49,839 research outputs found

    The dark side of friendship: envy

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    This paper studies the e¤ect of social relations on the convergence to the e¢ cient equilibrium in a 2x2 coordination game. We employ a 2x2 factorial design in which we explore two di¤erent games with asymmetric payo¤s and two matching protocols: .friends.versus .strangers.. In the .rst game payo¤s of the worse o¤ player are the same in the two equilibria, whereas in the second game, this player must sacri.ce her own payo¤ for achieving the e¢ cient equilibrium. Results show that .strangers. coor- dinate more frequently in the e¢ cient equilibrium than .friends.in both games. Regarding network measures, (such us degree in, degree out and betweenness) they are all positively correlated with the strategy which leads to the e¢ cient outcome except clustering. In addition, envy is a salient factor in explaining e¢ cient convergence.coordination, efficiency, envy, experiments, friendship, social networks.

    Online network use in schools: Social and educational opportunities

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    Most state governments in Australia have banned popular online networking sites from public schools after these sites were accused of supporting a broad host of threats to young people. This paper questions the effectiveness of these bans in light of recent empirical research that highlights the social and educational benefits that can accrue from young people's online network use. In doing so, this paper argues for a more informed policy debate that considers not only the risks involved in using online networks, but also the opportunities online networks afford and the capabilities young people require to use them effectively

    Social networks and trust: not the experimental evidence you may expect

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    We run a laboratory experiment where 'friendship' networks are generated endogenously within an anonymous group. Our experiment builds on two phases in sequence: a network formation game and a trust game. We find that in those sessions where the trust game is played before the network formation game, the overall level of trust is not significantly different from the one observed in a simple trust game; in those sessions where the trust game is played after the network formation game we find that the overall level of trust is significantly lower than in the simple trust game. Hence surprisingly trust does not increase because of 'enforced reciprocity' and moreover a common social history does affect the level of trust, but in a negative manner. Where network effects matter is in the choice of whom to trust: while we tend to trust less on average those with whom we have already interacted compared to total strangers, past history allows us to select whom to trust relatively more than others

    The effects of trait emotional intelligence and sociobiographical variables on communicative anxiety and foreign language anxiety among adult multilinguals: A review and empirical investigation

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    This study considered the effects of trait emotional intelligence (trait EI; Petrides & Furnham, 2001) and sociobiographical variables (age, gender, education level, number of languages known, age of onset of acquisition, context of acquisition, frequency of use, socialization, network of interlocutors, self-perceived proficiency) on communicative anxiety (CA) in the first, and foreign language anxiety (FLA) in the second, third, and fourth languages of 464 multilingual individuals, in five different situations (speaking with friends, colleagues, strangers, on the phone, and in public). Data were collected via web-based questionnaires. Participants were divided into three groups based on their trait EI scores (low, average, high). Non-parametric statistical analyses revealed a consistent pattern of results across languages and situations. Higher levels of trait EI corresponded to significantly lower CA/FLA scores. Participants who started learning the L2 and L3 at a younger age also suffered less from FLA. Purely classroom-based language instruction was found to be linked to higher levels of FLA compared to instruction that also involved extracurricular use of the language. The knowledge of more languages, a higher frequency of use, a stronger socialization in a language, a larger network of interlocutors and a higher level of self-perceived proficiency in a language were also linked to lower levels of CA/FLA

    Integrating online communities and social networks with computerised treatment for insomnia: a qualitative study of service user and primary health care professional perspectives

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    The problem: Insomnia is the most commonly reported psychological complaint in Britain. Although hypnotic drugs are widely used for treatment of insomnia, they are only licensed short term and adverse effects are common. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which is effective and safe long term, is recommended first line but is not widely used nor available, in part because of the lack of trained providers. In response to this, Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT) has been advocated. Existing CCBT programmes can suffer from poor rates of uptake, adherence and completion. We aimed to investigate patients and practitioners’ views on how CCBT for insomnia (CCBT-I) could be improved by incorporating features of modern technology including social networking functions. The approach: We used a qualitative design and the theory of planned behaviour to underpin the study. Interviews and focus groups were held with adult service users and health professionals using a topic guide designed to elicit participants’ beliefs, intentions and controlling factors that might facilitate or create barriers to the uptake and adherence to CCBT-I. We explored the data using thematic analysis supported by Nvivo. Findings: We interviewed 23 health professionals and 28 patients. We identified multi-faceted issues focused on meta-themes of trust and functionality which were perceived to increase likelihood of successful uptake and adherence. Trust and confidence would be increased if CCBT-I was perceived to be evidence-based and accredited; when referral was from a trusted professional within a supervised package of care; and when online support and follow-up were provided. Interaction with other users, by integrating CCBT-I with social networking, was perceived to provide mutual support but concerns from people with sleep problems included apprehension about online ‘strangers’ and concerns from practitioners included information security. Asynchronous communication such as posting a note, commenting on a forum or adding to a thread was considered safer than engaging in real-time on-line communication. To improve functionality patients wanted mobile applications; access in short periods; self-assessment of insomnia and its causes; more personalised information on sleep; an interactive approach; and contact with other users to be moderated or overseen. Consequences: Although previous qualitative studies have looked at CCBT uptake and adherence, none have looked at insomnia exclusively or explored the feasibility, advantages and drawbacks of online communication between participants. Improving uptake and adherence to online programmes for insomnia requires attention to design features which are focused on trust and functionality. Although computerised therapies for insomnia would allow more people to access treatment, some would not be suitable for online therapies because of lack of online access or poor computer literacy. The results of the study are being used the development of a novel platform for CCBT for insomnia and other health conditions

    Integrating online communities and social networks with computerised treatment for insomnia: a qualitative study of service user and multiprofessional primary health care perspectives

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    Purpose: We explored patient and multiprofessional health perspectives to inform the development of a computerised cognitive behavioural therapy programme for insomnia (CCBT-I) that includes social networking. Theory: We used a qualitative design and theory of planned behaviour to underpin the analysis. Methods: Interviews and focus groups were held with service users and health professionals to elicit beliefs and intentions that might facilitate or create barriers to the uptake and adherence to CCBT-I. Findings: We interviewed 23 health professionals and 28 patients. Features designed to increase confidence in CCBT-I; engender trust in professional relationships; provide online support and improve programme functionality were perceived to increase the successful uptake and adherence. Interaction with other users via integrated social networking would provide mutual support but concerns included apprehension about online ‘strangers’ and information security. Patients wanted mobile applications; access in short periods; self-assessment; more interactive, personalised information on sleep and moderated contact with other users. Discussion: Improving uptake and adherence to online programmes for insomnia requires design features which are focused on trust and functionality. Computerised therapies for insomnia would allow access treatment for more people across geographical and heath system borders

    What Do We Expect from Our Friends?

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    We conduct a field experiment in a large real-world social network to examine how subjects expect to be treated by their friends and by strangers who make allocation decisions in modified dictator games. While recipients’ beliefs accurately account for the extent to which friends will choose more generous allocations than strangers (i.e. directed altruism), recipients are not able to anticipate individual differences in the baseline altruism of allocators (measured by giving to an unnamed recipient, which is predictive of generosity towards named recipients). Recipients who are direct friends with the allocator, or even recipients with many common friends, are no more accurate in recognizing intrinsically altruistic allocators. Recipient beliefs are significantly less accurate than the predictions of an econometrician who knows the allocator’s demographic characteristics and social distance, suggesting recipients do not have information on unobservable characteristics of the allocator.dictator games, beliefs, baseline altruism, directed altruism, social networks