2,127 research outputs found

    An automatic fingerprint classification technique based on global features

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    Fingerprint classification is an important stage in automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) because it significantly reduces the processing time to search and retrieve in a large-scale fingerprint database. However, its performance is heavily relied on image quality that comes in various forms such as low contrast, wet, dry, bruise, cuts, stains, etc. This paper proposed an automatic fingerprint classification scheme based on singular points and structural shape of orientation fields. It involves several steps, amongst others: firstly, fingerprint foreground is extracted and then noise patches in the foreground are detected and enhanced. Next, the orientation fields are estimated, and a corrective procedure is performed on the false ones. Afterward, an orientation image is created and singular points are detected. Based on the number of core and delta and their locations, an exclusive membership of the fingerprint can be discovered. Should it fail, the structural shape of the orientation fields neighboring the core or delta is analyzed. The performance of the proposed method is tested using 27,000 fingerprints of NIST Special Database 14. The results obtained are very encouraging with an accuracy rate of 89.31% that markedly outperformed the latest work

    Multi-Modal Biometrics: Applications, Strategies and Operations

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    The need for adequate attention to security of lives and properties cannot be over-emphasised. Existing approaches to security management by various agencies and sectors have focused on the use of possession (card, token) and knowledge (password, username)-based strategies which are susceptible to forgetfulness, damage, loss, theft, forgery and other activities of fraudsters. The surest and most appropriate strategy for handling these challenges is the use of naturally endowed biometrics, which are the human physiological and behavioural characteristics. This paper presents an overview of the use of biometrics for human verification and identification. The applications, methodologies, operations, integration, fusion and strategies for multi-modal biometric systems that give more secured and reliable human identity management is also presented

    Strategies for intelligent interaction management and usability of biometric systems

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    Fingerprint biometric systems are one of the most popular biometric systems in current use, which takes a standard measure of a person's fingerprint to compare against the measure from an original stored template, which they have pre-acquired and associated with the known personal identification claimed by the user. Generally, the fingerprint biometric system consists of three stages including a data acquisition stage, a feature extraction stage and a matching extraction. This study will explore some essential limitations of an automatic fingerprint biometric system relating to the effects of capturing poor quality fingerprint images in a fingerprint biometric system and will investigate the interrelationship between the quality of a fingerprint image and other primary components of a fingerprint biometric system, such as the feature extraction operation and the matching process. In order to improve the overall performance of an automatic fingerprint biometric system, the study will investigate some possible ways to overcome these limitations. With the purpose of acquisition of an acceptable quality of fingerprint images, three components/enhancements are added into the traditional fingerprint recognition system in our proposed system. These are a fingerprint image enhancement algorithm, a fingerprint image quality evaluation algorithm and a feedback unit, the purpose of which is to provide analytical information collected at the image capture stage to the system user. In this thesis, all relevant information will be introduced, and we will also show some experimental results obtained with the proposed algorithms, and comparative studies with other existed algorithms will also be presented

    Dense 3D Face Correspondence

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    We present an algorithm that automatically establishes dense correspondences between a large number of 3D faces. Starting from automatically detected sparse correspondences on the outer boundary of 3D faces, the algorithm triangulates existing correspondences and expands them iteratively by matching points of distinctive surface curvature along the triangle edges. After exhausting keypoint matches, further correspondences are established by generating evenly distributed points within triangles by evolving level set geodesic curves from the centroids of large triangles. A deformable model (K3DM) is constructed from the dense corresponded faces and an algorithm is proposed for morphing the K3DM to fit unseen faces. This algorithm iterates between rigid alignment of an unseen face followed by regularized morphing of the deformable model. We have extensively evaluated the proposed algorithms on synthetic data and real 3D faces from the FRGCv2, Bosphorus, BU3DFE and UND Ear databases using quantitative and qualitative benchmarks. Our algorithm achieved dense correspondences with a mean localisation error of 1.28mm on synthetic faces and detected 1414 anthropometric landmarks on unseen real faces from the FRGCv2 database with 3mm precision. Furthermore, our deformable model fitting algorithm achieved 98.5% face recognition accuracy on the FRGCv2 and 98.6% on Bosphorus database. Our dense model is also able to generalize to unseen datasets.Comment: 24 Pages, 12 Figures, 6 Tables and 3 Algorithm

    Full-Spectrum CARS Microscopy of Cells and Tissues with Ultrashort White-Light Continuum Pulses

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    Coherent anti-StokesRaman scattering (CARS) microscopyis an emergingnonlinear vibrational imaging technique that delivers label-free chemicalmaps of cells and tissues. In narrowband CARS, two spatiotemporallysuperimposed picosecond pulses, pump and Stokes, illuminate the sampleto interrogate a single vibrational mode. Broadband CARS (BCARS) combinesnarrowband pump pulses with broadband Stokes pulses to record broadvibrational spectra. Despite recent technological advancements, BCARSmicroscopes still struggle to image biological samples over the entireRaman-active region (400-3100 cm(-1)). Here,we demonstrate a robust BCARS platform that answers this need. Oursystem is based on a femtosecond ytterbium laser at a 1035 nm wavelengthand a 2 MHz repetition rate, which delivers high-energy pulses usedto produce broadband Stokes pulses by white-light continuum generationin a bulk YAG crystal. Combining such pulses, pre-compressed to sub-20fs duration, with narrowband pump pulses, we generate a CARS signalwith a high (<9 cm(-1)) spectral resolution inthe whole Raman-active window, exploiting both the two-color and three-colorexcitation mechanisms. Aided by an innovative post-processing pipeline,our microscope allows us to perform high-speed (approximate to 1 ms pixeldwell time) imaging over a large field of view, identifying the mainchemical compounds in cancer cells and discriminating tumorous fromhealthy regions in liver slices of mouse models, paving the way forapplications in histopathological settings


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Surface Modeling and Analysis Using Range Images: Smoothing, Registration, Integration, and Segmentation

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    This dissertation presents a framework for 3D reconstruction and scene analysis, using a set of range images. The motivation for developing this framework came from the needs to reconstruct the surfaces of small mechanical parts in reverse engineering tasks, build a virtual environment of indoor and outdoor scenes, and understand 3D images. The input of the framework is a set of range images of an object or a scene captured by range scanners. The output is a triangulated surface that can be segmented into meaningful parts. A textured surface can be reconstructed if color images are provided. The framework consists of surface smoothing, registration, integration, and segmentation. Surface smoothing eliminates the noise present in raw measurements from range scanners. This research proposes area-decreasing flow that is theoretically identical to the mean curvature flow. Using area-decreasing flow, there is no need to estimate the curvature value and an optimal step size of the flow can be obtained. Crease edges and sharp corners are preserved by an adaptive scheme. Surface registration aligns measurements from different viewpoints in a common coordinate system. This research proposes a new surface representation scheme named point fingerprint. Surfaces are registered by finding corresponding point pairs in an overlapping region based on fingerprint comparison. Surface integration merges registered surface patches into a whole surface. This research employs an implicit surface-based integration technique. The proposed algorithm can generate watertight models by space carving or filling the holes based on volumetric interpolation. Textures from different views are integrated inside a volumetric grid. Surface segmentation is useful to decompose CAD models in reverse engineering tasks and help object recognition in a 3D scene. This research proposes a watershed-based surface mesh segmentation approach. The new algorithm accurately segments the plateaus by geodesic erosion using fast marching method. The performance of the framework is presented using both synthetic and real world data from different range scanners. The dissertation concludes by summarizing the development of the framework and then suggests future research topics

    A hybrid learning scheme towards authenticating hand-geometry using multi-modal features

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    Usage of hand geometry towards biometric-based authentication mechanism has been commercially practiced since last decade. However, there is a rising security problem being surfaced owing to the fluctuating features of hand-geometry during authentication mechanism. Review of existing research techniques exhibits the usage of singular features of hand-geometric along with sophisticated learning schemes where accuracy is accomplished at the higher cost of computational effort. Hence, the proposed study introduces a simplified analytical method which considers multi-modal features extracted from hand geometry which could further improve upon robust recognition system. For this purpose, the system considers implementing hybrid learning scheme using convolution neural network and Siamese algorithm where the former is used for feature extraction and latter is used for recognition of person on the basis of authenticated hand geometry. The main results show that proposed scheme offers 12.2% of improvement in accuracy compared to existing models exhibiting that with simpler amendment by inclusion of multi-modalities, accuracy can be significantly improve without computational burden

    Biometric Systems

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    Biometric authentication has been widely used for access control and security systems over the past few years. The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with life cycle of different biometric authentication systems from their design and development to qualification and final application. The major systems discussed in this book include fingerprint identification, face recognition, iris segmentation and classification, signature verification and other miscellaneous systems which describe management policies of biometrics, reliability measures, pressure based typing and signature verification, bio-chemical systems and behavioral characteristics. In summary, this book provides the students and the researchers with different approaches to develop biometric authentication systems and at the same time includes state-of-the-art approaches in their design and development. The approaches have been thoroughly tested on standard databases and in real world applications