17 research outputs found

    Local Online Courier and Ride-Hailing Service Social Media Marketing

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    Topokeni was a local online courier and ride-hailing service in Palu. In this study, we tried to understand the social media marketing strategies used by Topokeni, as we assumed that Topokeni had specific strategies to compete with national and international scale ride-hailing services such as Grab and Gojek. Thus, this study was focused and aimed to understand and describe the Instagram marketing strategies of Topokeni based on four aspects of social media marketing in a qualitative-case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and document study on social media and other relevant archives. The results showed that social media became an alternative to survive and increase tenants and consumers. In the context aspect, Topokeni admins used nicknames such as kakak (bro/sis) to their customers to reach broader targets. In the communication aspect, Topokeni used graphic elements in photos, videos, infographics, and testimonials posts. In the collaboration aspect, Topokeni merged the tenant’s market with Topokeni’s customers. In the connectivity aspect, Topokeni synergized the contents, themes, and brand positioning using #kurirpalu and #deliverypalu, also @(mention) feature on partner tenant accounts and personal customers as a form of appreciation and responsibility

    Sentiment analysis – an overview of a technique which can be used in marketing activities

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    A sentiment analysis, a form of artificial intelligence, is a technique which uses natural language processing (NLP) to ascertain the opinions and emotional tone of the user written content on the online platform. It can be used in any form ranging from determining the sentiments of consumer’s reviews, employee’s feedback, and their social presence for effective marketing of their products and services. Through this article we wish to analyse the existing literature in sentiment analysis field to ascertain it usefulness in the marketing activities

    Impression Flow Based on Comment in Islamic Studies from Instagram using Sentiment Analysis

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    Islamic studies in industrial revolution 4.0 grown very rapidly. Everyone can access an information everywhere and everytime using their end devises such a smartphone and laptop base on internet access using a social media such instagram, facebook, and twitter. development of da'wah media that is not only through radio television and through studies conducted either in mosques or other places for delivering of studies and insights about Islam for all muslims in Indonesian country especially in Kalimantan Selatan. One of aplication social media for studying islam is Instagram. All of preachers is very easily make a post on Instagram for sharing a religious knowledge to users of Instagram social media, hence this case a lot of Islamic da'wah accounts in great demand by the muslims people in Indonesia. Islamic posts made by preachers on Instagram make a lot of conflict and the direction of negative or positive impressions left by users through the comments column provided from instagram. To determine the positive and negative directions of the post from a preacher. We develop a system for detecting the direction of impression from all of comment on Islamic content on Instagram created by the user using a sentimen analysis. This system analyzes comments left on a post from a preacher's Instagram story. The system that was built succeeded for classifying the filtered comments by attributing the direction of the da'wah impression posted by the preacher. The classification of the impression direction of this system contains 3 impression directions, namely positive, negative, and neutra

    Humor Gelap di Media Sosial: Studi Big Data pada Cuitan tentang The Muffin Song di Twitter

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    The Muffin Song merupakan sebuah konten audio-visual yang dipublikasikan oleh pengguna YouTube TomSka pada 12 Mei 2018. Video klip The Muffin Song telah memiliki tiga koma delapan juta like dan seratus dua puluh empat ribu dislike serta 232.522.286 kali tayang. Selain kepopulerannya pada platform media social YouTube, The Muffin Song juga merupakan salah satu lagu populer sebagai background music pada aplikasi TikTok dengan 271.600 kali penggunaan. Dari observasi awal peneliti, lagu ini digunakan pada berbagai jenis video pada platform TikTok. Berbeda dari YouTube yang mengaplikasikan kebijakan terkait bunuh diri dan tindakan menyakiti diri sendiri di beberapa waktu terakhir, Twitter telah memiliki kebijakan konten sensitif (sensitive media policy) sejak tahun 2017 dan diperbarui serta diperketat pada tahun 2022. Meskipun begitu, dari data awal yang peneliti kumpulkan sebanyak 72.856 cuitan tentang The Muffin Song, hanya 1.304 cuitan atau 1,79% di antaranya yang ditandai sebagai konten sensitif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif univariat dengan menggunakan tiga metode analisis yaitu Social Network Analysis (SNA), Text Network Analysis (TNA), dan Sentiment Analysis. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pengguna Twitter dan cuitan pengguna Twitter dengan “#TheMuffinSong” dan “The Muffin Song” antara tanggal 12 Mei 2018 hingga 31 Desember 2021. Data yang peneliti kumpulkan sejumlah 71.856 cuitan. Setelah melalui proses seleksi berdasarkan label cuitan berbahasa inggris (label bahasa en) dan pembersihan duplikasi data, maka didapatkan populasi bersih sejumlah 14.017 cuitan dan 17.072 pengguna yang terlibat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi pengguna Twitter tentang topik ini cenderung singkat dan pendek. Bila melihat interaksi yang kuat antar pengguna Twitter, maka terlihat bahwa ada kelompok-kelompok pengguna yang saling berinteraksi dengan kelompok lain dengan satu atau lebih akun berperan sebagai jembatan interaksi. Kata yang sering digunakan muncul sebagai akibat dari adanya interaksi lintas platform yang dilakukan oleh pengguna. Dari interaksi tersebut pula, akun Twitter milik YouTube menjadi akun dominan dalam peta jaringan yang dibentuk. Terjadinya interaksi lintas platform ini pula menyebabkan tingginya relevansi akun Twitter milik YouTube dengan hasil sentiment cuitan yang positif

    Comparison Analysis Of Social Influence Marketing For Mobile Payment Using Support Vector Machine

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    There are many digital-based financial services today, one of them is mobile payment service. Users can deposit money and make online transaction with their smartphone through mobile application. Five mobile payment service providers with the most users in Indonesia, according to Dailysocial are GOPAY, OVO, LinkAja, DANA, and PayTren. This study uses sentiment analysis to classify user’s opinion into positive and negative classes. The classification method used is Support Vector Machine. This study utilizes three metrics, namely Net Sentiment, Share of Voice, and Social Influence Marketing Score. Those metrics are useful for knowing reputation, reach, and influence of brands in social media. The findings in this study indicate that GOPAY, OVO, DANA, and PayTren have a positive dominant sentiment, while LinkAja has a negative dominant sentiment. The brand with the biggest influence and reaches in the mobile payment industry is GOPAY. While the highest reputation brand is PayTren. The implication of this research is to encourage mobile payment providers to be able to monitor their brand conditions among their competitors by utilizing social network analysis method

    Use of Social Media Metrics as a Marketing Strategy in Technology Startups

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    El presente artículo de investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la funcionalidad de las métricas de las redes sociales en la generación de estrategias digitales para el posicionamiento de microempresas comerciales en Cúcuta, para lo cual se realizó una revisión de literatura. Las métricas de las redes sociales para la formulación de estrategias digitales con el fin de lograr el posicionamiento de las microempresas comerciales en la ciudad de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. La metodología de investigación se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo. El proceso de recopilación de información se realizó teniendo en cuenta la credibilidad de las fuentes, por lo que se procuró emplear referencias primarias o secundarias; es decir, publicaciones realizadas por las mismas empresas o por organizaciones que tienen una relación con dicha empresa, aunque también fue necesario recurrir a reportajes de instituciones de renombre a nivel global, ante la imposibilidad de encontrar fuentes bibliográficas de nivel académico que desarrollasen el tema en cuestión. Como principal resultado se comprobó que las estrategias contenido de entretenimiento capta la atención de estos usuarios, por otro lado, utilizando la estrategia de inbound marketing se puede generar la interacción que posteriormente se convertiría en un lead, y este a su vez, en un posible cliente. También se encontró que la implementación de las redes sociales en las microempresas contribuye en la comunicación directa de esta con sus clientes principales, y clientes potenciales, especialmente en lo relacionado con la experiencia del usuario final. Como complemento se recomienda la utilización de estrategias basadas en marketing mix, debido que estas ejercen una influencia significativa en la decisión de compra de los consumidores.Universidad Libre seccional Cúcuta -- Facultad de Derecho Ciencias Políticas y Sociales -- Comunicación Corporativa y Relaciones PublicasThis research article on the objective to establish the functionality of the metrics of social networks in the generation of digital strategies for the positioning of commercial micro-enterprises in Cúcuta, for which a literature review was carried out. The metrics of social networks for the formulation of digital strategies in order to achieve the positioning of commercial microenterprises in the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. The research methodology was developed under a qualitative and descriptive approach. The information gathering process was carried out taking into account the credibility of the sources, for which reason an attempt was made to use primary or secondary references; that is, publications made by the same companies or by organizations that have a relationship with said company, although it was also necessary to resort to reports from renowned institutions at a global level, given the impossibility of finding bibliographic sources of an academic level that developed the subject in question. As the main result, it was verified that the entertainment content strategies capture the attention of these users, on the other hand, using the inbound marketing strategy, interaction can be generated that would later become a lead, and this in turn, a possible customer. It was also found that the implementation of social networks in microenterprises contributes to their direct communication with their main clients and potential clients, especially in relation to the end user experience. As a complement, the use of strategies based on marketing mix is recommended, since these exert a significant influence on the purchasing decision of consumers

    Impact of YouTube Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intention with the Mediating Influence of Brand Awareness: An Applied Study on University Students in Tabuk

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    This paper aims to study the impact of YouTube influencers on consumer purchase intention with the role of brand awareness as mediator evidence from Tabuk. The key objectives include (1) to examine the impact of YouTube influencers on consumer purchase intention; (2) to examine the impact of YouTube influencers on brand awareness; (3) to examine the impact of brand awareness   on purchase intention ;(4) to examine the impact of Influencers on YouTube who can affect consumer behavior through brand awareness. The research hypotheses, which were based on prior studies and the study's factors, were adopted for the study at the University of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method; The Data was collected through Field research (questionnaire) among 150 respondents. The results showed that there was a positive correlation   between YouTube influencers credibility dimensions and consumer purchase intention of university students. The finding showed that there was a positive correlation between brand awareness and consumer purchase intention of university students.  This study recommends that influencers play a significant role in shaping consumer purchase intention, the study suggested to the marketing managers to select attractive influencers to represent their brands, thus brands should choose influencers who have strong personalities, good physical appearances and have the reputation of being trustworthy. The study recommends that Influencers marketing is useful for creating Brand awareness

    Impact of YouTube Influencers on Consumer Purchase Intention with the Mediating Influence of Brand Awareness: An Applied Study on University Students in Tabuk

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    This paper aims to study the impact of YouTube influencers on consumer purchase intention with the role of brand awareness as mediator evidence from Tabuk. The key objectives include (1) to examine the impact of YouTube influencers on consumer purchase intention; (2) to examine the impact of YouTube influencers on brand awareness; (3) to examine the impact of brand awareness   on purchase intention ;(4) to examine the impact of Influencers on YouTube who can affect consumer behavior through brand awareness. The research hypotheses, which were based on prior studies and the study's factors, were adopted for the study at the University of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method; The Data was collected through Field research (questionnaire) among 150 respondents. The results showed that there was a positive correlation   between YouTube influencers credibility dimensions and consumer purchase intention of university students. The finding showed that there was a positive correlation between brand awareness and consumer purchase intention of university students.  This study recommends that influencers play a significant role in shaping consumer purchase intention, the study suggested to the marketing managers to select attractive influencers to represent their brands, thus brands should choose influencers who have strong personalities, good physical appearances and have the reputation of being trustworthy. The study recommends that Influencers marketing is useful for creating Brand awareness

    Near Real Time Data Aggregation for NLP

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    Com o aumento do uso das redes sociais, o número de opções de rede para usar e a variedade de funcionalidades que elas permitem leva à necessidade de os gestores desportivos prestarem uma atenção especial a estes meios. É seguindo este pensamento que surge o Projeto PLAYOFF e consequentemente esta tese. Foi feito um levantamento da literatura existente de soluções que combinam Apache Kafka com modelos de machine learning e foi possível verificar que, apesar de soluções diferentes, já existem referencias nesses domínios. É apresentada uma comparação entre Apache Kafka e RabbitMQ e as razões da escolha ter recaído para o Kafka. É apresentada de forma geral uma arquitetura de um projeto Kafka e, posteriormente, as diferentes abordagens pensadas e desenvolvidas no âmbito da dissertação, assim como o formato das mensagens trocadas usando este sistema. Uma serie de testes e seus resultados são descritos, de modo a comprovar a sua escolha e utilização. Nestes testes diferentes abordagem de execução paralela (threads e processos) são apresentadas, assim como a forma de obter dados das APIs das redes sociais também possui diferentes abordagens. As alterações que foram realizadas aos modelos originais são descritas e explicadas as razões para essas mudanças e de que forma se enquadram na ferramenta desenvolvida. Foi realizado um teste global e final, designado por “Teste Piloto”, onde em ambiente real, com um evento real foram testados todos os componentes deste projeto, incluindo os sistemas externos desenvolvidos pela MOG Technologies e os componentes desenvolvidos no âmbito desta dissertação. Por fim, é possível comprovar as soluções apresentadas e opções finais escolhidas para o projeto, através dos resultados obtidos nos diferentes testes. É ainda proposto trabalho futuro de continuação do desenvolvido.With the increasing use of social networks, the number of network options to use and the variety of functionalities that they allow leads to the need for sports managers to pay special attention to these media. It is following this thought that the PLAYOFF Project emerges and consequently this thesis. A search of the existing literature on solutions that combine Apache Kafka with machine learning models was carried out and it was possible to verify that, despite different solutions, there are already references in these domains. A comparison between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ and the reasons for choosing Kafka are presented. A general architecture of a Kafka project is presented, as well as the different approaches thought and developed within the scope of the dissertation, as well as the format of the messages exchanged using this system. A series of tests and their results are described, in order to prove their choice and use. In these tests different parallel execution approaches (threads and processes) are presented, as well as the way of obtaining data from the APIs of social networks also has different approaches. The changes that were made to the original models are described and explained the reasons for these changes and how they fit into the developed tool. A final and global test was carried out, called “Pilot Test”, where in a real environment, with a real event, all the components of this project were tested, including the external systems developed by MOG Technologies and the components developed within the scope of this dissertation. Finally, it is possible to verify the solutions presented and final options chosen for the project, through the results obtained in the different tests. It is also proposed future work of continuation of the developed