9 research outputs found

    Towards a new approach for the description of shapes from multimodal data

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    The construction of a Virtual Environments (VE) requires a long iterative modeling and modification process. Depending on the final purposes, many actors can be involved both in the early conception and in the detailed specification of what has to be included and how it has to be organized. These actors may have different knowledge and expertise. It is therefore important to define tools easy usable even by nonprofessionals in order to facilitate the VE specification and setup. Such tools should allow the incomplete specification of details and the reuse of existing assets and data, either 2D images or 3D models. In this perspective, the work presented in this paper proposes a new shape description model for the management of objects and assemblies, resulting from the combination of multimodal data, together with their intrinsic properties. Based on such a model high level methods and tools directly working on components (either 2D or 3D) can be developed. Thus making easier the solution specification by the application domain experts, which can thus better integrated within the VE design process. This new shape description model is thought to be used as an intermediary model shared between the various actors in the generation process of VEs to keep the link and digital chain between them. The concepts of this model are proposed and illustrated through a first implementation

    A Combined Skeleton Model

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    Skeleton representations are a fundamental way of representing a variety of solid models. They are particularly important for representing certain biological models and are often key to visualizing such data. Several methods exist for extracting skeletal models from 3D data sets. Unfortunately, there is usually not a single correct definition for what makes a good skeleton, and different methods will produce different skeletal models from a given input. Furthermore, for many scanned data sets, there also is inherent noise and loss of data in the scanning process that can reduce ability to identify a skeleton. In this document, I propose a method for combining multiple algorithms' skeleton results into a single composite skeletal model. This model leverages various aspects of the geometric and topological information contained in the different input skeletal models to form a single result that may limit the error introduced by particular inputs by means of a confidence function. Using such an uncertainty based model, one can better understand, refine, and de-noise/simplify the skeletal structure. The following pages describe methods for forming this composite model and also examples of applying it to some real-world data sets

    Registration techniques for computer assisted orthopaedic surgery

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    The registration of 3D preoperative medical data to patients is a key task in developing computer assisted surgery systems. In computer assisted surgery, the patient in the operation theatre must be aligned with the coordinate system in which the preoperative data has been acquired, so that the planned surgery based on the preoperative data can be carried out under the guidance of the computer assisted surgery system.The aim of this research is to investigate registration algorithms for developing computer assisted bone surgery systems. We start with reference mark registration. New interpretations are given to the development of well knowm algorithms based on singular value decomposition, polar decomposition techniques and the unit quaternion representation of the rotation matrix. In addition, a new algorithm is developed based on the estimate of the rotation axis. For non-land mark registration, we first develop iterative closest line segment and iterative closest triangle patch registrations, similar to the well known iterative closest point registration, when the preoperative data are dense enough. We then move to the situation where the preoperative data are not dense enough. Implicit fitting is considered to interpolate the gaps between the data . A new ellipsoid fitting algorithm and a new constructive implicit fitting strategy are developed. Finally, a region to region matching procedure is proposed based on our novel constructive implicit fitting technique. Experiments demonstrate that the new algorithm is very stable and very efficient

    Simulação numérica e visualização 3D interativa de objetos sob fluxos irrotacionais em tempo Quase-Real

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    Resumo: De uma maneira geral, qualquer fluxo irrotacional e incompressível é governado pela equação de Laplace. Esta não possui resolução analítica para problemas reais de engenharia, os quais possuem domínios e condições de contorno complexas, exceto para poucos casos particulares. A Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (DFC) é um método utilizado para resolver numericamente a equação de Laplace, satisfazendo condições iniciais e de contorno. Porém, ao se refinar ou estender um domínio calculado, a quantidade de dados numéricos resultantes aumentará proporcionalmente e a análise destes valores pode se tornar complexa e onerosa. Complementariamente, para a compreensão dos resultados, é importante uma representação visual. A resolução numérica da equação de Laplace está descrita neste trabalho, com um algoritmo de solução inédito para as condições de contorno que atende qualquer forma geométrica em três dimensões. Desenvolveu-se um simulador que possibilita alterações geométricas de objetos 3D, calcula e visualiza interativamente velocidades, linhas de fluxo e força de sustentação para fluxos irrotacionais e incompressíveis em tempo quase-real. O sistema utiliza o método das diferenças finitas para a solução das equações. A interface gráfica foi desenvolvida utilizando, deste modo ineditamente para a DFC, a linguagem C++ e o VTK (Visualization Tool Kit). A quantidade, a origem das linhas de fluxo, a seleção do campo de velocidades, o cálculo da força de sustentação e a visualização estereoscópica são parâmetros que podem ser ajustados e selecionados para a visualização. O algoritmo passou por validações mostrando a capacidade de resolução em três dimensões. Assim, o simulador desenvolvido resolve, ao contrário dos softwares já existentes, o problema do cálculo e visualização interativa imediata ao se fazer modificações em objetos 3D. Este procedimento permitirá que se façam comparações entre formas geométricas imediatamente alteradas para que se possa escolher, entre elas, a que se adequar melhor às necessidades de um projeto

    Skeleton Graph Generation for Feature Shape Description

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    An essential step in feature extraction is the calculation of attribute sets describing the characteristics of a feature. Often, attribute sets include the position, size, and orientation of the feature. These attributes are very important, but they do not provide a good approximation of the shape of a feature. For better shape description, a more sophisticated method is needed. This paper describes a method that extracts a binary skeleton of a feature, and transforms it into a graphical representation: the skeletongraph. This graph represents the original skeleton with controlled precision, and contains the essential topology and geometry of the skeleton. In addition, distance information is used to generate a simplified reconstruction of the original 3D feature shape, which can also be used as an iconic object for visualization

    8th SC@RUG 2011 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2010-2011

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    8th SC@RUG 2011 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2010-2011

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