7 research outputs found

    Modelo de negocio exitoso en e-business

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    Currently, the economic and technological development in the world moves quickly. Also, the ability to adapt and change within the business model of a company is very important. This situation can be seen heavily in businesses involved with technology; therefore, innovation and technological development of companies in these areas is essential. Freemium is a relatively new business model which born from the need for users to get high quality services at no cost. This model changed the concept of trading business applications and solutions and has proved very successful and suitable for a changing market. This article shows the strengths and weaknesses of this model as well as the opportunities presented as a means of promoting new value propositions. Additionally, we propose an architecture that supports and promotes this model, ensuring the satisfaction of the quality attributes required to its operationEl desarrollo económico y tecnológico avanza rápidamente. La capacidad de adaptación y cambio dentro del modelo de negocio de una empresa resulta de gran importancia. Esta situación se aprecia fuertemente en negocios involucrados con la tecnología, por consiguiente, la innovación y desarrollo tecnológico de las empresas en estas áreas es fundamental. Freemium es un modelo de negocio relativamente nuevo que nace de la necesidad de los usuarios de obtener servicios de alta calidad sin costo alguno. Este modelo cambió el concepto de negocio en el comercio de aplicaciones y soluciones tecnológicas y ha demostrado ser exitoso y adecuado para un mercado cambiante. Este articulo muestra las fortalezas y debilidades de este modelo, así como las oportunidades que presenta como medio de promoción de nuevas propuestas de valor. Adicionalmente, se propone una arquitectura que soporta y promueva este modelo, asegurando la satisfacción de los atributos de calidad necesarios para su funcionamiento

    The Impact Of Platform On Global Video Game Sales

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    This paper examines video game sales by platform in the global market from a period spanning 2006 through 2011.  As the home video game industry has rapidly matured and become established as a forefront facet of interactive entertainment in the home, we seek to determine what aspects of the video game market have the greatest impact on sales.  This question is particularly poignant, as the maturation of the video game industry has witnessed efforts at both vertical integration and horizontal expansion on the part of the top game publishers and developers in hopes of solidly grounding the industry.  This study employs a Kruskal-Wallis test to compare eight different gaming platforms.  The results indicate Nintendo’s Wii was the top selling global platform; Nintendo DS was the second tier; Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3, and the personal computer (PC) are in the third tier; the fourth tier consists of Sony PlayStation 2 and Sony PSP; and the retired sixth generation Nintendo GameCube is the lowest sales tier

    Elektronisen urheilun katsomisen vaikutukset asiakkaiden sitouttamiseen freemium videopeleihin

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    Video games have become great segment of entertainment industry during the past couple decades. The total revenue of video game industry was almost 110 billion dollars in year 2017. Video gaming has become spare time hobby for majority of the people. Over 60% of US citizens play video games daily and the average age for players is 34. The video games have no longer specific target group like before. Freemium business model has become dominant option for the video game industry. It is based on providing the core features of the video game for free, while in the same time game includes additional content, which is accessible by optional payment. The advantage of freemium game is attracting vast number of downloads for the video game due to its cost-free core. However, according to research over half of the players abandon the game after first session, which makes the customer retention critical factor for ensuring high enough player base, so the game is profitable. Typically, in freemium games only five percent of the players use money and the great majority of the players play for free. The data gathered from in-game has been utilized for decades in optimizing the customer retention increasingly, but the analyzing and benefiting the factors outside of the video game for the customer retention is still insufficient. One of the remarkable out-of-game factors is competitive video gaming, also called esports, of which popularity has grown rapidly and the most popular video game tournaments have over tens of millions of spectators. The goal of this study is to examine the relationship between esports spectating and intention to play video games. The previous studies have focused on reasons behind watching esports and optimizing the gaming with in-game data, but research has not paid attention to esports influence on intention to play video games. The study was out carried with survey, which examined respondent’s gaming habits, motivations for spectating esports and intention to play video games and use money on video games. The result is that there is distinct relationship between esports spectating and playing video games, and there were couple significant factors for esports spectating motivations. In the future video game companies should pay attention during the development process to out-of-game factors also, for example, esports

    As aplicações móveis utilizadas pelo corredor em Portugal

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    Orientação: Eduardo Manuel Machado de Moraes Sarmento FerreiraNos últimos anos tem-se assistido em Portugal a um fenómeno crescente do running. Vê-se cada vez mais atletas profissionais e não profissionais, a praticar a modalidade nas ruas e assiste-se a uma explosão de aplicações móveis para smartphones que ligam em rede e motivam os atletas. Apesar desta modalidade de atletismo ser historicamente solitária, a evolução da Internet para a Web 2.0. tornou-a numa atividade cada vez mais social e tecnológica com acesso a dados outrora inacessíveis ao atleta amador. O presente trabalho pretende apresentar as características que os autores consideram ser essenciais para o sucesso das aplicações móveis, que aplicações existem e quais as mais usadas em Portugal. Que aplicações existem? O que fazem? Quem as usa? Como interagem com os corredores e entre corredores? Quais as mais usadas? São algumas respostas que se pretendem ser respondidas no final deste trabalho. Na realização do presente trabalho, foi utilizado o método quantitativo questionário online juntamente com a análise visual das aplicações mais usadas. O projeto centra-se no estudo do marketing digital e os principais conceitos abordados são aplicações móveis e a corrida.In the recent years there has been in Portugal a growing phenomenon of running. It is seen increasingly professional and non-professional athletes, practicing on the streets and we are witnessing an explosion of mobile applications for smartphones that connect networking and motivate athletes. Despite this historically solitary sport, the evolution of the Internet for Web 2.0. made it an increasingly social and technological activity with previously inaccessible access to data to amateur athlete. This work intends to present the features that the authors consider to be essential to the success of mobile applications, applications that exist and which are the most used in Portugal. What applications are there? What do they do? Who uses them? How do you interact with the runners and between runners? What are the most used? These are some answers which are to be answered at the end of this work. Carrying out the present study, it was used the online questionnaire quantitative method along with the visual analysis of the most used applications. The project focuses on the study of digital marketing and the main concepts covered are mobile applications and the race

    Gay Data

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    Since its launch in 2009, the geosocial networking service Grindr has become an increasingly mainstream and prominent part of gay culture, both in the United States and globally. Mobile applications like Grindr give users the ability to quickly and easily share information about themselves (in the form of text, numbers, and pictures), and connect with each other in real time on the basis of geographic proximity. I argue that these services constitute an important site for examining how bodies, identities, and communities are translated into data, as well as how data becomes a tool for forming, understanding, and managing personal relationships. Throughout this work, I articulate a model of networked interactivity that conceptualizes self-expression as an act determined by three sometimes overlapping, sometimes conflicting sets of affordances and constraints: (1) technocommercial structures of software and business; (2) cultural and subcultural norms, mores, histories, and standards of acceptable and expected conduct; and (3) sociopolitical tendencies that appear to be (but in fact are not) fixed technocommercial structures. In these discussions, Grindr serves both as a model of processes that apply to social networking more generally, as well as a particular study into how networked interactivity is complicated by the histories and particularities of Western gay culture. Over the course of this dissertation, I suggest ways in which users, policymakers, and developers can productively recognize the liveness, vitality, and durability of personal information in the design, implementation, and use of gay-targeted social networking services. Specifically, I argue that through a focus on (1) open-ended structures of interface design, (2) clear and transparent articulations of service policies, and the rationales behind them, and (3) approaches to user information that promote data sovereignty, designers, developers, and advocates can work to make social networking services, including Grindr, safer and more representative of their users throughout their data’s lifecycle

    Framework for the development of successful web 2.0 tools and application

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Gestão na especialidade de Gestão de Informação apresentada à Universidade AbertaA incerteza inicial associada à célere disseminação da Web 2.0 está a dissipar-se cada vez mais. A natureza social e colaborativa da Web 2.0 suscitou curiosidade na educação, na saúde, no mundo empresarial e em outras arenas centrais da sociedade. A passividade de uma Web de informação imóvel foi substituída por uma Web dinâmica, de conteúdo vívido gerado pelo utilizador. Esta evolução tem levado muitas instituições, de todos os setores, a implementar componentes da Web 2.0 nos seus websites como uma estratégia para melhorar a relação com o seu público-alvo. Apesar da pesquisa nesta área ser abundante, muitas entidades permanecem irresolutas quanto ao tipo de aplicações e ferramentas que devem selecionar para atingir os seus objetivos específicos. O presente estudo aborda este desafio, através do esboço de uma framework, que pode ser usada por qualquer pessoa ou entidade que pretenda criar e implementar aplicações Web 2.0 bem-sucedidas. A framework foi baseada na revisão da literatura, numa recolha documental e nos resultados obtidos mediante a aplicação de dois questionários online, tendo sido um deles aplicado no âmbito de um estudo de caso de uma entidade internacional. Ao examinar as preferências dos utilizadores, foi possível definir os critérios que potenciam a criação de aplicações Web 2.0 bem-sucedidas. Esta framework estabelece a base para a sua futura implementação na entidade internacional estudada na presente investigação.The initial uncertainty surrounding the swift dissemination of Web 2.0 is increasingly dissipating. The social and collaborative nature of Web 2.0 incited curiosity in education, health, business and other central arenas of society. The passiveness of a Web of motionless information was replaced by a dynamic Web of lively usergenerated content. This evolution has led many institutions from all sectors to implement Web 2.0 components in their websites as a strategy to enhance their relationship with their target population. Despite the voluminous research in this area, many entities remain bewildered as to what type of applications and tools to select to attain their specific objectives. This study addresses this challenge, by outlining a framework that can be used by any individual or entity that wishes to build and implement successful Web 2.0 applications. This framework was based on the literature review, on the collection of documents, and on the results of the two online questionnaires, one of which was used in the context of a case study of an international entity. By examining the users’ preferences, it was possible to define the criteria that potentiate the creation of successful Web 2.0 applications. This framework sets forth the basis for its future implementation in the entity where part of this study was conducted

    Ocio digital. La vertiente social del modelo de negocio co-creativo de los juegos sociales en internet

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    Amb la incursió de la tecnologia en l'esfera de l'oci, les tradicionals dimensions del concepte d'oci s'han vist alterades, afectant a la manera en la qual l'experiencien els individus i com les empreses afronten els reptes derivats de l'arribada de l'oci digital. Una de les indústries culturals i creatives més prolíferas en l'esfera de l'oci digital és la indústria del videojoc. L'aparició dels jocs socials a Internet- entesos com aquells accessibles a través de xarxes socials, com Facebook - porta amb si un nou debat pel que fa als reptes sobre l'espectre social i econòmic. En primer lloc emmarquem, a través d'una discussió teòrica, l'oci digital per després acostar-nos empíricament al camp a través d'un disseny netnogràfic. La Netnografia cobreix els tres anys del cicle de vida d'un joc social digital. Analitzem, des de la perspectiva de l'usuari, el valor i significats atribuïts a l'experiència d'oci compartida entre iguals i entre usuaris i empresa. El corpus de dades ha estat analitzat temàticament amb l'ajuda del programari d'anàlisi de dades qualitatives EdEt (Editor per a Etnògrafs). La tesi, fonamenta teòricament els principals canvis en la pràctica de l'oci i identifica les diferents visions entre aquells qui practiquen activitats d'oci digital i els que la produeixen. En concret, vincula les diferents visions sobre l'experiència de jugar a jocs socials entre usuaris i productors principals. Discutim implicacions que tenen rellevància tant per a l'àmbit acadèmic com per a la indústria del videojoc, en acostar l'enteniment de la visió de l'experiència holística i subjectiva d'oci per part del jugador, i ampliar, per primera vegada, com és viscut per l'usuari el procés co-creatiu durant el cicle de vida complet d'un joc social.Con la incursión de la tecnología en la esfera del ocio, las tradicionales dimensiones del concepto de ocio se han visto alteradas, afectando a la manera en la que lo experiencian los individuos y cómo las empresas afrontan los retos derivados de la llegada del ocio digital. Una de las industrias culturales y creativas más prolíferas en la esfera del ocio digital es la industria del videojuego. La aparición de los juegos sociales en Internet– entendidos como aquellos accesibles a través de redes sociales, como Facebook – trae consigo un nuevo debate en lo referente a los desafíos sobre el espectro social y económico. En primer lugar enmarcamos, a través de una discusión teórica, el ocio digital para después acercarnos empíricamente al campo a través de un diseño netnográfico. La netnografía cubre los tres años del ciclo de vida de un juego social digital. Analizamos, desde la perspectiva del usuario, el valor y significados atribuidos a la experiencia de ocio compartida entre iguales y entre usuarios y empresa. El corpus de datos ha sido analizado temáticamente con la ayuda del software de análisis de datos cualitativos EdEt (Editor para Etnógrafos). La tesis, fundamenta teóricamente los principales cambios en la práctica del ocio e identifica las diferentes visiones entre aquellos quienes practican actividades de ocio digital y quienes la producen. En concreto, vincula las diferentes visiones sobre la experiencia de jugar a juegos sociales entre usuarios y productores principales. Discutimos implicaciones que tienen relevancia tanto para el ámbito académico como para la industria del videojuego, al acercarnos al entendimiento de la visión de la experiencia holística y subjetiva de ocio por parte del jugador, y ampliar, por primera vez, cómo es vivido por el usuario el proceso co-creativo durante el ciclo de vida completo de un juego social.The incursion of technology in the field of leisure has altered traditionally recognised dimensions of leisure, the leisure experience of individuals and the business model of leisure companies. The video game industry in particular, as a highly prolific cultural and creative sector in the digital leisure field, is facing the greatest challenges regarding the social and economic spectrum. The emergence of social network games (SNGs) — defined as games accessed through social network sites (SNSs) such as Facebook — has launched a new debate regarding how the leisure experience is lived and the business challenges faced by developers. Digital leisure is framed in a theoretical analysis that is followed by an empirical analysis implemented though a longitudinal netnographic study design. The study covers the full three-year life cycle of an SNG, analysed from the user’s perspective, are the values and meanings attributed to the experience of leisure, as shared among users and between users and the company. The corpus of data was analysed thematically using the EdEt (Editor for Ethnographers) software for qualitative data analysis. The main results highlight the implications of social interactions induced by SNGs for both the individual user's leisure practices and for the company’s business model. The thesis, as a whole, theoretically grounds the major changes that have occurred in how leisure is practised, identifying differences in perspectives between leisure users and leisure providers, with special emphasis on SNGs. The implications of the study are relevant to both the academic and the business sectors, as it provides insights to the user’s holistic and subjective experience of leisure and extends this, for the first time, to the co-creative process as experienced over the entire life cycle of an SNG