347 research outputs found

    Kehitys- ja ylläpito-osastojen välisten ohjelmistokehitysprosessien parantaminen teleoperaattoriyrityksessä

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    This Master’s Thesis studies the improvement of software development processes of a tele-communications company by utilizing agile development methods. Specifically, this thesis focuses on improving the processes of a development organization within the telecommunications company that has been split into two distinct development departments. In order to apply agile development methods effectively, analysis of the situation had to be per-formed. The primary analysis method utilized during this thesis was a set of interviews conducted together with several employees of the company. Additionally, a quantitative data analysis was performed using Six Sigma process development methods in order to complement the interview results. The results from the analyses were that the telecommunications company needs to apply certain aspects of agile development, such as preferring local development teams, and improving cross-team collaboration and knowledge transfer, while avoiding some potentially ineffective aspects of agile development that would not be applicable in the specific situation of the company. Additionally, the company needs to focus on improving the processes related to development of newer, younger telecommunications systems, as this kind of system development particularly benefits from agile development.Diplomityö tutkii tietoliikenneyrityksen ohjelmistokehityksen prosessien parantamista ketterän ohjelmistokehityksen menetelmien avulla. Erityisesti, diplomityö pyrkii kehittämään yrityksen ohjelmistokehitysyksiköiden välisiä prosesseja, sillä yksiköt ovat yrityksessä jaettu kahteen erilliseen kehitys- ja ylläpito-osastoon. Jotta ketterää kehitystä pystytään soveltamaan tehokkaasti, yrityksen nykyisestä tilanteesta piti suorittaa kattava analyysi. Pääasiallinen analyysimenetelmä diplomityössä oli haastattelu, joka toteutettiin yhdessä yrityksen työntekijöiden kanssa. Haastattelutulosten täydennykseksi työssä toteutettiin kvantitatiivinen data-analyysi käyttäen Six Sigma -prosessikehitysmenetelmiä. Diplomityön tulosten perusteella yrityksen on sovellettava eräitä ketterän kehityksen menetelmiä, kuten paikallisten kehitystyöryhmien perustamista sekä ryhmien välisen yhteistyön ja tiedonvälityksen parantamista, mutta samalla yrityksen tulee välttää tiettyjä sille sopimattomia ketterän kehityksen menetelmiä, jotka voisivat olla haitallisia yrityksen erityisessä tilanteessa. Lisäksi yrityksen tulee keskittyä iältään nuorten tietoliikennejärjestelmien kehitystyön prosessien parantamiseen, sillä tämän kaltaisien järjestelmien kehitys hyötyy eniten ketterän kehityksen menetelmien käyttöönotosta

    A model for assessing and reporting network performance measurement in SANReN

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    The performance measurement of a service provider network is an important activity. It is required for the smooth operation of the network as well as for reporting and planning. SANReN is a service provider tasked with serving the research and education network of South Africa. It currently has no structure or process for determining network performance metrics to measure the performance of its network. The objective of this study is to determine, through a process or structure, which metrics are best suited to the SANReN environment. This study is conducted in 3 phases in order to discover and verify the solution to this problem. The phases are "Contextualisation", "Design",and "Verification". The "Contextualisation" phase includes the literature review. This provides the context for the problem area but also serves as a search function for the solution. This study adopts the design science research paradigm which requires the creation of an artefact. The "Design" phase involves the creation of the conceptual network performance measurement model. This is the artefact and a generalised model for determining the network performance metrics for an NREN. To prove the utility of the model it is implemented in the SANReN environment. This is done in the "Verification" phase. The network performance measurement model proposes a process to determine network performance metrics. This process includes getting NREN requirements and goals, defining the NRENs network design goals through these requirements, define network performance metrics from these goals, evaluating the NRENs monitoring capability, and measuring what is possible. This model provides a starting point for NRENs to determine network performance metrics tailored to its environment. This is done in the SANReN environment as a proof of concept. The utility of the model is shown through the implementation in the SANReN environment thus it can be said that it is generic.The tools that monitor the performance of the SANReN network are used to retrieve network performance data from. Through understanding the requirements, determining network design goals and performance metrics, and determining the gap the retrieving of results took place. These results are analysed and finally aggregated to provide information that feeds into SANReN reporting and planning processes. A template is provided to do the aggregation of metric results. This template provides the structure to enable metrics results aggregation but leaves the categories or labels for the reporting and planning sections blank. These categories are specific to each NREN. At this point SANReN has the aggregated information to use for planning and reporting. The model is verified and thus the study’s main research objective is satisfied

    Framework of Six Sigma implementation analysis on SMEs in Malaysia for information technology services, products and processes

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    For the past two decades, the majority of Malaysia’s IT companies have been widely adopting a Quality Assurance (QA) approach as a basis for self-improvement and internal-assessment in IT project management. Quality Control (QC) is a comprehensive top-down observation approach used to fulfill requirements for quality outputs which focuses on the aspect of process outputs evaluation. However in the Malaysian context, QC and combination of QA and QC as a means of quality improvement approaches have not received significant attention. This research study aims to explore the possibility of integrating QC and QA+QC approaches through Six Sigma quality management standard to provide tangible and measureable business results by continuous process improvement to boost customer satisfactions. The research project adopted an exploratory case study approach on three Malaysian IT companies in the business area of IT Process, IT Service and IT Product. Semi-structured interviews, online surveys, self-administered questionnaires, job observations, document analysis and on-the-job-training are amongst the methodologies employed in these case studies. These collected data and viewpoints along with findings from an extensive literature review were used to benchmark quality improvement initiatives, best practices and to develop a Six Sigma framework for the context of the SMEs in the Malaysian IT industry. This research project contributed to both the theory and practice of implementing and integrating Six Sigma in IT products, services and processes. The newly developed framework has been proven capable of providing a general and fundamental start-up decision by demonstrating how a company with and without formal QIM can be integrated and implemented with Six Sigma practices to close the variation gap between QA and QC. This framework also takes into consideration those companies with an existing QIM for a new face-lift migration without having to drop their existing QIM. This can be achieved by integrating a new QIM which addresses most weaknesses of the current QIM while retaining most of the current business routine strengths. This framework explored how Six Sigma can be expanded and extended to include secondary external factors that are critical to successful QIM implementation. A vital segment emphasizes Six Sigma as a QA+QC approach in IT processes; and the ability to properly manage IT processes will result in overall performance improvement to IT Products and IT Services. The developed Six Sigma implementation framework can serve as a baseline for SMEs to better manage, control and track business performance and product quality; and at the same time creates clearer insights and un-biased views of Six Sigma implementation onto the IT industries to drive towards operational excellence

    Towards a framework for business continuity management : an IT governance perspective

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    The concept of business continuity management has gained wide acceptance in recent years. Recent natural disasters such as the 2004 tsunami and terrorist activities such as the 911 World Trade Centre bombing, has emphasised the importance of business continuity management. Many of these events had catastrophic consequences, which left most executives faced with the challenge of improving the continuity of their organisation. Not to long ago, these executives were also faced with the challenge of managing their IT investments in such a way that it is aligned with the strategic goals of the organisation. An initiative referred to as IT governance was developed and IT governance frameworks instantly assisted executives to obtain direct business value from IT investments. The problem statement addressed in this research is the lack of a generally accepted business continuity management framework. This research aims to leverage of the success of IT governance in an attempt to establish the beginnings of a framework for business continuity management. In addition, the research also illustrates a paradigm shift where the enterprise continuity of a typical organisation has evolved from disaster recovery to business continuity management. The research approach executed is based on the interpretivism paradigm and is used to interpret the results of the research methodology and research method. The research methodology consists of a literature survey and empirical study whereas a content analysis is used as the research method.Dissertation (M.Com (Informatics))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Informaticsunrestricte

    Business-driven IT Management

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    Business-driven IT management (BDIM) aims at ensuring successful alignment of business and IT through thorough understanding of the impact of IT on business results, and vice versa. In this dissertation, we review the state of the art of BDIM research and we position our intended contribution within the BDIM research space along the dimensions of decision support (as opposed of automation) and its application to IT service management processes. Within these research dimensions, we advance the state of the art by 1) contributing a decision theoretical framework for BDIM and 2) presenting two novel BDIM solutions in the IT service management space. First we present a simpler BDIM solution for prioritizing incidents, which can be used as a template for creating BDIM solutions in other IT service management processes. Then, we present a more comprehensive solution for optimizing the business-related performance of an IT support organization in dealing with incidents. Our decision theoretical framework and models for BDIM bring the concepts of business impact and risk to the fore, and are able to cope with both monetizable and intangible aspects of business impact. We start from a constructive and quantitative re-definition of some terms that are widely used in IT service management but for which was never given a rigorous decision: business impact, cost, benefit, risk and urgency. On top of that, we build a coherent methodology for linking IT-level metrics with business level metrics and make progress toward solving the business-IT alignment problem. Our methodology uses a constructive and quantitative definition of alignment with business objectives, taken as the likelihood – to the best of one’s knowledge – that such objectives will be met. That is used as the basis for building an engine for business impact calculation that is in fact an alignment computation engine. We show a sample BDIM solution for incident prioritization that is built using the decision theoretical framework, the methodology and the tools developed. We show how the sample BDIM solution could be used as a blueprint to build BDIM solutions for decision support in other IT service management processes, such as change management for example. However, the full power of BDIM can be best understood by studying the second fully fledged BDIM application that we present in this thesis. While incident management is used as a scenario for this second application as well, the main contribution that it brings about is really to provide a solution for business-driven organizational redesign to optimize the performance of an IT support organization. The solution is quite rich, and features components that orchestrate together advanced techniques in visualization, simulation, data mining and operations research. We show that the techniques we use - in particular the simulation of an IT organization enacting the incident management process – bring considerable benefits both when the performance is measured in terms of traditional IT metrics (mean time to resolution of incidents), and even more so when business impact metrics are brought into the picture, thereby providing a justification for investing time and effort in creating BDIM solutions. In terms of impact, the work presented in this thesis produced about twenty conference and journal publications, and resulted so far in three patent applications. Moreover this work has greatly influenced the design and implementation of Business Impact Optimization module of HP DecisionCenter™: a leading commercial software product for IT optimization, whose core has been re-designed to work as described here

    Information technology service management: an experimental approach towards IT service prediction

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    Dissertation presented to obtain a Masters degree in Computer ScienceSoftware development and software quality improvement have been strong topics for discussion in the last decades. Software Engineering has always been concerned with theories and best practices to develop software for large-scale usage. However, most times those theories are not validated in real live environments. Therefore, the need for experiments is immense. The incidents database can be an important asset for software engineering teams. If they learn from past experience in service management, then they will be able to shift from a reactive approach to a more proactive one. The main goal of this dissertation is shedding some light on the influential factors that affect incidents lifecycle, from creation to its closure, and also to investigate to what accuracy the ARIMA models are a valid approach to model and predict not only the ITIL incident management process, but also other ITIL processes and services in general. The dissertation presented herein is on the crossroads of Empirical Software Engineering and of the emerging area of Services Science. It describes an experiment conducted upon a sample of incident reports, recorded during the operation of several hundred commercial software products, over a period of three years (2005-2007), on six countries in Europe and Latin America. The incidents were reported by customers of a large independent software vendor. The primary goal of an Incident Management process is to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on business operations, thus ensuring that the best possible levels of service quality and availability are maintained. As a result of this, a software company can make use of a good incident management process to improve several areas of their business, particularly product development, product support, the relation with its customers and their positioning in the marketplace. The underlying research questions refer to the validation of which are the influencing factors affecting the incidents management lifecycle, and also aims at finding the existence of patterns and/or trends in incident creation and resolution based on a time series approach. Additionally, it presents the estimation, evaluation and validation of several ARIMA models created with the purpose of forecasting upon incident resolution based on incident creation historic data. Understanding causal-relationships and patterns on incident management can help software development organizations on optimizing their support processes and in allocating the adequate resources; people and budget

    Towards a wireless local area network security control framework for small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa

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    There is little literature available that is specific to the use of wireless local area network [WLAN) security among small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. This research study developed a framework which may be used by SMMEs for the purposes of securing their WLANs. In view of the fact that the aim of the study was to develop a system for improving information technology security, the study followed a design science approach. A literature review was conducted on security control framework standards and WLAN technologies. The needs of SMMEs regarding WLANs were also established. The result of this process was an artefact in the form of a WLAN Security Control Framework for securing WLANs for SMMEs in South Africa. The suitability of the framework was validated by means of a focus group

    Framework of Six Sigma implementation analysis on SMEs in Malaysia for information technology services, products and processes

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    For the past two decades, the majority of Malaysia’s IT companies have been widely adopting a Quality Assurance (QA) approach as a basis for self-improvement and internal-assessment in IT project management. Quality Control (QC) is a comprehensive top-down observation approach used to fulfill requirements for quality outputs which focuses on the aspect of process outputs evaluation. However in the Malaysian context, QC and combination of QA and QC as a means of quality improvement approaches have not received significant attention. This research study aims to explore the possibility of integrating QC and QA+QC approaches through Six Sigma quality management standard to provide tangible and measureable business results by continuous process improvement to boost customer satisfactions. The research project adopted an exploratory case study approach on three Malaysian IT companies in the business area of IT Process, IT Service and IT Product. Semi-structured interviews, online surveys, self-administered questionnaires, job observations, document analysis and on-the-job-training are amongst the methodologies employed in these case studies. These collected data and viewpoints along with findings from an extensive literature review were used to benchmark quality improvement initiatives, best practices and to develop a Six Sigma framework for the context of the SMEs in the Malaysian IT industry. This research project contributed to both the theory and practice of implementing and integrating Six Sigma in IT products, services and processes. The newly developed framework has been proven capable of providing a general and fundamental start-up decision by demonstrating how a company with and without formal QIM can be integrated and implemented with Six Sigma practices to close the variation gap between QA and QC. This framework also takes into consideration those companies with an existing QIM for a new face-lift migration without having to drop their existing QIM. This can be achieved by integrating a new QIM which addresses most weaknesses of the current QIM while retaining most of the current business routine strengths. This framework explored how Six Sigma can be expanded and extended to include secondary external factors that are critical to successful QIM implementation. A vital segment emphasizes Six Sigma as a QA+QC approach in IT processes; and the ability to properly manage IT processes will result in overall performance improvement to IT Products and IT Services. The developed Six Sigma implementation framework can serve as a baseline for SMEs to better manage, control and track business performance and product quality; and at the same time creates clearer insights and un-biased views of Six Sigma implementation onto the IT industries to drive towards operational excellence
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