40 research outputs found

    The Rise of Dough: Mid-Pandemic Baked Desserts Startups

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    Since the Philippines implemented the COVID-19 community quarantine, many Filipinos either lost their jobs or stopped going to work. Due to lack of a stable income source, many Filipinos resorted to selling various items, including baked goods, via online platforms. This study aimed to explore the phenomenon and its corresponding factors on the emergence of startups that mainly sell baked desserts on Facebook and Instagram during the quarantine period in Metro Manila. The researchers investigated whether external factors (i.e., social- cultural circumstances and economic circumstances) and internal factors (i.e., intrinsic motivations and attitudes toward baked desserts) affected the rise of baked desserts startups. The researchers also investigated the consumer’s decision to establish an online baked desserts startup during the pandemic. In the end, the researchers found out that the consumers’ intrinsic motivation played the most significant role in influencing consumer decision to begin an online baked dessert startup, which links to external factors. Additionally, attitudes toward baked desserts only affected the menu and business planning; but did not motivate consumers to start selling due to their love for eating baked desserts. Despite such, external and internal factors contribute to the emergence of baked desserts businesses during the pandemic. The findings of this study provide insight into the mid-pandemic state of the online baked desserts industry


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    Online shopping has been really familiar for both public and smarthone users. Recent phenomenon has showed us a much-helpful simple way in providing customers’ needs and consumption during Covid-19 pandemic. The limited space caused by the condition has made consumers shift towards instant online shopping. The customers’ changing behaviour forces business sector to adjust and fulfil customer’s need and desires. This research is implemented by using judgemental sampling method, which includes millennial generation as users on instant shopping. The amount of population is unknown, while the sample calculation is 1:10 of each questionnaire statement. Partial least square is also used in this research as analysis method, by also using SmartPLS 3.0. The result gave an analysis and found a slight change of customer’s behaviour, especially in using Instagram account as an instant shopping alternative which supports recent situation. This could also be next suggestion for further development after Covid-19 pandemic

    Investigating the Impact of Social Interaction on Consumers' Purchasing Behavior in Social Commerce Platform

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    Abstract. S-commerce is a modern trend in the field of internet trading, which uses social media as the medium for transactions. To study this rising propensity, we examine how social interaction affects the consumer's s-commerce purchasing behavior. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and the 189 respondents were selected according to predetermined criteria. The data processing approach employed Structural Equation Model (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS 3.0 software assistant. The results showed that social interaction had a positive and significant effect on trust and intention to purchase, trust had a positive and significant impact on purchase intention and s-commerce purchasing behaviour, and purchase intention had positive and significant influence on s-commerce purchasing berhavior. In contrast, the consumer's social interaction effect toward s-commerce purchasing behavior was insignificant. The results are expected to provide a comprehensive understanding in term of consumer's behavior in social media and its consequences for the s-commerce market strategy in Indonesia.Keywords: Social interaction, trust, purchase intention, s-commerce purchasing behavior, SEM-PLSAbstrak. S-commerce merupakan evolusi baru dalam dunia perdagangan internet yang memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai platform transaksi bisnisnya. Untuk menyelidiki fenonema tersebut, penelitian menganalisis bagaimana interaksi sosial memengaruhi perilaku pembelian konsumen s-commerce di Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan 189 responden kemudian dipilih berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) – Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan alat bantu software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa konstruk interaksi sosial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepercayaan dan niat pembelian, kepercayaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat pembelian dan perilaku pembelian s-commerce, niat pembelian berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku s-commerce konsumen. Sebaliknya, pengaruh interaksi sosial terhadap perilaku pembelian s-commerce positif namun tidak signifikan. Temuan diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman baru mengenai perilaku konsumen di media sosial dan implikasinya pada strategi perusahaan s-commerce di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Interaksi sosial, kepercayaan, niat pembelian, perilaku pembelian s-commerce, SEM-PL

    How Negative eWOM Affects Purchase Intention: Evidence from Indonesian Traveling Apps Users

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    Abstract. Traveling apps are effective tools to search information and purchase tourism products. Online reviews are the most influential information source in the tourism industry. This study determines the effect of eWOM factors: informational determinants (perceived eWOM usefulness and eWOM perceived credibility of online reviews); personal determinants (using experience of eWOM and product involvement); and the effects of negative reviews (perceived diagnosticity of negative reviews and negative review impression) on purchase intention in traveling applications through some mediating variables (attitude toward online review, attitude toward product, attitude toward brand, and eWOM adoption). This study uses Information Adoption Model and integrates consumer attitude. There were 356 respondents collected through online survey and purposive sampling. Further, Structural Equation Modeling was employed to analyze 17 hypotheses. The results showed that only perceived credibility of online review has no indirect impact on purchase intention. It exhibits the importance role of consumers' attitude and eWOM adoption as mediating variables in promoting purchase intention. This study contributes to industry, especially traveling application managers to arrange their eWOM strategies and travel product providers in managing their brand activities. Keywords: Online review, negative eWOM, Information Adoption Model. Abstrak. Aplikasi traveling efektif digunakan untuk mencari informasi dan membeli produk wisata. Ulasan online adalah sumber informasi paling berpengaruh dalam industri pariwisata. Studi ini menganalisis pengaruh faktor eWOM: informational determinants (perceived eWOM usefulness dan perceived eWOM ecredibility of online reviews), personal determinants (using experience of eWOM dan product involvement), serta effects of negative reviews (perceived diagnosticity of negative reviews dan negative review impression) terhadap purchase intention dalam aplikasi traveling dengan beberapa variabel mediasi (attitude terhadap online review, attitude terhadap produk, attitude terhadap brand, dan eWOM adoption). Penelitian ini menggunakan Information Adoption Model. Terdapat 356 respon yang dikumpulkan melalui survei online dengan purposive sampling. Structural Equation Modeling digunakan untuk menganalisis 17 hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya perceived credibility of online review tidak memiliki dampak tidak langsung terhadap purchase intention. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya peran sikap konsumen dan adopsi eWOM sebagai variabel mediasi dalam meningkatkan purchase intention. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi kepada industri, khususnya pengelola aplikasi perjalanan untuk mengatur strategi eWOM mereka dan penyedia produk perjalanan dalam mengelola aktivitas merek mereka. Kata kunci: Online review, eWOM negatif, Information Adoption Model

    Hubungan Variabel Pemasaran Digital Terhadap Electronic Word Of Mouth (E-WOM): Sebuah Studi Literatur

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    Pemasaran adalah bidang keilmuan yang menarik dan dilengkapi dengan aspek digital menjadikan pemasaran digital sebagai salah satu bidang keilmuan yang memiliki cakupan yang sangat besar, terlebih dengan mengaitkannya kepada keterlibatan konsumen. Pada penelitian terdahulu didapatkan variabel-variabel penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan dari konsumen, maka dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi literatur peneliti menemukan variabel-variabel yang dianggap dapat digunakan untuk mengukur persepsi konsumen dari sisi kualitas website, kepuasan dan keinginan konsumen untuk berbagi dengan konsumen lainnya, dengan memanfaatkan literatur ilmiah antara rentang waktu tahun 2015-2020. Hasil pemetaan literatur yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel yang secara umum digunakan dalam penelitian pemasaran digital adalah kualitas website untuk mengukur kehandalan dari situs, kepuasan konsumen yang diungkapkan secara elektronik (e-satisfaction), kualitas informasi yang diberikan oleh situs dan keinginan konsumen untuk berbagi pengalaman pengunaannya kepada konsumen lain (E-WOM). Selain variabel didapatkan pula metode yang sering digunakan dalam penelitian pemasaran digital adalah menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

    The origins and evolution of social commerce: enhancing e-commerce platforms with social features

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    With technological development and digital transformation, the social commerce model has quickly become the best strategy for delivering a superior shopping experience. Although the history and evolution of the model can be studied, the future of the model is uncertain and may become an even more complex and diverse concept. However, new technologies and tendencies such as Web 3.0, the metaverse, and NFTs may give us a glimpse of the future. In this article, an analysis was conducted on the current scenario and evolution of the model based on the article "A systematic review on social commerce" by Esmaeili and Alireza, which discloses results from 2014 to 2017. Fifty-two journal articles were selected to update the answers to the 5 W´s model presented in the article mentioned above. The results revealed not only the evolution of the model but also the evolution of the approach of the companies when building their social commerce platform

    What Drives Trust in Online Paid Knowledge? The Role of Customer Value

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    Online paid knowledge(OPK) has become very popular since online knowledge platforms have been undergoing a tremendous transformation from providing online free knowledge to OPK. Trust is vital because knowledge is subjective and OPK requires consumers to invest money, time and effort. This study focuses on factors that drive consumers’ trust since OPK creates a new revenue source for both knowledge platforms and knowledge providers. Drawing on customer value theory, we propose that consumers’ perceptions of customer value influence trust. We examine six value relevant factors extracted from three dimensions of customer value: functional (knowledge quality and price utility), emotional (perceived enjoyment and anxiety relief), and social value (social knowledge-image expression and social relationship support). Survey data was analyzed and hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling(SEM). The results indicate that functional, emotional, and social value contribute significantly to trust. The findings and implications are discussed

    Factors Affecting Repurchase Intention Of Paracetamol Users In Jabodetabek

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between brand heritage, brand trust, brand loyalty, repurchase intention, and brand strength in several paracetamol brands of PT. Oryza Medica Indonesia in the Greater Jakarta area, Indonesia. Data collection was carried out online with the population, namely users of the paracetamol brand PT. Oryza Medica Indonesia, of as many as 138 people. This type of quantitative research method uses SEM-Lisrel analysis. The results of the study show that brand heritage has a positive influence on brand trust. In addition, brand heritage also has a positive influence on brand strength. Furthermore, brand trust has a positive influence on repurchase intentions. However, brand trust does not have a positive effect on brand loyalty. Furthermore, brand trust has a positive influence on repurchase intentions. In addition, it was found that brand strength has a positive influence on brand loyalty. In the context of paracetamol users, this study emphasizes the importance of increasing consumer trust and loyalty to increase repurchase intention by providing insight into the importance of understanding and managing relationships in the context of brand investment by providing products and services that meet customer expectations to strengthen brand positions and maintain market share. strong market. Keywords: Brand Heritage, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, Brand Strengt