4 research outputs found

    Smart And Green Urban Solid Waste Collection System For Differentiated Collection With Integrated Sensor Networks

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    Urban solid waste prevention and recycling are needed at the local scale rather than heavily relying on the treatment and disposal at the regional scale. Differentiated collection is necessary but complicates the current schemes of waste collection. To bridge this gap and construct an efficient, effective, and sustainable scheme, this study developed a smart and green system (SGS) which embodies the in-depth integration of various informatics and the strategy of sustainable waste management. The proposed SGS is able to gather the massive volumes of data and information from different application scenes of waste separation and differentiated collection, with the aid of sensor network technologies to timely detect state parameters throughout a waste collection system and the rate of waste separation and recycling. In-network data processing and cloud computing contribute to managing the communications among all collection nodes, vehicles, and crews in a secure, scalable and highly-available environment. The proposed SGS can deal with well-structured, semi-structured, and even poorly structured problems in a more efficient, collaborative, and resilient way with the aid of a position-navigation-timing system. Integrated three-level SGS architecture with a scalable sensor network is proposed in this study as an instruction of developing SGS for sustainable waste management

    Gesti贸n ambiental de residuos s贸lidos y la satisfacci贸n del poblador del distrito de Tarapoto, 2019

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    La presente investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo establecer la relaci贸n entre la gesti贸n ambiental de residuos s贸lidos y la satisfacci贸n del poblador del Distrito de Tarapoto, 2019. Mediante una investigaci贸n no experimental, con dise帽o correlacional, la muestra fue de 195 pobladores del distrito de Tarapoto, el instrumento aplicado es la encuesta. Los resultados indican que existe relaci贸n entre la gesti贸n ambiental de residuos s贸lidos y la satisfacci贸n del poblador del Distrito de Tarapoto, 2019, con un coeficiente de correlaci贸n de Rho de Spearman de (0,992) la misma que indica la correlaci贸n fuerte y significativa entre las variables, asimismo, la gesti贸n ambiental de residuos s贸lidos del distrito de Tarapoto, 2019, tiene un nivel bueno de acuerdo al 67.6% (94) de los pobladores de los estratos socioecon贸micos A, B, C y D, el 21.6% (30) indican que es malo y el 10.8% (15) regular. El estado de la satisfacci贸n del poblador del Distrito de Tarapoto en el a帽o 2019 es malo de acuerdo al 66.9% (93) de los pobladores, el 17.3% (24) menciona que es bueno y el 15.8% (22) indican que es regular. Concluyendo: que al mejorar la gesti贸n ambiental de manejo de residuos s贸lidos en cuanto a sus dimensiones segregaci贸n en fuente, recolecci贸n selectiva, almacenamiento para la recolecci贸n selectiva, sensibilizaci贸n, educaci贸n ambiental y disposici贸n final, mejorar谩 tambi茅n la satisfacci贸n de los pobladores

    Prototipo de un sistema de separaci贸n de residuos org谩nicos y no org谩nicos

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    En Am茅rica latina, la tasa de reciclaje es m谩s baja que en Europa, esto se debe a la cultura adoptada por los europeos de la separaci贸n de materias primas. Para esto, se necesita una transformaci贸n tecnol贸gica en pa铆ses como Colombia, que tenga un impacto positivo para el medio ambiente. Por esto, el presente trabajo se circunscribe al estudio de la clasificaci贸n de desechos, donde se busca dar soluci贸n al problema de la separaci贸n de residuos en hogares, por ello, en la investigaci贸n se dise帽贸 y construy贸 una m谩quina con la capacidad de separar materiales org谩nicos de los no org谩nicos con una eficiencia del 65%. La investigaci贸n se centr贸 en la construcci贸n de un prototipo de caneca de separaci贸n de residuos (la cual divide los residuos en org谩nicos e inorg谩nicos), mediante sensores, microprocesadores y actuadores, estos captan, analizan y clasifican los residuos. El proyecto se inspir贸 en pa铆ses como Suiza, donde se recicla el 99% de la basura, la fase principal en este modelo es la separaci贸n manual en los hogares. Este proyecto busca mitigar impactos ambientales provocados por la no separaci贸n de residuos, mediante la clasificaci贸n correcta de los desechos en los hogares. Teniendo un m茅todo que se podr铆a extrapolar a otro tipo de maquinarias, como lo son, carros compactadores, tolvas en conjuntos, entre otras.1.planteamiento del problema 4 2.Abstract 4 3.Justificacion 8 4.Objetivos 9 5.Marco te贸rico 10 6.Estado del arte 11 7.Metodologia 15 8.Desarrollo de los objetivos 16 9.Conclusiones 38 10.Referencias 42 11.Anexos 48In Latin America, the recycling rate is lower than in Europe, this is due to the culture adopted by Europeans of waste separation in households; For this, a cultural or technological transformation is needed in countries like Colombia, which has a positive impact on the environment.For this reason, the present work is limited to the study of waste classification, where it seeks to provide a solution to the problem of waste separation in homes, therefore, the purpose of the research is to design and build a machine with the capacity to separate organic from non-organic materials.The research aims to build a prototype of a waste separation bin, functional for homes, which divides the waste into organic and inorganic, using sensors, microprocessors and actuators that capture, analyze and classify the waste. This project is inspired In countries such as Switzerland, where 99% of garbage is recycled, the main phase in this model is manual separation in households.The project seeks to mitigate environmental impacts caused by the non-separation of waste, through the correct classification of waste in homes; This method can be extrapolated to other types of machinery, such as compacting cars, hoppers in sets, among othersMaestr铆aEn Latin America, the recycling rate is lower than in Europe, this is due to the culture adopted by Europeans of waste separation in households; For this, a cultural or technological transformation is needed in countries like Colombia, which has a positive impact on the environment.For this reason, the present work is limited to the study of waste classification, where it seeks to provide a solution to the problem of waste separation in homes, therefore, the purpose of the research is to design and build a machine with the capacity to separate organic from non-organic materials.The research aims to build a prototype of a waste separation bin, functional for homes, which divides the waste into organic and inorganic, using sensors, microprocessors and actuators that capture, analyze and classify the waste. This project is inspired In countries such as Switzerland, where 99% of garbage is recycled, the main phase in this model is manual separation in households.The project seeks to mitigate environmental impacts caused by the non-separation of waste, through the correct classification of waste in homes; This method can be extrapolated to other types of machinery, such as compacting cars, hoppers in sets, among others

    Prototipo de un sistema de separaci贸n de residuos org谩nicos y no org谩nicos

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    En Am茅rica latina, la tasa de reciclaje es m谩s baja que en Europa, esto se debe a la cultura adoptada por los europeos de la separaci贸n de materias primas. Para esto, se necesita una transformaci贸n tecnol贸gica en pa铆ses como Colombia, que tenga un impacto positivo para el medio ambiente. Por esto, el presente trabajo se circunscribe al estudio de la clasificaci贸n de desechos, donde se busca dar soluci贸n al problema de la separaci贸n de residuos en hogares, por ello, en la investigaci贸n se dise帽贸 y construy贸 una m谩quina con la capacidad de separar materiales org谩nicos de los no org谩nicos con una eficiencia del 65%. La investigaci贸n se centr贸 en la construcci贸n de un prototipo de caneca de separaci贸n de residuos (la cual divide los residuos en org谩nicos e inorg谩nicos), mediante sensores, microprocesadores y actuadores, estos captan, analizan y clasifican los residuos. El proyecto se inspir贸 en pa铆ses como Suiza, donde se recicla el 99% de la basura, la fase principal en este modelo es la separaci贸n manual en los hogares. Este proyecto busca mitigar impactos ambientales provocados por la no separaci贸n de residuos, mediante la clasificaci贸n correcta de los desechos en los hogares. Teniendo un m茅todo que se podr铆a extrapolar a otro tipo de maquinarias, como lo son, carros compactadores, tolvas en conjuntos, entre otras.1.planteamiento del problema 4 2.Abstract 4 3.Justificacion 8 4.Objetivos 9 5.Marco te贸rico 10 6.Estado del arte 11 7.Metodologia 15 8.Desarrollo de los objetivos 16 9.Conclusiones 38 10.Referencias 42 11.Anexos 48In Latin America, the recycling rate is lower than in Europe, this is due to the culture adopted by Europeans of waste separation in households; For this, a cultural or technological transformation is needed in countries like Colombia, which has a positive impact on the environment.For this reason, the present work is limited to the study of waste classification, where it seeks to provide a solution to the problem of waste separation in homes, therefore, the purpose of the research is to design and build a machine with the capacity to separate organic from non-organic materials.The research aims to build a prototype of a waste separation bin, functional for homes, which divides the waste into organic and inorganic, using sensors, microprocessors and actuators that capture, analyze and classify the waste. This project is inspired In countries such as Switzerland, where 99% of garbage is recycled, the main phase in this model is manual separation in households.The project seeks to mitigate environmental impacts caused by the non-separation of waste, through the correct classification of waste in homes; This method can be extrapolated to other types of machinery, such as compacting cars, hoppers in sets, among othersMaestr铆aEn Latin America, the recycling rate is lower than in Europe, this is due to the culture adopted by Europeans of waste separation in households; For this, a cultural or technological transformation is needed in countries like Colombia, which has a positive impact on the environment.For this reason, the present work is limited to the study of waste classification, where it seeks to provide a solution to the problem of waste separation in homes, therefore, the purpose of the research is to design and build a machine with the capacity to separate organic from non-organic materials.The research aims to build a prototype of a waste separation bin, functional for homes, which divides the waste into organic and inorganic, using sensors, microprocessors and actuators that capture, analyze and classify the waste. This project is inspired In countries such as Switzerland, where 99% of garbage is recycled, the main phase in this model is manual separation in households.The project seeks to mitigate environmental impacts caused by the non-separation of waste, through the correct classification of waste in homes; This method can be extrapolated to other types of machinery, such as compacting cars, hoppers in sets, among others