11 research outputs found

    Centroidal area-constrained partitioning for robotic networks

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    We consider the problem of optimal coverage with area constraints in a mobile multi-agent system. For a planar environment with an associated density function, this problem is equivalent to dividing the environment into optimal subregions such that each agent is responsible for the coverage of its own region. In this paper, we design a continuous-time distributed policy which allows a team of agents to achieve a convex area-constrained partition of a convex workspace. Our work is related to the classic Lloyd algorithm, and makes use of generalized Voronoi diagrams. We also discuss practical implementation for real mobile networks. Simulation methods are presented and discussed

    Optimal control of telecommunication aeroplatform in the area of emergency

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    This paper addresses to a method for increasing of mobile ad-hoc networks throughput based on the placement control of unmanned aerial vehicles in the area of emergency situation. A further development of this method, namely the improvement of UAV flight control subsystem, that will allow operative implementation of obtained in the previous stage location coordinates while minimizing energy consumption for control, is proposed. The proposed approach will improve network throughput by 15–20% while reducing fuel costs by an average of 13–15%

    Two-Dimensional Drone Base Station Placement in Cellular Networks Using MINLP Model

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    Utilization of drones is going to become predominated in cellular networks as aerial base stations in order to temporary cover areas where stationary base stations cannot serve the users. Detecting optimal location and efficient number of drone-Base Stations (DBSs) are the targets we tackle in this paper. Toward this goal, we first model the problem using mixed integer non-linear programming. The output of the proposed method is the number and the optimal location of DBSs in a two-dimension area, and the object is to maximize the number of covered users. In the second step, since the proposed method is not solvable using conventional methods, we use a proposed method to solve the optimization problem. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed method has achieved its goals

    Two-Dimensional Drone Base Station Placement in Cellular Networks Using MINLP Model

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    Utilization of drones is going to become predominated in cellular networks as aerial base stations in order to temporary cover areas where stationary base stations cannot serve the users. Detecting optimal location and efficient number of drone-Base Stations (DBSs) are the targets we tackle in this paper. Toward this goal, we first model the problem using mixed integer non-linear programming. The output of the proposed method is the number and the optimal location of DBSs in a two-dimension area, and the object is to maximize the number of covered users. In the second step, since the proposed method is not solvable using conventional methods, we use a proposed method to solve the optimization problem. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed method has achieved its goals

    Centroidal Area-Constrained Partitioning for Robotic Networks

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    Optimization of MANET connectivity via smart deployment/movement of unmanned air vehicles

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    Design, Analysis and Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad hoc Network for Emergency Response Communications

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    In any emergency situation, it is paramount that communication be established between those affected by an emergency and the emergency responders. This communication is typically initiated by contacting an emergency service number such as 9-1-1 which will then notify the appropriate responders. The communication link relies heavily on the use of the public telephone network. If an emergency situation causes damage to, or otherwise interrupts, the public telephone network then those affected by the emergency are unable to call for help or warn others. A backup emergency response communication system is required to restore communication in areas where the public telephone network is inoperable. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles is proposed to act as mobile base stations and route wireless communication to the nearest working public telephone network access point. This thesis performs an analysis based on wireless attributes associated with communication in this type of network such as channel capacity, network density and propagation delay

    Aerial Base Station Deployment for Post-Disaster Public Safety Applications

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    Earthquakes and floods are constant threats to most of the countries in the world. After such catastrophes, a rapid response is needed, which includes communications not only for first responders but also for local civilians. Even though there are technologies and specialized personnel for rapid deployment, it is common that external factors will hinder the arrival of help while communication requirements are urgently required. Such communication technologies would aid tasks regarding organization and information dissemination from authorities to the civilians and vice-versa. This necessity is due to protocols and applications to allocate the number of emergency resources per location and to locate missing people. In this thesis, we investigate the deployment problem of Mobile Aerial Base Stations (MABS). Our main objective is to ensure periodic wireless communication for geographically spread User Equipment (UE) based on LTE technology. First, we establish a precedent of emergency situations where MABS would be useful. We also provide an introduction to the study and work conducted in this thesis. Second, we provide a literature review of existing solutions was made to determine the advantages and disadvantages of certain technologies regarding the described necessity. Third, we determine how MABS, such as gliders or light tactical balloons that are assumed to be moving at an average speed of 50 km/h, will be deployed. These MABS would visit different cluster centroids determined by an Affinity Propagation Clustering algorithm. Additionally, a combination of graph theory and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is implemented through mutators and fitness functions to obtain best flyable paths through an evolution pool of 100. Additionally, Poisson, Normal, and Uniform distributions are utilized to determine the amount of Base Stations and UEs. Then, for every distribution combination, a set of simulations is conducted to obtain the best flyable paths. Serviced UE performance indicators of algorithm efficiency are analyzed to determine whether the applied algorithm is effective in providing a solution to the presented problem. Finally, in Chapter 5, we conclude our work by supporting that the proposed model would suffice the needs of mobile users given the proposed emergency scenario. Adviser: Yi Qia

    Метод підвищення пропускної здатності мобільних безпроводових сенсорних мереж на основі використання телекомунікаційних аероплатформ

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    У роботі запропоновано новий метод підвищення пропускної здатності мобільних безпроводових сенсорних мереж (МБСМ) на основі використання телекомунікаційних аероплатформ (ТАП). Відмінність розробленого методу від відомих полягає в тому, що вперше були об’єднані в єдину обчислювальну процедуру математичні моделі оцінки зв’язності МСВ, математичні моделі оцінки якості обслуговування МСВ і удосконалений алгоритм пошуку квазіоптимального положення ТАП. Суть удосконалення алгоритму пошуку квазіоптимального положення ТАП полягає в тому, що при його застосуванні вдалося уникнути повного перебору варіантів розміщення ТАП в просторі завдяки використанню попередньо розробленої сукупності правил відбору варіантів зміни зв’язності МБСМ із ТАП, що підвищують пропускну здатність мережі і зменшують час обчислень

    Cross-Layer Resilience Based On Critical Points in MANETs

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    A fundamental problem in mobile ad hoc and unstructured sensor networks is maintaining connectivity. A network is connected if all nodes have a communication route (typically multi-hop) to each other. Maintaining connectivity is a challenge due to the unstructured nature of the network topology and the frequent occurrence of link and node failures due to interference, mobility, radio channel effects and battery limitations. In order to effectively deploy techniques to improve the resilience of sensor and mobile ad hoc networks against failures or attacks one must be able to identify all the weak points of a network topology. Here we define the weak or critical points of the topology as those links and nodes whose failure results in partitioning of the network. In this dissertation, we propose a set of algorithms to identify the critical points of a network topology. Utilizing these algorithms we study the behavior of critical points and the effect of using only local information in identifying global critical points. Then, we propose both local and global based resilient techniques that can improve the wireless network connectivity around critical points to lessen their importance and improve the network resilience. Next we extend the work to examine the network connectivity for heterogeneous wireless networks that can be result due to factors such as variations in transmission power and signal propagation environments and propose an algorithm to identify the connectivity of the network. We also propose two schemes for constructing additional links to enhance the connectivity of the network and evaluate the network performance of when a random interference factor occurs. Lastly, we implement our resilience techniques to improve the performance