9 research outputs found

    IoT Technologies in Chemical Analysis Systems: Application to Potassium Monitoring in Water.

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    [EN] The in-line determination of chemical parameters in water is of capital importance for environmental reasons. It must be carried out frequently and at a multitude of points; thus, the ideal method is to utilize automated monitoring systems, which use sensors based on many transducers, such as Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE). These devices have multiple advantages, but their management via traditional methods (i.e., manual sampling and measurements) is rather complex. Wireless Sensor Networks have been used in these environments, but there is no standard way to take advantage of the benefits of new Internet of Things (IoT) environments. To deal with this, an IoT-based generic architecture for chemical parameter monitoring systems is proposed and applied to the development of an intelligent potassium sensing system, and this is described in detail in this paper. This sensing system provides fast and simple deployment, interference rejection, increased reliability, and easy application development. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method that takes advantage of Cloud services by applying them to the development of a potassium smart sensing system, which is integrated into an IoT environment for use in water monitoring applications. The results obtained are in good agreement (correlation coefficient = 0.9942) with those of reference methods.FundingThis research was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Gobierno de Espana, grant number DPI2016-80303-C2-1-P.Campelo Rivadulla, JC.; Capella Hernández, JV.; Ors Carot, R.; Peris Tortajada, M.; Bonastre Pina, AM. (2022). IoT Technologies in Chemical Analysis Systems: Application to Potassium Monitoring in Water. Sensors. 22(3):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/s2203084211622

    A smartwater metering deployment based on the fog computing paradigm

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    In this paper, we look into smart water metering infrastructures that enable continuous, on-demand and bidirectional data exchange between metering devices, water flow equipment, utilities and end-users. We focus on the design, development and deployment of such infrastructures as part of larger, smart city, infrastructures. Until now, such critical smart city infrastructures have been developed following a cloud-centric paradigm where all the data are collected and processed centrally using cloud services to create real business value. Cloud-centric approaches need to address several performance issues at all levels of the network, as massive metering datasets are transferred to distant machine clouds while respecting issues like security and data privacy. Our solution uses the fog computing paradigm to provide a system where the computational resources already available throughout the network infrastructure are utilized to facilitate greatly the analysis of fine-grained water consumption data collected by the smart meters, thus significantly reducing the overall load to network and cloud resources. Details of the system's design are presented along with a pilot deployment in a real-world environment. The performance of the system is evaluated in terms of network utilization and computational performance. Our findings indicate that the fog computing paradigm can be applied to a smart grid deployment to reduce effectively the data volume exchanged between the different layers of the architecture and provide better overall computational, security and privacy capabilities to the system

    Development of LoRaWAN-based IoT system for water quality monitoring in rural areas

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    This article delineates the design and deployment of an innovative real-time water quality monitoring system tailored for rural regions, focusing on monitoring the water resource quality parameters. We propose a solar-powered, waterproof, portable, and Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled solution that leverages Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) technology. Central to this system is a sophisticated LoRa node outfitted with an array of sensors for capturing key water parameters, such as pH, total dissolved solids, turbidity and temperature. A conjunction of an Arduino microcontroller-based board and a LoRa shield facilitates real-time data capture and transmission to a LoRaWAN gateway. The acquired data is transmitted to The Things Network server, which is seamlessly integrated with a ThingSpeak web-based IoT server and ThingView mobile applications. We incorporate a solar cell with a solar shield to ensure sustainable energy provision for powering the entire system through a rechargeable battery. This allows users to access vital water quality information online simultaneously and continuously in real-time. As a testament to its robustness, the system was empirically tested at Gambang Lake to demonstrate its effectiveness, functionality, buoyancy, and waterproof capabilities. We further validated the results by comparing them with laboratory sample analysis findings. Experimental evaluations confirmed the system's reliability, as evidenced by the strong agreement between the water conditions measured using our solution and those obtained from laboratory instruments. Moreover, our system efficiently and remotely updated data across multiple IoT platforms using the LoRa radio interface over the LoRaWAN gateway

    Development of LoRaWAN-based IoT system for water quality monitoring in rural areas

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    This article delineates the design and deployment of an innovative real-time water quality monitoring system tailored for rural regions, focusing on monitoring the water resource quality parameters. We propose a solar-powered, waterproof, portable, and Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled solution that leverages Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) technology. Central to this system is a sophisticated LoRa node outfitted with an array of sensors for capturing key water parameters, such as pH, total dissolved solids, turbidity and temperature. A conjunction of an Arduino microcontroller-based board and a LoRa shield facilitates real-time data capture and transmission to a LoRaWAN gateway. The acquired data is transmitted to The Things Network server, which is seamlessly integrated with a ThingSpeak web-based IoT server and ThingView mobile applications. We incorporate a solar cell with a solar shield to ensure sustainable energy provision for powering the entire system through a rechargeable battery. This allows users to access vital water quality information online simultaneously and continuously in real-time. As a testament to its robustness, the system was empirically tested at Gambang Lake to demonstrate its effectiveness, functionality, buoyancy, and waterproof capabilities. We further validated the results by comparing them with laboratory sample analysis findings. Experimental evaluations confirmed the system's reliability, as evidenced by the strong agreement between the water conditions measured using our solution and those obtained from laboratory instruments. Moreover, our system efficiently and remotely updated data across multiple IoT platforms using the LoRa radio interface over the LoRaWAN gateway

    Aplicación de Sistemas Embebidos e IoT para el Monitoreo de oxígeno disuelto en Estanques Acuícolas en Eldorado, Sinaloa.

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    This work is a research and technological development project that describes the design, construction and implementation of an embedded IoT remote monitoring system applied to aquaculture ponds, in order to collect vital importance water quality parameters for the optimal growth of the marine species L. vannamei. This work was developed in coworking with fish farmers from the Maria Esperanza cooperative located in the municipality of Eldorado, Sinaloa, Mexico, which is one of the states with the highest shrimp production at the national level. This study emphasizes the development of a monitoring system that allows the fish farmer to know all time the current state of their ponds. To do this, it is proposed the use of LoRaWAN network architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT), which involves from creation of edge devices, to the development of a LoRa network, it also describes the validation of the system's measurements, and finally, it implements the system in aquaculture ponds dedicated to the production of Vannamei shrimp provided by the Maria Esperanza cooperative. The development of this system allows the producer to obtain a better knowledge of their ponds and in response a better manage their material and human resources by reducing the error rate, personnel recruitment costs and increasing the amount of shrimp produced.El presente trabajo es un proyecto de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en el que se describe el diseño, construcción e implementación de un sistema embebido de monitoreo de oxígeno disuelto aplicado en estanques acuícolas de forma remota mediante IoT, con el fin de recolectar los valores de oxígeno disuelto que son de vital importancia para el óptimo crecimiento de las especies marinas. El desarrollo de este trabajo se realizó en conjunto con acuicultores de la cooperativa María Esperanza localizada en el municipio de Eldorado, Sinaloa, México, el cual es uno de los estados con mayor producción de camarón a nivel nacional. Se hace énfasis en el desarrollo de un sistema de monitoreo que permita al acuicultor conocer en todo momento el valor de oxígeno disuelto actual de sus estanques, para ello, se propone el uso la arquitectura de una red LoRaWAN para el internet de las cosas (IoT), que abarca la creación de los dispositivos de borde, hasta el desarrollo de una red Lora, la validación de las mediciones del sistema, y por último, se implementa el sistema en estanques acuícolas dedicados a la producción de camarón Vannamei, facilitados por la cooperativa Maria Esperanza. El desarrollo de este sistema permite al productor obtener un mayor conocimiento de sus estanques y administrar de mejor forma sus recursos materiales y humanos reduciendo la taza de errores, costos de reclutamiento de personal y aumentando la cantidad de camarón producido

    Iluminação Pública Eficiente Caso de Estudo na FCT/UNL

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    A iluminação pública está num processo progressivo de mudança. A maioria dos novos projetos ou dos projetos de remodelação já contemplam a tecnologia LED para substituição da tecnologia convencional (lâmpadas de descarga). Com a implementação da iluminação LED, também começam a surgir, embora não de forma tão acentuada, os sistemas de telegestão com opções de controlo para a iluminação publica. A iluminação LED está desde logo, associada a benefícios fotométricos e a poupanças energéticas. Quando associada a um sistema de telegestão permite ainda maiores poupanças. O objetivo desta dissertação é provar que as poupanças que um sistema de telegestão fornece a nível energético são relevantes, e podem ser traduzidas numa redução significativa a nível de custos monetários (quer seja custos energéticos ou de manutenção). Para tal, será utilizado o exemplo da iluminação atual da FCT para estudar quais seriam as poupanças energéticas no caso de ser efetuada uma substituição total da iluminação atual em descarga para iluminação LED. São calculadas as poupanças com tecnologia LED para dois cenários, com e sem sistema de telegestão. Por fim, foi realizado um projeto piloto com luminárias instaladas na FCT para comparar com os resultados práticos com os resultados calculados, e desta forma, ser possível corroborar as poupanças energéticas deste tipo de sistemas

    Innovative Concepts and Applications for Smart Water Cities

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    Smart cities are emerging worldwide, including economic, institutional, social, and technical concepts in interaction with existing infrastructure to achieve sustainability and increase quality of life. Additionally, digitalisation projects in the field of urban water infrastructure (UWI) aim to increase capacity of existing infrastructure to deal with future challenges caused by climate change, growing of urban population, and maintenance. Therefore, efficient and reliable information- and communication technologies (ICT) represent a key factor for the exchange of measurement data (e.g., monitoring environmental parameters) and interconnections between different participants. However, ICT and system-wide management are not yet widely deployed and mainly concentrated on main points in network-based UWI (e.g., combined sewer overflows, inlet point of district meter areas). In this context, especially the Internet of Things (IoT) concepts enables a large-scale implementation of measurement devices even at underground and remote structures, increasing data availability significantly. Following, new possibilities in the management of network-based UWI are emerging. The research aim of this doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the ongoing development of smart water cities by developing innovative concepts in the field of urban drainage and water distribution network including nature-based solutions

    A Perspective of Legacy Information Systems - A Case Study of the PUC „Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage“ Model

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    Након стављања информационог система у употребу започиње процес старења софтвера, који временом доводи до нарушавања његове структуре па се спроводи одржавање, које има за циљ да уклони одређене грешке и побољша његове перформансе. Како информациони систем има потребу да еволуира заједно са окружењем у којем функционише, тако процеси одржавања такође имају за циљ и да прилагоде систем да буде у складу са променама. У једном тренутку потребно је да се спроведу промене јачег интензитета него што је одржавање, познатије као модернизација да би се повратила еволутивна способност информационог система. Наслеђени системи се одликују смањеном еволутивном способношћу, дуго су употреби и тешки за промену, најчешће су настали у старим технологијама, при чему је процес њиховог одржавања тежак за све оне који га одржавају и развијају, а наведени процес је истовремно скуп за предузеће. Са једне стране они ограничавају пословање, јер не дозвољавају једноставне измене, док са друге садрже вредна вишедецнијска знања и пословна правила која су формализована и на које се предузеће ослања приликом обављања дневних операција. У теорији постоји велики број дефиниција наслеђених система, улажу се огромна средства у њихово одржавање и постоји велики број неуспелих пројекта модернизације и поред значајних инвестиција. Наведене чињенице указују да су наслеђени системи комлексан феномен, недовољно схваћен, а да је велики број неуспелих пројеката модернизације у директној вези са њиховим неразумевањем, односно њиховим изолованим посматрањем. Дисертација има циљ да сагледа наслеђене информационе системе свеобухватно из различтих перспектива: развојне, оперативне, организационе и стратешке. Такав начин посматрања наслеђених системе води ка њиховом бољем схватању, као и могућности да се процес модернизације усмери у одређеном правцу. Дат је теоријски оквир који инкорпорира све напред наведене перспективе, а уједно је и презентован кроз студију случаја ЈКП „Београдски водовод и канализација“, а након тога евалуиран на водоводним предузећима у Србији и региону. Резултати истраживања су потврдили да оквир може да се користи као алат за евалуацију наслеђених система. На основи свих резултата, дат је предлог модернизационе стратегије која треба да реши проблеме наслеђених система идентификованих у свим перспективама на случају ЈКП „Београдски водовод и канализација“.Nakon stavljanja informacionog sistema u upotrebu započinje proces starenja softvera, koji vremenom dovodi do narušavanja njegove strukture pa se sprovodi održavanje, koje ima za cilj da ukloni određene greške i poboljša njegove performanse. Kako informacioni sistem ima potrebu da evoluira zajedno sa okruženjem u kojem funkcioniše, tako procesi održavanja takođe imaju za cilj i da prilagode sistem da bude u skladu sa promenama. U jednom trenutku potrebno je da se sprovedu promene jačeg intenziteta nego što je održavanje, poznatije kao modernizacija da bi se povratila evolutivna sposobnost informacionog sistema. Nasleđeni sistemi se odlikuju smanjenom evolutivnom sposobnošću, dugo su upotrebi i teški za promenu, najčešće su nastali u starim tehnologijama, pri čemu je proces njihovog održavanja težak za sve one koji ga održavaju i razvijaju, a navedeni proces je istovremno skup za preduzeće. Sa jedne strane oni ograničavaju poslovanje, jer ne dozvoljavaju jednostavne izmene, dok sa druge sadrže vredna višedecnijska znanja i poslovna pravila koja su formalizovana i na koje se preduzeće oslanja prilikom obavljanja dnevnih operacija. U teoriji postoji veliki broj definicija nasleđenih sistema, ulažu se ogromna sredstva u njihovo održavanje i postoji veliki broj neuspelih projekta modernizacije i pored značajnih investicija. Navedene činjenice ukazuju da su nasleđeni sistemi komleksan fenomen, nedovoljno shvaćen, a da je veliki broj neuspelih projekata modernizacije u direktnoj vezi sa njihovim nerazumevanjem, odnosno njihovim izolovanim posmatranjem. Disertacija ima cilj da sagleda nasleđene informacione sisteme sveobuhvatno iz različtih perspektiva: razvojne, operativne, organizacione i strateške. Takav način posmatranja nasleđenih sisteme vodi ka njihovom boljem shvatanju, kao i mogućnosti da se proces modernizacije usmeri u određenom pravcu. Dat je teorijski okvir koji inkorporira sve napred navedene perspektive, a ujedno je i prezentovan kroz studiju slučaja JKP „Beogradski vodovod i kanalizacija“, a nakon toga evaluiran na vodovodnim preduzećima u Srbiji i regionu. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili da okvir može da se koristi kao alat za evaluaciju nasleđenih sistema. Na osnovi svih rezultata, dat je predlog modernizacione strategije koja treba da reši probleme nasleđenih sistema identifikovanih u svim perspektivama na slučaju JKP „Beogradski vodovod i kanalizacija“.After putting the information system into use, the aging process of the software begins, which over time leads to the disruption of its structure, so maintenance is carried out, which aims to eliminate certain errors and improve its performance. As the information system needs to evolve along with the environment in which it operates, so maintenance processes also aim to adapt the system to change. At some point, changes of greater intensity than maintenance, better known as modernization, are needed to restore the evolutionary capability of the information system. Legacy systems are characterized by reduced evolutionary ability, are long in use and difficult to change, most often originated in old technologies, and the process of their maintenance is difficult for all those who maintain and develop it, and this process is expensive for the company. On the one hand, they limit business, because they do not allow simple changes, while on the other hand, they contain valuable decades of knowledge and business rules that are formalized and that the company relies on when performing daily operations. In theory, there are a large number of definitions of legacy systems, huge funds are invested in their maintenance and there are a large number of failed modernization projects despite significant investments. These facts indicate that legacy systems are a complex phenomenon, insufficiently understood and that a large number of failed modernization projects are directly related to their misunderstanding, ie their isolated observation. The dissertation aims to look at legacy information systems comprehensively from different perspectives: developmental, operational, organizational and strategic. Such a way of observing legacy systems leads to a better understanding of them, as well as the possibility of directing the process of modernization. A theoretical framework is given that incorporates all the above perspectives, and is also presented through a case study of PUC "Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage", and then evaluated at water companies in Serbia and the region. The results of the research confirmed that the framework can be used as a tool for the evaluation of inherited systems. Based on all the results, a proposal for a modernization strategy is given, which should solve the problems of legacy systems identified in all perspectives in the case of PUC "Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage"