112 research outputs found

    Smart wireless headphone for cardiovascular and stress monitoring

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    Wearable technology has become ubiquitous in recent years due to the miniaturization of circuit electronics and advances in smart materials that can conform to the requirements posed by the human body, behaviour and experience. Sensors of this type are found attached almost to every body segment, capable of delivering signals even in harsh activity scenarios. The reliability and relevance of the physiological data retrieved by wearables have yet to surpass the conventional technologies in the healthcare system today. In this paper we present a small device incorporated inside an headphone set that continuously monitors the ECG, impedance and acceleration of the head. As opposed to most biometric sensors, ECG measurement relies on non-optical methods by capturing the electrical potential around the ear in both sides of the head, whereas impedance monitoring involves AC stimulation instead of DC, the latter commonly involved in skin galvanic response estimation. Signal processing of impedance parameters is performed in situ using a fast variant of the Discrete Fourier Transform in order to save computational resources and power expenditure from a microcontroller equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy. Applications that can benefit from this device include cardiovascular and stress level assessment of individuals for whom an hearable is a requirement for work or leisure

    Sensing with Earables: A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Phenomena

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    Earables have emerged as a unique platform for ubiquitous computing by augmenting ear-worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new research exploring what can be detected on a wearable, small form factor. As a sensing platform, the ears are less susceptible to motion artifacts and are located in close proximity to a number of important anatomical structures including the brain, blood vessels, and facial muscles which reveal a wealth of information. They can be easily reached by the hands and the ear canal itself is affected by mouth, face, and head movements. We have conducted a systematic literature review of 271 earable publications from the ACM and IEEE libraries. These were synthesized into an open-ended taxonomy of 47 different phenomena that can be sensed in, on, or around the ear. Through analysis, we identify 13 fundamental phenomena from which all other phenomena can be derived, and discuss the different sensors and sensing principles used to detect them. We comprehensively review the phenomena in four main areas of (i) physiological monitoring and health, (ii) movement and activity, (iii) interaction, and (iv) authentication and identification. This breadth highlights the potential that earables have to offer as a ubiquitous, general-purpose platform

    Sensing with Earables: A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Phenomena

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    Earables have emerged as a unique platform for ubiquitous computing by augmenting ear-worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new research exploring what can be detected on a wearable, small form factor. As a sensing platform, the ears are less susceptible to motion artifacts and are located in close proximity to a number of important anatomical structures including the brain, blood vessels, and facial muscles which reveal a wealth of information. They can be easily reached by the hands and the ear canal itself is affected by mouth, face, and head movements. We have conducted a systematic literature review of 271 earable publications from the ACM and IEEE libraries. These were synthesized into an open-ended taxonomy of 47 different phenomena that can be sensed in, on, or around the ear. Through analysis, we identify 13 fundamental phenomena from which all other phenomena can be derived, and discuss the different sensors and sensing principles used to detect them. We comprehensively review the phenomena in four main areas of (i) physiological monitoring and health, (ii) movement and activity, (iii) interaction, and (iv) authentication and identification. This breadth highlights the potential that earables have to offer as a ubiquitous, general-purpose platform

    Earables: Wearable Computing on the Ears

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    Kopfhörer haben sich bei Verbrauchern durchgesetzt, da sie private Audiokanäle anbieten, zum Beispiel zum Hören von Musik, zum Anschauen der neuesten Filme während dem Pendeln oder zum freihändigen Telefonieren. Dank diesem eindeutigen primären Einsatzzweck haben sich Kopfhörer im Vergleich zu anderen Wearables, wie zum Beispiel Smartglasses, bereits stärker durchgesetzt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine neue Klasse von Wearables herausgebildet, die als "Earables" bezeichnet werden. Diese Geräte sind so konzipiert, dass sie in oder um die Ohren getragen werden können. Sie enthalten verschiedene Sensoren, um die Funktionalität von Kopfhörern zu erweitern. Die räumliche Nähe von Earables zu wichtigen anatomischen Strukturen des menschlichen Körpers bietet eine ausgezeichnete Plattform für die Erfassung einer Vielzahl von Eigenschaften, Prozessen und Aktivitäten. Auch wenn im Bereich der Earables-Forschung bereits einige Fortschritte erzielt wurden, wird deren Potenzial aktuell nicht vollständig abgeschöpft. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, neue Einblicke in die Möglichkeiten von Earables zu geben, indem fortschrittliche Sensorikansätze erforscht werden, welche die Erkennung von bisher unzugänglichen Phänomenen ermöglichen. Durch die Einführung von neuartiger Hardware und Algorithmik zielt diese Dissertation darauf ab, die Grenzen des Erreichbaren im Bereich Earables zu verschieben und diese letztlich als vielseitige Sensorplattform zur Erweiterung menschlicher Fähigkeiten zu etablieren. Um eine fundierte Grundlage für die Dissertation zu schaffen, synthetisiert die vorliegende Arbeit den Stand der Technik im Bereich der ohr-basierten Sensorik und stellt eine einzigartig umfassende Taxonomie auf der Basis von 271 relevanten Publikationen vor. Durch die Verbindung von Low-Level-Sensor-Prinzipien mit Higher-Level-Phänomenen werden in der Dissertation anschließ-end Arbeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen zusammengefasst, darunter (i) physiologische Überwachung und Gesundheit, (ii) Bewegung und Aktivität, (iii) Interaktion und (iv) Authentifizierung und Identifizierung. Diese Dissertation baut auf der bestehenden Forschung im Bereich der physiologischen Überwachung und Gesundheit mit Hilfe von Earables auf und stellt fortschrittliche Algorithmen, statistische Auswertungen und empirische Studien vor, um die Machbarkeit der Messung der Atemfrequenz und der Erkennung von Episoden erhöhter Hustenfrequenz durch den Einsatz von In-Ear-Beschleunigungsmessern und Gyroskopen zu demonstrieren. Diese neuartigen Sensorfunktionen unterstreichen das Potenzial von Earables, einen gesünderen Lebensstil zu fördern und eine proaktive Gesundheitsversorgung zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus wird in dieser Dissertation ein innovativer Eye-Tracking-Ansatz namens "earEOG" vorgestellt, welcher Aktivitätserkennung erleichtern soll. Durch die systematische Auswertung von Elektrodenpotentialen, die um die Ohren herum mittels eines modifizierten Kopfhörers gemessen werden, eröffnet diese Dissertation einen neuen Weg zur Messung der Blickrichtung. Dabei ist das Verfahren weniger aufdringlich und komfortabler als bisherige Ansätze. Darüber hinaus wird ein Regressionsmodell eingeführt, um absolute Änderungen des Blickwinkels auf der Grundlage von earEOG vorherzusagen. Diese Entwicklung eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Forschung, welche sich nahtlos in das tägliche Leben integrieren lässt und tiefere Einblicke in das menschliche Verhalten ermöglicht. Weiterhin zeigt diese Arbeit, wie sich die einzigarte Bauform von Earables mit Sensorik kombinieren lässt, um neuartige Phänomene zu erkennen. Um die Interaktionsmöglichkeiten von Earables zu verbessern, wird in dieser Dissertation eine diskrete Eingabetechnik namens "EarRumble" vorgestellt, die auf der freiwilligen Kontrolle des Tensor Tympani Muskels im Mittelohr beruht. Die Dissertation bietet Einblicke in die Verbreitung, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und den Komfort von EarRumble, zusammen mit praktischen Anwendungen in zwei realen Szenarien. Der EarRumble-Ansatz erweitert das Ohr von einem rein rezeptiven Organ zu einem Organ, das nicht nur Signale empfangen, sondern auch Ausgangssignale erzeugen kann. Im Wesentlichen wird das Ohr als zusätzliches interaktives Medium eingesetzt, welches eine freihändige und augenfreie Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Maschine ermöglicht. EarRumble stellt eine Interaktionstechnik vor, die von den Nutzern als "magisch und fast telepathisch" beschrieben wird, und zeigt ein erhebliches ungenutztes Potenzial im Bereich der Earables auf. Aufbauend auf den vorhergehenden Ergebnissen der verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche und Forschungserkenntnisse mündet die Dissertation in einer offenen Hard- und Software-Plattform für Earables namens "OpenEarable". OpenEarable umfasst eine Reihe fortschrittlicher Sensorfunktionen, die für verschiedene ohrbasierte Forschungsanwendungen geeignet sind, und ist gleichzeitig einfach herzustellen. Hierdurch werden die Einstiegshürden in die ohrbasierte Sensorforschung gesenkt und OpenEarable trägt somit dazu bei, das gesamte Potenzial von Earables auszuschöpfen. Darüber hinaus trägt die Dissertation grundlegenden Designrichtlinien und Referenzarchitekturen für Earables bei. Durch diese Forschung schließt die Dissertation die Lücke zwischen der Grundlagenforschung zu ohrbasierten Sensoren und deren praktischem Einsatz in realen Szenarien. Zusammenfassend liefert die Dissertation neue Nutzungsszenarien, Algorithmen, Hardware-Prototypen, statistische Auswertungen, empirische Studien und Designrichtlinien, um das Feld des Earable Computing voranzutreiben. Darüber hinaus erweitert diese Dissertation den traditionellen Anwendungsbereich von Kopfhörern, indem sie die auf Audio fokussierten Geräte zu einer Plattform erweitert, welche eine Vielzahl fortschrittlicher Sensorfähigkeiten bietet, um Eigenschaften, Prozesse und Aktivitäten zu erfassen. Diese Neuausrichtung ermöglicht es Earables sich als bedeutende Wearable Kategorie zu etablieren, und die Vision von Earables als eine vielseitige Sensorenplattform zur Erweiterung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten wird somit zunehmend realer

    Context-aware solutions for asthma condition management: a survey

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    The evolution of information technology has allowed the development of ubiquitous, user-centred, and context-aware solutions. This article considers existing context-aware systems supporting asthma management with the aim of describing their main benefits and opportunities for improvement. To achieve this, the main concepts related to asthma and context awareness are explained before describing and analysing the existing context-aware systems aiding asthma. The survey shows that the concept of personalisation is the key when developing context-aware solutions supporting asthma management because of the high level of heterogeneity of this condition. Hence, the benefits and challenges of context-aware systems supporting asthma management are strongly linked to contextual Just-In-Time information of internal and external factors related to a person and the heterogeneity it represents

    Sensor Development for Physiological and Environmental Monitoring

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    abstract: The sensor industry is a growing industry that has been predicted by Allied Market Research to be a multi-billion industry by 2022. One of the many key drives behind this rapid growth in the sensor industry is the increase incorporation of sensors into portable electrical devices. The value for sensor technologies are increased when the sensors are developed into innovative measuring system for application uses in the Aerospace, Defense, and Healthcare industries. While sensors are not new, their increased performance, size reduction, and decrease in cost has opened the door for innovative sensor combination for portable devices that could be worn or easily moved around. With this opportunity for further development of sensor use through concept engineering development, three concept projects for possible innovative portable devices was undertaken in this research. One project was the development of a pulse oximeter devise with fingerprint recognition. The second project was prototyping a portable Bluetooth strain gage monitoring system. The third project involved sensors being incorporated onto flexible printed circuit board (PCB) for improved comfort of wearable devices. All these systems were successfully tested in lab.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Engineering 201

    mHealth Engineering: A Technology Review

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    In this paper, we review the technological bases of mobile health (mHealth). First, we derive a component-based mHealth architecture prototype from an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-based multistage research and filter process. Second, we analyze medical databases with regard to these prototypic mhealth system components.. We show the current state of research literature concerning portable devices with standard and additional equipment, data transmission technology, interface, operating systems and software embedment, internal and external memory, and power-supply issues. We also focus on synergy effects by combining different mHealth technologies (e.g., BT-LE combined with RFID link technology). Finally, we also make suggestions for future improvements in mHealth technology (e.g., data-protection issues, energy supply, data processing and storage)

    Sports Heart Monitors as Reliable Diagnostic Tools for Training Control and Detecting Arrhythmias in Professional and Leisure-Time Endurance Athletes: An Expert Consensus Statement

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    There are countless types of portable heart rate monitoring medical devices used variously by leisure-time exercisers, professional athletes, and chronically ill patients. Almost all the currently used heart rate monitors are capable of detecting arrhythmias, but this feature is not widely known or used among their millions of consumers. The aims of this paper were as follows: (1) to analyze the currently available sports heart rate monitors and assess their advantages and disadvantage in terms of heart rate and rhythm monitoring in endurance athletes; (2) to discuss what types of currently available commercial heart rate monitors are most convenient/adjustable to the needs of different consumers (including occasionally physically active adults and cardiac patients), bearing in mind the potential health risks, especially heart rhythm disturbances connected with endurance training; (3) to suggest a set of "optimal" design features for next-generation smart wearable devices based on the consensus opinion of an expert panel of athletes, coaches, and sports medicine doctors. Ninety-two experts aged 20 years and over, involved in endurance sports on a daily basis, were invited to participate in consensus-building discussions, including 56 long-distance runners, 18 cyclists, nine coaches, and nine physicians (sports medicine specialists, cardiologists, and family medicine doctors). The overall consensus endorsed by these experts indicates that the "optimal" sports heart rate monitor should be a one-piece device of the smartwatch type (with two or more electrodes), with integrated smartphone features, and able to collect and continually transmit data without exhibiting artifacts. It should continuously record at least a single-lead electrocardiography, send an alert after an unexpected fall, be of reasonable weight, come at an affordable price, and be user friendly

    Digital technologies for step counting: between promises of reliability and risks of reductionism

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    Step counting is among the fundamental features of wearable technology, as it grounds several uses of wearables in biomedical research and clinical care, is at the center of emerging public health interventions and recommendations, and is gaining increasing scientific and political importance. This paper provides a perspective of step counting in wearable technology, identifying some limitations to the ways in which wearable technology measures steps and indicating caution in current uses of step counting as a proxy for physical activity. Based on an overview of the current state of the art of technologies and approaches to step counting in digital wearable technologies, we discuss limitations that are methodological as well as epistemic and ethical—limitations to the use of step counting as a basis to build scientific knowledge on physical activity (epistemic limitations) as well as limitations to the accessibility and representativity of these tools (ethical limitations). As such, using step counting as a proxy for physical activity should be considered a form of reductionism. This is not per se problematic, but there is a need for critical appreciation and awareness of the limitations of reductionistic approaches. Perspective research should focus on holistic approaches for better representation of physical activity levels and inclusivity of different user populations
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