120 research outputs found

    Every breath you take: An examination of the natural phenomenon of stalking

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    Everyone is a potential stalker, given the right set of circumstances. There are a vast number of tools readily available—from social media networking to easily accessible websites that provide background checks for a minimal fee—that allow individuals to observe the life (or lives) of whomever they so desire. But what are the innate, essential traits and characteristics of an individual that extends beyond the more normative expression of romantic interest and the general curiosity that is a natural and accepted occurrence for anyone who has ever been infatuated with another? This paper will consider the intentionality and motivation behind stalking, including cyber-stalking, as well as the general obsessive behavior that acts as a proclivity toward stalking and ultimately conclude that everyone is a potential stalker and, further, that we as a society are being conditioned by the media—particularly social media—to accept stalking as a natural phenomenon

    Investment Model 2.0 in couple relationships: when jealousy threats couple’ stability

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    I Social Network Sites (SNS) hanno modificato il modo in cui le persone entrano in relazione, influenzando in maniera significativa anche la loro quotidianità. Essi hanno un ruolo fondamentale nelle dinamiche dei rapporti di coppia, determinando dei cambiamenti in aspetti costitutivi delle relazioni affettive e del livello di soddisfazione percepito dai partner come l’intimità, l’apertura di Sé, l’impegno. Un aspetto importante è rappresentato dal modo in cui ogni partner mostra la propria identità di coppia sul social network, poiché tale rappresentazione influenza vari aspetti della relazione nel contesto offline. La qualità delle alternative percepite dai partner è un fattore che incide sull’impegno e sull’investimento verso una relazione sentimentale. Nel presente studio vengono presi in considerazione alcuni fattori che riguardano la gelosia sperimentata da parte dei partner su FacebookTM e messi in relazione con l’impegno, variabile fondamentale per il mantenimento di un rapporto affettivo. Comportamenti ed emozioni esperiti da una persona gelosa possono, infatti, essere sollecitati anche nelle piattaforme online, come FacebookTM. I risultati qui presentati confermano tali ipotesi e propongono l’aggiunta di una nuova variabile nel Modello dell’Investimento di Rusbult (1983): la gelosia operativizzata come minaccia alla stabilità della relazione modifica la comprensione dei processi inerenti i rapporti di coppia, alla luce dei cambiamenti comunicativi e sociali nei quali essi sono inseritiSocial Network Sites (SNS) changed how people interact, massively influencing their everyday lives and their romantic relationships, determining changes in partner’s satisfaction and other fundamental aspects as intimacy, self-disclosure and commitment. An important quality is represented by the way in which each partner shows his/her couple identity on the social network: this representation influences many aspects of couple relationship in the offline context. The quality of alternatives that each partner perceives is another aspect that contributes to influence commitment and investment towards a romantic relationship. Emotions and behaviors carried out by a jealous partner can be implemented in online contexts, like FacebookTM. In the present study, factors regarding jealousy experienced by partners on FacebookTM are taken in consideration and connected to commitment, a fundamental dimension to maintain a close relationship. Results confirm our hypothesis and propose an addition to Rusbult’s Investment Model (1983). In light of social and communication changes, jealousy, defined as the dimension of threat to relationship’ stability, modifies the understanding of processes inherent couple relationship

    Creencias justificadoras de la violencia, mitos sobre el amor y abuso online en el noviazgo

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    Distorted beliefs about violence and love are often associated with the presence of violence in dating relationships. This study analyzes the relationship between beliefs that justify violence and myths about love in two types of cyber dating abuse (control and direct aggression). Method: The sample consisted of 656 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 years (79.5% women). Results: Regression analysis showed that justifi cation of cyber dating abuse was signifi cantly associated with a higher likelihood of direct aggression in online dating relationships. Myths about love were associated with a greater likelihood of control in online dating relationships. Furthermore, the relationship between justifi cation of cyber dating abuse and perpetration of direct aggression was stronger in women. The relationship between myths about love and perpetration of online control was stronger among the youngest individuals. Conclusion: The justifi cation of abuse and myths about love are important aspects in the development of different kinds of online abuse among young couples. This finding has important implications for the prevention of and intervention in these behaviorsLas creencias distorsionadas sobre la violencia y el amor se han relacionado con la presencia de violencia en las relaciones de pareja. El presente estudio analiza la relación de las creencias que justifican la violencia y los mitos del amor en dos formas de abuso online en el noviazgo (control y agresión directa). Método: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 656 jóvenes de entre 18 y 30 años (79.5% mujeres). Resultados: los análisis de regresión pusieron de manifiesto que la justificación del abuso online se asoció significativamente a una mayor probabilidad de perpetración de agresión directa online en relaciones de noviazgo. Los mitos del amor, por su parte, se relacionaron con una mayor probabilidad de perpetración de control online. Además, la relación entre la justificación del abuso online y la perpetración de agresión directa fue más fuerte entre las mujeres. Por su parte, la relación entre los mitos sobre el amor y la perpetración de control fue más fuerte entre los más jóvenes. Conclusión: la justificación del abuso y los mitos del amor se presentan como aspectos importantes en la aparición de formas de abuso online en parejas. Esto tiene importantes implicaciones para la prevención e intervención sobre estos comportamientosThis research was supported by a DEusto unversity Training Grant (University of Deusto, Bilbao) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spanish Government) grant PSI2012-3155

    Friendly social surveillance

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    Chapter 3 seeks to frame Digital Kinship in terms of debates around the effects of media especially in terms of emotion, intimacy and surveillance. Bringing discussions around emotion and media by scholars, along with debates around social surveillance, mobility and transnationalism, this chapter considers the ways that different forms of mobility (chosen and enforced) are recalibrating familial ties

    Abuso digital nas relações amorosas: um estudo das representações sociais com universitários brasileiros

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    The present study aimed at apprehending the social representations (SR) of Brazilian university students about digital Cyber Dating Abuse (CDA). A total of 447 participants participated in the study, responding to the Free Word Association Technique and the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ). The data pointed to a high prevalence of involvement in CDA, both in victimization (87.6% control / monitoring, 34.7%, direct aggression); (92.6% control/monitoring, 25.1%, direct aggression). In addition, the results indicated that the structuring elements of SR were anchored in contemporary relational uncertainty and the conception of dominance within intimate relationships. Concerning the evocations of the peripheral nucleus, CDA was anchored in the violation of the rights to privacy and its causes and consequences, permeating psycho-affective and social aspects. Finally, the data revealed that "jealousy" presents itself as the central and organizing element of RS of this phenomenon, motivating abusive virtual actions.El objetivo del presente estudio fue aprehender las representaciones sociales (RS) de universitarios brasileños acerca del abuso online en el noviazgo (AON). Participaron de la encuesta 447 participantes los cuales respondieron a la Técnica de Asociación Libre de Palabras y al Cuestionario Abuso Online en el Noviazgo (CAON). Los datos apuntaron a una alta prevalencia de participación en el ADRA, tanto en victimización (87.6% control / monitoreo, 34.7%, agresión directa); como en la perpetración (92.6% control / monitoreo, 25.1%, agresión directa). Además, los resultados indicaron que los elementos estructurantes de las RS se anclaron en la incertidumbre relacional contemporánea y en la concepción de dominación dentro de las relaciones íntimas. En cuanto a las evocaciones del núcleo periférico, el CAON fue anclado en la violación de los derechos a la privacidad y en sus causas y consecuencias, atravesando aspectos psicoactivos y sociales. Finalmente, los datos revelaron que los "celos" se presentan como elemento central y organizador de las RS de ese fenómeno, motivando acciones virtuales abusivas.O presente estudo objetivou apreender as representações sociais (RS) de universitários brasileiros acerca do abuso digital nos relacionamentos amorosos (ADRA). Participaram da pesquisa 447 participantes os quais responderam à Técnica de Associação Livre de Palavras e ao Questionário de Abuso Digital nos Relacionamentos Amorosos (QADRA). Os dados apontaram para uma alta prevalência de envolvimento no ADRA, tanto em vitimização (87,6% controle/monitoramento; 34,7%, agressão direta); quanto, em perpetração (92,6% controle/monitoramento; 25,1%, agressão direta). Além disso, os resultados indicaram que os elementos estruturantes das RS se ancoraram na incerteza relacional contemporânea e na concepção de dominância dentro dos relacionamentos íntimos. Quanto as evocações do núcleo periférico, o ADRA foi ancorado na violação dos direitos à privacidade e nas suas causas e consequências, perpassando aspectos psicoafetivos e sociais. Finalmente, os dados revelaram que o "ciúme" se apresenta como elemento central e organizador das RS desse fenômeno, motivando ações virtuais abusivas

    Female mate retention, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

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    Romantic relationship quality in the Digital Age: a study with young adults

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    Recent studies suggest that the online and offline behaviors young people display in romantic relationships are closely related. However, the differential effects of the dimensions of couple quality in the online context have not yet been explored in depth. The aim of this study was to explore online couple quality in young-adult relationships, and its association with romantic relationship satisfaction, also looking at effects of gender, age, and length of the relationship. 431 university students currently in a romantic relationship (68.2% females; mean age = 21.57) participated in this study. They completed different self-report measures to tap the online quality of their romantic relationships (online intimacy, control, jealousy, intrusiveness, cyberdating practices, and communication strategies) and level of satisfaction with those relationships. Results showed that participants more often reported online intimacy (Mmen = 2.49; Mwomen = 2.38) than the negative scales of online quality (mean ranged from .43 to 1.50), and all the online quality scales decreased with age (correlations ranged from –.12 to –.30) and relationship length (correlations ranged from –.02 to –.20). Linear regression analyses indicated that online intimacy (b = .32, p = .001) and intrusiveness (b = .11, p = .035) were positively related to rela-tionship satisfaction, while cyberdating practices (b = –.20, p = .001) and communication strategies (b = –.34, p = .001) were negatively correlated with relationship satisfaction. Moreover, gender and relationship length moderated some of these associations. Results indicate that while online quality and relationship satisfaction are related, the impact of different online quality dimensions on relationship satisfaction differs depending on a participant’s sex, age, and relationship lengt

    The dialectics of mobile communication in South African romantic relationships

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    Abstract: Communication technology such as the mobile phone often presents a double-edged sword in romantic relationships. While the mobile phone can enhance the quality of communication, it can simultaneously become a source of conflict. The dialectic framework of Communication Privacy Management presents a nuanced lens from which to investigate the rules for the use of the mobile phone in the dyad of romantic relationships. This study sought to investigate mobile phone usage rules that are negotiated by South African adolescents and young adults in their romantic relationships and the factors that influence the negotiation. The study specifically focused on rules around mobile privacy management. Findings from survey data indicate that the negotiation of mobile phone usage rules is a crucial part of young adult relationships’ health. Variables of gender and length of relationship were important factors in the rule development process. Implications, limitations, and future research are discussed

    The Use of the Partner Surveillance Scale in Instagram: Psychometric Evaluation Based on the Graded Response Model

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    The use of social media, especially Instagram, has become an increasingly powerful form of daily activity. This social media affects the romantic relationship of people, where people in relationships can conduct surveillance on the behaviors of their partner. This study provides an analysis of the psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the Partner Surveillance Scale which contains 15 items and used a 4-point Likert scale format. The study recruited 214 female university students aged 17-23 years old, who used Instagram. The Graded Response Model (GRM) method was applied. As a result, the Indonesian version of the Partner Surveillance Scale was proved to have good psychometrics properties and had good fit to the GRM. All assumptions of GRM were met and the scale had high reliability. But, it should be noted that some items did not fit well with the model.  The results of this study also provide an alternative to the use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in analyzing polytomous data with GRM. This study concluded that the psychometric properties of the Partner Surveillance Scale were good.
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