187 research outputs found

    Integrated Condition Monitoring and Prognosis Method for Incipient Defect Detection and Remaining Life Prediction of Low Speed Slew Bearings

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    This paper presents an application of multivariate state estimation technique (MSET), sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) and kernel regression for low speed slew bearing condition monitoring and prognosis. The method is applied in two steps. Step (1) is the detection of the incipient slew bearing defect. In this step, combined MSET and SPRT is used with circular-domain kurtosis, time-domain kurtosis, wavelet decomposition (WD) kurtosis, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) kurtosis and the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) feature. Step (2) is the prediction of the selected features\u27 trends and the estimation of the remaining useful life (RUL) of the slew bearing. In this step, kernel regression is used with time-domain kurtosis, WD kurtosis and the LLE feature. The application of the method is demonstrated with laboratory slew bearing acceleration data

    Diagnosis of low-speed bearings via vibration-based entropy indicators and acoustic emissions

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    Tesi del Pla de doctorat industrial de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Tesi en modalitat compendi de publicacions, amb diferents seccions retallades per drets dels editorsWind energy is one ofthe main renewable energies to replace fossil fuels in the generation of electricityworldwide. To enhance and accelerate its implementation at a large scale, it is vital to reduce the costs associated with maintenance. As com ponent breakages force the turbine to stop for long repair times, the wind industry m ust switch from the old-fashioned preventive or corrective maintenance to condition-based maintenance (also called predictive maintenance). The condition­based maintenance of pitch bearings is especiallychallenging, as the operating conditions include high mechanical stress and low rotational speed. Since these operating conditions im pact negatively on the results of the standard methods and techniques applied in current condition-based monitoring systems, the condition-based maintenance of pitch bearings is still a challenge. Therefore, this thes is is focused on the research of novel methods and techniques that obtain reliable information on the state of pitch bearings for condition-based maintenance. lnitially, the acknowledgment ofthe state ofthe art is performed to recognize the methods and signals. This step endorses the decision to analyze the vibration signals and acoustic emissions throughout this thesis. Due to the particular operating conditions of pitch bearings, this research states the need to create data sets to replicate the particular operating conditions in a controlled laboratory experiment. As a res ult, a datas et based on vibrations, and a second datas et based on acoustic emissions are generated. The vibration datas et allows the validation of a novel algorithm for the low-speed bearing diagnosis, which is based on the concept of entropy by the definition of Shannon and Rényi. In com parison to the classical methods found in the literature, the diagnosis of low-speed bearings based on entropy-based indicators can extract more reliable information. Moreover, the research of the com bination of several indicators to improve the diagnosis revea Is that the entropy-based indicators can extract more information than regular indicators used in academia. The datas et of acoustic emissions from low-speed bearings helps to contribute to the development of methods for diagnosis. In this research, the analysis of the energyfrom the signals reveals a dependencyon the intensityand the presence of damage. In addition, a relation between the waveform ofthe analyzed energy and the existence of damage is em phas ized.La energía eólica es una de las principales energías renovables consideradas para reemplazar los combustibles fósiles en la generación de electricidad a nivel mundial. Para mejorar y acelerar su implementación a gran escala, es vital reducir los costes asociados con el mantenimiento. Como las roturas de los componentes obligan a la turbina a detenerse durante largos períodos de reparación, la industria eólica necesita cambiar del anticuado mantenimiento preventiv o correctivo al mantenimiento basado en la condición (también llamado mantenimiento predictivo). El mantenimiento basado en la condición de los rodamientos pitch es especialmente desafiante, porque las condiciones de operación incluyen un alto estrés mecánico y bajas velocidades de rotación. Debido a que estas condiciones de operación impactan negativamente en los resultados de los métodos y técnicas estándar aplicados en los sistemas actuales de monitoreo basados en el estado, el mantenimiento basado en el estado de los rodamientos pitch sigue siendo un desafío. Por tanto, esta tesis se centra en la investigación de métodos y técnicas novedosas que obtengan información fiable sobre el estado de los rodamientos pitch para el mantenimiento basado en la condición. Inicialmente, se realiza el reconocimiento del estado del arte para reconocer los métodos y señales utilizados. Este paso avala la decisión de analizar las señales de vibración y las emisiones acústicas a lo largo de esta tesis. Debido a las condiciones de funcionamiento particulares de los rodamientos pitch, esta investigación reconoce la necesidad de crear un conjunto de datos para replicar las condiciones de funcionamiento particulares del rodamiento pitch en una experiencia de laboratorio controlado. Como resultado, se genera un conjunto de datos basado en vibraciones y un segundo conjunto de datos basado en emisiones acústicas. El conjunto de datos de vibraciones permite la validación de un algoritmo novedoso para el diagnóstico de rodamientos de baja velocidad, el cual se basa en el concepto de la entropía según la definición de Shannon y Rényi. En comparación con los métodos clásicos que se encuentran en la literatura, el diagnóstico de rodamientos de baja velocidad basado en indicadores basados en la entropía puede extraer información más confiable. Además, la investigación de la combinación de varios indicadores para mejorar el diagnóstico revela que los indicadores basados en la entropía pueden extraer más información que los indicadores habituales utilizados en la academia. El conjunto de datos de las emisiones acústicas de los rodamientos de baja velocidad ayuda a contribuir al desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico. En esta investigación, el análisis de la energía de las señales revela una dependencia de la intensidad y la presencia de daño. Además, se enfatiza una relación entre la forma de onda de la energía analizada y la existencia de daño.L'energia eòlica és una de les principals energies renovables considerades per reemplaçar els combustibles fòssils en la generació d'electricitat a nivell mundial. Per millorar i accelerar la seva implementació a gran escala, és vital reduir els costos associats amb el manteniment. Com els trencaments dels components obliguen a la turbina a aturar-se durant llargs períodes de reparació, la industria eòlica necessita canviar de l'antiquat manteniment preventiu o correctiu al manteniment basat en la condició (també anomenat manteniment predictiu). El manteniment basat en la condició dels rodaments de pas és especialment desafiant, perquè les condicions d’operació inclouen un alt estrès mecànic i baixes velocitats de rotació. A causa de que aquestes condicions d’operació impacten negativament en els resultats dels mètodes i tècniques estàndard aplicats en els sistemes actuals de monitorització basats en l'estat, el manteniment basat en l'estat dels rodaments de pas segueix sent un desafiament. Per tant, aquesta tesi se centra en la investigació de mètodes i tècniques noves que obtinguin informació fiable sobre l'estat dels rodaments de pas per al manteniment basat en la condició. Inicialment, es realitza el reconeixement de l'estat de l'art per reconèixer els mètodes i senyals utilitzats. Aquest pas avala la decisió d'analitzar els senyals de vibració i les emissions acústiques al llarg d'aquesta tesi. A causa de les condicions de funcionament particulars dels rodaments de pas, aquesta investigació reconeix la necessitat de crear un conjunt de dades per replicar les condicions de funcionament particulars del rodament de pas en un experiment de laboratori controlat. Com a resultat, es genera un conjunt de dades basat en vibracions i un segon conjunt de dades basat en emissions acústiques. El conjunt de dades de vibracions permet la validació d'un algoritme nou per al diagnòstic de rodaments de baixa velocitat, el qual es basa en el concepte de l'entropia segons la definició de Shannon i Renyi. En comparació amb els mètodes clàssics que es troben a la literatura, el diagnòstic de rodaments de baixa velocitat basat en indicadors basats en l'entropia pot extreure informació més fiable. A més, la investigació de la combinació de diversos indicadors per millorar el diagnòstic revela que els indicadors basats en l'entropia poden extreure més informació que els indicadors habituals utilitzats en la literatura. El conjunt de dades de les emissions acústiques dels rodaments de baixa velocitat ajuda a contribuir al desenvolupament de mètodes de diagnòstic. En aquesta investigació, l’anàlisi de l'energia de les senyals revela una dependència de la intensitat i la presència de dany. A més, s'emfatitza una relació entre la forma d'ona de l'energia analitzada i l’existència de dany.Energia eolikoa mundu mailan elektrizitatea sortu eta erregai fosilak ordezkatzeko energia berriztagarri nagusietako bat da. Eskala handiko ezarpena hobetu eta bizkortzeko, ezinbestekoa da mantentze-lanekin lotutako kostuak murriztea. Osagaien hausturek turbina konponketa-aldi luzeetan gelditzera behartzen dutenez, industria eolikoak mantentze-lan prebentibo edo zuzentzaile zaharkitutik egoeran oinarritutako mantentzelanetara aldatu behar du (mantentze-lan prediktiboa ere esaten zaio). Pitch errodamenduen egoeran oinarritutako mantentzea bereziki desa atzailea da, tentsio mekaniko handiak jasaten baitituzte eta errotazio-abiadura txikietan egoten baitira abian. Operaziobaldintza horiek eragin negatiboa dutenez egoeran oinarritutako egungo monitorizazio sistemetan erabiltzen diren metodo eta teknika estandarren emaitzetan, pitch errodamenduen egoeran oinarritutako mantentze-lanak erronka bat izaten jarraitzen du. Tesi hau egoeran oinarritutako mantenurako pitch errodamenduen egoerari buruzko informazio dagarria lortzen duten metodo eta teknika berritzaileen ikerketan oinarritzen da. Hasieran, teknologiaren egungo egoera aztertzen da, erabilitako metodoak eta seinaleak ezagutzeko. Urrats honek tesi honetan zehar bibrazio-seinaleak eta emisio akustikoak aztertzeko erabakia bermatzen du. Pitch errodamenduen funtzionamendu baldintza bereziak direla eta, ikerketa honek adierazten du beharrezkoa dela datu multzo bat sortzea pitch errodamenduaren funtzionamendu baldintza partikularrak erreplikatzeko laborategi kontrolatuko testuinguru batean. Ondorioz, bibrazioetan oinarritutako datu-multzo bat eta emisio akustikoetan oinarritutako bigarren datu-multzo bat sortzen dira. Bibrazioen datu-multzoak abiadura txikiko errodamenduen diagnostikorako algoritmo berritzaile bat baliozkotzea ahalbidetzen du, zeina entropiaren kontzeptuan oinarritzen baita Shannon eta R enyiren de nizioaren arabera. Literaturan dauden metodo klasikoekin alderatuta, entropian oinarritutako adierazleek abiadura txikiko errodamenduen diagnostikorako informazio dagarriagoa atera dezakete. Gainera, diagnostikoa hobetzeko hainbat adierazleren konbinazioaren ikerketak agerian uzten du entropian oinarritutako adierazleek akademian erabiltzen diren ohiko adierazleek baino informazio gehiago atera dezaketela. Abiadura txikiko errodamenduen emisio akustikoen datu multzoak diagnostiko metodoak garatzen laguntzen du. Ikerketa lan honetan, seinaleen energiaren azterketak intentsitatearekiko eta kaltearen presentziarekiko dependentzia adierazten du. Gainera, aztertutako energiaren uhin-formaren eta kaltearen arteko erlazioa nabarmentzen da.Postprint (published version

    Vibration Monitoring: Gearbox identification and faults detection

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    Condition Monitoring Methods for Large, Low-speed Bearings

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    In all industrial production plants, well-functioning machines and systems are required for sustained and safe operation. However, asset performance degrades over time and may lead to reduced effiency, poor product quality, secondary damage to other assets or even complete failure and unplanned downtime of critical systems. Besides the potential safety hazards from machine failure, the economic consequences are large, particularly in offshore applications where repairs are difficult. This thesis focuses on large, low-speed rolling element bearings, concretized by the main swivel bearing of an offshore drilling machine. Surveys have shown that bearing failure in drilling machines is a major cause of rig downtime. Bearings have a finite lifetime, which can be estimated using formulas supplied by the bearing manufacturer. Premature failure may still occur as a result of irregularities in operating conditions and use, lubrication, mounting, contamination, or external environmental factors. On the contrary, a bearing may also exceed the expected lifetime. Compared to smaller bearings, historical failure data from large, low-speed machinery is rare. Due to the high cost of maintenance and repairs, the preferred maintenance arrangement is often condition based. Vibration measurements with accelerometers is the most common data acquisition technique. However, vibration based condition monitoring of large, low-speed bearings is challenging, due to non-stationary operating conditions, low kinetic energy and increased distance from fault to transducer. On the sensor side, this project has also investigated the usage of acoustic emission sensors for condition monitoring purposes. Roller end damage is identified as a failure mode of interest in tapered axial bearings. Early stage abrasive wear has been observed on bearings in drilling machines. The failure mode is currently only detectable upon visual inspection and potentially through wear debris in the bearing lubricant. In this thesis, multiple machine learning algorithms are developed and applied to handle the challenges of fault detection in large, low-speed bearings with little or no historical data and unknown fault signatures. The feasibility of transfer learning is demonstrated, as an approach to speed up implementation of automated fault detection systems when historical failure data is available. Variational autoencoders are proposed as a method for unsupervised dimensionality reduction and feature extraction, being useful for obtaining a health indicator with a statistical anomaly detection threshold. Data is collected from numerous experiments throughout the project. Most notably, a test was performed on a real offshore drilling machine with roller end wear in the bearing. To replicate this failure mode and aid development of condition monitoring methods, an axial bearing test rig has been designed and built as a part of the project. An overview of all experiments, methods and results are given in the thesis, with details covered in the appended papers.publishedVersio

    Application of advanced technology to space automation

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    Automated operations in space provide the key to optimized mission design and data acquisition at minimum cost for the future. The results of this study strongly accentuate this statement and should provide further incentive for immediate development of specific automtion technology as defined herein. Essential automation technology requirements were identified for future programs. The study was undertaken to address the future role of automation in the space program, the potential benefits to be derived, and the technology efforts that should be directed toward obtaining these benefits

    Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Wind Turbine Bearings

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    Climate change, national and international targets and a possible impending fuel scarcity is driving the need for a clean, cheap and sustainable energy source. Although onshore wind is currently the most economically viable source of renewable energy, high failure rates often occurring many years prior to their design life, are increasing the cost through additional maintenance and downtime. The gearbox, and in particular the bearings within the gearbox are the components responsible for the largest proportion of downtime. Field studies have shown damage to the inner race of the planetary support bearings found in the epicyclic stage of the gearbox is restricted to an arc of approximately 40° centered on the point of maximum load. Engineers at Ricardo have designed an actuation system to overcome this problem which allows the raceway to be rotated periodically thus distributing damage and increasing bearing life. The monitoring of planetary support bearings typically found in the epicyclic stage of wind turbine gearboxes has been investigated in this thesis using acoustic emission technology due to its reported increase in sensitivity in detecting damage at low speeds compared to vibration analysis in addition to its ability to locate damage. Primarily, accelerated life tests were performed on a rolling element bearing seeded with a defect mounted in a bespoke full scale test rig designed to mimic loading conditions experienced by the planetary support bearings. In addition, data was recorded and analysed from a split bearing test rig and the high speed shaft bearing of a recommissioned 600kW wind turbine gearbox. Initial experiments considered the influence of the lubrication regime on the measured acoustic emission signal. It was found that as the oil film reduces, asperity contact, typical of mixed or boundary lubrication, manifests itself as high amplitude transient events. Typical measures of bearing health in the time domain, such as peak values or kurtosis, become unreliable and demonstrates a need for a novel approach. Previous investigations into the use of acoustic emission for the purpose of bearing condition monitoring has focused on instances where full separation between bearing components occurred whereas this work considers a mixed lubrication regime. To overcome the drawbacks of the traditional measures, this work has investigated a process employing wavelet packet decomposition, autocorrelation and cepstrum to reduce the noise and boost the periodicity of a signal from a defected bearing. Outlier analysis was shown to be able to determine the presence of a seeded defect and indicate which bearing component is defected. Such approach was shown to provide a more robust measure than time domain methods. In contrast, this approach was compared to one employing time domain measures for a fully lubricated split bearing. In this case, a time domain approach was more successful at determining the presence of damage than the approach taken for the partially lubricated bearing. An attempt was made to improve the localisation of defects on a bearing which had, until now, relied on analytical time-of-flight methods. In this work artificial sources, rather than those resulting from a rolling element impinging on a defect, were generated by a standardised pencil lead break and used as training data for two methods namely Delta T mapping and neural networks. The neural networks in particular were shown to reduced the average error from 42mm to 17mm however given the time consuming nature of generating the training data a decision must be made regarding the relative importance of accuracy and ease of implementation

    Quantitative Risk Analysis using Real-time Data and Change-point Analysis for Data-informed Risk Prediction

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    Incidents in highly hazardous process industries (HHPI) are a major concern for various stakeholders due to the impact on human lives, environment, and potentially huge financial losses. Because process activities, location and products are unique, risk analysis techniques applied in the HHPI has evolved over the years. Unfortunately, some limitations of the various quantitative risk analysis (QRA) method currently employed means alternative or more improved methods are required. This research has obtained one such method called Big Data QRA Method. This method relies entirely on big data techniques and real-time process data to identify the point at which process risk is imminent and provide the extent of contribution of other components interacting up to the time index of the risk. Unlike the existing QRA methods which are static and based on unvalidated assumptions and data from single case studies, the big data method is dynamic and can be applied to most process systems. This alternative method is my original contribution to science and the practice of risk analysis The detailed procedure which has been provided in Chapter 9 of this thesis applies multiple change-point analysis and other big data techniques like, (a) time series analysis, (b) data exploration and compression techniques, (c) decision tree modelling, (d) linear regression modelling. Since the distributional properties of process data can change over time, the big data approach was found to be more appropriate. Considering the unique conditions, activities and the process systems use within the HHPI, the dust fire and explosion incidents at the Imperial Sugar Factory and the New England Wood Pellet LLC both of which occurred in the USA were found to be suitable case histories to use as a guide for evaluation of data in this research. Data analysis was performed using open source software packages in R Studio. Based on the investigation, multiple-change-point analysis packages strucchange and changepoint were found to be successful at detecting early signs of deteriorating conditions of component in process equipment and the main process risk. One such process component is a bearing which was suspected as the source of ignition which led to the dust fire and explosion at the Imperial Sugar Factory. As a result, this this research applies the big data QRA method procedure to bearing vibration data to predict early deterioration of bearings and final period when the bearing’s performance begins the final phase of deterioration to failure. Model-based identification of these periods provides an indication of whether the conditions of a mechanical part in process equipment at a particular moment represent an unacceptable risk. The procedure starts with selection of process operation data based on the findings of an incident investigation report on the case history of a known process incident. As the defining components of risk, both the frequency and consequences associated with the risk were obtained from the incident investigation reports. Acceptance criteria for the risk can be applied to the periods between the risks detected by the two change-point packages. The method was validated with two case study datasets to demonstrate its applicability as procedure for QRA. The procedure was then tested with two other case study datasets as examples of its application as a QRA method. The insight obtained from the validation and the applied examples led to the conclusion that big data techniques can be applied to real-time process data for risk assessment in the HHPI

    Fault detection, isolation, and identification for nonlinear systems using a hybrid approach

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    This thesis presents a novel integrated hybrid approach for fault diagnosis (FD) of nonlinear systems; taking advantage of both system's mathematical model and the adaptive nonlinear approximation capability of computational intelligence techniques. Unlike most FD techniques, the proposed solution simultaneously accomplishes fault detection, isolation, and identification (FDII) within a unified diagnostic module. At the core of this solution are a bank of adaptive neural parameter estimators (NPE) and a set of single-parameterized fault models. The NPEs continuously estimate unknown fault parameters (FP) that are indicators of faults in the system. In view of the availability of full-state measurements, two NPE structures, namely series-parallel and parallel, are developed with their exclusive set of desirable attributes. The parallel scheme is extremely robust to measurement noise and possesses a simpler, yet more solid, fault isolation logic. On the contrary, the series-parallel scheme displays short FD delays and is robust to closed-loop system transients due to changes in control commands. Simple neural network architecture and update laws make both schemes suitable for real-time implementations. A fault tolerant observer (FTO) is then designed to extend the FDII schemes to systems with partial-state measurement. The proposed FTO is a neural state estimator that can estimate unmeasured states even in presence of faults. The estimated and the measured states then comprise the inputs to the FDII schemes. Simulation results for FDII of reaction wheels of a 3-axis stabilized satellite in presence of disturbances and noise demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed FDII solution under both full and partial-state measurements

    Improving the profitability, availability and condition monitoring of FPSO terminals

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    The main focus of this study is to improve the profitability, availability and condition monitoring of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Floating Production Storage and Offloading platforms (FPSOs). Propane pre-cooled, mixed refrigerant (C3MR) liquefaction is the key process in the production of LNG on FPSOs. LNG liquefaction system equipment has the highest failure rates among the other FPSO equipment, and thus the highest maintenance cost. Improvements in the profitability, availability and condition monitoring were made in two ways: firstly, by making recommendations for the use of redundancy in order to improve system reliability (and hence availability); and secondly, by developing an effective condition-monitoring algorithm that can be used as part of a condition-based maintenance system. C3MR liquefaction system reliability modelling was undertaken using the time-dependent Markov approach. Four different system options were studied, with varying degrees of redundancy. The results of the reliability analysis indicated that the introduction of a standby liquefaction system could be the best option for liquefaction plants in terms of reliability, availability and profitability; this is because the annual profits of medium-sized FPSOs (3MTPA) were estimated to increase by approximately US296million,risingfromaboutUS296 million, rising from about US1,190 million to US1,485.98million,ifredundancywereimplemented.ThecostbenefitanalysisresultswerebasedontheaverageLNGprices(US1,485.98 million, if redundancy were implemented. The cost-benefit analysis results were based on the average LNG prices (US500/ton) in 2013 and 2014. Typically, centrifugal turbines, compressors and blowers are the main items of equipment in LNG liquefaction plants. Because centrifugal equipment tops the FPSO equipment failure list, a Condition Monitoring (CM) system for such equipment was proposed and tested to reduce maintenance and shutdown costs, and also to reduce flaring. The proposed CM system was based on a novel FFT-based segmentation, feature selection and fault identification algorithm. A 20 HP industrial air compressor system with a rotational speed of 15,650 RPM was utilised to experimentally emulate five different typical centrifugal equipment machine conditions in the laboratory; this involved training and testing the proposed algorithm with a total of 105 datasets. The fault diagnosis performance of the algorithm was compared with other methods, namely standard FFT classifiers and Neural Network. A sensitivity analysis was performed in order to determine the effect of the time length and position of the signals on the diagnostic performance of the proposed fault identification algorithm. The algorithm was also checked for its ability to identify machine degradation using datasets for which the algorithm was not trained. Moreover, a characterisation table that prioritises the different fault detection techniques and signal features for the diagnosis of centrifugal equipment faults, was introduced to determine the best fault identification technique and signal feature. The results suggested that the proposed automated feature selection and fault identification algorithm is effective and competitive as it yielded a fault identification performance of 100% in 3.5 seconds only in comparison to 57.2 seconds for NN. The sensitivity analysis showed that the algorithm is robust as its fault identification performance was affected by neither the time length nor the position of signals. The characterisation study demonstrated the effectiveness of the AE spectral feature technique over the fault identification techniques and signal features tested in the course of diagnosing centrifugal equipment faults. Moreover, the algorithm performed well in the identification of machine degradation. In summary, the results of this study indicate that the proposed two-pronged approach has the potential to yield a highly reliable LNG liquefaction system with significantly improved availability and profitability profiles