Science Educatio

    Avaliação do design dos ciclos de melhoria dos estudantes em graduação em enfermagem desenvolvidos através de aprendizagem baseada em projetos

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    The goal of this article is to describe the level of performance in the final product of fifth and ninth grade nursing students who developed an improvement cycle design under the project-based learning methodology. This quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study was developed according to the reliability of the instrument of evaluation of the final product of the improvement cycle developed through problem-based learning was analyzed, the level of performance was described according to the level of the student's study plan and the theoretical relationships were analyzed. The final product evaluation tool of the improvement cycle developed by problem-based learning obtained Cronbach's alpha of 0.852. Statistical analysis of ANOVA (F = 3,155, P = 0.057) showed no differences in the level of performance. But the Tukey HSD test indicates that ninth semester students concentrated (M = 121.00, DS = 12.12) have significantly higher performance scores. The conditions for a better performance in the product of the improvement cycle developed through problem-based learning were observed in the following characteristics: higher level in which the students took the course, greater number of tutoring hours, lower number of students per teacher and fewer students per group.Este trabajo describe el nivel de desempeño en el producto final de los estudiantes de enfermerĂ­a de quinto y noveno nivel que desarrollaron un diseño de ciclo de mejora bajo la metodologĂ­a de aprendizaje basado en proyectos. Se desarrollĂł un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo transversal. En el cual se analizĂł la confiabilidad del instrumento de evaluaciĂłn del producto final del ciclo de mejora desarrollado a travĂ©s del aprendizaje basado en problemas, se describiĂł el nivel de desempeño segĂșn el nivel del plan de estudio de los estudiantes y se analizaron las relaciones teĂłricas. En cuanto a los resultados, el instrumento de evaluaciĂłn del producto final del ciclo de mejora desarrollado por el aprendizaje basado en problemas obtuvo alfa de Cronbach de 0,852. El test estadĂ­stico de ANOVA (F = 3,155, P = 0,057) no muestra diferencias en el nivel de desempeño. Pero el test Tukey HSD indica que los estudiantes de noveno semestre concentrado (M = 121,00, DS = 12,12) tienen significativamente mayor puntaje de desempeño. Se concluye que las condiciones para un mejor desempeño en el producto del ciclo de mejora desarrollado a travĂ©s del aprendizaje basado en problemas se observĂł en las siguientes caracterĂ­sticas: nivel superior en el que los estudiantes cursaron la asignatura, mayor cantidad de horas de tutorĂ­a, menor nĂșmero de estudiantes por profesor y menor cantidad de estudiantes por grupo. &nbsp