8,401 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Sistem Aplikasi Kuliah Online Sebagai Sarana Penunjang Kegiatan Perkuliahan Di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmalaya

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    Salah satu teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang berkembang pesat saat ini adalah internet. Di institusi pendidikan, internet juga digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Pada saat ini, pemakaian teknologi komputer dalam bidang akademik khususnya pada kegiatan perkuliahan menjadi keniscayaan dan syarat utama untuk menunjukkan kualitas bidang akademik sebuah universitas. Begitu halnya dengan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Kampus Tasikmalaya yang selalu dihadapkan pada permasalahan keterbatasan waktu, ruang dan jumlah tenaga dosen dalam melayani mahasiswa. Untuk itu dibutuhkan media berupa sistem terkomputerisasi yang dapat memfasilitasi kegiatan perkuliahan. Dengan ini penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian guna mengetahui kegiatan perkuliahan yang berjalan di UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya dan melakukan perancangan, implementasi, dan pengujian sistem aplikasi kuliah onlineguna menjawab atau mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi.Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Adapun pendekatan sistem yang dilakukan penulis adalah pendekatan berorientasi objek (object oriented) dan pengembangan sistem menggunakan model RUP (Rational Unified Process), serta alat bantu analisis dan perancangan menggunakan diagram-diagram UML (Unifield Modeling Language). Sedangkan untuk implementasinya digunakan beberapa perangkat lunak (software) yang diantaranya; web editor menggunakan JetBrains PhpStorm 9.0.2, paket PHP menggunakan XAMPP version 7.0.2 (PHP 7.0.2, web server Apache 2.4.18, serta database MySQl), dan yang terakhir web browser menggunakan Mozilla Firefox.Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Sistem Aplikasi Kuliah Online. Sistem aplikasi yang dibangun dapat berperan sebagai sarana penunjang bagi kegiatan perkuliahan di UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya

    Problematika pemanfaatan perpustakaan digital Pustabiblia bagi dosen IAIN Salatiga

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    Introduction. The digital ebook library Pustabiblia is an ebook collection service application belonging to the IAIN Salatiga library that can be accessed by lecturers to support their information needs. This study aims to understand about the existence of Pustabiblia ebook services and the factor of the lack of access for lecturers to library ebooks owned by IAIN Salatiga.Methodology. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach from the results of interview, observations and documentation. The informants of this research are FEBI lecturers who are members and are active members of the ebook Pustabiblia.Results and discussion. The results of this study indicate that FEBI lecturers are aware of the existence of ebook library services through librarians, WhatsApp group, website, and library social media. The factors for the lack of access to Pustabiblia services by FEBI lecturers are technical and non-technical factors. Technical factors are including alignment of collections with teaching/syllabic materials, system integration, internet network stability, internet quota limitations, storage capacity, application compatibility, and account footprint, while non-technical factors are the lack of socialization and promotion of the Pustabiblia ebook service, busy work, and not being the main source of reference.Conclusion. FEBI Lecturers have already known ebooks from various sources, but in accessing them there are still technical and non-technical obstacles, the lack of socialization and promotion which is the most dominant factor in all interview data. The recommendations are aligning ebooks with the needs of teaching materials, socializing, developing and integrating ebook applications, and intensively communicating with lecturer

    Problematika pemanfaatan perpustakaan digital Pustabiblia bagi dosen IAIN Salatiga

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    Introduction. The digital ebook library Pustabiblia is an ebook collection service application belonging to the IAIN Salatiga library that can be accessed by lecturers to support their information needs. This study aims to understand about the existence of Pustabiblia ebook services and the factor of the lack of access for lecturers to library ebooks owned by IAIN Salatiga.Methodology. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach from the results of interview, observations and documentation. The informants of this research are FEBI lecturers who are members and are active members of the ebook Pustabiblia.Results and discussion. The results of this study indicate that FEBI lecturers are aware of the existence of ebook library services through librarians, WhatsApp group, website, and library social media. The factors for the lack of access to Pustabiblia services by FEBI lecturers are technical and non-technical factors. Technical factors are including alignment of collections with teaching/syllabic materials, system integration, internet network stability, internet quota limitations, storage capacity, application compatibility, and account footprint, while non-technical factors are the lack of socialization and promotion of the Pustabiblia ebook service, busy work, and not being the main source of reference.Conclusion. FEBI Lecturers have already known ebooks from various sources, but in accessing them there are still technical and non-technical obstacles, the lack of socialization and promotion which is the most dominant factor in all interview data. The recommendations are aligning ebooks with the needs of teaching materials, socializing, developing and integrating ebook applications, and intensively communicating with lecturer


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    The physical restriction policy by the Indonesian government during the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant implications for communication and information technology-based academic activities for educational institutions. The existence of interaction restrictions can inhibit the increase in the spread of the virus, but on the other hand the campus as an educational institution whose key activity is interaction must be able to adapt so that it can still carry out academic activities optimally. This study aims to examine two things in the scope of communication, namely communication patterns and communication barriers that occur within the scope of academic activities during the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). This study uses a qualitative method with case studies. To understand these communication patterns and communication barriers, we conducted in-depth interviews with the academic community of the University of Indonesia Education. The research findings show that to interact with lecturers and education staff, students can only communicate through the Learning Management System (LMS), whatsapp, and video teleconferencing. The interaction process often experiences obstacles so that it experiences misperceptions and late feedback. The conclusion of this study is that communication patterns in the academic community of the University of Indonesia Education are carried out through the medium of communication and information technology. This study also found three types of communication barriers that occur among the academic community, firstly technical barriers, secondly semantics, and thirdly psychological barriers. Further research will focus on testing the effectiveness of online learning on students' cognitive aspects

    Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Era 4.0 Dalam Pandemi Covid-19 (Refleksi Sosiologis)

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    Diskursus pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi era 4.0 mengemuka hingga akhir tahun 2019 seakan hilang ditelan Covid-19. Realitas tersebut mendorong penulisan ini mengulas situasi pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi 4.0 dalam era pandemi Covid-19. Berdasarkan analisis secara reflektif sosiologis dapat disimpulkan bahwa; Pertama; pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi era 4.0 merupakan gagasan transformasi sistem pendidikan tinggi menuju digitalisasi melalui resistematisasi kurikulum akademik yang kompetibel dengan lapangan kerja industri yang mendorong desain kebijakan pengembangan disiplin ilmu dan program studi menuju Cyber University yang dapat menawarkan model pembelajaran daring distance learning dengan dukungan sumber daya dosen yang profesional, responsif dan mampu melakukan terobosan riset. Dan, kedua; pandemi Covid-19 telah menjadi koreksi penting yang menunjukkan kelemahan utama gagasan besar sistem digitalisasi kampus atau Cyber University dan sistem pembelajaran daring distance learning karena sarana sistem jaringan telekomunikasi Indonesia belum merata. Meskipun demikian, terdapat dinamika positif selama pandemi yakni terciptanya ruang akademik virtual bagi dosen dan mahasiswa melalui webinar dalam skala terbatas serta terjadi peningkatan literasi digital yang masif di daerah dengan akses jaringan yang memadai

    Sistem Informasi Akademik (Siakad) STIKES Perintis Padang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan SIAKAD di STIKes Perintis Padang. Sistem informasi akademik (SIAKAD) merupakan sistem yang mengolah data dan melakukan proses kegiatan akademik yang melibatkan antara mahasiswa, dosen, dan administrasi akademik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana data diperoleh dari hasil obsevasi dan wawancara langsung dengan informan penelitian, yaitu dosen, staf administrasi dan mahasiswa maupun pejabat struktural STIKes Perintis. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan langkah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi

    Strategi Recovery Plan Teknologi Informasi di Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Framework NIST SP 800-34

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    Suatu organisasi memerlukan sumber daya yang memadai dan mendukung, seperti informasi yang harus dijaga serta dilindungi dari berbagai macam bencana maupun ancaman. Ancaman yang menyerang suatu sistem pun masih banyak terjadi khususnya pada sistem yang krusial. Risiko-risiko yang dapat terjadi adalah kerusakan fisik dari server maupun gangguan jaringan sehingga membutuhkan rancangan penanganan bencana menggunakan DRP. Perencanaan pemulihan risiko atau disebut sebagai Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) merupakan mekanisme atau sebuah perencanaan yang dilakukan sebagai pemulihan dari bencana yang terjadi. Strategi Recovery Plan dibuat berdasarkan kerangka kerja NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) SP 800-34 terdiri dari Risk Assesment, Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Recovery Strategy, Testing, dan Plan Documentation. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukan dokumen Disaster Recovery Plan dapat membantu memulihkan sistem informasi apabila terjadi suatu bencana berdasarkan tingkat prioritas risiko dampak yang terjadi. Urutan tingkat prioritasnya antara lain Website Student dengan nilai 100% dan masing-masing 67% untuk E-Learning; Absensi Perkuliahan; dan Smart Dosen

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bidang Akademik

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    The goals of this research is to know several aspect related with patern of management in-formation system in academic administration service at STIE Malangkucecwara, UMM, and STIKI Malang. Involves: planning, implemetation, and evaluation of management information system, etc. Finding show that: (1) Working program planning of Administration Academic MIS at STIE-MCE, UMM, and STIKI based on the big desires of the leaders to improve the human resources either for lecturers, employee, or for the students, (2) in the implementation process of Administration Academic MIS for the three institute of higher educations (STIE-MCE, UMM, and STIKI), the best system and its implementation is STIKI because STIKI has implemented the system since the beginning. The existing system is updated continuously and completed gradually according to the needed (3) at STIE-MCE, UMM, and STIKI the control and evaluation toward MIS implementation of Academic Administration that related with the system, operational, intern, and procedural integration are imple-mented temporarily especially toward the re-registration and graduation ceremony, (4) Information management system at STIE-MCE, UMM, and STIKI have been completed with the hardware and software to support the operation that sufficient for the main task and information system management function in general and especially, academic process, (5) the success of information system manage-ment USAge need skilled human resources related with the implementation of academic administration system, for that matters STIE-MCE, UMM, and STIKI consider them, in the form of capable human resources provision and training, (6) there are many factors that support MIS implementation in the academic administration service at STIE-MCE, UMM, and STIKI

    Pengembangan SMS Gateway Layanan Informasi Akademik di STMIK GI MDP

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    Information technology can be utilized in education such as e-Learning and Academic Information System. STMIK GI MDP has applied information technology that provides ease for the dissemination of academic information to students. However, the parents of the students have not obtained the academic information of their children due to the lack of internet-related knowledge. Therefore, this study aims to create a service that is able to convey information to parents directly with SMS Gateway service. This research begins with the collection of user needs through observation techniques and interviews to academic staff and parents. Then performed the required feature analysis. Then the design of SMS Gateway application that will be embedded in existing academic applications and coding system. Gammu is used as a link between applications with mobile phones. The result of this research is the application of SMS Gateway service that can give the student academic information to the parents

    Systematic Literature Review: Analisis Pelayanan Akademik Secara Online Selama Pandemi Covid-19 di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Masuknya Covid-19 ke Indonesia membawa banyak perubahan pada tatanan kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah, salah satunya pada kebijakan pendidikan di Indonesia. Selama pandemic pelayanan pendidikan dilakukan secara online, hal ini juga berlaku bagi Perguruan Tinggi. Dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan pendidikan secara online, tidak hanya berlaku pada proses pembelajaran, tapi juga pada layanan administrasi akademik, layanan pustaka, dan segala kebutuhan mahasiswa yang diharuskan untuk dapat dilakukan secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pelayanan Akademik secara online selama Pandemi Covid-19 di Perguruan Tinggi.  Dalam mengkaji permasalahan dalam  penelitian ini, akan dikumpulkan data-data melalui Systematic Literature Review (SLR).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, selama pandemic Covid-19 pelayanan akademik banyak diberikan secara online. Beberapa penelitian memperlihatkan mahasiswa puas dengan layanan akademik yang diberikan oleh perguruan tinggi. Namun, beberapa penelitian juga ada yang menunjukan banyak mahasiswa yang tidak puas dengan layanan akademik yang diberikan oleh perguruan tinggi. Ketidakpuasan mahasiswa pada pelayanan akademik di masa pandemic Covid-19 karena pelayanan akademik yang belum maksimal dan menemui banyak kendala. Kendala dalam pemberian layanan selama pandemi adalah akses jaringan internet dan teknologi yang terbatas. Banyak inovasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak perguruan tinggi untuk memberikan layanan akademik agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa. Inovasi tersebut seperti pengembangan website atau aplikasi untuk mengurus administrasi, pengurusan surat, hingga pengambilan ijazah secara online
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